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Draga-who? [22 Feb 2002|07:42pm]
Is "Dragonfly" the poor man's Mothman? I've only just heard of it... Speaking of the latter, we'll have pictures from Point Pleasant, WV after this weekend ('tis the home of the mothman, don't cha know? [ahem.. that's a northeastern accent, dumbass])
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For friends who love the damned [22 Feb 2002|07:37pm]
[ mood | nerdy ]
[ music | Husker Du ]

I know there are more than a few of you.. I added The damned's Live at the Lyceum 1981 tape to my auctions.. if you say you read this, shipping is a dollar :)

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Yipes! :) [22 Feb 2002|03:25pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Sonic Youth ]

Love Spirals Downwards is scheduled to have a new Cd out in JUNE, title TBA.. I am so excited. Temporal is driving Josh nutty.

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*sniff* [21 Feb 2002|04:01pm]
When you start reminiscing about things that happened online 7 years ago, and the crush you had on someone completely out of reach, it's time to knock off and pick up hubbydoo and return to the now... *sniff*

purple dreaded-boy into chris connelly.. sweet sweet boy.
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Rawk! [21 Feb 2002|02:31pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Sonic Youth ]

Heeh.. I just got an email from a friend who wants me to start our band back up under a new name. The name is funny as hell, but I'm not going to post it since people thieve so much ;)... I haven't been in a band for going on 6 years, really.. some guest vocalizing here and there, but she wants to go whole hog. In fact, I think she's a bit over-anxious about it.. gotta remind her that we need to jam first. Since we've gone in separate directions musically, I'm not sure what we'd be playing. I'm pretty jazzed about it though.. I *really* wish Avant Garden would get back together, but I guess we'd have to stop hating each other first...

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Very childish rant [21 Feb 2002|01:02pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Sonic Youth ]

There is a royal bitch I went to grad school with. Whiney, laughs too long after making a comment, subsequent pet of the department (and not due to academic prowess). She is working where I used to work, a crap-hole of a city mission. I laughed when I found this out because I know the nature of the work, the hours, the demands, and the limitations. It was hell. But, it seems she's playing the game enough to have gotten a promotion there. What the hell? Is it her mere presence that is making the rage-infested bile rise, or is it that I feel in competition with her and find myself still in an inferior role at another job?
Blasted economic recession... :P

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Training [21 Feb 2002|11:41am]
[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | Faith and the Muse ]

Whew-- I spent all morning in training. It was geared more toward mental health professionals, and the topic was "Transactual Analysis", but since I have Sociology background, it was new to me and interesting. I haven't been in counseling or therapy as an adult, so I never really thought about the different approaches to tackling problems. It really made me think. There is so much baggage with me, and I thought I was coping well, but I think I still see myself as "I'm okay, you all are nuts". I see myself, in this model, as a critical parent, but also a hurt child. Maybe I do need some therapy... hah.. or maybe this is just the psychology field setting people up so they can justify themselves... :P
In any event, it was an interesting training and I can apply it to my guys, and to people who push my buttons, or when I want to pick a fight for no reason. I am finding that ignorant people make me mad, and instead of educating them, I want to shame them. Irresponsible people, self-centered people.. the list goes on. But I'm okay with it, so what's the problem? :)
Anyone else study this?

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Seeing Milestones [20 Feb 2002|02:50pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | Billy 'Joel ]

It's hard to see a marriage die. Not mine, but my best friend's. I have known her since high school and somehow knew that it wouldn't last since she's very affected by phases and can be fickle. But, I hoped. I hoped she'd find a companion that she wanted to grow old with, and who was worth the time, patience, and huge investment a marriage requires. It wasn't to be. When she married him, most people were shocked because he was so not her type - she was destined to marry an indie kid, a straight Bob Mould or something. She married Beavis instead-- a spoiled beavis, mind you. And, after about 2 years, she has found that he won't change into a responsible human being who wants to be challenged. He is the same man he was when they met, spending a good deal of his life playing computer games- she felt lonely then and she says it didn't change.
I remember being little and my mother telling me not to expect people to change, but so often do we place our hopes on that. I wish Josh would change his rage issues, but I just expect him not to, yet I hope.
Wow- rather "hope"ful, aren't I? In any event, I am witnessing the disintegration of a union that should have been scrutinized to begin with before it came to the altar. It's made me review my feelings on marriage in general. Josh and I are a good match since we're essential buddies with benefits, dated for 5 years and decided to get hitched because it fit our life. That's where we are now, and perspective is a product of how we feel now. I can't help but feel sad that their union is dying. And, though she and I both are happy that she's moving toward a positive path in her life, we both mourn it for not living up to her expectations.
The definitions are changing, which I see as a positive thing, despite what some people think of me and my thoughts. It is impossible to show inflection over Yahoo IM...

but that's another rant I refuse to expend energy on...

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How freakin' Tiki am I??? [20 Feb 2002|01:37pm]
from www.playmash.com

You will live in Shack.
You will drive a Purple Honda.
You will marry Josh and have 0 kids.
You will be a in Hawaii

oh, and..

Hung upside down, your victims are slowly sawn in half, starting at the part of their legs. Because of the concentration of blood rushing to their head, they are conscious until you get about to the mid-abdomen most of the time. Of course, there are other methods, such as sawing off each limb. Yeowch. You're a gradual-torture person, someone gets on your bad side, you make them sorry for it, one day at a time.

What torture would you be?
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Noon Stuff [20 Feb 2002|01:14pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Rio ]

I got to watch 2 of my favorite things over lunch- Duran Duran behind the Music and the movie "Giant". Does anyone else see a correlation between Giant and Fiddler on the Roof? Maybe because these are such universal themes, it isn't that big of a deal, but I thought it was right.
I love AOL - headline reads "Israel strikes back" -- as if Palestine created the first blow in general.. "Israel returns fire" would be better, since it applies to this episode...
I love John Taylor...

Ebay Spam [19 Feb 2002|06:51pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Marionettes ]

I do have some friends on here who keep up with this kind of thing, so rather than single them out and take 20 minutes, I will just say that i put some cds and books up tonight

Thanks *beep*

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Wheeee! [19 Feb 2002|01:59pm]
If you are a dork like me who likes to seek out hidden messages and obscure references, check this site out :)

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I knew it! [19 Feb 2002|11:55am]

Where's your corner of the Twilight Zone?

Take the Twilight Zone test!
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Can I get a Gold Medal Too? [18 Feb 2002|12:04pm]
"One of those Questionnaires From Risa
Name: Maura

Sign: Pisces/Aries

Turn ons: Tall, Dark, Handsome, dry wit, musical knowledge, risk, art fags, red hair, good cleavage, open mindedness...

Turn offs: red necks, holy rollers, capitalist pigs :), fluffy people, blond men, hacked-hair women, vegans

Favorite Boy: My hubbidoo, Josh. But why just have one? Russell Crowe would do, or Brendan Fraiser, Ian McCullough, etc.

Favorite Girl: Too many to choose from, really. Rebeca, Play, Risa, Elisavet, Jenni, etc.. Kate Dillon, Evi, Hazel Court, Ann Magnuson...

Fav Bands: The Cure, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Echo and the Bunnymen, Husker Du, Sugar, Faith and the Muse, The Changelings, Ben Folds, The Creatures, Radiohead, PJ Harvey, Duran Duran, Faith No More, Depeche Mode, Bongwater, AFI, Son Volt, Portishead, U2 (older), Cake, Ministry, Muder Inc., DeFaxx, etc.

Best Live Show: PJ Harvey and Tricky at the Vic in Chicago, 1997.

Fav Song: Ever? Grr.. one? Tie! "Melt with You" by Modern English and "Killing Moon" by Echo and the Bunnymen

Fav Album: Tie: Ocean Rain by Echo and the Bunnyment, and "Workbook" by Bob Mould

Instrument of Choice: Vocals

Favorite Movie: Amadeus

Favorite Book: The Catcher in the Rye

Favorite Junk Food: Popcorn

Fav Animal: Cats and Piggies

Fav Line of Clothing: DKNY

Drink of Choice: Fresca or Lony Island Iced Tea

Wicked Links: www.projekt.com, www.sourpuss.com, www.marshall.edu/csega
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I'll delete this if it doesn't work... [18 Feb 2002|11:13am]
My birthday is March 19th, which means tomorrow kicks off the month count-down. My Amazon.com wishlist is here...

I am very very very full of myself.
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[18 Feb 2002|10:35am]
I may be "Superbitch", but I am seeing Siouxsie and the Banshees in Chicago this April :)
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[18 Feb 2002|10:17am]

Which Evil Criminal are You?

You are most like Rhoda, consumed by fire!

Created by Thren.
Which Gashlycrumb Tiny are you?

Thanks to lindeseig
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Axis of Sardonic [18 Feb 2002|09:51am]
Blah.. my bank is taking a holiday, so I can't check out my finances online. How much of a geek am I for being disappointed by this? I had a cool weekend-- checked out a new Goodwill in the area, got lost in Wayne county at night, bought some garden stuff waiting for Spring to arrive. Not much else, really. I read, but mostly comic books. I wonder if a Lenore trade paperback would sell on ebay? I need to post a few more precious items on there tonight. Money needed. Gawd, I wish I could come to a point in my life where I didn't have to say that. It's my own fault for racking up Mastercard debt on CD splurges. Ack. *cough*.
I don't have any real goals this week but laundry and staying clean and sober, detoxed, etc. I might work on creating that meditation and exercise CD, if I can find the appropriate beats. And the thesis.. oh yeah. I am about 2 weeks behind on my timeline.
Came in today and found that someone had cleaned my desk. A word to the wise: DON'T DO THAT.

So, my life is a bore. I need to stir up some dookie somewhere to make it all worth having....
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[17 Feb 2002|02:33pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | Lou Barlow ]

I hardly ever log into the net on Saturdays... I feel like somehow the time I waste on weekends is different from the time at "work". But its all just the blank canvas of time.

I can't believe the only guys I ever tried to impress were comic-book boys. As popularity or cool goes, I never had a fighting chance.

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BUNNY DAMNIT [16 Feb 2002|08:33am]

Huh, Punk? Do Ya? What about the HYPNOTIC Bunnies?

Find out what YOUR inner non-sequitur is!

quiz by A.V. Phibes

If you do this, check out number 23-- we have been saying that for years and didn't think anyone else noticed!
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