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get up kids - second place |
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obesity: peanut butter cups, marshmallows, nothing but bread, fried rice, no exercise lack of oxygen: clogged left nostril, sometimes its right, it likes fooling me washed up IB kid: no longer wants to put any effort into clas, especially into reading a poo book like 'woman warrior' -- the title alone is laughable. neglected: lack of a brett all day -- wanna know how the interview went sleepy: always tired remniscent: just am. retarded: giving DBQ the cold shoulder, should do it tomorrow with paul's assistance? nauseous: people steal my things. quirks, secrets, bands, likes, thoughts. claim it as their own itchy: boob futile: cant draw. cant write. smores, TV land, leather couch, ottoman, mommy service. affectionate: iwannamakeoutwithsomeonerightnow. [brettbrettbrettbrett] crossing fingers: despite the fact that im not doing everything i should be doing, i still hope everything turns out ok. broke: food is my weakness.