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Sunday Morning [30 Sep 2001|09:10am]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | the hum of the fan in my CD burner ]

It's been a good weekend.

Friday, Keri and I both took off work and went to the State Fair O' Texas. The weather we've been having has been glorious — upper seventies, sunny blue sky. We ate really fatty foods, rode the log ride, and rode the worlds tallest ferris wheel. It was great fun.

Yesterday, we went out to see my parents' new house in Paris, TX where they will spend their retirement. It's in a little neighborhood that was recently built. All of the houses in the development are really nice, they're all diffferent from each other. There are trees and ponds everywhere. If their house was in Dallas it would have cost 3 or 4 times as much, but it's in a remote rural area outside of Paris. Being in that area yesterday really helped Keri and me confirm that we would really like to live in the country. Life just seems so much more simple and peaceful there. There are no traffic jams (EVER). Crime is practically non-existent. Everthing is cheaper. We could literally buy a nice house for the amount of money that both of our cars cost. Whether it's in Texas, or some place else (maybe someplace cooler), we will get out of the city. To say we are both open to a career change would be an understatement. Keri and I both feel that are jobs are slowly killing us. I seriously would rather do manual labor at this point.

Got the first season of The Simpsons on DVD last night! Woohoo!

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That suburban feeling [08 Sep 2001|08:50pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | the beautiful south - "maybe it's the lure of the sea" ]

Well, it's project time again kiddies. The shelves that I made for my CDs about 4 years ago or so is just no longer big enough. I've known this day was coming for a while now, but last night I was hit with the motivation to do something about it. So, I came up with a little design last night and this afternoon I headed up to Home Depot to buy wood. My old shelf held about 900 or so CDs, and my new one will hold about 1400. I wonder how long it will take me to fill this one up. I really don't feel like I have too many CDs. I just wish they were smaller or something.

Making your own furniture is fun. It's cheap and I can never find exactly what I need in a store anyway. Don't get me wrong — I'm no master craftsman. I claim only two things about furniture I make: It's functional and it doesn't look too shitty.

Exactly one month until Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds play Austin. Yes.

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After surgery [01 Sep 2001|09:26pm]
[ mood | restless ]

So, I didn't die.

And now I have 4 less teeth and I'm high on pain pills. These pills seem to prevent me from doing anything completely — sleep, watch a movie, listen to music. I feel restless and unsettled,and I am not allowed to smoke for 2 or 3 days. There's really not too much pain, though.

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Surgery [30 Aug 2001|10:04pm]
[ mood | scared ]

Okay, I'm going to have some oral surgery done tomorrow. I am having four teeth extracted to make room for my other teeth to get straight. I will be 'put to sleep' for this procedure. According to all the shit I have to sign, there is a fair chance that I will die. Needless to say, I'm a little nervous about this, I'm planning on being in severe mouth pain for the next few days, but that kinda seems to be the norm lately.

But, oh, just think of that all-American 6000-dollar smile I will have in two and a half years.

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Annual Report [16 Aug 2001|02:08pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Spoon - Girls Can Tell ]

Went to see David Byrne last night. As per usual, he put on a great show. He may be getting old, but can definitely still rock.

The place he played in was a club on Greenville ave. called the Red Jacket. It was way the hell to small. People were packed in ridiculously; stairs became bleachers. I think if a fire marshall had stopped by, he would have shut the place down.

In other news, I did a little freelance work last weekend, and the client actually PAID me, so I promptly went and bought an acoustic guitar. It's great fun to be able to just pick up a guitar and play, no matter what room you're in ... nothing to plug in ... plus it seems to stay in tune very nicely, unlike my electric. So yesterday I went on a sheet-music-buying frenzy.

I'm getting my braces next week. I've already got bands on my back teeth. They have little pokey things ... feel really weird.

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Annual report [16 Jul 2001|03:35pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Supergrass - "Moving" ]

It's been so long since I've made an entry on this thingy...

We have had consistently working air conditioning in our house for nearly a week now.

I'm getting braces. It's going to be mid-august before I actually get them installed. I have a few appointments between now and then to get spacers and stuff. This morning I had impressions made and got X-rays.

Last night, as I was getting ready for bed, I noticed a baby gecko crawling on the bed. It was a little unnerving. I do really like the geckos, but I don't really like the idea of them crawling on me while am sleeping. Keri and I were actually able to capture it and set it free outside. We had him trapped in a glass for just a minute. He was very jolly looking, with eyes almost as big as his whole head. We really haven't seen as many geckos as usual this summer. In fact, I've seen more inside the house than outside. The ones inside are always babies. Of course, our pets like to destroy them. I've only seen a few adults outside. I have seen a couple snakes in the backyard, though... little, non-threatening ones. ... Hey Dave, if you're reading this ... are you still seeing scorpions at your place? I think we would have to move if we had that problem.

We bought a DirecTV satellite dish & receiver yesterday, and we'll have it installed saturday. Ahh, to have comedy central once again.

I've really been slacking on the guitar-playing and music-making for the past couple of weeks. I've got a guitar lesson this evening, and I really have no idea what we'll do.

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[08 Jul 2001|12:24am]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

The air conditioner is now completely dead.
Good night.

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Summertime fun [07 Jul 2001|09:50am]
[ mood | groggy ]

Okay, well, last november we bought a new air conditioner/heating system. It was a nightmarish experience. It took 8 guys to finally get it installed correcty over a period of about 2 weeks. (the whole process was supposed to take about 4 hours) Oh, and it cost about five thousand bucks. So anyway, now it's July and the 100+ degree days are just beginning, and you guessed, our AC is crapping out. It's under warranty still, but we've been told we need a new compressor which they can't get until next wednesday. Right now it's working. Everytime it stops working, I have to go take apart the compressor unit and pour water inside it to cool it off, then put it back together and turn it back on. I full expect even this method to stop working soon. So basically, this weekend will be spent in fear of our AC dying completely.

Just to add to the fun, yesterday we had plumbing problems. Bathroom plumbing problems.

The joys of home ownership.

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a little bit of productivity [02 Jul 2001|11:34am]
[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | Pinetop Seven ]

So, my guitar teacher gave me the assignment of "work on a song" last week. So I put together a little something to play for him at today's lesson. You can hear it here. I definitely want this to be a song. Right now, it is very much a work in progress. Keri and I will write lyrics and Keri will sing on it. I've got some possible ideas about vocal melodies, but nothing nailed down. Right now it's pretty boring, and I want to redo the drums and ad more guitar stuff. There is a sample in the middle of it that I think is kinda funny, though. The end of it kinda reminds me of Pink Floyd a little bit.

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Sunday Morning [24 Jun 2001|10:43am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | air conditioner blasting away ]

Keri has a migraine. You may or may not be familiar with them. I've learned a little bit about them since being with her. A migraine is not just a really bad headache. If that were the case, they would be no sweat for Keri , as she has a very high pain tolerance; higher than mine, for sure. There are different kiinds of migraines and apparently Keri has the worst kind. Hers include, but are not limited to: vision problems ranging from seeing spots to temporary blindness, nausea, vomiting, extreme sensititivity to light and sound, excruciating head pain, and a general nightmarish feeling. Keri lives in fear of migraines. Whenever she eats something remotely unusual, she worries about whether or not she's going to get a migraine. It seems kinda like knowing there is a big scary monster out there that wants to hurt you, and you have no idea when it's going to come bursting through the front door. She has done a lot of research to determine what is causing them for her, but to no avail. Just about any kiind of food can cause them, but we haven't really noticed a pattern. So anyway, theres nothing I can do but worry at this point.

We went to the symphony last night again. We took Keri's grandmother, who is really a sweet person. She's naive, but one of the kindest and most generous people you could ever want to meet. She's missed out on a lot in life. It seems like a lot of her life has been very sheltered. Most of her life has been spent married to a fucking dick, Keri's grandfather. I won't go all of the details of why he's a fucking dick, but he had a stroke several years ago and is diabetic, and has needed someone to take care of him ever since. His condition has steadily deteriorated over the last few years. Now he's in a nursing home, finally no longer burdening Keri's grandmother. Anyway, let me get back to what I was talking about ... Keri's grandmother has missed out on A LOT of experiences in her life. She had never been to a symphony before. Last night, seconds after the music started, she was crying. Apparently, hearing the sound of that symphony for the first time in her life just caused an emotional overflow. Understandably.

This weekend, for some unknown reason, I have been fixated on the idea of moving to the UK. I did some job searches and found plenty of good jobs...

If the street we live on had a "worst-kept yard" award, I think we would definitley be in the running.

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SymphonyNight® [16 Jun 2001|08:58pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | none ]

So we took the train downtown with Keri's parents for a casual concert (you don't have to dress up) by the Dallas Symphony at the Myerson. Man, it was incredible. It had been a while since we'd gone. I don't listen to much classical music in my day to day life, but to hear it prfomed live in a place like the Myerson ... it's incredible. The sound is so pure ... it's almost flawless. There was a solo Cellist ... a former model ... she was amazing. I also got to hear the big organ in action for the first time. The evening was topped off at the beginning with a delicious dinner prepared by Keri — white chili.

You can't ask for a much better saturday evening.

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Christmobile [14 Jun 2001|08:27am]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Throwing Muses - "Tar Kissers" ]

On the way to work this morning, I saw a car with a bumper sticker addressing Jesus directly. It said 'Jesus, Save my soul, Forgive my sins, be my savior.' My question is: Does the driver of this car expect Jesus to be parked behind him at a red light, driving to work? If so, what kind of car would he be driving? Personally, my guess would be a semi-truck, but he might have trouble seeing a bumper sticker if he's up that high.

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Oh, the fun [12 Jun 2001|04:45pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | Red House Painters - "River" ]

Okay, well, there's a lot to cover. I haven't posted in a couple days.

Sunday was the Coldplay concert. Keri had not been beeling well most of the day. Also, Keri's car had had a flat tire on friday, which we had temporarily fixed with a can of Fix-a-Flat. Around 5:30 or so, Keri and I decided to make a quick trip to the grocery store to get a couple things. During this trip I noticed that when I started my car, it sounded like the battery was dying. The thought of being stranded at the Bronco Bowl with a dead battery did not sound appealling, so I decided to go get a new battery and install it before leaving. During the drive to and from the auto parts store, Keri noticed that here battery charge indicator seemed to be steadily going down. Also, her turn signals had not been working correctly for a few days. By the time I got the battery in, Keri was really feeling ill, and she wasn't going to be going to the Colplay concert. I decided to go by myself, so we wouldn't waste both tickets.

The Coldplay Concert
When I first got there, Grandaddy was still playing, much to my surprise. They were decent. Remided me a lot of early-seventies Pink Floyd. I went and got a beer and watched from the back. Then, before Coldplay came on I found my seats. I still had both tickets. As sat down, and a few minutes later, Coldplay took the stage. There was nothing really earth-shattering about their performance, but it was pretty good. I really only got into two songs —"We Never Change" and "See You Soon" — the latter of which was performed with the singer playing an acoustic guitar and that's it. I wonder if those guys know how good they've got it. It's really just a fluke that they had a big radio hit. They will never have a big following in the U.S. So many other UK bands deserve success in the U.S. so much more than them — Pulp, The Beautiful South, James, etc... Overall, the show was okay, but not great, and I missed Keri. I probably would have enjoyed it more if she were there.


Miserable Monday
Okay, so Keri was still not feeling well, and she needed to get her tire replaced (actually she needed a whole new set), So she called in sick to work, so she could get new tires, and writhe in abdominal pain. As she got to the tire place, her car battery gave out completely, so she called me at work and I headed off to help her. Several hours and several gallons of sweat later, she had new tires and a re-charged battery which was again fading fast. We managed to get the car home, and made an appointment to get it into the shop this morning.

It was the kind of day that fuels the urgency Keri and I both feel about getting the fuck out of Texas. It was hot as shit, and the traffic sucked our wills to live.

Late night hours were spent looking for jobs in New Mexico.

Of course, the car wouldn't start this morning. We jump-started it with my car, and started heading for the dealership, but about 1/3 of the way there, the power steering went out completely, so we pulled into a Taco Bell parking lot and called a tow truck. Eventually the tow truck showed up and we followed it to the dealership. Now Keri's car is in the shop till tomorrow, and it'll cost us $750 to get it back. Woo-hoo!

Yes, I know this stuff is pretty boring for the most part. At least I condensed the car-related events. It could have been even more boring to read. (and write)

Some good news: My friend, Kevin, is making a somewhat rare appearance in town. We'll be getting together this evening.

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[09 Jun 2001|06:42pm]
Keri and i just went out to eat with my parents. We went to Genghis Grill. (Mongolian 'Barbecue') It was pretty good. My mom seemed kinda nervous about it at first, but then she started getting into it. There was no talk ahead of time about who would pay, and we have paid for the last two or three dinners with my parents, so I thought my dad would insist. However, when the check came, I slooowly went for the check, and then paid it. I was hoping we could at least go dutch, but my dad said nothing, so I ended up paying for it all ... 70 bucks. Oh well — next couple times I'll just ignore the check.

On the way home we saw a really bad wreck. We actually saw it happen. We were cruising on the new tollway, and this pickup truck about three cars in front of us just lost control for some reason and wiped out, went off the road and pretty much flipped over. We could see the people in the cab getting thrown around inside. It was really disturbing. Once the truck landed upright, the people started getting out. Two little kids and two adults. Everyone was able to get out and walk around, and we were all very relieved to see that. The wreck looked like it could have easily been fatal. Really hate to see that kind of shit. At least everyone seemed to be okay.

Time to practice guitar ...
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The details of DateNight® can now be revealed [08 Jun 2001|09:07pm]
[ mood | weird ]

Okay, tonight was my first shot of DateNight®, the thing where Keri and I take turns surprising each other by planning a weekend evening.

My first attempt was pretty basic - dinner and a movie. We first went to eat at Celebration, an odd little place on Lovers Lane that serves mostly home-cookin'-type stuff - with vegetables served family-style. It was pretty good, but not earth shattering. Keri, however, did seem happy with it. We both ate the kinds of food we've been trying not to eat lately, but we're going to get back on the wagon tomorrow.

Then, it was off to the Inwood to see 'Memento.' Man, what a movie! We both thought it was really cool. It really left the audience with a lot more questions than answers. I may seek out some sort of Internet discussion about it to see what people think. It really left me feeling disoriented. It's weird - Sometimes when I see movie in a theater, a really good movie that really sucks me in, I come out of the theater feeling really detached from reality. Really unsettled, like I temporarily left my life for a little while and I have suddenly been thrown back into it and I have to figure out what's going on.

So anyway, it was good evening. I had a great time and it seems that Keri did too.

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