Friday, April 27th, 2001
11:02 pm
less than 24 hours from now and three years of school come to an end.
this is going to be the most important breakpoint to date. new beginnings
current music: bedhead - crushing
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Wednesday, April 25th, 2001
2:37 pm
analysis: i can see the possibility of friendship, because i've done it before. she doesn't perceive the possibility. and mabey rightly so considering what kind of relationship we had. at one point we both thought we were going to spend the rest of are lives together, i've never been in a relationship were i thought that (I'm not sure i want to be in that situation again). therefore, the past should be left to lie. i like to see that moment that i experienced as not stretching across time infinitely, but as stretching across space. given infinity somewhere. this way i don't see the story as a tragedy.
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1:19 am
Tuesday, April 24th, 2001
9:35 pm
i just finished reading a great interview with ariel sharon.
took another day off studying today. i really like to let the pressure mount. tomorrow, i absolutely have to start a working bender.
current music: pixies-hang on to your ego-demo
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Monday, April 23rd, 2001
8:04 pm
In going from the present to the future, from "here" to "there," we must ask: what is power? Under what conditions is it dissolved? And what does its dissolution mean? -Murray Bookchin
the last part of the quote got me thinking about what it would like if for different movements or organisations to achieve total victory. i realise that strategies are influenced in reaction to an existing power. but it's interesting to try and imagine what would happen if they were able to implement their policies. for instance, what would life be like in a Palestinian unimpeded by Israel, run by the PLO? What would America become if Ralph Nader was president?
current music: Joseph Arthur - Vacancy
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7:29 pm
4:01 pm
i decided to take one more day off from studying. i'll turn the heat up tomorrow. now i just need to get myself off the computer and outside.
current music: The Modern Jazz Quartet & Sonny Rollins - Yardbird Suite
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Sunday, April 22nd, 2001
4:33 am
so much tear gas was used today, that they had to fly in supplies from Ontarian police stations. i thought that was interesting.
exam went smooth today, two more left.
the weather become incredibly warm tonight, me and sam walked down to the lake just now. we covered a lot ground.
i need to solidify what i think about strategic essentialism. in my gut there is something about it that really erks me. i can rationalism how the benefits can out weigh the negative aspects of it. but it's the nationalistic tendencies, and the exclusiveness that can result that rubs me the wrong way.
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Saturday, April 21st, 2001
1:17 am
Friday, April 20th, 2001
4:52 pm
3:46 pm
ok i have'nt studied a whole lot for my visual C++ examtoday. but i think i'm ready. it's open book, so i've printed off all of my code. Sams staying over tonight, so i won't be getting anything done tonight. i'm just going to relax now. walk away from the computer. clean my room, mabey have a bath, then skim the text book again. i want to rent a good movie tonight but i can't think of anything that i want to watch.
i think this is one of the best zepplin songs i've ever heard, totaly instrumental. would have loved to have heard it live at an outdoow show
current music: Led Zeppelin - Jennings Farm Blues (live)
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Thursday, April 19th, 2001
11:35 pm
heres a nice touch of surrealism
"From front line to fashion statement - Israel's contender in the Miss Universe pageant next month plans to sport a diamond-studded flak jacket over her silk dress."
current music: Chicks On Speed - Glamour Girl
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4:03 pm
fisk makes me look like an isreali apologist 'Fear of being slandered as "anti-Semites" means we are abetting terrible deeds in the Middle East'
i defintly fear being labled anti-semite. however i don't see those fears as being unhealthy. It forces me to carefully evalute my perceptions of the war. when i feel brave enough to make statments i want to know that i'm getting it right. or as close as possiable.
heres a good counter(from edward said) to some of fisks anti-isreal rhetroic.( i love fisk, but i think he's exercising strategic essentialism in a effort to counter the mainstream medias blindness) "The late Eqbal Ahmad, who was certainly one of the two or three most brilliant analysts of contemporary history and politics that I ever knew, always drew attention to the fact that successful liberation movements were successful precisely because they employed creative ideas, original ideas, imaginative ideas where in other less successful movements (like ours, alas) there was a pronounced tendency to formulas and an uninspired repetition of past slogans and past patterns of behaviour. Take as a primary instance the idea of armed struggle. For decades we have relied in our minds on ideas about guns and killing, ideas that, from the 1930s until today, have brought us plentiful martyrs but have had little real effect not so much on Zionism but on our own ideas about what to do next. In our case, the fighting is done by a small brave number of people pitted against hopeless odds, i.e. stones against helicopter gunships, Merkava tanks, missiles. Yet a quick look at other movements -- say the Indian nationalist movement, the South African liberation movement, the American civil rights movement -- tell us first of all that only a mass movement employing tactics and strategy that maximise the popular element ever made any difference on the occupier and/or oppressor."
"so long you see yourself as a victim, you can never move forward." -Margaret Atwood
current music: Ani Difranco - Angry Anymore
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12:34 pm - At last a step forward.
Wednesday, April 18th, 2001
8:25 pm
4:06 pm
excellent article, an isreali anlysis: No quick fix Analysis By Oren Shachor
isrealis can acknowledge that they are at war, but as if in denial we refuse to acknowlege the fact. there is a war happing now, it's no longer a crisis or a 'hot spot'.
heres ar quote from the idf battalion chief: in refrence to the gaza invasion yesterday. "The operation is defensive, not offensive"
current music: Beatles - You Never Give Me Yo
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3:42 pm
published today in the Jerusalem Post:
80 percent of Palestinian residents of the West Bank and Gaza Strip are in favor of continuing the intifada against Israel.
According to the results of a poll released today by the Jerusalem Media and Communications Center, 62% of Palestinians are in favor of continuing demonstrations and armed struggle against Israel. This is an increase of about 7% since December 2000.
Palestinian support for the Oslo agreements between the Palestinian Authority and Israel has dropped about 17% since June 2000 to just 40%. Nearly 30% said the peace process is "dead."
Nevertheless, 19% of Palestinians said "the peace process is alive."
it seems that both sides believe that an inevitable war is necessary to resolve this conflict. i have trouble rationalizing the actual implications of that belife. when the plo has reached out there hand (declaration of principles, oslo) Israel responded by increasing it's settlements by 80%(since 1993). which creates the appearance that Israel never thought of declaration of principles and olso as being a realistic frame work for peace. how do the Palestinians react, with an Intifadah. fulfilling the belief that Palestinians are a violent horde that cannot be delt with rationaly. the Palestinians choice to react with violence diminishes their ability to draw on political support outside of the arab community. the Intifadah is a desperate act by a people in a unprestent desperate situation. the west has failed to identify with their plight like they did with south africa during the height of apartheid. but it's the alienation from the west that contributes to the Palestinian feeling that they must go it alone. it boggles my brain when i try to decompose the internal cause and effects. a transcendence needs occur somewhere in the equation. i think it needs to occur from within the Palestinian community. i'm not a big fan of great leaders. They need someone to emerge with a radicly different perception on how to more forward. Arafat is clearly not inspiring such a change.
current music: Beastie Boys - Sabrosa
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12:34 pm
i had another exam put off for a week, now i can get back to all that procrastination procrastion that i was starting to put off.
current music: Neil Young - Down by the River (Live)
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Tuesday, April 17th, 2001
8:36 pm
in the blue theremin crys dreaming maddness, confusion between sielient drops (desire) soft eyes see nothing sweet lovely void don't bitter my memory don't darken my dreaming don't numb my passion
current music: Bonfire Madigan-Snowfelt Summer
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7:49 pm