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Wednesday, March 27th, 2002
3:29 pm - i am the brightest crayon!!!!

ha! take that unbelieving parents!!!!

oh yeah, Justin GRUVIS MALT IS ON ME!

current mood: ecstatic

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Tuesday, March 26th, 2002
11:38 pm - if i told you this was killing me, would you stop?
tonight jay was over, and we talked a lot. we find its easier to talk in the dark. its easier to cry in the dark. we got dinner at tedeskis, and frank sang to us.

as of now, in providence we have a:
house - it is abandoned, yet i think its being fixed up
tunnel - its actually just for the buses and trollies, but we walked through it and looked at all the grafetti
store - its this 24 hour store, and we're corporate whores so we've also claimed a starbucks
saying - jay: forever lauren: and ever
building - its the one with the red white and blue lights on it
favorite cologne for him - tommy
favorite perfume for me - its juniper breeze body splash
university - brown
poet from boston- he's homeless and wonders the streets, he recites poetry from his binder in hopes people will donate, he was slightly drunk, the smell of vodka lingered from his words

current mood: apathetic
current music: new amsterdams - never treat others

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3:00 pm - no day like today...
today i'm going to do my homework...gonna read the packets and chapter for art and music, maybe even highlight, then gonna do my brouchure for infants and toddlers, then practice ASL, and finally another outline.

today it rained...at least it didn't snow...

optimism all over the place!

this weekend i party...

friday is GRUVIS MALT at Bill's Bar (JUSTIN, DO YOU WANT TO GO?)

current mood: okay
current music: fuel - shimmer

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12:47 am - as i realize the hum of the computer has been a companion far too often...
i feel like shit.

so, now that i'm done, how are you?

current mood: crappy
current music: the smiths - asleep

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Monday, March 25th, 2002
10:53 am - although Miss beat me to the punch...






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Sunday, March 24th, 2002
7:51 pm - remember...
Steve Neale died on the 17th...

people you don't know (and i don't know) die every day...

treasure your lives...

why might i be telling you this? because, it keeps you in line...and if you brush it off like its nothing, realize this if nothing else...



current mood: sad
current music: thursday - understanding in a car crash

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12:20 pm - miss's other survey
1.What is your name? Lauren, kid, kiddo, and others...

2.What color pants are you wearing right now? red plaid pj pants

3.What is your favorite music? just about everything minus new rap and country

4.What are the last four digits of your phone number? 5627

5.What is your favorite food? i dunno

6.If you were a crayon, what color would you be? red, or maybe silver, or blue

7.Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? somewhere beautiful, but not hawaii

8. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? hmmm

9.Do you like snow, sun, or rain? rain, and sun, and sunny while raining!

10.How is the weather right now? its sunny, but i think its cold

11.Last person you talked to on the phone? Jay, I think, or maybe Gretchen

12.What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? eyes

13.Do you like the person that sent you this? hahaha, miss, well, she's a crazy little hmm hmm...no just kidding miss

14.Living arrangements? i live w/my parents, but avoid them at all costs, primarily in my basement...

15.How are you today? a little cold

16.Your fave cold drink? strawberry milk, or creme soda

18.Books you're reading now? Walden Two (BF Skinner), The Oedipus Cycle (Sophocles), The Winter of Our Discontent (J. Steinbeck) none of these are for school...

19.Favorite sport? hockey, or soccer...

20. What's on your mouse pad? Cherry Semicconductor logos

21.Favorite board game? i like scrabble, monopoly, and candy land, i kinda like the game Life

22.Hair color? dark brown/black, w/fading red highlights, i need to re-dye it ::yells for ayaan and anna!::

23.Favorite magazine? hmmm

24.Favorite smell? ocean, whatever cologne jay wears,
macintosh apple yankee candle...

25.Do you wear contacts? nope

26.Siblings and their age? brother - 24 i think, sister - 20 (she'll be 21 soon oh damn)

27.Favorite sound? good music

29.Have you ever won any special awards? umm there was this citizenship award i won, then a couple for academics...

30.What are your future goals? live, and do it well

31.What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? "im going to sleep until 11...oh damn its only 6"

32.Fave movie? i have a few of those

33.Favorite day of the year? umm...its a day when its sunny, but not too sunny, not hot, not cold, not muggy or humid, just right when its warm enough, and there is that slightly cool wind that evens it off perfectly, and everything is just great

34.Future child's name? Gabe, and as funny as this may sound i've always wanted to pick a name where i could use a Y instead of an I or just change some letters to make it a unique spelling :)

35.Do you like to dance? haha. depends on who i'm with, and what mood i'm in and what music is playing

36. Are you shy to ask someone out? haha, sometimes

37.Worst sickness you've ever had? lets not get into that can of worms

39.Do you like scary, sad, or happy movies? i like all kinds of movies just depends on how i feel

41.Summer or winter? spring and early fall

42. Hugs or kisses? Both, depends on the person

43.Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? umm, i sleep with a white doggy that looks like the little yellowish colored dog that i gave to toby

44.Storms--cool or scary? cool!!!!!

45.If you could meet one person, who would it be? hmmm

46.Ever been in love? indeed

47.Favorite numbers? 2

48. Do you want your friends to write back? sure why not

49.Who is least likely to respond? most everyone

50.Who is most likely to respond? i dunno...maybe missy cause its her survey...but maybe others will copy it and use it...::Shrugs::

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11:50 am - well, lets see now...
the night of the KP semi i hung out with graham, we went to the cafe, then went to the playground per usual. it was fun, and i love listening to graham sing boy sets fire and weezer. graham, you have a very nice voice. :)

the following night (which was yesterday) gretchen, jay and i, went to the cafe and then to bellingham to Newbury Comics, Sean Leary was there...Sean used to be my brother's best friend...it was strange...he hasn't changed much, i wanted to say hello...but i felt a little odd. So Jay wasnt used to the whole suburbia thing...hehe, yeah...

"MY ASS IS GRASS" - Jay...

so it was ok, then after that we sat in my car, i think we listened to about half of My Life In the Knife Trade, then decided to not leave the "commerce whore" as Jay called it, meaning the little place where the theatre is...anyway, we went to bread and circus...bought veggie chips, then left...we ended up back at my house, playing pool...jay and i are far to competitive to play pool against one another...but gretchen learned.

the weekend was really fun. today i get to hang out with Jenna. hoorah!

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Thursday, March 21st, 2002
11:11 pm - well, taking brittany's lead...
songs i can't get sick of...well, i guess songs i could listen to for a while, repeatively, and not get sick of until like the 9th or 10th time...

Boy Sets Fire - My Life In The Knife Trade
Lucky Boys Confusion - Fred Astaire
The Juliana Theory - Into the Dark, and If I Told You This Was Killing Me...
Saves the Day - Rocks Tonic Juice Magic, and Sell My Old Clothes I'm Off to Heaven
Thursday - Understanding in a Car Crash, and Cross Out the Eyes
Semisonic - Closing Time (but this is only when i'm going to sleep)
Jared Leto - Red (from My So-Called Life)
Fuel - Shimmer
Counting Crows - Round Here (only when im kinda sad)
Billy Joel - Lullaby (only when i'm going to sleep)
Further Seems Forever - New Years Project
Fake ID - A Piece Of Me, 6 Ways to Sunday, and i've been listening to Begging the Question
Eve6 - Here's To the Night
Third Eye Blind - Jumper, and Semi-charmed Life
Blue Suade (sp?) - Hooked on a Feeling

that's all for now...i listened to all these songs tonight, repeatively w/my new car plant named Radio (there is a long story that goes along with that name.)

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3:11 pm - answer the damn question!
where would we be without conflict?

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11:10 am - things are looking ok...
well, lets see, i finally found my Lucky Boys Confusion CD!!!! yeh!! its been missing for roughly 3 months now...i found the RENT disc 2 CD, also been missing for quite some time...oddly enough it was actually in the case...

i've got tickets to Dashboard on the 4th, and then the 420 Fest at the Palladium which i'm looking forward to, A LOT! I got the 420 tickets for free cause people just owed me...and this is payback. hehehe. I think I'm going to get a ticket to see the Movie Life at Axis, they're playing with Midtown. I havent seen them since I saw them at the Palladium way back when...so anyway...things are kinda ok...

i'm procrastinating the whole english research outline...i dont want to do that at all...oh well, i thought i was going to do it today...but again i think i'll leave it for tomorrow, i'll do it before i go to the show...i think i might want to see Fake ID, i havent seen them in a while, i think ANB is also playing at the commie center...this will be kinda strange i havent been to a local show for quite some time...oh well...

apparently Jay is coming from RI to see me today, that should be nice...but he's not coming til 6...which in his time means 5:30...oh well...

its really sunny out...i like it.

current mood: happy
current music: RENT - track 7

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Tuesday, March 19th, 2002
9:39 pm - something i do when i get bored...
have you ever...
fallen for your best friend?: no...
made out with JUST a friend?: no
been in love?: indeed i have
been in lust?: we all have...
used someone?: no.
been used?: yeah...put a hat on me, and start the taxi meter (oh wait, there was no meter, i was never paid...)
cheated on someone?: no
been cheated on? not that i know of...
been kissed?: yes
done something you regret?: yeah
skinny dip: no
drink milk, soda, salt, mustard, ketchup, mayo, and pepper: no...
drink so much you puked: no
drank so much energy drink? yoohoo? or beer?: no
get high: nope
eat(en?) duck: no...poor little ducky

who was the last person..
you touched? Jay
you talked to? My mom
you hugged? Jay
you instant messaged? Graham and Jenna
you kissed? Jay
you yelled at? umm...my mom, kinda...
you laughed with? Jenna and Graham
you called? Jay
that you laughed at? Jenna and Graham
that called you? Jay
that yelled at you? my mom

do you...
color your hair?: a little while ago, i think i should re-do it soon
have tattoos?: no...but i'm planning on getting one
piercings?: ears and cartilage (left ear)
have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? yeh
own a webcam? yeah...but i dont use it
ever get off the damn computer? today i did
sprechen sie deutsche? no i dont...
habla espanol? no hablo espanol, pero ahoy puedo, tienes un ojo grande en tus pantalones...

have you / do you...
considered a life of crime? why would i do that...
considered being a hooker? no...i like my body STD free
considered being a pimp? no

are you..
psycho? occassionally
split personalities? sometimes...
schizophrenic? i hope not
obsessive? about some things
obsessive compulsive? about certain things
panic? sometimes
anxiety? used to have anxiety attacks...still do when my damn professors make me speak in front of the class
depressed? no im not for once, mind you i am bi-polar, but not depressed in the sense that i'm sad
suicidal? no
obsessed with hate? nah
dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? no...
can you do anything freakish with your body? no...

mood: somewhere inbetween
music: paper lace - the night chicago died (one of my personal favs.)
taste: sprite
hair: smells like herbal essenses
dress: my prince charming frog pjs, for once, i'm wearing matching pajamas
annoyance: certain things
smell: flowery and fruity...
longing: a good nights sleep, and watching the Princess Bride. :)
game: fillin out a survey, and fighting w/KaZaa to work right
thing I ought to be doing: research paper outline
windows open: no window open right now...its cold outside, and my family doesnt pay to heat the outside
desktop picture: clouds
cds in stereo: none right now...
hate: i dunno

thing you ate: peanut butter and fluff sandwich i believe
thing you drank: code red mixed w/sprite
thing you said: "I thought your car wasnt working or something"
thing you screamed: "Zoe, stop eating my dinner!"
thing you tripped over: i believe that was my pillow
thing you laughed about: (my cat Grace likes to sleep in boxes) my mother was taping up a box to send to my uncle in bolivia..."mom, where's gracie?" ::hears scratching from inside the box::
thing you whined about: me being stupid
thing you cried about: going home
thing you thought about: i miss people

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10:39 am

you and i are going to the coffee shop in franklin sometime soon, and i'll buy you a wrap and hot cocoa. :)

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Monday, March 18th, 2002
8:18 pm - the secret to happiness
(yes jenna, it might be bouncy balls, but here's my idea, which might actually just apply to me...but oh well)

ok, so heres my idea...and i guess this only applies to someone with a car...or access to the car (and i suggest that only people with a legal driver's license should attempt this)...my ideas of happiness have limitations...go figure...

STEP ONE: Get into a car (preferably one that belongs to you or your parents which you have permission to drive)

STEP TWO: Find your favorite "sing-a-long" angry/relates to how you're feeling at the time

STEP THREE: Take a LONG drive around

STEP FOUR: scream/sing along to the music, or just listen to it...however, yelling is a most cathartic method

STEP FIVE: Continue this driving and screaming until you have released your frustrations, and more or less have forgotten the issues that "plague" your mind like locust...this is a metal washing...

STEP SIX: Return to your home, lay in your bed or futon, and just release that sigh of relief, close your eyes and sleep

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Thursday, March 14th, 2002
2:57 pm - i wanna leave this town...
my mother is a bitch...she has absolutely no faith in me, well, let me rephrase that, she pretends to have faith in me, but always adds in those small phrases at the end of her so-called "motherly" pep talks...all i can say to her is, FUCK OFF! i dont need this...my spring break is going to suck...

current mood: cynical

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Wednesday, March 13th, 2002
8:39 pm - do you remember My So-Called Life...
i found an episode...and there was Jordan (Jared Leto) singing to Angela (Claire Daines)... AWWW!! now i'm looking for songs from that show...cause they had some pretty good songs, i've found the theme which i really like...

anyway, this is the nostalgia week for me...if you can't already tell...

i'm listening to that Bright Eyes song...right now i have that, "wtf" look on my face...

anyway...after i read Brittany's response to a previous entry, i thought to about that show at the PFAFF center...i met a lot of interesting people...including one named patrick (i think) apparently he's now in jail...::shrugs::

its amazing what can happen to people...for example, justin has fallen in love w/liz, i've fallen in love, and no offense to either of us...but honestly we are really the last two people who i thought this would happen to...even though this was inevitable...a lot of my friends are going to be seniors this year...they're going to graduate, and its possible that i'll lose contact with a lot of them...nothing was the same after i graduated...and nothings going to be the same after they graduate...

change is inevitable...

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6:36 pm - and all of a sudden, i decided to listen to the ataris...

Which My So-Called Life Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

this is probably the one that best describes me...however that Daria one a whiles back was good to describe my family...

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12:16 am - here's to the nights we felt alive...
I'd like to thank all my friends for all the wonderful memories...

try to think what our best one was, and tell me!

current mood: nostalgic
current music: incubus - i miss you

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Tuesday, March 12th, 2002
3:55 pm - "the best things in life are free, but you can give them to the birds and bees, I want money"
money isnt the root of all evil...greed is...

-a damn job...
-to stop complaining and get things done...
-to work harder...
-snap out of this meloncholy state
-to get some sort of direction in life

-to get out of suburbia...
-to be happy
-to go to the little coffee place in franklin sometime soon w/someone
-to not be burdened by my parents about school...
-to know what life has in store for me
-to see my friends

current mood: broke
current music: std - rocks tonic juice magic

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1:10 am - beating my head against the keyboard...
i'm so tired, yet at the same time unable to sleep, i think it's my medication, apparently i was unaware that it lasts for roughly 6 hours...i took it at 7:00, then was stupid and got a mocha madness...oh well, i needed a break from studying...i got to see toby for about 30 minutes which was good, i miss him a lot.

currently i'm making a "kind of sing along" cd. i figure for my own future reference, i'll list what's on it:

Jimmy Eat World - Sweetness
Saves the Day - Rocks, Tonic, Juice, Magic
Fuel - Shimmer
Dashboard - So Impossible
TJT - August in Bethany
Deep Blue Something - Breakfast at Tiffany's
Jimmy Eat World - In the Middle
P.O.D. - Youth of a Nation (yeah i know this is not like me but i like this song for some reason)
Moneen - Passing of America
Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag
TJT - If I Told You This Was Killing Me...
Incubus - Stellar
Elton John - Your Song
FSF - New Years Project
Dashboard - Hands Down
BSF - In Hope
Puddle of Mudd - Blurry
Thursday - Understanding in a Car Crash
Saves the Day - Sell My Old Clothes, I'm Off to Heaven

I studied for ASL, and hopefully it won't be too bad, yet i know i'll forget something rather simple...I'm applying to work at Kohl's in Walpole, which i dont really want to do, but i'm really quite desperate for cash...i owe my parents close to $300...and now since the bastards i hit last september want $2,212 for their so-called damages, nothing was wrong w/their damn car. bastards. so now my insurance is going to sky rocket, considering some other asshole hit my car a month ago...so i need money desperately. i am applying tomorrow...blah...tomorrow's gonna be busy as hell...its a long day at school, including 3 classes and my ASL mid-term. my head hurts...

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