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dashboard confessional playlist of 19 songs. |
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name. Sarah -birthday. February twenty-fourth -nicknames. Sar, Hep, Hepps, Heppell, Canadian.. etc. -location. New York -what are you doing right now. Listening to saliva -yum- and writing this wonderous thing. -what are you wearing. My club hoodie that reads Canadian.. of course! -do you like your neighbors. My neighbor is my best friend. Jodi. -whats your magic number. 35, its not really magic -do you smoke drink or do drugs. No, no, and ehh.. I have my opinions and such on the last one. Ask me if you really care.
fav0urites : -colour. Pink, grey, & purple. -friend. Amy, Jodi, Sava, Doug, Nat.. there are some great new people I've meet too woot! -food. Pizza, and taco bell, well sometimes Im on to the Chinese chicken hehe.. -drink. Water. -outfit. Nice salvies shirt (any one of my green ones, with my Old Navy pants that are too long so I roll them up ONCE then put on my nice Pumas. -drool- Im sooo not hot. -pair of socks. Well, the ones that keep my feeties warm.
when was the last time y0u : -kissed some one. A real kiss? Well, it was a girl… Jami, about a month or 2 ago. -went to a movie. I haven't went to a movie in a while…. Jeepers creepers probably haha… -cried. Well, this is easy, about 30 minutes ago. Im so emotional and its rather annoying at times. -talked on the phone. A few minutes ago with my brother. -paged someone. Hahahahaha paging is sooo ghetto. -lied. Well.. I don't think I have lately…. -cheated on someone. Never. NNNNNNNNever. -ate nerdsthose are so cute.. mmm in Canada they have freakin nerd ice cream… canadian shit is so whack I love it. -shaved ANY part of you body and what part. This afternoon my "bikini" line because of boredom.. hahaha? Eww..
relati0nships : -do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Nope. -have you ever been in love. Yes I have.
rand0m : -was this survey fun. Yeah, a time waster, I need that now, Ive been looking for time wasters lately. Movies and surveys.. answers to everything? -do you think we need to get a life. Whatever? -who wants to be a millionaire. Hahaha….. -ever been to the Salisbury Zoo. No but the salsibury steak is gross haha.. ew… -what did you do on Halloween. Went out with kevalin, laura, amy, and meaghan -whats your favourite Scary movie. I don't know.. eep.. scary stuff gets me nervous. -do you know what I did last summer? You were with my mom what? -do you believe in magic. Ehh undecided.... -when was the last time you ate a jawbreaker. Hahahha last Saturday, gobbstoppers with amy. And I gave Jim my purple ones. He seems to enjoy them. -do you own a furby. Haha yes grey and white its cute.. colors are perfect. Mmm. -what does your boyfriend or girlfriend call you. If I had one Id tell you. -whats your middle name. Elizabeth -do you stink. When I go a couple days w/o cleansing hahaha.. its quite fun though.. -sigh- Im so dirty. Jk. -what do you think of cheerleading: like I soooo don't know? -favourite Disney character. Sulley from monsters inc… hot damn hes so cute. -do you know anyone named LeRoy. No One. AT ALL -do you like Pickles. I hate pickles, with a passion, gag me. -do you have a website. yes want it? -do you watch PORN: I have, not in a while though.. quite the fun stuff! (does American pie 2 count? There were naked ladies in it… I watched that tonight) -Are you black. Damn straight, Im the blackest white gal you'll ever meet, actually that's a lie, Im a poser, I try to be ghetto sometimes, its just funny half the time -giggles- -do you wish you were black. Nah. -who you gonna vote for. Me… -do you have your own phone line. Nah, don't need it really.. unless it had long distance.. -your thoughts on abortion. I don't care really, whatever. -do you like brittney spears. No -do you want a brittney doll. nope -What do you want for christmas. hmm a automobile would be nice *sigh* -do you have your 2 front teeth. Of course. -ever been butt naked bangin on the bathroom floor. Never banged anything… I humped a Canadian jetta though.. mmm it was so pretty. Haha a car.. mmm -would you ever get plastic surgery if so on what. No, nowhere. -biggest redneck you know. Not quite sure… -last time you went to the bowling alley. Probably with the foreign exchange student Christian, Jessie, Casey, Richard, Chrissy, and some more children.. we had a blast.. -do you like jell-o if so what flavor. Ummm, orange -do you love your mom. Yes, my mom is very special to me. -do you love your mom as much as norman bates did in PSYCHO. Umm Im not sure.. -ever taken ballet. Yes I have, tap ballet and jaz.. mmmm -last book you read. I am reading exit music a Radiohead story.. but the last was the crucible - gag--------- -white, dark, or milk choclate. Milk -ever dyed your hair. Yep. Red. -do you still play with barbies. The last time I played barbies was at the beg of the school year sara smith and I played. Mmm fun times I love barbies. -last thing or person you rode. Rode? How about a car? Lindsays. -are men really from mars. -lame- -last time you smoked. Ugh.. ughhhhhhhhhhh today. And I regret it.. I thought I quit.. I don't know what is wrong with me. I need to talk to someone.. no not a professional person just a close friend and get myself straightened out.. I said I quit but it just was there today.. no, not ciggerettes.. gross :'( -last thing you bought. Oh man Im so happy to answer this… an eggroll orange chicken and a peanut butter chocolate cookie… oh man.. I had water to drink with that. Oh how scrumptious.. mall food makes me happy. I am fat.