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.:*§HaNnÖn*:.'s journal

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Tuesday, February 20th, 2001
4:50 pm - blah-ola...
my computer is so fukkin slow, no AOL is stoopid!! i'm ready to hack it into pieces with the hacksaw i carry in my back pocket!! arrgh!!
anyways...chris is coming over soon...i ordered my senior pics...oh yeah...on the way home, me and my mom saw these 2 punk kids runnin across the street and then one of em was yelling at someone and fell down (not in the street though) it was funny lol...ummm...beetlejuice is on! yah tah!!!...i love this movie...except i hate the end when they get old and gross...blah...imma go watch it...ok..bye...

current mood: energetic
current music: Deftones...Head Up

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12:22 pm - medically speaking...just how dinky is your wang?
sooo after chris was done practicing, he came over...i was cheesin hardcore cause i missed him so much...i lub him so very much! ummm...they are playing a show on march 31st (i think) at the rec with breakout and plan 9...amanda...yer goin with me...i need to take a shower...chris gave his 2 weeks notice at work, so he said he is gonna go in a half hour late, take an hour lunch instead of a half hour, and leave an hour early lol...oh! i had the weirdest dream...i was gonna get expelled because some guy with a livejournal used a naked pic of sara smith (blond) for his picture and then he signed my journal, so they thought i was using the was stoopid...and then we all went to this football field where these football players were kicking footballs at us...we were sposed to catch em, but i got hit like 3 times...and miss clinton kept calling me and i was just telling her stoopid stuff...i was bros going to the dentist today...i gotta get braces...chris doesn't want me to cause he said he likes my teeth, but they're crooked...he is afraid i will get confident and leave him...won't happen...i am too chubby to be confident...anyways...imma go take a shower or sumthin...soooo...peas...

current mood: groggy
current music: Letters to Cleo...Sparklegirl

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Monday, February 19th, 2001
9:22 pm
my bro messed up all the color schemes on my i gotta go back and fix em all...stoopid idiot...i left a note on chris' i get any cuter?...yep...i sure doooo...

current mood: giddy
current music: Aerosmith...Jaded

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7:45 pm - proof that kurt did not kill himself...
*there were no legible fingerprints on the shotgun, the box of cartridges, or the pen used to write the so-called suicide note...
*three times the lethal dose of heroin was discovered in kurt's body at the time of his death...according to pathology experts, kurt would not have been able to shoot himself after injecting that level of heroin into his body...he would have been unconscious within seconds...
*the so-called suicide note does not mention suicide at all but reads like a retirement letter from the music industry...only after kurt signed his name were an additional four lines added that do sound like they may indicate suicide, but according to at least two internationally renowned handwriting experts, these four lines were written by somebody else - NOT kurt cobain...
*three weeks before the death, police were called to kurts house, where he told them he was hiding from courtney...three days before his death, kurt told somebody he "feared for his life"...
*kurt's credit card was used at least two times after the medical examiner says he was already dead but before the body was found...the card was missing from his personal effects when he was found...the police never determined who was using the card and why...
*a man has claimed that he was offered $50,000 (from courtney) to kill kurt three months before his death, and passed a polygraph test on the assertion "beyond possibility of deception"... (but its a little strange that this dood ended up dead after he told on the skank)

current mood: thoughtful

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7:24 pm - "i call computer first!"... first words when we pulled onto my street...i am so obsessed with the computer its perdy pathetic...anyways, chris is at band practice so i'll call him around 10ish so i don't bother em...i miss him soooooo much!!...the nursing home was soooo hoppin this time...this one lady kept telling me i was under arrest and she was chasing after was kinda scary...she did that last night and today...and then helen (the loud mouth) was like "give me my god damn food, its cold in here you god damn bastard son of a bitch cocksuckers!" lol...shes so funny...ummm...this weekend was pretty boring, as usual...i read more of "who killed kurt cobain?"...i am more than halfway done...all i gotta say is kurt cobain DID NOT kill himself, its impossible...i'll discuss that later...ummm...i wrote chris a letter while i was upnorth...i prolly had more to write but i forgot...perhaps i'll remember now imma go...peas...i miss you chris...

ooooooh...i can download a no doubt live video thingy...=)

current mood: dorky

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Saturday, February 17th, 2001
11:00 am - ::smoOcher:: =Þ

current mood: in love and missing my honey...

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9:50 am - blah...
its too early for me to be up...we are going upnorth today when my little bro gets home and my dad gets back from bidding, that could be anytime...chris and his bro are on their way to windsor to see their sis...i just called chris' cell...i love him soooo much...i am gonna miss him...we're staying til monday =( mom has always said "moms know everything, and if i don't know right away, i will always find out"...i am starting to believe its true...she keeps hinting at stuff...i said something about someone saying they were a virgin and she goes "thats not the first time i've heard that" and then we were watching sex and the city where carrie has to kiss alanis morissette and my mom was like "would you do it?" i was caught by surprise and was like "uuh...she didn't use any tongue, so yeah..." does she know i kissed amber? what the hell?...she is just always hinting at stuff, so i dunno...i don't think she knows i have sex because i think she would be pissed cause shes always said if she ever found out i was, she would kill me...hmmm...maybe my moms just a weirdo...poor chris wants to quit his job because of the district dickhead, he is really stressin about it cause he doesn't wanna be without a job...i'm sorry honey =(...anyways...i gotta take a shower and pack my bag dad just got home, so now we just gotta wait for roger...its bout time i washed my hair...chris didn't leave til like 12:30 last night...we were watching home videos...i was a strange little kid...well...imma go get some stuff done...peas

chris~imma write you when i am upnorth...cause imma miss you soooooo much...i love you honey...xxooxoxoQxxooxoxo

current mood: cranky
current music: my washing machine

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Friday, February 16th, 2001
2:56 pm - !!NOTHiNG!!
i guess 89X is giving away tix to see WEEZER and the GET UP KIDS!!! ahhhh!!! i want 'em!!! oh...heathers boyfriend is playing a show saturday at the ridgewood recreational center with a bunch of punk bands from tower...that could be fun...oh! i found out that eddie murphy is a big gwen fan too! he was like "did you get the new YM with her on the cover?" lol...hummmm...nothing...

current mood: dorky
current music: Weezer...Pink Triangle

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2:46 pm - i was a hit!
yep...i did my ladies man monologue, everyone was like "come on shannon!" they all wanted me to go first but i was nervous...i guess i did ok, miss clinton gave me 5 extra points for originality, but it was funny...i got a 46 outta 50...i missed a line and i am mad cause it was a punch line! anyways, sarah, tiff, and amanda did really good too...miss clinton took tiffs monologue to use when she tries out for plays...miss clinton is the lowest of bus station skanks if i may say so myself...i felt stoopid singing in class...ummm...enough of that...chris is working til 4, and since he gets paid today, we are gonna go up to amandas work and get our vandals/ataris/lagwagon tix...then he is going to practice...anyways, i don't have much to say so i am gonna go take a shower...oh! my hair is 4 days dirty! but its not gross or anything, it looks cute today...i am gonna wash it tonight...cause 5 days is just disgusting...okie dokie...peas~ola...

current mood: giddy
current music: Get Up Kids...Long Goodnight

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Thursday, February 15th, 2001
10:21 pm
sooo...i decorated my new notebooks with my pics of gwen...i used this glittery stuff and then put the pics on, they look fab! mom just got home from work and they were giving out britney spears cds and hats, so my mom brought me them home lol...the cd is of no use to me but i can use the pics in the book to put on my walls...cuz britney is really cousin emailed me, the one who ran away before and i don't talk to her as much...shes like "you were always my favorite freak" lol...yeah, she was always my fave, shes a weirdo...anyways, i think i am gonna wash my hair tonight...but then again...maybe not...cause dirtier=cuter...i'm downloading "come on eileen" by no doubt, reel big fish, and save ferris so that should be awesome...anyways, i gots nuttin more to say...goodnight...

current mood: crazy
current music: Come on Eileen...No Doubt, Reel Big Fish, & Save Ferris

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7:58 pm - my house is skeery... =[
i'm home all alone and its all dark...everytime i walk down the hall past the bathroom, i feel like someone is gonna grab me...i guess i will just sit here til someone gets home...ummm...i found a bunch of no doubt pics i don't have yet! yah tah! i don't think i have any room left on my walls...ehhh, i'll find a spot for em...i got like 50 new pics =)...i love gwen, shes the fukkin shiz~wa~ola...eeek...don't gots nothing else to say...toodly~ooply...

...time passes...

uh oh, dad came home and caught me printing up all the pics...inks almost gone and hes bitchin...ehhh too bad...he can eat my ass...its just the pink ink anyways...anyways...peas...

current mood: dorky
current music: No Doubt...Stricken

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5:44 pm - its a whole different world out there...
soooo...i just walked up to walgreens...yep, cause i'm a wimp and won't get my license...i needed notebooks and i got this burgundy nailpolish...anyways, i'm walking home and i see 3 little girls...2 are standing around the other one whos laying on the ground with her face in the cement...i'm like "is everything ok?"..."yes"...ok...then, i get to my street and i see a bunch of kids chasing after this retarded kid named Harold...they were trying to beat him up! so i was like "hey! what do you think you're doing?!" and they just ignored me...but then this little girl was like "next time you see him, kill him..." i was like "no" lol...i was getting snotty with a 6 year old, how cool am i? then she was like "why? he tried to kill my friends puppy..." and i just walked away...little brats!...anyways, that prolly wasn't very amusing, but i don't leave the house much...chris is at a work meeting til 9 or 10, i can't remember...oh! speaking of chris...i am sketching a picture of him, it looks really good so far, i never knew i could draw that well...i can't work on it though cause hes my model and i can't do it from anyways...imma study my monologue...okie dokie...imma goE...peas...

current mood: lazy
current music: Get Up Kids...My Apology

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2:02 pm - in skool...ahhh back in the ghetto...
so i'm in computer class...ummm...i hate girls...they piss me off...girls are so stuck up and i just wanna grab their long knappy hair and throw em up against the friggin lockers...this girl in my last class is just so fuckin fake i wanna kick her in the head...and she flirts with everyone even though she is nasty as hell...i don't understand why girls flirt, its just making them look even stoopider...soooo...skool sux and i wanna go home...i hafta pee~ola...blah...nothing to say really, i'm just another livejournal addict...some guy from the army came into my government class to try to brainwash us into joining...maybe thats where josh gets his ideas about free houses and living in hawaii when he and shawnna supposedly get married...anyways, imma go...peas...

current mood: mischievous

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9:03 am - in skool...but not at ghetto ass lincoln...stuck up tower...
yep, i'm at the computer lab...theres some weird looking slut sitting right by me...shes friggin psycho, i think shes a crackwhore...shes starting convos with christina telling her about her day...ummm...i met this guy who was at the less than jake show when we went...we put eachother on our friends lists, he seems cool...hes going to the vandals show too...anyways, i gots nothing to say...soooo peas...

current mood: calm

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Wednesday, February 14th, 2001
10:21 pm - we made it to double digits! lol
soooo...i just got and chris went to our dads to eat...i love that place...uh oh, i just remembered...i left my salad in his we ate and was nice...and then we went to his house...i love him so much...

chris... you+me=us...hehe

ummm...not much to say...i have the best one has ever been so good to me, i am the happiest i have ever been =)...i am so in love with you chris...
goodnight everyone...

current mood: loved
current music: Get Up Kids...Long Goodnight

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4:20 pm - =)
hehe i'm home i'll start with what miss slut bitch clinton said to me...ok, so amanda wants me to read my monologue, so i'm doin it and miss clinton busts out with "its getting kinda old..." i was like "you're old" but not loud enough for her to hear hehe...i hate that bitch...she thinks she looks all young..."oh my gosh, i went to the cafeteria and the lunch ladies thought i was a student hehe"...fuck off... i made chris cupcakes and i gave him one to eat on the way to skool (hes there now) and i was just playing and i put some on his nose and we ended up outside in a cupcake war...i lost...he crammed the cupcake in my was so cute...we both had pink frosting all over our faces =)...then we came in and i cleaned off his face and he cleaned mine awwww...we are gonna go out to dinner tonight...i gotta get dressed and ready cause i just took a shower cause i had cupcake face and i have OCD with the whole shower imma go get ready...i hate my damn birds! aaarrrgh!...peas...

current mood: in LUB!!
current music: Cheech and Chong...

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sooo...heather and amanda think i update my journal way too much...well i hope the pigeons poop on your heads...both of you...and i hope its all green and slimy haha...ummmm...i'm in skool...we are sposed to be looking for monologues but i already know mine...speaking of which...just how dinky is your wang? oh! chris got me the beacon street collection cd! yah tah! and he got a pack of of valentines andd on each one he wrote something that he loves about me, it was so cute! ::cheesin::...i brought him a cupcake this was cute with those sugar candy heart things...anyways, amanda wants me to read my monologue to imma go...peas...

current mood: dorky

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Tuesday, February 13th, 2001
10:37 pm
l'ok... que je vais écrire à cette entrée entière en français... le n'importe pas ce que j'écris parce qu'aucun de vous ne sait ce qu'il indique de toute façon... haha... ainsi fait cet embêtement vous que vous ne pouvez pas lire ce que j'écris? attente de l'cOh, comment sauriez-vous ce que ceci vous indique des morons? ayez shitty...

current mood: amused
current music: Rain Man...

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10:14 pm - =*(
owww...i burned my finger when i was taking the cupcakes outta the oven...ooooh...i need a kiss to make it better...
ok...i am gonna tell you all a secret, don't tell chris...he just signed off so i should be safe unless he comes back on and reads this...anyways...i made him a cute cupcake and i am gonna bring it to skool for him tomorrow mornin! hehe...he is very upset tonight, garrett ditched him, they were sposed to practice...i'm sorry honey bunches of boogers...hehe...i lub yoooo...goodnight everyone...

current mood: tired
current music: Marilyn Manson...Tourniquet

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8:21 pm - i love chris more than marching bands and baking VALENTINES CUPCAKES!!!
yes'm...i be baking cherry chip cupcakes and i am going to top them off with pink frosting...not to mention the pink holders! i went through all the holder things and i thought i was gonna run outta pink ones...i woulda bit my leg off if i woulda ran out...ummm...i got valentines! so i gotta fill em out...i got Blues Clues ones yah tah!!!...chris is at band practice, he was late cause he loves me enough to make sure i get valentines awwww...but anyways...i got my work cut out for me tonight, so imma jet...peas...!!!

current mood: giddy
current music: (hed)pe...Waiting to Die

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