LiveJournal for Justin Cochrane.
Tuesday, February 19th, 2002 |
Grrrrreat.. I'm stuck at my moms place till i get my computer fixed. Its kinda in pieces right now.. The cd-rom needs to be replaced, WindowsXP turned out to be a crock of shit, none of the 15 games i had installed ran for any longer than 10mins wihout rebooting my computer. Either it was a directX problem, or i have a bogus stick of memory says Ed. I backed everything up, then formatted the harddisk. Tried to install windows98 when it kept telling me the disc contained a corrupt cab file. We tried 2 different 98 discs, Than 95. The cd-rom has been acting really funky. It will burn a cd here and there, but in that process it keeps making costers. I was planning on getting back to warren either today, or tomorrow.. I don't think its going to be either. Most likely thursday or friday. Nate has some big news hes gotta tell me that he claims will blow my mind... Great, more fuckin drama and news.. Anyway, i may be hangin with Rocky today later on. Who knows what crazy shit we're going to get into. (MUD MUD MUD MUD MUD MUD MUD MUD MUD...) sorry.. I gotta get more into multi-user-dungeons. They are fun, IF YOU HAVE AN IMAGINATION. Which i do.. I'm leavin now.. Bahhh |
Saturday, February 16th, 2002 |
I've been at my moms for the last 2 weeks, hanging with old friends. I just got back from Rocky's a bit ago. He finally got his new computer, he was pretty pumped up about it. As i was about a month 1/2 ago. I'm most likely getting back home around this monday or tuesday. Damn i'm sleepy right now, those two joints earlier made me real tired. I'm going to bed soon after i download some q3arena stuff.. I'm gonna try the Bid For Power mod, it was inspired by dragonball z.. So its pretty good i hear. I think i might hang out with Ayn tomorrow if shes not busy, i was going to earlier but rocky stopped over and we hooked up his computer and i threw him some software and showed him new features in WinXP. Bahhh.. Me goto bed, this headache is more than annoying now.. It's a straight up pain in the noggin. |
Thursday, February 7th, 2002 |
Friday, February 1st, 2002 |
haha.. that's funny.. Everyone got the question wrong on where I was born. I grew up in Flint, not Davison or Grandblanc. I want to know who ... is since they got the highest score. Even my best friend Kris Kimber got a lower score than most of you that did the quiz. Kates knows more about me than most everyone on here. YOU GO KATES! hehe.. I'm about bored.. I think I may make another quiz soon with different questions. We'll see.. Someone come take me away for Friday!! Not another day inside, I'm going nuts. |
Here i made a dumb quiz... Go take it.. |
Saturday, January 26th, 2002 |
djr3x0420: i'm getting the urge to sing BiggstaT: in a band djr3x0420: no frank did it djr3x0420: singing a song of being in a department store BiggstaT: if you borrow a pen djr3x0420: no, the bassport is not ready djr3x0420: but other than the toast being done djr3x0420: you can go right ahead and get started. BiggstaT: on the income tax retrun? djr3x0420: its written very faintly on the newspaper djr3x0420: did you bring this poster over here? BiggstaT: washing it right about 1 minute djr3x0420: its out of water.. you could slip it in the ditch. BiggstaT: potatoe chips and seven more no less djr3x0420: not on his birthday, you know how jelous he gets. BiggstaT: at a quarter to 12 they came and got this lamp...wrong one though djr3x0420: stick it in the corner.. djr3x0420: don't worry about the cranberries. BiggstaT: a bottle of toothpaste works better anyway djr3x0420: not if you made a decent pay last tuesday.. BiggstaT: please.....if you would stop delivering apples to your local pet supply, maybe this wouldnt be an issue djr3x0420: then i guess the carpet is going to stay brown.. no use in changing it for the new pets. BiggstaT: what do you know about galatic cookig anyhow djr3x0420: practice makes perfect, but melons have a faint musty smell. djr3x0420: tie your shoes and shut it. BiggstaT: only in a world of gum, do you chew, this world, i see tends to be a sort of bowling community djr3x0420: grate that cheese, and don't slip me a twenty next time. djr3x0420: thats only because he can't get it till midnight, thats when the rusty deal is going down. BiggstaT: whats that you say...cows, producing milk for them BiggstaT: brilliant sunglasses richard djr3x0420: you didnt tell me she was that tall. BiggstaT: a buck feet five 50 with a tulip on her arm djr3x0420: could i have been mistaken.. wheres the goats? BiggstaT: ah one day my lad we shall watch the movie mask.....and hope to be just like rocky djr3x0420: hey, the fishbrush is ready to drag over to keniger djr3x0420: i gotta take a dump BiggstaT: order them to take off there coats....this is not the tropics BiggstaT: hehe ok djr3x0420: wings @ 8 djr3x0420: whoo |
Friday, January 25th, 2002 |
kidbrad2: I was cleaning the house earlier and came across and old book of mine djr3x0420: which one was that? kidbrad2: It was a information book on the state of maryland and the baltimore area djr3x0420: you don't say.. kidbrad2: lots of great information on everything such as resturants night life and hotel accomodations kidbrad2: very dandy djr3x0420: did you catch up on some reading and info? djr3x0420: thinking about a possible vacation? kidbrad2: sure did bucko....and BOY did i need to relax with a good book djr3x0420: cuddle up by the fire, read some good literature kidbrad2: vacation, Oh I wish Justin, maybe sometime in the future when the ol money aint so tight, ya know what I mean hehehe djr3x0420: eat some s'mores kidbrad2: oh i love those smores djr3x0420: well yes, but its never too early or too late to plan a fabulous vacation, if i do say myself kidbrad2: nothing like it, reminds me of my old camping trips with the cub scouts djr3x0420: ooooh, those weblos.. they wobble but they don't fall down.. as they used to always say. kidbrad2: ya got that right kidbrad2: HAhaha kidbrad2: did you happen to catch ER tonight? kidbrad2: what a terrefic show djr3x0420: i remember when i got my first swiss army knife.. i used it to carve open a nearby racoon.. djr3x0420: oh yeah, that ER... it sure is a fine piece of tv show. kidbrad2: sorry i took so long to respond, I had to go raid the fridge for a little midnight snack and juice...SHHHH dont tell anyone hehehe, god forbid djr3x0420: your secret is safe with me, partner kidbrad2: better you than me kidbrad2: giggle giggle djr3x0420: teehee kidbrad2: there is a conversation somewhere in the world going on just like this right now djr3x0420: you don't say? kidbrad2: bubble butt bubble butt shes soooooooo FAT kidbrad2: buuublleeeeeeeee buttttttttt djr3x0420: man, did you see 48 hours last night? djr3x0420: i tell ya, they have never solved a case so justifying to humanity kidbrad2: oh that interesting movie with that negro actor jerome murphy djr3x0420: it almost made me cry djr3x0420: yeah, thats the one djr3x0420: unfortunately jerome was not appearing in this episode djr3x0420: but, i missed his witty comments as usual djr3x0420: but hey, i'm out the door right now.. heading out to kissinger lake to catch a couple fish.. djr3x0420: i will be back later friend kidbrad2: i miss the subtle waves in the bathtub from a wet juicy fart when i was a child djr3x0420: the kind that made the rubber ducky bob its head djr3x0420: and squint its rubber eyes kidbrad2: i had the GI joe hovercraft kidbrad2: i didnt mess with no ducky djr3x0420: well, then you lucked out then djr3x0420: next time, i will try and not use the word then in the same sentance djr3x0420: it looks tacky ;) djr3x0420: barb talked to me earlier djr3x0420: did you catch her? djr3x0420: she said she was trying to call you, for that recipe.. but you were not around kidbrad2: oh yes, what did that little stinker have to say, havent talked to her in days djr3x0420: well, she mentioned a couple things.. but i'm not at liberty to say kidbrad2: yes i had some erands to do, soccer practice and whatnot, oh i just cant get any time djr3x0420: how did the boys do today? djr3x0420: making progress i assume.. kidbrad2: well sam did great, of course timothy wasnt happy when his coached pulled him aside today in the locker room djr3x0420: well.. he had it comming.. he knew better djr3x0420: did phil show up today? kidbrad2: he mentioned something about coach withertackle touching him djr3x0420: oh my kidbrad2: phil, OH GAWD, you didnt hear about phil djr3x0420: no, whats up kidbrad2: well he missed out on that pension plan last year and Gwenna hinted at leaving him djr3x0420: how did he take it? kidbrad2: like a sailor who dropped the soap djr3x0420: i heard about the pension a while ago.. didnt question it much djr3x0420: well.. at least Gwenna took matters into her own hands.. even if she was only hinting. kidbrad2: well shit, oh im sorry i hate to cuss, but it really gets my goat djr3x0420: i heard from klaus that things at the potter home was.. shall i say, "not normal" djr3x0420: phil's mom has had a couple strokes this month djr3x0420: don't know how much longer she will be with us kidbrad2: not normal is the understatement of the year. Her older teen has been putting her through the ringer. kidbrad2: i guess he's been listening to that heavy rock and hanging out with those Kellar kids down the street djr3x0420: well, i don't blame her.. djr3x0420: oh no.. not the kellars djr3x0420: those twerps.. djr3x0420: they do nothing but cuss obsinities, and jump around like fools djr3x0420: i don't buy it one bit kidbrad2: yes those rascal who knocked over Bakers mailbox djr3x0420: shoot, they knocked mine over last week... kidbrad2: i would of snatched em up by there britches and gave a good smakin thats for sure djr3x0420: leave that to thier parents.. the only thing we can do is let them know of what they are up to away from home kidbrad2: i guess you got a point, but it just really boils my blood djr3x0420: well.. don't let it get to you too much.. i need you ready for friday's fight.. djr3x0420: hope you're ready by then kidbrad2: its being taken care of.....the plans are in effect kidbrad2: no one will know what hit em djr3x0420: you got the stuff, right? djr3x0420: i hope you're not planning on winning this fight with just hopes and dreams.. kidbrad2: 3 part methane...2 part hydrogen...4 part glyerine djr3x0420: that should about do it.. kidbrad2: brb |
Sunday, January 20th, 2002 |
Which Sifl & Olly Show Character Are You? Brought to you by Fifth Dream Today. |
Sunday, January 13th, 2002 |
Just got my new computer! Its a p3 - 733mhz, 512mb ram, 16mb vid ram.. and its really really small. Its compact as hell.. Its neat. Alot better than what i did have. Oh yeah and 30gb of HD space. Well.. 23 now... hehe.. w00t!! | ||||
Saturday, January 12th, 2002 |
Also i'm not even sure what terms i'm on with Dave.. He still thinks i've stolen his cellphone. Nate has informed me that he is CERTAIN it was me. I've called, in fact i called just today AGAIN.. Noone picks the phone up, i've left a message or two with Monica. I've gotten hung up on once, than that was followed by the phone being busy for about 3 hours. I can't get ahold of him. So i don't see why i should try. I don't steal things. He is pissed at me for being a total jackass fungledumpling at Brads. Just so happens his phone turns up missing the same day. So go figure.. Just my luck huh? If dave wants to not be friends over some petty shit. Then fine, his loss.. I guess my biggest fear is Dave turning Brad against me. Since Brad was actually suspecting me of stealing things for a short amount of time. Untill my brother talked to him. Who knows what he thinks now. All i know is, that everyone at Brads that day lost respect for me. And things have not been the same since. Its driving me mad. I'm going away in august to better myself.. I hope before that happens i can repair things with Dave because no matter what. I will always remember him. He is a great guy. I would never steal from him.. I blew up on him that day, and that was that.. I did not take it any furthur than that. I don't hold grudges against good friends that pissed me off one time. And thats the only time hes made me mad. And it was all me, not him. I would have apologized to him, but i can't get ahold of him. I wish he would call me. Anyway, gotta go.. Latah.. |
Well, things have been getting better lately. I've cut down my drug useage a lot, but there is no need to boast about it now. Since i need at least 3 or 4 months clean to say anything worthy.. I've been thinking alot recently about moving to California with a couple friends. Everyone seems to not want to support me on this decision, look at me like i'm crazy, or just have no comment.. I have not even told my own dad yet. It's very hard to explain why i'm doing this, and you would have to know me and know of what i've been doing for the last 5 years of my life. I'm stuck in a rut, stuck around drugs, stuck with family who supports me and when i'm around. I'm very depressed all the time, because noone looks up to me, all look down on me. With good reason too. I don't work, I don't drive, i'm almost 21 and I don't support myself at all.. Which is why the friends i have now are really starting to not like me. All over again.. It's why i have no girlfriend, or any girls who are interested in me. I'm a loser. Well, since i can't seem to get started here. I'm going to move somewhere where i can't run back to daddy or mommy.. Its either i get my shit straight, get a job, support myself.. Or i'm out.. I have never done soemthing like this before. I see it as a slap in the face and a push off the diving board. A brand new place to start, new jobs, independant.. It's nicer there than here in the icy cold depths of michigan. I have been here too long, and built myself quite the nasty reputation. Time to stop the talk and make some choices. I'm sick of the life i currently live, i want out. I want to be able to buy my own food, and know that it was because of me that i'm still alive. Even if it does not work out, i always have a place here. And i can't get stuck on details such as, how would i get back?.. I will find a way if it comes down to that. Anyway, thats pretty much the jist of whats going down. The only thing i've left out is. Jason is not certain i'm the 4th roommate.. And all this is not taking place untill August. So i have lots of time to get straight here, and make some early money. |
Thursday, December 27th, 2001 |
Djr3x0420: is it alright if i talk now? KidBrad2: i'm thinking about it... KidBrad2: ok, you can talk now KidBrad2: only nouns though KidBrad2: no verbs Djr3x0420: jumping Djr3x0420: eating Djr3x0420: pooping Djr3x0420: looking KidBrad2: ooo those are verbs KidBrad2: you varmit KidBrad2: how dare you KidBrad2: people places or things, asshole KidBrad2: and ill be the judge Djr3x0420: laughing Djr3x0420: bobby, drinking fountain, plant KidBrad2: bobby went to the drinking fountain and noticed a plant KidBrad2: continue Djr3x0420: sally, shoes, fork KidBrad2: he asked sally, what kind of plant is this, sally looked at her shoes and says, looks like this is a fork in the road Djr3x0420: lesbian, pussy, olives KidBrad2: as bobby heard sally say this, still all he could think about was that lesbian video he watched earlier with all that hot pussy, and how erotic it was when one of the actors ate the olive off the other womans belly Djr3x0420: clowns, panties, dogfood KidBrad2: what clowns they were at the video store for letting him rent the video without checking his ID, surely the panties he had on underneath his pants would hide the dogfood he had stole from mr. mcgregor up the road Djr3x0420: boxspring matress, balloon, chiniese waiter KidBrad2: as he hid the food in the boxspring matress, his balloon that was his secret hiding place for drugs bursted open in his anus, thats when he knew the chinese waiter had ripped him off with the fake stuff Djr3x0420: alarm clock, tincan, red bandana KidBrad2: the alarm clock went blazing, bobby awakened and realized this had been a crazy dream, and the tincan he used for his pee had tipped over and ruined his red bandana KidBrad2: lol, this is getting too difficult Djr3x0420: dude.. Djr3x0420: thats some funny shit Djr3x0420: that last one was great KidBrad2: where are you coming up with these words lol Djr3x0420: mouseball, silver wrapper, oilstain Djr3x0420: got a story for thatone? KidBrad2: ok, KidBrad2: the mouse ball gently rolled down the steps making a pitter patter noise, the silver wrapper also made this noise outside as the oilstain built up underneath the car, jim always knew how to keep his driveway clean, but never knew how to clean up his cat toys all that great Djr3x0420: butter, ihop, denny's KidBrad2: sammy sunset took a ride one day, to find that glistening butter he always craved, He arrived at Ihop to find that the butter there soaked into the pancakes, he surely coudnt bottle it for his masturbating purposes, so he headed to dennys where he met the butter queen of witchita, helga hamswitches Djr3x0420: unnessary sweat, fried chicken, tree branch KidBrad2: the unnessary sweat from helgas forehead dripped into her mouth where she gleeked it into sammys butter bottle, the smell of dennys fried chicken was enough to make anyone puke but this was crossing the line, sammy ran outside, held one hand on the tree branch and puked out those pancakes from earlier |
Tuesday, December 25th, 2001 |
Uncalm, uncalm, uncalm listen to the drummer, just listen to the strings listen to the DJ just rappin' and things once I get a message from you, I get all edgy my minds racing but you know I'm not ready, uh, I say for you, baby all our dreams trickle through we are back in your teenage bedroom Salvador Dali honeymoon, for you It's like you and me on Plymouth Rock embarking on a journey that I never thought would happen to me so effortlessly sparks flying, your laughter is a symphony spring, what a little moonlight can do soon the summer sun is on you all the while we don't hear the news or feel blue On the scales of desire your absence weighs more than someone else's presence I wanna kiss reason goodbye today I wanna show it's purple essence on your lips baby it'll fade away return your natural iridescence on the scales of desire your absence weighs more than someone else's presence You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it make me think of a song that I could not write yet melodies create themselves, I'm just a conduit you make my heart accelerate and I'm on to it for you baby there's so much that I will do to be near the sweetness on you funny everything seems so new when with you On the scales of desire your absence weighs more than someone else's presence I wanna kiss reason goodbye today I wanna show it's purple essence on your lips baby it'll fade away return your natural iridescence on the scales of desire your absence weighs more than someone else's presence uncalm, uncalm, uncalm |
Friday, December 21st, 2001 |
Dave, that silly silly man.... Timer642: what cha doin? Djr3x0420: eating hot jerky Djr3x0420: thats it Djr3x0420: im bored Djr3x0420: WHOOOOOO ITS HOT Timer642: me too... Timer642: Oh well Timer642: ted nuggents brand? Djr3x0420: hell naw Djr3x0420: i dont eat that crap Timer642: what iz it Djr3x0420: ted nuggent can go kill himself Djr3x0420: the jerky shack brand Djr3x0420: from this jerky store Djr3x0420: its so good Timer642: why do u hate him so much Timer642: ? Djr3x0420: because he raped my mother Djr3x0420: thats why Djr3x0420: id rather we not talk about it Timer642: your stupid Timer642: LOL |
Friday, December 14th, 2001 |
I completed my album last night with the 11th and final track going on the cd... This project is over, my first cd.. This is only the start of my long journey. It's been progressing with every track that has been made. Soon i will start on my next album. Tracks from my new album will be available for download on my site very soon. (as soon as i get em off my bedroom computer) Those who have supported my work and my efforts (you know who you are).. Thank you very much, i love you all! This is my last works for the year... Look for new stuff after 2002 has begun.. =) |
Thursday, December 13th, 2001 |
Yep, it sure has.... Well, things this season are going alot better for me. I've been making tracks like mad, going to rehab and some other fun fun shit... Just recently, i've been getting alot of good feedback on my new cd thats due to come out in the next week... I've gotten 58:00 mins on it so far.. A couple more tracks and its done. My site has been online in a pretty shitty state... I would love to get it redone into some flash or something.. But i have no time to mess with that.. Or do i? Well no, i don't actually... Not much else is going on, besides the same hanging with friends as i usually do... Hopefully i get to catch up on old times with Stephanie sometime soon.. Shes going to come over soon.. I have nothing else to say other than "I thought he was eating the beads and was going to poop them out on a string!!" - Dave "Nah man, they are trix.... not beads..." - Justin "Right..." - Dave |
Monday, November 12th, 2001 |
Whooo.. My webpage is up.. If any of you people that have me listed as a friend care to listen to my music i've spent time on. Please do so. Any comments are welcome, good or bad. Be truthfull.. And i'm serious... I wonder if anyone will really check em out. I think i've posted here a while ago to check my tracks out on Network19 and noone commented. Which means, noone gave a shit. Well, i'm asking you all now to give a shit and check em out. |
Sunday, November 11th, 2001 |
So i end up at BraDs house of all places... Purchace a white pyramid.. then proceed to get drunk afterwards... then take another pill.. Still feeling great. Its currently 1:53AM This night was a GREAT night... By all means, better than any rave party.. Surrounded by friends, friends of friends, and loved ones. Sweeeeeet, and WE ALL ROLLED.. Hehe, except Nate... He says he will skip tonight and roll soon. |
Saturday, November 10th, 2001 |
So yeah, i never update this thing anymore.. as usual.. Nothings been going on.. I'm going to a Slayer concert soon, and tonight i think there is a chance i'm going after a party. Probably We Rule The Night 3 ... 3 year biokidd anniversary. I doubt it will happen though, ya know since i'm so optimistic. But if i does happen, great. Have'nt been to a party in quite a while. Jimmy V & Niel Hunt are spinning some hard techno as usual. That outta be sweet, last time i saw em they tore shit up. Today's been boring, nothing to do, noone has called me.. This party thing is only gonna happen if Brad does not have anything goin on at his place. So i dunno, havent heard from anybody except nate. POOP! POOP I SAY! Last night SUCKED.. And tonight doesnt look too promising. And may i remind you it doesnt LOOK promising, but it could be. Uhhh, i swear i need to get a life.. lol.. nothing to talk about on here.. |
Sunday, November 4th, 2001 |
Whew! Thats a relief... |
LiveJournal for Justin Cochrane.