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Ripped lace and Suit Jackets [01 Mar 2002|03:45pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | The Eagles - Tequila Sunrise ]

I took new cam the link below if you "want" to see them :
click to see images of me...feh


pull me apart... [28 Feb 2002|09:37pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | The Cramps - I wanna get in your pants ]

First off :

So yes, nothing to report today really - is there ever?. But I did however score a new wedesign job ::rather pleased:: I love lump sums of hundreds of $$$.
I am going to take pics tomorrow, simply because i love the shade of red i have in my bangs right now.


err...yes well. [08 Feb 2002|10:43pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | BOOM CRASH BANG - petes stupid game noises ]

I am lame - go see!


No she won't understand... [04 Feb 2002|02:39am]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | P.I.L - annalisa ]

My head is in a tumble dryer, has been for the last few weeks it seems. Not really - but the dizzy spells. Wow. Unbelievable. I know i am getting sick again - its happened just like this before. Introversion + lack of tolerance. I will snap at you and the rest of the world. I promise... Something is wrong, this is not me. - It will happen again but i'm trying to ignore it for the most part. I lack blood, I always have. I don't absorb iron all to well - Its called aneamia. Its rather severe in this case so i am told... I don't have enough blood and I am freezing .I wish i could just focus a little more. Care a little more. I'm not depressed i am just cautious. Big differance - this will make no sense. That is probably a good thing.

I care not for bedroom eyes.
hazey manic eyes of the one beside you.
Her teeth twitch with her madness...
and your too quick to devour what she speaks.
You were just like the boy from those pages
and we all know what happened then...
don't we?


I wish anorexia was contagious... [21 Jan 2002|11:51pm]
[ mood | sad ]

See the stone set in your eyes
See the thorn twist in your side
I wait for you

Sleight of hand and twist of fate
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait without you

With or without you
With or without you

Through the storm we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And I'm waiting for you

With or without you
I can't live
With or without you

And you give yourself away...

My hands are tied
My body bruised, she's got me with
Nothing to win and
Nothing left to lose

And you give yourself away

With or without you
I can't live
With or without you...


and I wait... [17 Jan 2002|04:05pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | Bjork - amphibian ]

Productivity. I accomplished a rather spunky thing yesterday, my resume. It often suprises me just how much of a ass-kissing wanker i can become when i want to be. Oh..the many talents of bex - Astounding no?.
On another front, i am so entirley restless - I was supposed to meet up with a few of My friends today, but i of course over-slept. I have so much to say and No energy to say it. Can people make me cam signs? i want cam signs to make me smile...

And Now a mopey Pic of the ass-kisser herself :

::image removed due to hosting::


Can we say Neglect? [11 Jan 2002|01:21am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | L7 - andres ]

::image removed due to hosting::

I am working up to an update. Yes indeed. Now stare at the wierd picture of me and forget that i have neglected LJ world latley.


The written word is a lie... [12 Dec 2001|02:38am]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | P.I.L - Rise ]

I have a zillion idea's running through my head at the moment. I went to bed about an hour ago, and due to this fucking piece of shit neck pain i still have, i of course could not fall I got thinking [ don't walk, run!] . I have just finished school, and my course will start sometime next year. It will not take up all of my time. I have talent [and an ego, obviously]. It needs to be challenged.It needs to progress. I could be making a shitload of money doing something i love, why am i not doing it?. Next Year I will be established. I have some interesting/bold/stupid? idea's regaurding how to kickstart things...The Worst that will happen is someone will tell me to fuckoff [like that doesn't happen often ANYWAYS]....Ok. I am excited and all productive like at the moment. [why does this always happen at fucking 3am?] will be gone tomorrow. Won't it?


stolen from jade [06 Dec 2001|12:22am]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Underworld - Cherry Pie ]


Name: Bex
Age: 19
Age you wish you were: 17
Occupation: Soon to be Social Worker =)
Location: Melbourne.


Hair colour: Blue + Green + Black
Eye colour: Brown
How many times have you dyed your hair?: Seriously thousands.
What colour(s)?: Bleach Blonde, Black, Pink, Red, Blue, Purple, Green, Orange,Burgundy,White,etc
Ever worn eye colour changing contacts?: bleh.
Favourite body part: Lips. Hair. Legs.
Body part people compliment the most: Hair.
Ever been told you resemble a celebrity?: All the time "i have your poster on my wall"...errm ok
Who?: someone said i looked like one of the bitches from all saints once =/ and ella fucken hooper ::vomit::.
Piercings?: Yes
Where?: Nose. Septum. Ears.
Tattoos?: Soon.
Braces?: Nope.
Ever shaved your head?: Verging on it.
Height: 5ft. Yes. that is fucking it.


Fave band: currently Specimen.
Play an instrument?: No.
What?: I said NO.
How long for?: Fuckoff Cunt.
Ever played an instrument infront of an audience?: Yes.
What?: Tamborine =/
How many concerts have you attended?: I only attend the ones worth attending.
First concert ever attended?: Micheal Jackson.
How old were you?: Young.
What did you wear?: I forget, something attrocious no doubt.
What band would you sell your soul to see?: Specimen. David bowie.
What did you listen to when you were 4?: Alice cooper and Pop.
What did you listen to when you were 8?: Poppy shit.
What did you listen to when you were 12?: Grunge
Best live band: The Creatures.
Worst: The Cure [ i hate to say it, but its true ]


Favourite item of clothing: All My boots. Red Pvc Skirt. Black Pvc Fishtail skirt. My corsets.
Favourite clothing store: I get most of my stuff made - I like original pieces.Oh, and gallery Serp for the corset side of things.
Favourite clothing label: I like disney stuff =/.
You most often shop at: Online. Anywhere On line. I love oonline shopping.
Item of clothing you want: a Latex head mask...with yummy zips and a headpiece.


Fave animal: Lizards. Snakes. Reptiles in General.
Any pets?: Feline and Canine. Boris, is now sadly deceased.
Least fave animal: Birds.


Number of males/females kissed: Lost Count.
Number of relationships: ::laugh::
One you regret most: ::eye-roll::
Why?: and why would i post that?
Current boyfriend/girlfriend: Petey
Longest relationship: ::looks afraid::
How long?: 9 monthes.
Favourite body part of partner: Spine. Beautiful Face. Ribs. Hips. Mouth + Lips. Eyes.
Why you're with them: I get my way. He's sexy. We fight well, and fuck even better. I love him to death.


Favourite actor: Anthony Hopkins.
Favourite actress: No Idea.
Best looking female celebrity: Julie Graham [with shaved head as Eugenie]
Best looking male celebrity: Johnny Slut
Funniest celebrity: Pauly Shaw.
Ever met anyone famous?: Yes,tonnes.
Who?: My most FAV celeb i met was of course, Siouxsie Sioux.


Last movie you saw in a cinema: Riding in Cars with Boys
Fave movie: Farwell my concubine, Sid and Nancy, Preaching to the perverted, Velvet Goldmine. All tim Burtons Movies. The hellraisor Series.
Fave director: Geoffrey Wright [Metal skin. Romper Stomper]
Least fave movie: So many. I dont like many comedys.

---[What do you think of when you hear...?]---

Water: Art.
Summer: cherries.
Snow: Ice.
Dance music: E.
Metal: Hideous. I dont think further than that.
Hair: Bleach.
Boobs: BRA'S!
Children: Choking.
Computers: Html.
Australia: Tacky.
America: Irritating.
TV: The Practice.
Cars: Skye.


"oh my gawd, i'm disgusting!!" - Nancy Spungen. [03 Dec 2001|07:12pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Dead Kennedys - Chemical Warfare ]

No, you guessed wrong....Im not dead. Ok so I haven't posted in yonks because i have been socially un-avaliable for a bit. Katus dahlink and Petey have been here for like a week, which has fucking rocked because we have just been greasy slugs in pj's watching copious amounts of videos, consumed far too much chocolate ripple cake and french toast and have generally made fucktards of our selves for the last few days.

I have so much i could tell you all about, but i just ate one of those big-ass killer python lollies, and now i feel like i am going to spew all over the place...fuck those things are evil. but anyways, there was a point somewhere around here..oh. BIG FAT THANKS to everyone who wished me a happy birthday on here, you people FUCKING ROCK. seriously, half of my family didnt even call it was very nice =)

so in other words ::LIX-SNUGGLE-MWAHS:: to all of these people :

abortingthesyn...abs1nthe...alchyapple... alteredboi... aske... ayanami...balazo... cantankerous... clockwork_angel... crystaljaded... cybersynthesis... darkfaery...deadballet...decker...dios...electr0nica...fortuna...frozenroze...glassveins... gothiqueer...hayzee...cemaiden...impure13...karasu_aikan...keroscyne...lhiannanshee...lilithophelia...machina...mlle_angelicka...mysidisvicious...octaine...raefurmekh...replication...sinnocence...synthetica... trepsichored...vow... weepingpixie... wolfye...writingstatic...xxkittenwhorexx...

now, i think we should all take a moment to perv on my boyfriend. I basically strapped him to the cam this morning, cuz i needed some new piccies of him...isn't he adorable?



Its not over yet.... [19 Nov 2001|08:58pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | Ramones - Pinhead ]

My neck is causing me agony at the moment, over the last few monthes it has just been aching and hurting like a motherfucker. I dont know what it is, all i know is, its that draining kind of pain that makes you want to sleep all day. I wish It would fuck off, i have so many things I should be doing right now, and another thousand things i would like to be doing ontop of that.
Today I started "spring cleaning" my computer files.....oh my fucking gohd i have some shit on here, like years and years worth of chat logs, images and random d/loads I never delete anything, so i am totally getting rid of all this shit. TOTALLY i will do it dammit.


jeepers, fucking creepers [18 Nov 2001|05:16pm]
[ mood | shocked ]
[ music | Dead Kennedys - Holiday in Cambodia ]

ok, so like...I make digital art on occasion, a while ago, i made a piece for kitty from sinnocence[dot]com. To my surprise, she has used it for her website....fuck it has put a smile on my face. But yeah i am silly like that....yeah well....people should go and see it! give her hits, and give my ego a stroke dammit.

oh and does anyone know how to put furniture skins into the SIMS? cuz i cant work it out.


Im already in the gutter.... [17 Nov 2001|02:50pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Depeche Farking Mode - I feel You. ]

So yesterday I think i finally snapped. Yup totally fucking lost it and ended up a sobbing mess sometime around miday. thankfully no one witnessed it, that would have been too much. So much hideous crap has been going on latley, nothing which i care to post about, or discuss in any way, shape or form. People are so selfish sometimes. I think i need to take a step back and just ignore everything.
Last night, me and petey went to crown casino ::shudder:: and got some spunky chinese for dinner and went and seen "the others" i really enjoyed it, pete got a bit scared during parts ::cackles:: lucky he has a fearless g/f to protect him from the scary ghosts!...heh or maybe he was just scared by the amount of popcorn i was consuming. I love popcorn when i am at the seriously i could consume a small semi-trailor load. ::ooh:: but yes....he has gone off today to buy a new computer...turd.::begin jelous hag mode i think tonight will be spent fucking around and oohing and ahhing over that...::trys to looked thrilled::


I am a suck. [15 Nov 2001|06:54pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Dead Kennedys - I fought the law [ and I won ] ]

List three things you like about your partner:
. Quiet, yet interesting personality.
. His Body...Bones + piercings = ::drool::
. He lets me get my way most of the time

List three habits of your partner
. Really cuddly when he wakes up, but won't speak for atleast 20 minutes
. Sitting With his Knees to his chest :all: the time.
. other perverted habits that will not go here ::smirk::

How long have you been with your parnter?
Nearly 8 monthes.

List the quality which attracted you to him/her?
I found him, and certain bits of metal attatched to him interesting.It snowballed from there.

Favourite memory with him/her?
Lots! Sitting in cafès for hours, sitting near the water at dusk watching the fire reflected on it. Saturday mornings in pj's...Other peoples matresse's. Too many things!

Where do you see your relationship in two years?
Friends always, even if we break-up. Either that, or having brutally mutilated/murdered each other.


Cheshire Kitty! [14 Nov 2001|01:12pm]
[ mood | devious ]
[ music | Creatures - Pinned Down ]

ok. Credit Cards + online shopping = really addictive. heheh I got boots yesterday, and then sometime last night i also ordered this FUCKING adorable t-eeshirt : I took the pic down, deal.

im allowed to though
because it is my birthday in like, 12 days ::sighs:: i am not really expecting
presents. as such, so have taken it upon myself to get things for moi. hehe....yeah
that was a sucky justification but oh wells. Lame birthday. I'm not even excited,
i am usually counting down the days, but this year...pfft I want to do something
good. But nobody has any ideas. Everyone seems kinda busy anyways. :;shrugs::
oh well. I am waiting for Pete to Come Over, I should probably go get dressed or something like that.


Remember to always Think Twice. [07 Nov 2001|10:42pm]
[ mood | indifferent ]
[ music | PJ Harvey - The Sky Lit Up. ]

I want someone to make some time for me. I feel like screaming and shaking them and just placing that simple request inside their skull. but I would never do here is a survey i did instead.

i see: pixels of colour
i need: non-digital attention.
i find: sleep impossible.
i want: to be anywhere else.
i have: pink hair and broken nails.
i wish: no. i no longer do that.
i love: people i see rarley.
i hate: the person in the next room.
i miss: myself.
i fear: things i won't list here.
i feel: calm and alone.
i hear: cold fingertips upon keys, Diamanda Gala's.
i smell: freshly washed hair.
i crave: attention.
i search: no.
i wonder: if the whole thing is a mistake.
i regret: far to much for someone my age.

When was the last time you...

smiled: yesterday
Laughed: few hours ago.
cried: last night.
bought something: today. White chocolate.
danced: forever ago.
were sarcastic: i'll tell you when i stop.
kissed someone: Saturday.
talked to an ex: feh.
watched your favorite movie: a month or so ago.
had a nightmare: Last Night.
last book you read: The 3rd Twin.
last movie you saw: Preaching to the Perverted.
last song you heard: Diamanda Gala's - L'heautonimoroumenos
last thing you had to drink: Can of V. still sipping it.
last time you showered: 2 Hours ago.
last thing you ate: Cantelope.

do i...

smoke: Unfortunatley. Yes i do.
do drugs: yeah.
have sex: nymphomaniac remember? feh.
sleep with stuffed animals: i sleep with whore red teddy.
live in the moment: partially, partially in last week, partially in last year, partially in 4 years from yesterday.
had a dream that keeps coming back: Yeah, a rather bizarre one actually.
play an instrument: no.i am stupid.
believe there is life on other planets: Yeah, sure I do. go organisms.
remember your first love? ::blink:: next..
still love them? .....::blink some-more::.....
read the newspaper? No. I read the Arts section on occasion, and the SUNDAY section religously .
have any gay or lesbian friends? of course.
believe in miracles: no. not until i experience one.
believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? i'd be lying if i said yes. i don't think its normal.
consider yourself tolerant of others: i have biast tolerance. if I like you, yes i may be tolerant, if I am looking for an excuse to get you the fuck out of my life...then no.
consider love a mistake? More often than not. but we learn from mistakes right?
like the taste of alcohol: No. I find the whole activity of drinking ANYTHING rather bland. If i drink, i prefer it to be over and done with rather quickly.
have a favorite candy? I like chuppa-chups. Sour worms. White chocolate.
believe in astrology? no. but it sucks me in.
believe in God: No. but apparently he loves whatever. ::eye-roll::
believe in magic: i believe that sometimes its nice to pretend.
pray: no.
go to church: no. Though I adore them.
have any pets: Boris-Orville the rodent, bowie the fag-dog, Mianne the Pretentious bitch-cat.
talk to strangers who IM you: No.
wear hats: well, i have this little cashmere beret that I am fond of sleeping in, but since i acquired pete, i try not to look to retarded while sleeping.
have any piercings? 2 Non ear piercings. I also have 5 Holes in my ears, but I hate ear-piercings, so I refrain from wearing them.
have any tattoos: I am waiting for something to "strike my fancy".
hate yourself? I haven't seen the likeable side of myself yet.
have an obsession: yes, but i will not share it with you.
have a secret crush? yes.
collect anything? coloured bra's. Thoughts.
have a best friend: Yes.
wish on stars? no.
like your handwriting: some days.
have any bad habits: several thousand.
care about looks? More than I should.
believe in witches? No. Wiccans Generally grind my nerves also, with the exception of a few.
believe in Satan: Nope.
believe in ghosts: They Believe in me, not vice-versa.

4 OF YOU SPAT! [x] SWALLOW? they have a mauve bow.. [04 Nov 2001|08:43pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | Babylon Zoo - SpaceMan ]

Today was Shitty and blank, but a few nice things happpened, so I will post about them just so I can read it and smile later on.

- I got a gorgeous big bunch of flowers from someone I did a photo for.
- I got a bottle of opium, one of my favourite perfumes.
- I got a spunky new Leopard print bra. I love bras. as I have mentioned before.
- I had Strawberries dipped in white chocolate...swoon.
- I now Have a boxed collection of fucking excellent songs : lots of lou reed and adam and the ants!.
- My shoes were purchased off of my wishlist after all =).

ok that is all.


Eager to abuse [04 Nov 2001|01:39am]
[ mood | rejected ]
[ music | Android Lust - Where angels Lie. ]

I havent updated in a while it seems, numerous reasons; the most lame one that comes to mind at the moment is i have been in a rather teeth grinding claws out and poised kind of mood all week. Its probably safe to say i still am. I have had a shitload of work due for school over the last 2 weeks. Given the rather cunty circumstances of the year, i have had more trouble than usual completing it. I think current feelings influence the way i work far to much, i have had a heavy sense of "who gives a fuck i'll probably be dead next week anyways" attitude, which i hate. That is not me. Latley i have been wearing it a little to comfortably. All of it is done now, Yr 12 completed. I feel rather numb while saying that, i wish it ment a little more, perhaps one day it might, but at the moment its just one less headache.
So i haven't seen anyone in ages. Aside pete briefly, we slept for about 5 hours upon my arrival, as we had both been awake the night before, him stressing over an exam, me punching out an essay till 5am . We ate, watched tv for an hour or so, asleep by around 12:30. I left today. He thought it was best i go...::shrug::. SO that was my social interaction for like, over 2 weeks. I had planned to stay there till late tomorrow, but oh wells...I just wish i knew that things were gonna turn out like this, i would have made other arrangments. I am sick to death of being alone.
As much as i hate to say this, for the sheer clichè irritation of it. but oh wells, this is my journal right? my little personal slice of free therapy? yeah whatever. I think something is seriously fucking up in my brain. I feel so disassociated from everything i once breathed, lived, was. I dont have a life anymore. Ever feel like you just exist via text? thats what i feel like at the moment. Text.
I think i will stop right now, as I have a vicious tongue at this hour, and given the chance, i will pour out alot of stuff that should not be made public, especially in the negative way it would be told at the moment.


I will never be ignored. [27 Oct 2001|03:12am]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Underworld - Cowgirl ]

I went to bed at 10pm tonight, as we can all see i am having a fantastic sleep. I have been sick for the last few days, as in sleeping all day and feeling like my guts are on spin cycle the rest of the time. This is why i haven't been updating, nor have i really had much of a presence on any chat related device [ lets also not forget to mention dal.cunt has died on me ]My weekend has now become non-existant. I doubt highly i will get out of these pj's. I doubt highly i will be awake for much of it. I am lonley, i haven't seen anyone all week, i really need to see someone now.
Going to chop off hair tomorrow, its now hit near ass length, its time to go the that big hair pile in the sky, just below the shoulders I am thinking, and maybe red bangs. I need a funk-a-delic Outfit for Transfusion, i am tossing around some interesting ideas in my head, now to get on my knees and beg and plead for mother dearest to sew for me.
[oh and for the record, i just want to add this in, no one will care, but i am dumbstruck by this, someone msged me tonight asking me for "normal" pics, with a non white face on it...ok. I have never wore white face paint, I wear foundation and fucking powder. Cuntals. I do not have a white face. Ok so i was not impressed by that].

I hope everyone is having a dandy life, whatever it is they have been doing for the last week or so...Hopefully I will re-join the rat-race soon.


the fools at your fingertips... [18 Oct 2001|04:08pm]
[ mood | distressed ]
[ music | Wumpscut - Default [alternative take] ]

The minute I paused I lost it. Only to be told you were not there,once, twice, three times.


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