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WARNING [07 Apr 2002|04:09am]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | James Taylor - Fire and Rain ]

swooning can be hazardous to your health
or at least your sleep time

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project: media consumption [05 Apr 2002|01:38pm]
stage 1: the gathering

i would like to enlist the help of all my friends. this year, for my b-day, instead of buying me something purdy (however, you should feel free to still buy me something if the spirit moves you), i would like to request that each of you make a list.
simply write down all of the books, movies, albums, magazines, plays, museums i should visit, etc. that you think i should expose myself to before i die (no, i promise i won't really expose myself to them, what kind of pervert do you take me for?)

stage 2: the compiling

i will then collate all of your lists into one giant master list, which will live on my website. i will probably organize this list into some sort of organization that makes sense only to me. it might be divided by media type and then alphabetized. it might be divided into personal content categories (fatherhood, sci-fi, learning, classic lit, etc.). who knows until i set my mind to it? certainly not me.

stage 3: the consumption

finally, i will begin to process this information. occasionally updating the master list with newly added entries or, even better, conquests of consumerism. it will be one gigantically gross display of my own media obsession. one which i provide for your viewing of course. it only makes sense that i allow others to consume vicariously.

anyway, if you would send me your lists, i would very much appreciate them as a heartfelt gift. then again, if you'd rather just send me something and be done with it, feel free to go here.
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on strip clubs [05 Apr 2002|08:14am]
comments in another area sparked this entry ...
onwards to crude discussions )
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thoughts on easter Sunday [31 Mar 2002|09:16am]
[ mood | offensive ]
[ music | the clucking of the cadbury easter bunny ]

today is the most important holiday if you call yourself a christian
this is the day that proves god walked among us
supposedly, after dying for our sins, he arose from the dead today
yada, yada, yada ...

i have a few problems with this
first, who asked this guy to die for our sins?
i think i'd like to atone for them myself, thank you very much.
second, what's the big deal about saving your own dead ass?
if he saved the rest of mankind from suffering, that might be worth celebration
but he didn't, he saved our "immortal souls" instead
meh, whatever, i'd prefer bliss here and now personally

i think the concept of "afterlife" is often used by man as an excuse
for not living up to real potential
it's ok if you beat your wife, get drunk every night, and work a dead end job
you confessed your sins, and you'll go to heaven and be a happy cherub
fuck that, get your ass in gear now!
be a better person, do the things you dream about, rise above
and hey, if there really is an afterlife, great
but if not, at least your life won't be a total waste

anyway, hope i didn't offend nunya

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playing with my hair color again [30 Mar 2002|08:03pm]
[ mood | red ]
[ music | something punk of course ]

i decided it was time for another change
this time i went for red ...

a few days ago
right now
a few other shots )
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Hindsight - Part 3 - The Twenties [27 Mar 2002|08:05pm]
i suggest you read parts 1 and 2 first, but whatever, do what you like )
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Hindsight - Part 2 - Adolescence [27 Mar 2002|07:58pm]
read it and weep )
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open mouth, insert foot [25 Mar 2002|09:40pm]
[ music | The Strokes - Take It Or Leave It ]

it's nice to know that i can still make a complete ass of myself
when i fail to see that, it doesn't mean that i've stopped doing it
just means i'm getting old ...
old like my brother ... or porovaara, heh

anyway, to all the people i've ever been an ass to,
and to all the people i ever will be an ass to

i apologize

you better revel in that now while you still can ...
i'm likely to take it back tomorrow when i am in a less self-deprecating mood

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it's official [25 Mar 2002|12:04am]
i survived 40 days of no sex
not once was i a bad boy
so yes, it can be done
now if you will excuse me ...
i have some business to take care of
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[22 Mar 2002|06:23pm]
[ mood | older ]

ok, so my birthday is coming up
i'll be 26 on the 8th (a Monday following a drew weekend)
and i'd like to do something fun between the 12th and the 14th
but i really wish someone else would plan it
consider it a b-day present to me

anyway, to make it easy, here is who i'd like to invite:

another_phile and watermole
gucky and will
minjo and tim
moonbeamca and derek

in addition, some non-lj users:
jmartinez111 @
all cobalt underground poker night regulars (i'll rely on gucky, bene, and minjo to fill them in on that)

if i left anyone off, so sorry
i'd invite some others, but they don't live close enough
i like parties to be open invite, so feel free to bring anyone that wants to come along
if no one claims the task of organization, i guess i'll plan my own party
please don't make me do that :)

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my creative writing class prose piece [21 Mar 2002|11:58pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]


this is a VERY long entry, not for the faint of heart )
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just wanted to say ... [21 Mar 2002|01:21pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Cornelius - Another view Point ]


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yet another poetry assignment [19 Mar 2002|02:36am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | The Strokes - Take It Or Leave It ]

ok, i know this must be getting old to some of you. this one is made of split couplets
(meaning two line rhyming units, the first line in iambic pentameter, the second in iambic dimeter)
always open to critique ... i hope my subject matter isn't getting stale ... t.i.a.
onto the poem )

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Institutio(Nihil)ation [17 Mar 2002|10:38am]
"To have, to hold, 'til death do part", they say,
as love will conquer all. Romantics preach
of fate and starry eyes of youth. They reach
for words still fresh to keep apathy at bay.

Divorce a king and birth a church to pay
for guilt that riddles men in sleep. Awake
to find a world consumed with lust, yet numb
to thoughts of union. Marriage replaced, like God,
by Science, the faith du jour. And still they teach
the Bible on Sunday and place rings on fingers.

I enter this sestet as I do any other contract
half-heartedly, with no regard for rules of "I do"
my word is not my bond (didn't you get that memo?)
survey says: 50% of you will get divorced
with alimony vs. prenups, custody hearings, and child support payments
you will whine about mortgages and taxes
and car payments and your corporate american express bill
all of these evoking something more real from you
than the lackluster vows you made to each other
surrounded by marks bearing gifts of target and wal-mart
(even though you registered at macys and nordstroms)
and in the end you will leave her as i did
empty replaced with empty, and you will long for more
but instead you will just sit there watching oprah and springer and days of our lives

btw, this poem is really about the nihilistic degradation of our society
and the poetic form itself
and if i respected you as a reader, i wouldn't be so blunt with my meaning
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i <3 a good spoof [14 Mar 2002|06:47pm]
[ mood | silly ]

ajt is the way 2b!

what lj user are you? take the quiz and find out!
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quick fyi [14 Mar 2002|12:38am]
[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | Jimmy Eat World - Carbon Scoring ]

let me make this clear, just in case anyone had any illusions ...
i ascribe to NO sacred cows
anyone is open to belittlement, bemusement, and whatever
i don't care about sex, race, politics, or creed
it's all joke material to me
every subject is broachable, most of all myself
if you get offended, that's your fault, not mine
it also means you're weak

this lesson brought to you by yours truly, andrewjthomas™

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boredom is animating site icons [13 Mar 2002|01:40pm]
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fish tacos taste good ... who knew??? [12 Mar 2002|12:14am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | garrison starr - superhero ]

so through the power of subliminal suggestion,
i broke down and tried a fish taco tonight
it was totally yummy
way yummier than the pork taco i had as backup
(in case i couldn't hack the fishy smell)
i love it when lives touch other lives
in such seemingly insignificant ways
i now have a totally new experience under my belt
thanks to a chance encounter
and some pleasant conversations

on a side note: tomorrow should be interesting
i go to casa headquarters to pick out a child
and later that night, i get my poem, umbilical, critiqued in class
should be a good day

night all :)

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thicket of the devil [10 Mar 2002|08:53pm]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer ]

so a bunch of spaniards were hanging out in the concord area one day way back when ...
they were rounding up a bunch of those pesky indians
amazingly these little fuckers gave them the slip in the middle of the night
and so the arrogant spaniards named the area "thicket of the devil" or "monte diablo"
then along comes some even more arrogant englishmen who assume "monte" means "mountain"
and decide the spaniards must mean the big mountain across the way
thus was born mt. diablo
apparently its summit is the highest point in north california
anyway, Saturday, my brother dragged me and boy up there
i am always usually a stick in the mud for such outings until i get underway
then i enjoy the hell out of everything
all i can say is that it was simply AMAZING
i recommend it to anyone
i took LOTS of lomo cam shots
i'll post them as soon as i get the film developed
and as a side note to all the single guys out there ...
excellent spot for a picnic date
you can also camp overnight
when it gets a little warmer, i think i will have to try that
anyone want to join me?

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my blank verse assignment [06 Mar 2002|08:47am]
[ mood | accomplished ]


"But for thy prompting never had the seer ascribed to me the death of Laius."
Sophocles - Oedipus Rex

Your bleeding chord, so ugly. Doctor says
to cut it free from baby. Gush of black
disgusting, wrapped around contempt. So tight,
your eyes refuse to open.
Light, don't help
him see this world not worth a glimpse. He knows
a life of floating peace, not harshness borne
upon an eye reproachful. Thoughts like mine
so dark, disturb no one here. People care
about their apathy more than this child.

Why love this replacement?

His eyes opened,
resigned to fate, my boy begins to cry ...
for warmth, for love, for mother's milk, but not
for father. Never feeling whole again
until he stakes fertile grounds of his own.
The doctor says, "Congratulations Dad!"
How strange to think myself a parent.
I smell your sacred, saccharine breath against
her breast that once was mine. Now impotent,
I'm made voyeur to bonds of yours and hers.
My seed is planted, gardens grow without
my care. She weeds and prunes and shines. The shade
is lonely here.
I wonder Dad, are men
replaced vines for women to tend? Our roots
so firmly trenched in wombs, umbilicals
are hard to cut. This fate I wished to spare
him. Thoughts like mine not found before harvest
can haunt a man; I know you had your doubts.
Your fertile fields were plowed by hands not yours,
and still you loved me, always cutting free
my bonds. I couldn't understand then. Now
I see your sacrifice: to tend unseen,
to nurture our time with quiet dissent.
I want more for him.
Son, I hope you break
this yoke and help me stand in light with you.

copyright © 2002 andrewjthomas
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