LiveJournal for Jaime.

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Sunday, February 24th, 2002

Time:5:44 pm.
Mood: impressed.
Music:Cursive - "Writing In Cursive".
I just got done watching Dirty Dancing for the millionth time. Mmmmm..Patrick Swayze looks sooo beautiful. Yum. I love that movie.
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Subject:A big FUCK YOU to you all...
Time:2:34 pm.
Mood: discontent.
Music:Suburban Legends - "Gummi Bears".
Last night was okay. In some ways I wish I had stayed home, but in others I suppose I'm glad I went out.

I realized how much people really do change you get to know them. Some of them are just assholes that will never mature. I guess the only reason I spend time with them is because of the people I do care about, that hang out with them. I don't want to lose them because of some dumbasses.
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Saturday, February 23rd, 2002

Time:4:24 pm.
Mood: happy.
Music:Mustard Plug - "Dressed Up".
Last night was fun. I stayed out all night and got some Jamaican Blue. Yum.

Tonight is the VIE show. I met this guy, Charlie, at the last show. He's a really nice guy. We're meeting up at the show tonight.

I wish I could go to Dave's show, before the other one, tonight. Ugh. If only I weren't poor. I hope he has a good time. And gets naked on stage..RAWR!

I have been in such a good mood all week. It's wonderful.
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Thursday, February 21st, 2002

Subject:Pepper...A woman's best friend
Time:10:17 pm.
Mood: amused.
Music:Lullaby For The Working Class - "Kitchen Song".
Awww. My dog was coming in the house through his doggy door, so I decided to hide behind the door to the room he was entering. As soon as he walked by I jumped out and grabbed him. He jumped up into the air and then tripped, landing flat on his face. Haha. The poor pup. I'm horrible. But he knows I love him more than anything.
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Wednesday, February 20th, 2002

Time:9:13 pm.
Mood: anxious.
Music:The Juliana Theory - "Into The Dark".
I went back to school today. Surprisingly the day wasn't half bad. Then again, that may have partially been due to the fact that I got my bro's mustang for the day. *drools*

I got another Juliana Theory cd today...Emotion Is Dead. I have been listening to it non stop. It quite possibly could become my favorite cd.

I'm not feeling so sick anymore. That, along with some other things, seems to be puting me in a great mood. Eeek.

I can't wait for the weekend to come around. Crazy fun is to be had.
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Monday, February 18th, 2002

Subject:I feel yucky...
Time:6:54 pm.
Mood: sick.
Music:Sorry About Dresden - "On Contradiction".
My body hates me. I now have the Flu, a sinus infection, and to top it all off...Pink Eye! But the doc gave me all different kinds of medicines to help, which is kind of nice.

I'm not allowed to go to school, though, because I'm "highly" contageous. If I fail my classes it's the school's fault. Assholes.
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Sunday, February 17th, 2002

Time:11:50 pm.
Mood: bouncy.
Music:Pilfers - "Climbing".
Larkin, Robbie, and I hung out tonight. We went everywhere. And then got a craving to go swimming, so we found a random hotel to swim at. I don't know about the boys, but I had a lot of fun. I enjoy spending time with them.

Tomorrow I need to go find some new shoes. Mine are covered in dirt and have many holes. Ugh. They're disgusting.

Sarah dyed her hair. It's part greenish blue. It looks awesome (definitely suits her).

I think I have streppe throat. I'm hoping it's just a cold because I would hate to have to visit the doctor, again. He's probably sick of me by now.

I feel like dancing right now. Where are the ska shows at times like these?

I hope to get to know that wonderful boy better...the one I met on Valentine's Day.
But knowing my "luck", as always, he's probably:

b)involved with a chick
c)too old
d)all of the above

Eeek! Jessica is coming here in March, and then moving back home over the summer. Yay!!! I'm excited.
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Time:1:09 am.
Mood: mellow.
Music:The Toasters - "Hidden Little Secrets".
Mmmm there's nothing better than coffee and Del Taco after a show.

The show was fun. I met a whole bunch of people. And I finally found out the ska boy's name. Yay.
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Friday, February 15th, 2002

Subject:Green Apples and Crushed Ice...
Time:10:02 pm.
Mood: happy.
Music:AFI - "A Single Second".
Ah, today was relaxing. It was very much needed. Now I'm in such a good mood for some reason.

I'm going to a few shows this weekend. That should be fun.

Eh, I need to redye my hair and go to bed.

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Time:3:40 pm.

What is YOUR Highschool label?
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Time:12:12 pm.

* made by lissa!
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Time:12:03 pm.
Mood: restless.
Music:The Specials - "It's You".
Eh. I couldn't go to school today. {sick}

I feel bad. I got my dad sick, and he couldn't go to work today because of it.
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Thursday, February 14th, 2002

Time:5:21 pm.
Mood: giddy.
Music:The Gloria Record - "Tired and Uninspired".
Today started off rocky, but after school I went to Subway for lunch. The most wonderful guy was working there (charming and good looking). And as a result, I'm acting like a giddy little school girl...*sigh*

It hasn't been such a bad day after all. :)
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Wednesday, February 13th, 2002

Time:9:42 pm.
Mood: tired.
Music:Rufio - "One Slowdance".
I stayed home from school today. I was feeling like shit, so I just slept in. I need to go tomorrow, regardless.

I watched The Wedding Planner. It was a typical sappy love story, but not half bad.

My daddy got me a giant, fluffy teddy bear for Valentine's Day. It's almost as big as me. I love my fatherly figure. He's so great.

My feelings for a certain person have returned, I think. I cared about him for a few years. Then, I figured nothing serious would ever happen between us, so I got over it. Well, I thought I did. Every time I run into him though, the feelings return. He was the first person I ever really felt that way about. Eh. I wish I didn't have feelings like this. :(

Valentine's Day is going to suck.
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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002

Subject:No surprise...
Time:9:43 pm.
Mood: sick.
Music:Chuck Berry - "School Day".
I'm sick yet again. This is becoming a weekly routine for me. Well actually it has been for the past few years.

I'm going to move out and live in a bubble, isolated from the outside world. That way I won't catch every illness that goes around.
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Time:5:51 pm.
Mood: bored.
Music:VNV Nation - "Burnout".
[[ Name ]] - Jaime
[[ Nicknames, including from family ]] - Vampire, Nun, Red
[[ Birthday ]] - 8/9/85
[[ Age ]] - 16
[[ Astrological sign? ]] - Leo
[[ Chinese zodiac sign? ]] - Ox
[[ Location ]] - Arizona (Texas originally)
[[ Sexual Preference ]] - Mmmm...I love boys.
[[ Marital Status ]] - Alone.
[[ Current Haircolor ]] - Black & Red
[[ Eyecolor ]] - Blue/Green
[[ Height ]] - 5'4''
[[ Weight ]] - 124 lbs.
[[ Parents still together? ]] - No.
[[ Siblings? ]] - Brother, Half Brother, & Step Brother and Sister.
[[ Nieces/Nephews? ]] - Nephew.
[[ Kids of your own? ]] - No.
[[ Grandkids? ]] - No.
[[ Pets? ]] - 3 dogs.
[[ In school/graduated? ]] - In school.
[[ Rent, lease, or own your home? ]] - I'm a free loader.
[[ What do you do for work? ]] - No job at the moment..I hope to get one soon though.
[[ How much do you make? ]] - Nothing. I'm broke.
[[ Have any credit cards? ]] - No.
[[ AmEx? ]] - No.
[[ Can I use em for a few days? ]] - Sure, if I had em.
[[ What do you drive? ]] - 96' Toyota Corolla.

[[ Black and White/Color ]] - Color
[[ Black/White ]] - Black
[[ Red/Blue ]] - Red
[[ Dogs/Cats ]] - Dogs. Only because I'm allergic to cats.
[[ Roses/Daisies ]] - Neither.
[[ Beer/Liquor ]] - Eh, I can't stand either. I'll stick to the pussy drinks.
[[ Boxers/Briefs *wink* ]] - Thongs.
[ Hair: Short/Long ]] - Short.
[[ Boots/Shoes ]] - Both.
[[ Food: Mexican/Italian ]] - Italian.
[[ Dark/Light ]] - Dark.
[[ Day/Night ]] - Night.
[[ City/Country ]] - City.
[[ Sheets: Solid/Animal Prints *rawr* ]] - Solid.
[[ Sub/Dom ]] - Huh?

[[ Color ]] - Black & Red
[[ Animal ]] - They're all so cute.
[[ Vehicle ]] - Anything that runs.
[[ Flower ]] - I don't really like flowers.
[[ Beer ]] - I don't drink beer...Smirnoff Ice is good stuff.
[[ Liquor ]] - Ew.
[[ Soda ]] - Pepsi? (not a big fan of soda)
[[ Food ]] - Anything without meat.
[[ Book ]] - Any good poetry.
[[ Author ]] - Kahlil Gibran & Rumi
[[ Band ]] - Goldfinger (I love so many others as well)
[[ CD ]] - Too many.
[[ Song ]] - At the moment.."It's Cool, We Can Still Be Friends" by Bright Eyes
[[ Movie ]] - A Clockwork Orange, Requiem For A Dream, A Book Of Stars, Reservoir Dogs, etc.
[[ Director ]] - Stanley Kubrick
[[ Country ]] - Dunno.
[[ State ]] - Don't have a fav.
[[ City ]] - Anywhere besides here.
[[ School Subject ]] - They all suck.
[[ Movie genre ]] - Depends on what mood I'm in.
[[ Extracurricular Activity ]] - Community Service.

Do you...
[[ Color your hair? ]] - Yes.
[[ Have tattoos? ]] - No, but I need one
[[ Piercings? ]] - Yes.
[[ Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? ]] - Nope.
[[ Floss daily? ]] - Yes.
[[ Own a webcam? ]] - No.
[[ Ever get off the damn computer? ]] - Rarely.
[[ Sprechen Sie Deutcsh? ]] - ¿Como?
[[ Hablar Espanol? ]] - Si. Yo estoy en la clase de espanol dos con senor dahl. Me choca mi profesor.
Have you...
[[ Gotten a speeding ticket? ]] - No.
[[ How fast? ]] -
[[ DUI? ]] - No.
[[ Been in a wreck? ]] - Yes, but I wasn't driving.
[[ Been arrested? ]] - Almost.
[[ Stolen a car? ]] - No.
[[ Stolen anything? ]] - Not that I know of.
[[ Smoke? ]] - No.
[[ Pot? ]] - No.
[[ Crack? ]] - No.
[[ Drink? ]] - Yes.
[[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ]] - No.
[[ Posed for nude pics? ]] - Not fully nude. (I was drunk at the time)
[[ Considered being a hooker? ]] - No.
[[ Maybe a pimp? ]] - No.
[[ Cheated on someone? ]] - No.
[[ Been married? ]] - No.
[[ Been divorced? ]] - No.

Are you psycho?
[[ Split personalities? ]] - No.
[[ Schizophrenic? ]] - No.
[[ Obsessive Compulsive? ]] - Yes.
[[ Panic? ]] - Yes.
[[ Anxiety? ]] - Yes.
[[ Depressed? ]] - Who isn't?
[[ Suicidal? ]] - No.
[[ Obsessed with hate? ]] - No.
[[ Mutilate animals? ]] - No.
[[ Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? ]] - Nope.
[[ Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? Huh?

The good stuff...
[[ Had sex outdoors? ]] - No.

Right now...
[[ What are you listening to? ]] - VNV Nation.
[[ What are you watching? ]] - Nothing.
[[ What time is it? ]] - 6:25
[[ What are you wearing? ]] - Sweater & Pants.
[[ Hey baby, nice shoes... ]] - Um..Thanx?
[[ What're you drinking? ]] - Water
[[ Eating? ]] - Nothing.
[[ Got both hands on the keyboard? ]] - Yes.
[[ You sure bout that? ]] - Yes.
[[ Who are you talking to? ]] - Kory & Ted.
[[ What other windows do you have open? ]] - Audio Galaxy
[[ How bored are you? ]] - Very.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Monday, February 11th, 2002

Subject:"We know you can't wait to get out of the house, and we can't wait to get rid of you."
Time:7:13 pm.
Mood: scared.
Music:Beachwood Sparks - "Make It Together".
Eh. I have had the worst PMS and cramps imaginable, today. HAHA. I needed some Tylanol, but the only thing a chick in my class had was Tylanol p.m. I took that, and then got really tired...go figure. I had a nice time trying to drive to Tempe and back after school. I don't remember half of the trip. When I got home I fell asleep for a few hours and woke up to my dad yelling at me for taking a nap. What the fuck? He was saying I'm a lazy bastard, and went on bitching about how I didn't clean the kitchen, feed the dogs, take out the trash, and other various things. The thing was...those were my brother's responsibilities today because I am always doing it for him. And Janice can damn well clean up after her own shit in the kitchen. That bitch leaves shit lying around all over the house, and I get blamed for not cleaning up after her. She can fuck off. I know she does it to get me in trouble, and hopefully get me kicked out of the house. Oh how I would love to take a baseball bat to her head right about now. I can honestly say I would have no regret if I did.

I wish I could just take one nap in peace some day.

I know my father's a good person. Lately his temper has been getting the best of him though. He gets scary when he's like that. I think a big part of the reason he was upset today is that my grandmother is back in the hospital. She was recently diagnosed with cancer, and she doesn't have much longer to live. I feel bad that he has to go through this. I just wish I could understand how he feels and what he's thinking. I want to be able to communicate with him like we used to.
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Sunday, February 10th, 2002

Time:10:44 pm.
Mood: content.
Music:Rites Of Spring - "Persistent Vision".
I am now confined to the house for my seemingly harmless actions. I can't say I mind though. It's nice to get a chance to be alone, for a change.

Well, when the family isn't home anyway.
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Saturday, February 9th, 2002

Subject:"Tough Love"
Time:6:48 pm.
Mood: uncomfortable.
Music:Juliana Theory - "Emotion Is Dead Part ll".
I cry.
Yet I can't cry in front of you.
I wait until I'm alone.
To feel sorry for myself.
And what you have done.
I'm scared.
Of you.
And what you have become.
I'm scared.
To think I caused this.
To think I caused your hate.
The bruises.
Will fade away.
But not the pain.
I'm fragile.
I'm vulnerable.
I'm bruised...
But they'll fade away.
They will.
Just not the pain.
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Time:4:31 pm.
Mood: blah.
Music:Clinic - "The Second Line".
The Wiggums played last night. That was fun. Gabe seems to be doing well, which is good.

I got a notice saying I'm failing my classes. I can't seem to care enough to actually start doing my work though.

It would be nice if my parents would go out of town. I could spend more time with those who's company I enjoy. And I could have some time to myself.

Valentine's Day is coming up. Great...Just another holiday to make us losers look even more pathetic because we don't have that "special" someone to be with. *sigh*
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LiveJournal for Jaime.

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