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neural void [13 Feb 2002|06:47pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Cursive - The Game of Who Needs Who the Worst ]

Neural Void is done with their studio recording
check out

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lsdki [03 Jan 2002|04:49am]
[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | bright eyes - a perfect sonnet ]

just bitching now.
relationships arent everything they are cracked up to be.
sometimes it just fucks with your head.
but sometimes it makes you feel whole and happy.
i dont know wether id rather have it or not.
give me an answer.

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the new millenium? [31 Dec 2001|06:04am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Texas is the Reason - Antique ]

tommorow will the start of the new millenium in my eyes.

that first year was a trashy test year

we're all wrong anyways. we are off 6 or so years of jesus christ's birth due to an error by one egyptian scientist type guy. i remember exactly its all a blur. can someone tell me if this is true?

texas is the reason changed my life. they made me realize the amazing effect music has on everyone and everything that happens in the world. music and teachers are underrated. fuck the glitter just give me a guitar.

anyways, have a happy new years

im gonna play guitar, if you want me to play for you, just call...

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dont tell me [23 Dec 2001|01:54am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | small brown bike - the cold ]

went to a show tonight
it was ok
i didnt feel well
my life is boring
but i am enrolled in the spring semester for kapiolani community college
so i will have something to do

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so whats new [12 Dec 2001|03:17am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong ]

ever had the feeling where you just want to give up and walk until theres nothing in front of you? i dont know thats how I feel. Ive never had so much joy and yet so much pain at the same time. I guess there needs to be a contrast of some sort, you know yin and yang and what not.

anyways new subject. the neural void recording shall be done soon. I am going in today to finish vocals. hopefully they will sound the way i pictured it. when we are done i will post so on the neural void page .

losing heart is sometimes better than putting it up hoping to experience bliss and only failing. dont lose sight of yourself. we are all miracles.

boo fucking hoo

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[21 Nov 2001|07:53am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | DJ Shadow - Building Steam With a Grain... ]

If I was an Autobot, I'd be:

Click to see what Autobot you could be!

Take the Transformers personality test at!

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hi [09 Nov 2001|03:30am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Elliot - Blessed By Your Own God ]

i got myself a girlfriend
her name is april
she's cool
she's cute
but im cooler and im cuter
hahah j.k.

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im out [04 Nov 2001|04:59pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | Zero Zero - True Zero ]

i got kicked out of my mom's house the other day. im staying at my gramma's house now. I dont have my cell phone, my car, or my bank card. it kinda sucks but i deserved it. go figure. my life sucks. peace

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[22 Oct 2001|07:09pm]
[ music | Jimmy Eat World - If You Don't, Don't ]

pictures of the piercing hah.

rock im tired, what about you?
my amp is broken. please give me money to fix it.

bye bye

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and now she's gone [21 Oct 2001|08:07pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | Deftones - Teenager ]

god she is irratating. she does the stupidist shit ever. i am not one for bullshit, i dont stand for it in any way. so fuck her. whats up?

i got my labret pierced. its nice, maybe ill post a pic sometime. im tired, smokeout was pretty dope. nofx was awesome, otto hooked me and ross up bigtime. plus mickey and hydi from paragon hooked me and ross with free piercings. dope shit i tell you. well im kinda aggro right now, stressed out as well. bye

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free show [17 Oct 2001|08:00pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Further Seems Forever - The Moon Is Down - 03 - Snowbirds And Townies ]

free show this friday @ Paragon Piercing shop on Kapiolani Blvd. next to Club Femme Nu and Virus. if you live in hawaii, there is no excuse for you not being there. for god's sake it free. nothing cool is going on in my life, ive been playing guitar a lot, i mean A LOT. I am your personal savior, hit me up. Jon

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the aftermath [14 Oct 2001|04:22am]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | craig's brother - losing my religion ]

went to quinn's house. watched 2 girls get harrased by the infamous BBJ. i felt bad for them. -shrugs- they seemed like they were having fun. once again -shrugs- we sat and watched each of our sets. we enjoy watching ourselves have fun. i hope thats not a bad thing. a lot of people complimented on the guitar parts that they never hear cause rob played different parts then i did. it was really a self esteem booster. makes me wanna get better. i feel like talking a lot but i will stop. hah bye bye

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sup G [13 Oct 2001|11:08pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Ben Folds Five - Air ]

well we played a show tonight. as usual (as of lately at least), jake and adam were late. really late. we almost didnt play. i talked to jason (promoter) and he said we could play 3 songs. better than nothing right? my amp was all fucked which made me depressed. i used chris's head and rob's cab. we rocked it for 3 songs and i had so much fun. april was being a dumbass so i didnt talk to her. word. im now home waiting for tom and bbj to pick me up. tom is making me sandwich, what a nice guy. peace.

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the band [09 Oct 2001|02:09am]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Death Cab For Cutie - Title Track ]

rob has left the band. he is too busy with school and epsilon. thats cool. im gonna play guitar and sing now. we may try to find a new guitarist. if so, its probably going to be lee from prom king. i wish the US Postal Service would hurry up and get back in shape. oh well. i miss you. yes you. bye


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[03 Oct 2001|05:55am]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Sunday's Best - 02 - Bruise-blue ]

brah, im tired. not much has been going on in my life. i however am getting a mindisc player/recorder in the mail soon. im stoked
ok bye

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[30 Sep 2001|03:05am]
[ mood | mixed feelings ]
[ music | Anticon (sole) - home ]

i dunno, im sick, my throat is sore, i lost my voice. the show was fun except for the whole unbearable pain in my throat while i was singing. there was a shitload of people there. the club was packed. im kinda in a limbo between normal and weird. hard to explain. its like theres so much input i dont know what to do with it. peace

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clairvoyance [29 Sep 2001|05:17am]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | josh martinez - under abstract art ]

i am really tired. i was really fucked up earlier but yeah. some shit happened between 2 of my friends and it was horrible. then it almost happened to my other friend and one of my friends who was in the previous fight. sucks. but hey im just trying to forget it. no matter how hard i tried to tell my cousin to back off and all kinds of shit, he wouldnt let up.

next subject, i feel very creative and wrote lyrics for a new song my band plays, here it is

its called: as i try to turn away

i cant smell the essence of anything
you bring to me, im null to you and everything
it brings me down to shattered feelings

torn, and tattered vocal chords
just to make you see
torn, and tattered vocal chords
is all thats left of me

it hurts to see the days go on without you
reaching towards the sky for something to grasp

torn, and tattered vocal chords
just to make you see
torn, and tattered vocal chords
is all thats left of me

fall in you, is what i do
fall in you, is what i do
fall in you, fall in you
fall in you, and you tear me apart
fall in you, and you tear me apart

could it be, for just a moment of 2
that we would be entirely new
just like the first time we met, just like we felt
for that moment of 2, of me and you
it wasnt necessary
for the feeling to leave
and i cant sleep, i just stare at my wall
just dont talk to me, and watch me fall

the only thing
that goes through my mind
are thoughts of you
the only thing
that shines through the light
are thoughts of you

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kinda like just waking up [28 Sep 2001|04:14pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | The Juliana Theory - 01 - This is not a love song ]

havent been doing much lately. just going out i guess. getting drunk or staying sober. mostly staying sober. i have the most fun when im sober. cause i fucking rock. theres no other explanation. i thought i lost my cell phone but then i found it so yeah. whew! I think my band is going to play with The Locust on Halloween. Im stoked. so yeah. much love.


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me, the liquor commision, and pink cadillac [24 Sep 2001|05:24pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | The Juliana Theory - 10 - Constellation ]

last night i played a show.
jake showed up late so we had to play after the mainland band The Thumbs
Aaron from Prom King bought me beer and like these two guys come up and show their badges.
Undercover liquor commision fuckas. i told them some bullshit story and tried to confuse them. they said i could either pour the beer out or get arrested and i dumped it out right away. lol.
we played well. my body is sore. ok bye.

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duffer [20 Sep 2001|03:58am]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | 311 - Transistor - 21 - Stealing Happy Hours ]

tonight was a joke
just like all other nights
went to walmart
im bored
entertain me please

computer = bad, you = good

thats right, you

bye bye

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