The Wayback Machine -
02:52am 11/10/2003
  I need to get outside of this mindset that one bad show is the end of everything.
I have a hard time dealing with dissapointment from our sets and I really need to get better at handling it.
It's hard not to be extremely serious when pouring so much of yourself into something. But we're only human.
I need to stop thinking of the present as merely a gateway to the future in which every step must be taken with caution to get to the next. I need to just live now and accept wherever I step.
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this time i'm god // new website   
09:32pm 03/10/2003
  I finally got the new TTIG website up at
Check it out.

We're playing a couple shows next week.
Monday at the WECC w/ Nakatomi Plaza, Marathon and Knifeinmyback. Tickets: $5 from us or $7 at the door.
Friday at The Collective w/ Mico, Lucky Punch and The Watertower Slant for $7.

check em out :)

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06:58pm 03/09/2003
  Working on a few exciting projects.

Going back to school. Conflict Resolution.

Reading a lot.

Working on playing guitar. Getting slightly better :).

Late summer outings to beaches and cabins planned.

Excitement for many upcoming shows (Sep 10th, Oct 4th, Oct 6th).

Reading over many sheets of bylaws and permit information and lease applications for one extremely exciting project involving music for all ages in Winnipeg and a permanent place to hold shows.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

If this last thing works out, I'll be so ecstatic.
If it doesn't, we'll keep trying until it does.
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sep 10th at the horger   
08:44pm 28/08/2003
  Sixty Stories -- one of their last shows before tour (
Painted Youth -- from Vancouver, jawbreaker meets rites of spring. raspy emotional punk. (
The Paper Lanterns - super fun pop punk also from vancouver. they will make you smile (
and possibly more....

$4 suggested donation for the touring bands // 7pm.
it will be fun! email me for info.
Read more... )
03:16pm 11/08/2003
  tonight at the horger...

THE BUZZING BEES (braid-like indie rock from Calgary)
MIKE TRIKE (acoustic indie pop/folk/rock from Winnipeg)
HILLS HAVE EYES (dbs style punk from Edmonton)

7pm / suggested donation of 4 bucks for the touring band
email or call me for info. / 779-8688

11:40pm 05/08/2003
  we returned to the city exactly a day ago
i still don't have much to write about
i'm very reenergized though and feel so good about winnipeg right now
there's so much i want to do
get right back into things

there's a show on monday at the house. more info soon :) and ttig is playing arsonfest on sunday at the riverview cc before we take a break for a little bit.

rad show on september 9th too with details to follow
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04:59pm 27/07/2003
  in Calgary right now at a webcafe on 17th.

so far all the shows have been positive with amazing shows in calgary and regina. we're playing another show in calgary today. it's been so great interacting with people and meeting people from different cities, and seeing their reactions. canadians are such nice people. an older couple in regina invited adam and i in for showers and juice when they saw us on the street. another dude in regina gave us a place to crash and food. kristen in lethbridge gave us a ton of beer and pizza. people are so amazing

tonight we're playing with out of sight from quebec and ole, a new calgary band with dudes from sloth records. tomorrow we head to vancouver

i haven't been in too much of a writing mood which is unfortunate as i really want to remember this. but there'll be time to write after.

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01:41pm 23/07/2003
  leaving for tour in about an hour or so.
woah :)
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09:24am 23/07/2003
  ups :)  
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01:35am 23/07/2003
  ups and downs and ups and downs.
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09:13pm 21/07/2003
  "An optimist believes we live in the best world possible; a pessimist fears this is true. "
I read that somewhere. Kind of interesting... for a oneliner
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July 20th - TTIG Release Show / Tour Kickoff   
12:06pm 01/07/2003
  Heya, on July 20th This Time I'm God is releasing our demo entitled "Breaking The Windows That Keep You A Spectator" and playing a show to celebrate it/say goodbye before taking off on tour on the 23rd. It's gonna be a fun time! Lots of rad, diverse bands, including

This Time I'm God - art damaged hardcore (
The Paperbacks - melodic and intelligent indie rock (
Under Pressure - black flag rockin' hardcore (
The Watertower Slant - jawbreaker meets hot water music meets three local kids
Knifeinmyback - holy shit did somebody say Amebix?

It's at the
Scandinavian Cultural Centre (764 Erin St.) North of Portage between Polo Park and Downtown. Take an 11 or a 14. By car go down Ellice and turn South on Erin.

$6 / All Ages / Doors at 7:00.
For more info check
It's gonna be a ton of fun! I'll be there (maybe that'll make you want to come?) I'll give you a hug! And hugs rock. So come for the rock. I guess I'll shut up now... but trust me, its going to be fun. and fun rocks too.
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09:36pm 21/06/2003
*shakes fist at the flu*

its hard to stay home when i know moneen is playing a block away from me and they barely ever come here

but i know that i'll probably just get sick again if i go. i need bed rest and its gonna be so hot in the wecc with so many people.

at least i saw them in kenora

didnt end up going out west w/ the convoy. it just didnt feel right at all. emotions combined w/ puking 20 times. i'm glad i'm feeling better. i just need to relax and unwind and have a couple stay in bed days to recuperate.

i am gonna go watch a movie or read. its so hard to resist the temptation to goto the wecc. but i'd pay for it tomorrow if i did. and how much fun would i have feeling like this
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03:01am 11/06/2003
  its way too easy to fall into these traps
to be this bitter
to feel this negative

i just cant do it anymore.
punk/hardcore/indie all ages fun   
12:23am 06/06/2003

Thursday June 12th - ALL AGES
Mach Tiver - Bass and Drum screamage from Trenton, ON
This Time I'm God - Emotive Art Damaged Hardcore
The Water Tower Slant - Passionate indie/punk stuff. Jawbreaker meets Hot Water Music
xDEATHKILLx - crazy, sexy, cool, hardcore. Super fun shite.
Under Pressure - Black Flag influenced hardcore. GLW w/ a new guitarist. Its their first show ever!

This show starts early so please please show up early to catch all of the bands.

Location: The Scandinavian Cultural Centre
764 Erin Street. Right by a McDonalds (gag).
Its in between Polo Park and Downtown.

Doors at 5:30 music very shortly after.

**Show will be over by 10 so you can head over to Times Changed to see Giant Sons/Sixty Stories after
Price: $6
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02:59am 30/05/2003
  tonight reminded me of why i love life
and how things can and do change for the better

how 2 years ago i couldnt picture myself at this show
how a year ago id be shy to talk to anybody there but be happy to be there
how today we played and talked to a ton of people.

this is incredible
mico was phenomenal. i got to play the same stage that the paperbacks did. and giant sons. gave lyric sheets to two "idols"

i'm not lying by saying this is one of the best nights of my life
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03:56pm 28/05/2003
  wow my wallet was found at polo park
i got all my id
and $60 back
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11:32pm 27/05/2003
  i seriously cannot believe how good the new mico album is.
i've been listening to it nonstop for the past like three weeks
as shameless as this is gonna sound
thursday is gonna be insane

and what feels amazing is that i know i'd be saying that if i wasnt playing either
i'm gonna have an ear to ear smile from the first giant sons chord till the end of micos set
06:48pm 23/05/2003
  my fingers hurt from playing guitar
i cant wait till i get my callouses back

but i wrote a song
and we got a kenora show probably :)

todays news really saddens me though. and the more i think about it the more it sinks it. its scary how much of an effect kilometeres can have. i get sad thinking about it
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05:49pm 23/05/2003
  happy birthday liz!!!  