Monday, February 25th, 2002
2:13 am
So, obviously the peters new band joke flopped. it was just peters head on the rest of the bands bodies. i thought it was funny. everyone got all confused. idiots...
(2 comments |comment on this)
Sunday, February 24th, 2002
5:49 pm - A relationship may save you, or enslave you...
5:07 pm
Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
1:54 pm - Like running in circles, or running in squares...
Havent updated in a long time. Been real sick lately. Feelin a lot better now. I felt like shat.
Im gonna go check up on Red Robin today. I sure hope i get it.
Im listening to the newest Furthermore. Its some really good stuff, im enjoying it thouroughly.
I am so stressed right now. thats al you need to hear. i want to clear everythign up, but i cant at the moment. i wanna just get away from here and just leave it unresolved but i know that wouldnt be the best idea. the only thing really keeping me here is the band. if you read this, i really am sorry about everything. as soon as i find a way it will be resolved, its my fault, i know. sorry.
ive been anti church/christianity lately, for the past few months. and i have been content with it. for some reason ive been feeling the need to have it back. i dont know if its a real feeling or if its just withdrawls because it was a big part of my life for so long and now it not and im just still trying to adapt to not having it. if that makes sense.
eh i dont know what else to say at the moment. getting this job would make my life sooooooooooo much easier and better. if any of you pray. please do for that.
current mood: stressed current music: New Furthermore (Emo Rap)
(1 comment |comment on this)
Friday, February 22nd, 2002
11:29 pm - yes, yes i am....AND i have a penis
Thursday, February 21st, 2002
4:56 pm - Confusia say......
Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
5:17 pm
2:09 pm - I KNEW IT! Watch out ladies!
2:56 am
...Sitting around playing these board games, but I'm bored with the game.
(comment on this)
1:49 am - Fan me and feed me grapes!....
Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
Monday, February 18th, 2002
8:47 pm - Thanks everyone....It kicked ass!
Friday, February 15th, 2002
3:00 pm - SHOW TONIGHT...
The Paradox
Starts at 7PM
Time To Fly The Home Team Gatsbys American Dream ACCEPTANCE
(6 comments |comment on this)
Thursday, February 14th, 2002
9:14 pm
i hate it when i do something you know you shouldnt have and would take it back in a second if i could. but cant.
can you forgive me?? please??
im sorry.
(3 comments |comment on this)
Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
10:25 pm
man, for some reason i am having a really shitty week. every since i came back up from portland i cant seem to have a good day. ive been hanging out a lot with friends and usually that keeps me in a good mood. sorry if ive been a dick to anyone. honestly if i knew why, id change it. i sound like a girl here...geez.
i am at jessicas now with jon and cody. just been talking. i think everyones getting all uncomfortable or just getting sick of my "grumpy attitude." but i know going home and sitting by myself wont help at all, so might as well hang out.
got a show friday. hopefully thatll pick up my spirits. im sure it will as the later it gets in the week. a lot of friends are going that havent ever seen me play or havent in a long time, or havent with my new band. so that makes me very happy. not to mention there will guaranteed be a ton of people since the show is free and its all good bands playing. but i hate playing at the paradox, the stage is too high. im picky. but at least no one will stand on the side of the stage. i hate that.
i need to get ahold of round table and see what the hell is up. fucking stress.
i need to loose weight.
current mood: crappy current music: jon and cody talking
(9 comments |comment on this)
Sunday, February 10th, 2002
1:07 pm
I am The Friendly Gal!
My smile will brighten your day. I'm always there to help and everyone comes to me with their secrets. People trust me and my sweet face.
I'm not stupid, I know that my friendly, trustworthy demeanor helps give me the upper hand in getting what I want. Wheeee!
What kind of beauty are you? find out at Swimmingly!
(1 comment |comment on this)
Saturday, February 9th, 2002
5:05 pm
I am bad. So bad. I absolutely hate people and animals. In fact, I probably sacrifice them. No one likes me, but of course it isn't my fault. I should just go back to New York because I am a corrupt Jesus.
Take the What Jesus Would You Be? Quiz
(comment on this)
Wednesday, February 6th, 2002
2:18 am - i took this from jackie, this should be fun, go ahead, do your thing.
Fill this out about me *BUT FIRST* Send A Blank Copy To All Of Your Friends > (Including Me) So They Can Fill It Out About You! > > am i... > > 1. Quiet or Loud?: > > 2. Short or Tall?: > > 3. Weird or Original? > > 4. Nice or Mean?: > > 5. Friendly or Selfish?: > > 6. Normal or Special?: > > 7. Smart or Stupid?: > > 8. Boring or Fun?: > > 9. Attractive or Unattractive?: > > do YOU THINK I'M... > > 1. A psycho?: > > 2. Athletic?: > > 3. A nerd?: > > 4. Funny?: > > 5. Ghetto?: > > 6. Shy?: > > 7. Two-faced?: > > 8. Obnoxious?: > > 9. Immature?: > > 10.Mature?: > > JUST SOME QUESTIONS > > 1. What do u think I'll be when I grow up?: > > 2. (a) Do u think I'll get married?: > > (b) If u do..who do u think I'll marry?: > > 3. When is my birthday?: > > 4. Who is my best friend?: > > 5. What song (if any) reminds u of me?: > > 6. Do I remind u of any characters on TV?: > > 7. If u could rename me...what would my name be?: > > 8. Have u ever had a dream about me?: > > 9. Do u think I'm a virgin?: > > 10. If u could give me anything...what would it be?: > > 11. If u could promise me anything..what would it be?: > > PERSONAL (OPPOSITE SEX) > > 1. Am I physically ugly, average, decent,goodlooking, beautiful, hot?: > > 2. Would u ever kiss me?: > > 3. Would u ever consider being my boy/girl friend?: > > 4. Do u ever think about me off-line! ?: > > 5. If we spent a day together...where would we go and what would we do?: > > 6. If u could describe me in one word..what would that word be?: > > 7. Do u or have u ever had a crush on me?: > > **EVERYBODY** > > Do u wish we were closer?: > > State here your completely honest opinion of me:
(6 comments |comment on this)
Tuesday, February 5th, 2002
1:08 pm - Yes...It's me....and I'll kick your ass if you give me shit!