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[26 Jan 2002|01:18am]
amy gave me a bracelet today.
1 left me dry|dont leave me high

[26 Jan 2002|12:52am]
no from autumn to ashes is not electronica if you were wondering..
2 left me dry|dont leave me high

thank te world for electronica holy shit thank you [26 Jan 2002|12:46am]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | same song as before.. yeah its been on loop..sswte ]

wow.. I feel so complete... I mean complete..
what an emotional wreck Ive been.. but only in the end to have a smile on my face..
Im shaking but its worth it.. wow..
I think Im due for a big turn around... at least I hope...
people are so great
I have to work tomorrow evening with tara.. that will be so good...
Im gunna get in my nice warm bed soon and sleep with a huge fucking smile
oh god
I havent felt this good at 12::::::::::::::::41 am ever in my life.
man depressing music is out
bring in the electronica
dance to the beat shuffle my feet
man theres a big change
fuckkkkkkk yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see you later my friends

dont leave me high

standing so close knowing that it kills me to breathe you in..... [25 Jan 2002|08:44pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | from autumn to ashes eulogy for an angel, cherry kiss, behind the lies, inside the truth ]

well.. all I got was a keychain from H&M; yeah.. it has a star on it.. its swell.. I didnt get anything at either salvies.. wow.. nothing good.. yeah... =\ one on 57 and one in fulton.. oh well.. no new/old shirts for me.. we had lunch in fulton.. bk.. mmm.. it was good...
then we went to the mallafter all that.. and kmart by the way...

At the mall it sucked.. I hate the mall... Theres nothing theres no decent stores with decent things.... if so everythings so pricey.. and I wouldnt pay that much for whatever it is.. thats why everyone steals these days.. duh?... I dont have a job where I get the money it goes toward my trip to dumb Georgia Id rather use all the money that Im getting from the dome and go to fucking England.. well... Im going to England anyways but fucking ugh.. I don't get the world...
ugh... maybe Ill go on ebay and find some nice clothes.. cheap and easy.. done right at home..
I sound like a stupid advertisement.. jesus
Im in a fuck the world mood.. damn hardcore.. haha..
arent I always though? man.. I suck
nate,I was joking earlier.. lol...

dont leave me high

[25 Jan 2002|07:48pm]
mm jodi this is for you hehe..

Tie Dye

I'm the tie dye Doc Marten...
play me some Grateful Dead,
alter my consciousness a little
and I'm a happy camper!

Which Doc Marten are you?
(by *coffeebean*)

dont leave me high

you dont know what its like.. [25 Jan 2002|02:15pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | some electronica, baby. ]

amy and mae are on their way.. I just rhymed.. Im kinda happy that were hanging out, I havent in a while with them.. kinda missed it.. even thoug I feel like Im making them hang out with me... hmmph.. oh well..

streetspirit412: I havnt been happy since october
pLaidIsYouRpaL: :-(
pLaidIsYouRpaL: why not
pLaidIsYouRpaL: is that when jon passed away?
streetspirit412: nah august
pLaidIsYouRpaL: oh why since october?
streetspirit412: because that was themonth we were gunna see nat well you said youd take me and I thought that everything would get better, then it just kinda went downhill from there.. because.. Its ok that things came in the way, but it still made me sad but were like not even talking like we used to be ugh its terrible and no matter who I talk to now I still have a part in me that gets really nervous saying anythjing to them because I still want him.

-weird feeling inside of me-
not the happy butterfly feeling
but the dead butterflies.

dont leave me high

[24 Jan 2002|02:15pm]
ok so my body is drained out.. Im so tired, sick, and feeling kinda mad right now, kati ditched me once again, shes not going skiing, and she said that she thinks that I feel I HAVE to ski with her which thats not the thing at all, I like skiing with her, and I like skiing with like one other person not like a whole group of them.. so.. katis not going, not to mention the conditions suck.... rain shit snow
and heres my fucking ride
2 left me dry|dont leave me high

The easiest way to sleep at night..... Is to carry on believing that I don't exist [23 Jan 2002|10:46pm]
[ mood | moody ]

3 left me dry|dont leave me high

a day with a boy named nate [23 Jan 2002|06:30pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | thoughts running through my head ]

wow, today, I got sick various times.. I feel like upset for some reason.. Idk..
Nate came around one twenty. watched pyramid song on vhs, read some rollingstonesmagiziens shit Icanttype. we hung out here until ten after three. then we headed over to mimis we were getting stared at by old ladies haha, I kinda liked it. Nate likes making fun of me, but I get him back subtley.. hahah.. How about those fish nuggets? hahaha.. I talked to Adam Smith, havent seen him in a while.. then from tehre we proceded to kathmandu where I bought a cute pair of star earings mmm.. they are cute.. but small like.. you cant really tell they are stars but as long as I know its all good. the guy and I were talking about ladybugs and how they are everywhere and such.. saw some bob marley stuff and thought of TARA hahaha Tara, we passed by DISCOUNT LIQUORS and thought of you. hjahahahah...sorry Tarrr I love you! I had a lot of fun whoohoo and my day isn't even over.. we drove by Taras house hahahaha.. then we went to the dollar store and I bought ORANGE CAKES hahahaha Amyyyyy, I want to see amy tomorrow to give her one.. so then after that I had him drop us off only because I was getting parinoid that my plan would cave in.. I mean I would have stayed out later.. I seem so YOUNG or something.. (jerk) haha.. well, so we got dropped off at Sava's house and everything went good nothing asked and nothing said. and I got home and same thing. I feel so happy but yet not.. it seems theres just something in me that just wont go away.. but the thing is.. I dont know what it is..
ignore that.. my day was fun. thank you.
andd I found out what great font I am.. wow! a font! me a font!

1 left me dry|dont leave me high

[23 Jan 2002|11:10am]
damn this cold.. Im sooo sick it feels gross.. I just put vicks vapor rub on.. I have never done it before. I seriously feel like Im going to get sick but ugh I hope I dont. I have some pretty fun plans today

ok sorry to cut it shotr I just got sick and I think theres more on the way
dont leave me high

[22 Jan 2002|07:30pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | the strokes - is this it ]

so... as I was looking around lj land I saw my icon... colors changed and on a new RADIOHEAD community I made the icon myself.. I have all the parts I used too.. I have like 3 radiohead fonts and 2 were used in there, I colored the picture and ugh.. how nice..the girldidnt even tell me.. I mean.. blah... whatever.

on a better note

very very good news... I will be in chicago for february break... but Iwill be home for my birthday..
that means hardcore show for sarah... chilling with Nate, and a new age.. maybe thats what Im waiting for... the 'new age', maybe when Im 'seventeen' something big will happen.. a change or something.. a good change... I hope something big happens.. Idk.. we'll seeee...

I keep changing my profile and forgetting I change it like at midnight and its already that day and its not a day less till my birthday, Im such a dumb person

ich bein ein dumb kupf I dont know if I said any of that right but.. I just said "I am a dumb head" in german.. hhahaha.. I said it once to my german bus driver in Switzerland hahahaha oh man.

7 left me dry|dont leave me high

[22 Jan 2002|06:30pm]
[ mood | yummy ]
[ music | sparklehorse - come on in ]

nothing really to say just wanted to write something..

dont leave me high

song number two 11 [22 Jan 2002|04:53pm]
[ music | hoobawhat? ]

Okay, So I feel the need to write something in here..

I am stuck on Hoobastank for the day, Im on track seven, this cd always goes by fast... My mom just got home from work. It seems that everyones away from their computer. So tonight I might go to Salvies with Amy...

streetspirit412: My computer froze and I said I had twenty-five dollars
pLaidIsYouRpaL: and i said we might end up going later and if we do we will pick you up
streetspirit412: omg ok, the one in syracuse?
pLaidIsYouRpaL: probobly

I have had a headache since last night, it came back I believe because I sprayed scented stuff on me and I can smell it very clearlyt... I was actually thinking about taking a nap... finding a movie and watching it in my bed and dozing off.. but Idk..

I had a weird dream.. Prom day came, I had no date, no limo, turned down a friends ride and it was just her in the limo so she cancelled the limo, I felt like a loser, no dress.. nothing and I wokeup all upset.

So, yes last night was a repeat somewhat of the night before, a positive repeat. Nate and I spoke on the phone.. last night for one hour and seventeen minutes, according to his cellular phone.. haha that makes me want to watch freddie got fingered.. (this is my cellular phone -its a huge freakin cordless phone-) hahaha.. sorry.. but yes.. Nate plays the Guitar and hes freakin good... he played many many Radiohead songs.. -melttttttt- I enjoyed that very much. he played let down.. that was sweeeeellll! and street spirit. very good stuff...

Im feeling a little better... I dad is home.. he asked me if my homework is done... ironic.. I dont have school all week.

well I need to get on jodis journal and post a picture of her hand..

Im out.

4 left me dry|dont leave me high

[22 Jan 2002|01:30pm]
streetspirit412: dizamm
staindxme: yizah
dont leave me high

[22 Jan 2002|02:31am]
[ mood | happy ]

just got off phone.
nate played rhead for me woah I liked it a lot. more to come later

dont leave me high

[22 Jan 2002|01:02am]
sorry to post again

-is feeling sick-

dont leave me high

[22 Jan 2002|12:59am]
wow, my eyes, hurt, almost as much as my neck.
haha.. I need to writesomepositivethings howabout my spacebarnot working
or Im justtootired to pressit
waitingwaiting waiting foryou.
dont leave me high

Thanks Jame [22 Jan 2002|12:28am]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | dashboard confessional playlist of 19 songs. ]

name. Sarah
-birthday. February twenty-fourth
-nicknames. Sar, Hep, Hepps, Heppell, Canadian.. etc.
-location. New York
-what are you doing right now. Listening to saliva -yum- and writing this wonderous thing.
-what are you wearing. My club hoodie that reads Canadian.. of course!
-do you like your neighbors. My neighbor is my best friend. Jodi.
-whats your magic number. 35, its not really magic
-do you smoke drink or do drugs. No, no, and ehh.. I have my opinions and such on the last one. Ask me if you really care.

fav0urites :
-colour. Pink, grey, & purple.
-friend. Amy, Jodi, Sava, Doug, Nat.. there are some great new people I've meet too woot!
-food. Pizza, and taco bell, well sometimes Im on to the Chinese chicken hehe..
-drink. Water.
-outfit. Nice salvies shirt (any one of my green ones, with my Old Navy pants that are too long so I roll them up ONCE then put on my nice Pumas. -drool- Im sooo not hot.
-pair of socks. Well, the ones that keep my feeties warm.

when was the last time y0u :
-kissed some one. A real kiss? Well, it was a girl… Jami, about a month or 2 ago.
-went to a movie. I haven't went to a movie in a while…. Jeepers creepers probably haha…
-cried. Well, this is easy, about 30 minutes ago. Im so emotional and its rather annoying at times.
-talked on the phone. A few minutes ago with my brother.
-paged someone. Hahahahaha paging is sooo ghetto.
-lied. Well.. I don't think I have lately….
-cheated on someone. Never. NNNNNNNNever.
-ate nerdsthose are so cute.. mmm in Canada they have freakin nerd ice cream… canadian shit is so whack I love it.
-shaved ANY part of you body and what part. This afternoon my "bikini" line because of boredom.. hahaha? Eww..

relati0nships :
-do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Nope.
-have you ever been in love. Yes I have.

rand0m :
-was this survey fun. Yeah, a time waster, I need that now, Ive been looking for time wasters lately. Movies and surveys.. answers to everything?
-do you think we need to get a life. Whatever?
-who wants to be a millionaire. Hahaha…..
-ever been to the Salisbury Zoo. No but the salsibury steak is gross haha.. ew…
-what did you do on Halloween. Went out with kevalin, laura, amy, and meaghan
-whats your favourite Scary movie. I don't know.. eep.. scary stuff gets me nervous.
-do you know what I did last summer? You were with my mom what?
-do you believe in magic. Ehh undecided....
-when was the last time you ate a jawbreaker. Hahahha last Saturday, gobbstoppers with amy. And I gave Jim my purple ones. He seems to enjoy them.
-do you own a furby. Haha yes grey and white its cute.. colors are perfect. Mmm.
-what does your boyfriend or girlfriend call you. If I had one Id tell you.
-whats your middle name. Elizabeth
-do you stink. When I go a couple days w/o cleansing hahaha.. its quite fun though.. -sigh- Im so dirty. Jk.
-what do you think of cheerleading: like I soooo don't know?
-favourite Disney character. Sulley from monsters inc… hot damn hes so cute.
-do you know anyone named LeRoy. No One. AT ALL
-do you like Pickles. I hate pickles, with a passion, gag me.
-do you have a website. yes want it?
-do you watch PORN: I have, not in a while though.. quite the fun stuff! (does American pie 2 count? There were naked ladies in it… I watched that tonight)
-Are you black. Damn straight, Im the blackest white gal you'll ever meet, actually that's a lie, Im a poser, I try to be ghetto sometimes, its just funny half the time -giggles-
-do you wish you were black. Nah.
-who you gonna vote for. Me…
-do you have your own phone line. Nah, don't need it really.. unless it had long distance..
-your thoughts on abortion. I don't care really, whatever.
-do you like brittney spears. No
-do you want a brittney doll. nope
-What do you want for christmas. hmm a automobile would be nice *sigh*
-do you have your 2 front teeth. Of course.
-ever been butt naked bangin on the bathroom floor. Never banged anything… I humped a Canadian jetta though.. mmm it was so pretty. Haha a car.. mmm
-would you ever get plastic surgery if so on what. No, nowhere.
-biggest redneck you know. Not quite sure…
-last time you went to the bowling alley. Probably with the foreign exchange student Christian, Jessie, Casey, Richard, Chrissy, and some more children.. we had a blast..
-do you like jell-o if so what flavor. Ummm, orange
-do you love your mom. Yes, my mom is very special to me.
-do you love your mom as much as norman bates did in PSYCHO. Umm Im not sure..
-ever taken ballet. Yes I have, tap ballet and jaz.. mmmm
-last book you read. I am reading exit music a Radiohead story.. but the last was the crucible - gag---------
-white, dark, or milk choclate. Milk
-ever dyed your hair. Yep. Red.
-do you still play with barbies. The last time I played barbies was at the beg of the school year sara smith and I played. Mmm fun times I love barbies.
-last thing or person you rode. Rode? How about a car? Lindsays.
-are men really from mars. -lame-
-last time you smoked. Ugh.. ughhhhhhhhhhh today. And I regret it.. I thought I quit.. I don't know what is wrong with me. I need to talk to someone.. no not a professional person just a close friend and get myself straightened out.. I said I quit but it just was there today.. no, not ciggerettes.. gross :'(
-last thing you bought. Oh man Im so happy to answer this…
an eggroll
orange chicken
and a peanut butter chocolate cookie… oh man..
I had water to drink with that. Oh how scrumptious.. mall food makes me happy. I am fat.

12 left me dry|dont leave me high

[21 Jan 2002|10:34pm]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | ozzy osborne - dreamer ]

you know whats upsetting.. when youre crying over someone you are never going to see again.. oh god this is terrible

2 left me dry|dont leave me high

rem, nats music and nates fave hardcore band.... british nice music, electronica, and hardcore wow Im so musical love me forever.. [21 Jan 2002|07:44pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | astrolube - rugs n' smut) nats music. mmm ]

my hands smell of previous activities. no I did not pleasure myself. but no, I wont say what I did.
hmmph I have a lot of thinking to do...

I finally got my chinese chicken. I have the lady a nice big smile. I was so happy.

Criag came along as well so tara could hang out with him. they picked us up like 10 after 4. her car likes to shake (lindsay) I didnt buy anything cept for the food... There wasn't anything there.. I hate the mall... theres no puma stuff.. the collectable guy has no alf stuff... no radiohead stuff.. everythings too much money.. I dont like any of the in styles at the clothing stores... jesus.. I should start making my own clothes.. hmmph.. I guess Ill have to go to salvation soon and get somenew shirts.. Im in a salvies shirt purchasing mood... AMY wanna go syracuse one?

hahaha I was talking to Kebs about Nates fave hardcore band
yes Im on a different sn....
XMorningxStarX21: everytime i die
br0kenblackstar: haha
XMorningxStarX21: is like
br0kenblackstar: hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
XMorningxStarX21: thats what theyre like. make sure you tell him that hes a great kid. because he likes every time i die. and they rule.

Im listenning to them now too.. morphine season.. wow shes right it is like this --> LSDKJGFLSDFKGJSDLGKSDJFGLSKDJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 -laughs- eeep!

1 left me dry|dont leave me high

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