Pik-Ah-Rawn's Broken Words [mine|others|calendar]

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[Tuesday, November 20, 2001|10:25am]
Ideas for use with the iron chef drinking game.
excommunicate me

[Tuesday, November 20, 2001|10:15am]
[ music | Tool - Sober ]

I have a huge black bruise on my knuckle, it looks like I punched someone. I have no clue where this came from. See, if it was a bruise on the back of my neck? That I'd understand.

1 excommunication
:-: excommunicate me

[Tuesday, November 20, 2001|09:34am]
[ music | Backworld - The Devil's Plaything ]

Take the Reo Test!

Points to the person who can explain this to me... I don't know what I do... I just mindlessly take tests to combat boredom.

excommunicate me

[Tuesday, November 20, 2001|09:28am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Concrete Blond - God Is A Bullet ]

I'm cruising for confrontation today... Someone is playing gospel music in the office and talking about how she's turning it up to "save" everyone here.

My winamp playlist:
Depeche Mode - Blasphemous Rumors
Concrete Blonde - God Is A Bullet
Concrete Blonde - Tomorrow Wendy
KMFDM - Son of A Gun
Tool - Sober
Boingo - Insanity

And anything else I can find that might cause some of the right-wing hardline bible-belt christians around my office to take offense. Not because I particularily feel like listening to any of that stuff, but because I'm confrontational. I hate the "cram it down your throat" and "you're in the crowd or you're not" schools of ministry.

Any other suggestions for songs I should go looking for?

8 excommunications
:-: excommunicate me

[Tuesday, November 20, 2001|09:16am]
[ music | Depeche Mode - Blasphemous Rumours ]

~grumble grumble~ God I'm hungry right now, unfortunately can't get out of here for food until lunch.

excommunicate me

[Monday, November 19, 2001|06:30pm]
Thanks to my buddy crash for this link.
excommunicate me

:-: WTF? :-: [Monday, November 19, 2001|04:24pm]
My best friend at work just got fired.

That sucks ass... major ass.
1 excommunication
:-: excommunicate me

[Monday, November 19, 2001|04:01pm]
The more I read this e-mail and talk to people about it, the less I like this woman. I'd like to tell her to take her program and shove it up her EXPLITIVE DELETED.
excommunicate me

[Monday, November 19, 2001|03:49pm]
Bored at work... got everything done, well... accept the work I didn't want to do. So I'm piddling my way through that.

Ever have someone talk to you on the phone and asking you for all these favors, and then when they e-mail you the stuff it comes in the terms of "you will do this" instead of "could you make it this way?" and "If you could do this, I'd really appreciate it." Ahh well, politicians...
excommunicate me

[Monday, November 19, 2001|10:49am]
A friend of mine had a friend that they knew in college who would die periodically. Apparently he could be revived, but he had a rare disorder where he'd die.

I was just telling a coworker of mine about this, she doesn't believe me.
2 excommunications
:-: excommunicate me

:-: And... :-: [Monday, November 19, 2001|10:19am]
I just got a quote from 21st century insurance online and even with my accident, it looks like they could save me $40/month... kick my ass.

UPDATE: No wait, I can't count! Almost $60 in savings per month...
1 excommunication
:-: excommunicate me

:-: Update on life... :-: [Monday, November 19, 2001|09:50am]
Life is... weird.

The data from last year: completed, compiled, reported... crunched the numbers twice to make sure they were right. We're ready to go.

My boss: impressed!

Me: Having a meeting with my boss next Monday to write my new job description, the first step in getting me hired into the new position. Also just booked travel plans for the 17-18th of December for a business trip to San Jose.

Joy, San Jose.

All I need to do is find the money to pay bills and I'm set...

And I have a tigger shot glass now.
8 excommunications
:-: excommunicate me

[Saturday, November 17, 2001|11:29pm]
I miss leeshers now.
4 excommunications
:-: excommunicate me

:-: Thanks to Gaslamptramp... :-: [Saturday, November 17, 2001|05:59pm]

Take the Affliction Test Today!
excommunicate me

[Saturday, November 17, 2001|01:41pm]
So broke... so very very broke...
excommunicate me

:-: How fitting... :-: [Friday, November 16, 2001|11:46pm]
Then there is this.
2 excommunications
:-: excommunicate me

:-: Iron Chef USA :-: [Friday, November 16, 2001|10:01pm]
Oh my god... that hurt so badly.

Having William Shatner as the host was a crime that should have the producer dragged through the streets by two seperate horses, backwards. Alcohol is the only remedy for the giant pile of stinking offal that was just presented before me. I never knew they could digitize shit and send it through cable.

The real Iron Chef is coming soon, I have to go. I need to recuperate...
excommunicate me

[Friday, November 16, 2001|04:23pm]

Preparing major data reports to go to the state so we can get funding.

I wish I was better with numbers, it's my major failing. Especially these queries adding and averaging everything...
excommunicate me

[Friday, November 16, 2001|12:32pm]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | Taucher - High Tide - Winterlove ]

Ugh... I have mixed news to give my boss... I'm going to wait until after lunch.

She can't have the data on a program by program basis because all of last year nobody entered it in that way. There's no field in the database to show what program they're a part of.

But the numbers look good at first glance. We're well over what we did the previous year.

2 excommunications
:-: excommunicate me

[Friday, November 16, 2001|11:05am]
[ music | Boingo - War Again ]

Love this song.

excommunicate me

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