Wednesday, October 30th, 2002
1:25 am - "your name in lights or granite or on the written page..."
i have been listening to paper lions cd seriously for 1/3 of the day [and that might actually be an understatement]. PLUS i am wearing my paper lions tee shirt. A REALLY CUTE BOY SMILED AND SAID HEY TO ME TODAY [most likely because of this tee shirt]. later, the cute boy who has been doing a project in star lab next to my group talked to me [again, most likely because of this tee shirt].
in less than 12 hours from now, laini lalalaini, ding ceasetoexist, collin zoratorbout, and myself will be on the road to nyc. cross yr fingers that everything goes as planned and that the weather is nice to us. we'll be going to the kindercore showcase @ cbgb's. i do hope that nothing gets botched. i am pretty sure that we're going to head straight to the venue to make sure that we *do* get in. we'll be the nerds up towards the front, shaking our tails off. oh yea, and lining up (with dollars in hand) to kiss joshua, the agenda's roadie. oh, you wouldn't know about that yet, since i didn't tell you about this past sunday yet. oops!
there are SO many ppl that i hope we run into tomorrow night [OR friday/saturday night when i come BACK UP]. please oh PLEASE say introduce yrself if you recognize me!
P.S. anyone staying in dc @ the velvet lounge tonight [wednesday], PLEASE give bobby wratten a hug for me and tell him i will see his show up in NYC if i can! yarg.
current mood: gay current music: paper lions - my hive
(give a new perspective)
Monday, October 28th, 2002
2:50 pm - i think i'm fresh out of tears
1:27 pm - "and just cos i like tigermilk, it doesn't mean i'm fucking twee..."
it looks like laini and i are going go attempt the impossible: go up to new york on wednesday for the kindercore records showcase at cbgb and then come home. i have a 10:30 class on thursday, but oh well, you know how that goes.
gersey 7:00 pm Paper Lions 8:00 pm Maserati 8:45 pm Agenda 9:30 pm I Am The World Trade Center 10:15 pm Essex Green 11:00 pm Dressy Bessy 11:45 pm Of Montreal 12:30 am
1) do you want to go? 2) can you go? 3) will you help out with gas money/tolls?
if you answered yes to all three questions, please contact me, because the more ppl the better in my car = the better.
current mood: hopeful current music: baxendale - ghetto fabulous
(scarves and caps and 12 sweaters | give a new perspective)
Sunday, October 27th, 2002
6:31 pm - "night after night i think of you..."
1. First Name: leigh 2. Hair Color: dark brown with faint red streaks 3. Last Name: i'm not telling 4. Hair Style: parted off center 5. Eye Color: brown 6. Height: 5'10" 7. Location: alexandria, va 8. Birthday: 10 may 1979 9. Zodiac Sign: taurus 10. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: no 11. Do you have a crush?: always ( touch me there )
current mood: ohboyohboymaseratitonight current music: the summer in between - peace of mind
(scarves and caps and 3 sweaters | give a new perspective)
1:42 am - "it's all a little too funny that bees sting and bees make honey..."
Friday, October 25th, 2002
4:53 am - "i cannot picture myself ever; ever being happy again..."
dear bobby wratten,
i love you. that's all. oh wait, i have something else to say: someone else FINALLY added you to their lj interests list. i was getting a wee bit lonely being the only one [and why exactly was that?]. i get to see you OH SO SOON and that makes everything alright. thank you for being amazing.
xo, leigh
oh yes AND i moved the wierdos section onto my new home at dirty AND updated it: dirty wierdos. thank you so much scott motorways!
current mood: whyaminottiredyet? current music: the field mice - anyone else isn't you (yea, it's on loop)
(scarves and caps and 2 sweaters | give a new perspective)
Friday, October 18th, 2002
12:06 pm - tonight @ the troc
Wednesday, October 16th, 2002
4:16 pm - "remember the night i woke you up to look at the moon through our skylight?"
everyone else is doing it. i'm killing time right now, so i have no excuse not to. oh yea, there's an entry down there too.
01. When did we meet? 02. How did we meet? 03. Have we ever met in person? 04. Have we ever talked on the phone? 05. Have you ever seen me cry? 06. Have you ever seen me dance? 07. Describe me using three or less words. 08. If you could spend a day with me, what would we do? 09. Have we ever gotten in a fight? 10. Have you ever dreamt of me? If so, tell me about it. ( etc. )
current mood: whynot? current music: hayden - neil young song
(scarves and caps and 12 sweaters | give a new perspective)
Monday, October 14th, 2002
5:42 pm - "if he realized what he could have, would he take it all back?"
dear secret admirer(s)?,
please buy me this! owen linked it on his lj, but i figure that everyone on the planet (esp. those who <3 belle & sebastian) should see this!
i think that this is the longest LJ entry that i have ever written. oh god. i don't think you want to see how long it really is... ( something 4 the weekend? )
current mood: deflated current music: kissing book - his mistake
(scarves and caps and 11 sweaters | give a new perspective)
Thursday, October 10th, 2002
2:19 am - let's stick with the gameplan, girls.
the december pact: game on!
who [finally] saw coheed & cambria tonight? i did, i did! can't you tell by the look on my face? and why is the mp3 that i have of 'junesong provision' different from the one on the c&c; album? eff.
earlier today, i finished reading haruki murakami's after the quake, a collection of short stories that was just amazing. i strive so hard to write short stories in a similar stype. i know i've got a long way to go, but i have big ideas [radiohead]. i also FINALLY got throught to symantec, where i talked with a 19 year old boy named jacob and he talked me through the problem we've been having with norton antivirus and for only $29.95 at that! fucker! tonight i made one of the worst music puns i have ever made and now i can't remember it, which is for the best. shelly and i calling 'game on' for the december pact is also for the best.
i created a new LJ community, bandphotography. if you take photos of bands, check it.
after seeing coheed & cambria at the 9:30 club, shelly and i drove to four seasons, where we got carry-out [1 piece of pie + 1 piece of cake] and then she helped me study for my french test. then i got my sad on. and that would bring us up to present tense.
current mood: frustrated current music: coheed & cambria - junesong provision (on loop)
(scarves and caps and 10 sweaters | give a new perspective)
Tuesday, October 8th, 2002
11:13 pm - when our hero contemplates playing the saxophone again
oh my oh my. oh these days! two nights ago, i bore witness to yet another drop dead gorgeous night of instrumental splendor when i saw fly pan am + do make say think at the ottobar. a table full of lj kids were present as well. it is documented with photos by many of those kids. i really can't put into words why instrumental music hits me so hard. i know it has something to do with the fact i played alto saxophone from 5th grade through the end of 12th grade. seeing live music that includes saxophones or other symphonic band type instruments has always blown me away. while at pop shows i tend to keep my eyes open as much as possible so i can see everything that is happening on stage, where as i closed my eyes time and time again at this show. i can't make up my mind who i liked more. in the end i think it was a complete tie, which is excellent. i closed my eyes a lot at the talking head maserati show as well. when music hits you at a time that you really really need it to hit you and it enters your soul through your ears and it speaks to you in the way that you need it to speak to you; that is better than anything in the world.
in the quiz laini put up on her lj, one of the questions was:
15. if you had to give up either music or sex for the rest of your life, which would you pick?
and of course, i answered SEX and i that know it's true. because music = life. who cares about sex? ( more words from swoony mctalksalot... )
current mood: napalicious current music: calvin don't jump - accordian song
(scarves and caps and 7 sweaters | give a new perspective)
Friday, October 4th, 2002
4:37 pm - go go gadget hot boys!
Sunday, September 29th, 2002
2:18 am - "i've nothing to say that we haven't gone over already..."
there is something about this song's structure that makes me sad. unfortunately, something about it also makes me leave it on loop forever. then the tears come.
why do plans never work out on the nights that i need nothing more than to get out of the house?
today i accomplished the following things: picked up my keys at blockbuster, cleaned the computer room up a bit, and then watched the last 30 minutes of mazes and monsters, which had perhaps the worst acting i have ever seen in my life. after it ended, my day slid further downhill. and it just keeps going. i should have stayed in bed, like the aerospace song. btw, aerospace are not playing with the sprites tomorrow at the hut. they cancelled their tour. i'm just making sure ppl know that.
highlight/low point of my day: purchasing a permanent lj acct. because i am a nerd through and through. this nerdy girl needs her sleep now.
current mood: alone current music: all-time quarterback - send packing
(scarves and caps and 14 sweaters | give a new perspective)
Saturday, September 28th, 2002
6:12 am - ...
tonight was great. even after today started out not so great; what with me staying up and sobbing my eyes out until 6 o'clock in the morning and the frantic sounding voicemail from phil maserati that greeted me when i woke up after 2pm. everything turned out alright in the end. i was ohsoglad that ding loved maserati. one of my greatest joys in life is when i introduce a close friend to music i love and they embrace it the same way that i do. it is time for sleep, since my job is done. and the day has long since ended. the sky looked amazing tonight and i hoped that j. looked up at it too.
current mood: happyasaclam? current music: the clacking of keys
(scarves and caps and 7 sweaters | give a new perspective)
Friday, September 27th, 2002
3:46 pm - does this sound good or bad?
msg from maserati on my vm when i woke up at 2ish:
"hey leigh. this is phil. it's about 1 o'clock or so. um, if you could, uh, give us a call back either call matt's cell phone or we'll be here for another 30 minutes to an hour, just call this number back. um, either way, uhhhh, we need to get ahold of you. so, talk to you later. byebye."
i must clean my room now.
current mood: worried current music: rocketship - carrie cooksey
(scarves and caps and 3 sweaters | give a new perspective)
Thursday, September 26th, 2002
12:04 am - "i'm miles away and missing you already..."
Tuesday, September 24th, 2002
3:19 am - where to begin. where to begin.
exit bar on saturday night = fun in the end. bright eyes on sunday night = good. really good. i was feeling super duper emo, so i went upstairs to be by myself and whoever was doing sound (?) i suppose played this mix including: both a beulah song and a hayden song! and that was wonderful. bright eyes started JUST as 'dynamite walls' finished! anyhow, they were super duper. basically, my feeling after the show ended = i want to become an indie icon that the boys love and the girls envy + THEN i want to take ALL OF MY FRIENDS ON TOUR WITH ME! YES!
more great music:
if you want to see a FANTASTIC show, check out maserati live, because honestly, they are one of the most intense live acts that i have ever seen in my life and you know that is saying a lot, because i see a heck of a lot of shows. to sum up their greatness: i've already seen them 6 times. i've videotaped 3 of their shows now. PLUS, i'm still aching to see them more (and i will get to tomorrow night in richmond and friday night in baltimore). soo, really, you should go see them, because they are playing in a city near you. plus, they are the most swell guys in the universe. oh yea and matt bought me a bottle of ace pear cider, which i drank far too quickly.
( this is where i tell you their tour dates and you make note of them on your calendar )
current mood: maserati-ee current music: the clacking of keys
(scarves and caps and 13 sweaters | give a new perspective)
Saturday, September 21st, 2002
2:58 am - "tell me it's true love, oh baby..."
dear 100% perfect (looking) boy,
i saw you tonight in the red room. i caught sight of you shaking yr brown hair out of yr eyes before you chewed on yr nails, while waiting to order drinks. i did a double take. then i said "i feel like some ice cream" to shelly, and poof! you looked over at me. we linked eyes and then i looked down. you were wearing this HOTT [with an extra t for topless!] blue ringer with the word "norwood" on the front and the number "4" on the back. it's been a long time since i really saw someone who made my jaw drop. but you did tonight. i wanted to throw my arms around you and take you to a quiet corner. but i just bit my lip and dug my fingernails into my palms as you and the girl you were with got progressively closer throughout the night. this is a letter to no one, since i've never seen you before and i'll probably never see you again. i'm just writing this to remind myself that at least one person who i think looks the part of my 100% perfect boy exists. so, thanks [even tho you are the devil] for existing. because you are the devil, i bought this:
from jeanna's boutique.
tonight nancy (nancyxo) and shelly (nerdling) and i saw igby goes down [before shelly and i went to see army of me at the black cat]. honestly, it was SUPERB film making and i really truly love love loved it. it has definitely made my top 5 of the year [we all know LOTR-TTT is going to be number 1]. i can't explain why i love some of the films that i love. the film didn't even make a whole lot of sense. there were a lot of questions that were never answered, yet the film touched me profoundly. the use of the travis cover of 'the weight' was so right on - argh - it was a film i wish i had been some part of putting together. tonight was a night of jealous and angry sighs (oh yea, i saw the one ex i have any animosity towards at the show - that was awesome; in a way that means not).
tonight (meaning saturday night)
sadly it's 21+ . . . the exit bar's debut hey hey, come out tonight!
current mood: annoyed current music: dopo yume - kiss
(scarves and caps and 12 sweaters | give a new perspective)
Friday, September 20th, 2002
3:39 pm - "you were the last one; please come back some day..."
it's funny how a few words can make me feel better (even tho they make me feel sick at the same time).
Black Cat Nov 4th, Monday 8:30pm $10.00 PEDRO THE LION SELDOM SCIENTIFIC
this is [seriously] like a dream bill to jeremiah. ouch. ( ramble ramble ramble )
current mood: stressed current music: unrest - make out club
(scarves and caps and 3 sweaters | give a new perspective)
Thursday, September 19th, 2002
9:21 pm - VOTE FOR OWEN