my stage name is cee-lo isnt it?'s Journal
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in my stage name is cee-lo isnt it?'s LiveJournal:

    Wednesday, June 12th, 2002
    7:13 pm
    traffic + talk radio = depressing times
    i am pretty upset today. i am not sure how many of you read the news but this whole molestation scandal within the catholic church disgusts me. how an organization can get away with harboring pedophiles, obstructing justice and lying all under the guise of "saving face" is beyond me. the bishops of the diocese should be jailed along with the priest who preyed on young, helpless children. i heard an interesting thing today and it went like this; if you give your offering to the catholic church it goes to hire lawyers, publicists and settle child molestation cases out of court. God bless america? by no means is this meant to offend catholics but seriously, the catholic church is harboring criminals and those criminals should be punished.

    does anyone else feel this way? oh goes on and i am going to listen to snapcase.
    Monday, June 10th, 2002
    10:34 pm
    music you should be listening to...
    i think, for the most part, that people have very little taste when it comes to music. good music. seeing as though i am one of the biggest music snobs ever to walk the earth i have a few recommendations for the less fortunate. is my record collection better than yours? yes...yes it is. so heed my word young jedi and be able to look yourself in the mirror in the morning knowing full well the music you are listening to rules. it is about respecting yourself..."next thing you know...change is gone from the nightstand...your daughter is knocked up" you know what i'm saying here?

    bruce springsteen & the e street band - "live in new york"
    in flames - "clayman"
    dido - "no angel"
    sade - "lovers live"
    richard ashcroft - "alone with everybody"
    pet shop boys - "release"
    brandtson - "dial in sounds"

    Current Music: only the best. of course.
    5:05 pm
    i can't believe i am doing this...ahh...boredom.
    i have this notion that deep down inside everyone is a voyeur. millions of people, myself included, post their inner most thoughts or complete nonsense for the world to read. some of it seems quit personal, some seems quite made up but nonetheless it is for anyone to read at any time. crazy. i think there are certain things that people should keep to themselves. it annoys me when people say "my life is an open book". come on, how desperate are you for attention and how lacking are you in the "i respect myself" section of your life that you pine for the attention of millions of complete strangers? oh well, i enjoy reading some of the journals because the people are my friends. so these posts are for my friends who happen to be on here and happen to be bored enough to read what i think. i refuse to post personal information about myself or my life. my life is mine, not yours. i choose to share it with a few people and i choose not to share it with most. i am not your baby sitter and i am not your "sometimes" friend. so with that said, everyone needs to get offline and listen to KFI AM 640 in the Los Angeles area. some of the funniest, and most thought provoking discussions take place on the other side of the corporate whore we know as "FM" radio. regardless of political or religious (the lines unfortunately are blurred because bastards try to mold their faith into the cast of their political thought) thoughts KFI is a good listen. i fell in "like" with AM when i realized that my car stereo was pathetic and my tape player ate my tapes.

    thats all for now.
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