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Bah Humbug [21 Dec 2001|05:23pm]
[ mood | blah ]

I’m sick and tired. Great way to start the holiday.
Well tonight, we’re going to see lord of the rings… I just finished the book too. I was like cramming on it yesterday. Man, it was so good. I haven’t been this excited in a long time!!! Not even going home was this good. If Carlos does something to screw this up, I’ll never forgive him.
I had such a bad day yesterday. I was so stressed. My bosses like ganged up on me again and b*tched me out. So I wanted to go home and rant about it, but naturally Carlos wasn’t there for me as usual. He gave me all this attitude and so I just went and talked to my friend Natalie. My life sux here.
So tonight I have to go shopping for stocking stuffers and a couple of gifts… I’m getting so broke. I hope I can afford it all. This sux. Then off to Lord of the Rings. Yay! Then tomorrow I have to get up super early for a detail that hopefully won’t last too long. I don’t know what I’ll do with the rest of my day though. Then Sunday I’m on-call for work. Monday, I’m hoping to party a little towards the end of the night so we can stay up late and open presents at mid-night. Whatever. I’m really not too excited anymore.
Actually, I think I’m just going to shop for the presents tonight and tomorrow I’ll go for stocking stuff and I’ll just make Carlos pay for it. Bastard.

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Jeremy [21 Dec 2001|05:23pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Some gay Aloette (sp?) commercial ]

As you know, I went to my brother's house for Christmas. Last time I talked to Jacob (my brother) he said that Jeremy (my ex-boyfriend)had moved to Florida with his parents or something. So I thought that I would never have to confront him again in this life-time. I was not prepared for the news that he was back in town. So once we got to my brother's house, I called Carlos (my current boyfriend) and told him that Jeremy was there and that I would potentially see him while I was there. He knows all about Jeremy so he kinda freaked on me and started asking all these stupid questions. It annoyed me. In fact, I really didn't have too many good conversations with Carlos while I was home... He succeeded in pissing me off each conversation. Whatever.
So Shay calls (another of my bro's friends) and asks who all is over at the house. He makes a point of asking if I was there (yes, I was listening very closely to the conversation). So in a matter of half an hour Jeremy pops up. My whole body burned. I didn't know how to act. I just tried to ignore him and pretend that he was just another of my bro's friends. He's so funny though. I couldn't help but getting into a conversation with him. Plus, he kept asking me about what I was up to. I left the group early b/c conversation was beginning to lag and could feel his eyes on me. When I left my brother told the crowd I was unofficially engaged. So. Two days later he comes back over and we actually ended up hanging out... Just the two of us. I felt able to talk to him. I let him know that I did still love him, but I wanted a future and he doesn't. He agreed with me that he really doesn't have much drive for anything. So I told him that we didn't have much of a future together then. We got to talking about old times. Most of which made me feel a little uncomfortable. We also talked about the unofficial engagement and I told him that I loved Carlos, we were serious, but there are problems and I'm not the happiest person usually b/c of Carlos. So. We continued to talk for a while about different things. He tells me that he hopes he wins the lottery, then he'll come up and take me away from Carlos on some big yacht and we'd live happily ever after. Some how I think he missed my point. It's not that I want to be rich and have some rich, productive husband. BUT. I'm not going to support you're lazy unmotivated ass for the rest of my life so you can do drugs and dream of being a guitar player some day. I didn't have the heart to say that out loud though. I just gave him a half smile and told him I needed to go to bed. He wanted a hug... so I gave him one. He always smells so good.
It sux that I can't keep in touch with him without giving him false hope. He's always been able to make me laugh and smile. Qualities in which I doubt Carlos will ever achieve. Man, why can't things just be good. Carlos thinks that we're destiny... just like Jeremy still does. Me? I'm just here. Breaking peoples hearts searching for something perfect. I'm staying with Carlos b/c I'm beginning to believe that there's no such thing. no perfect for Becky. But there's always hope. Is my hope as desperate and blind as Jeremy's for me? My false hope?

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Work [19 Dec 2001|07:00pm]

I HATE THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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[12 Dec 2001|06:24pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Meet Virginia... I don't know who sings it. ]

I’m outta here in 30 minutes! Hoo-frickin’-rrah!! I had an honor guard detail this morning… then once we got to the cemetery they let us know that the fam. cancelled. I didn’t really care. It gave me something to do. The guy I went with was cool to talk to, and now I’m outta here early. Man, I love days like this.
I was outta work a little early last night too. So I headed over to the gym, went home and talked to my parents…. so I was good and distressed by the time Carlos showed up. I went and closed up at work and when I got out to his jeep so that we could drive over to the apartment. He had me more flowers! What a sweetie! I completely didn’t expect them… I love when that happens. So then we got the humidifier out of my room ‘cause we’ve been sleeping like absolute crap lately. I hate this weather! He made spaghetti when we got home, and Jason was there with his “potential” girl, Kristen, so we all ate together. She’s really cool; she hung out with us last weekend. We drank and played spades (guys against girls – we soooo kicked their butts!). Though Jason claims that she’s wicked unstable. Oh well, who isn’t?
Then Carlos and I went to bed. It ended up being a loooong night. ;o) Man, I love him.
So anyway, tomorrow will probably be a good day too. My offices’ Christmas party is going on and I’m helping the set up crew so I’ll be out early again. Hoo-frickin’-rrah! I’ve gotta go tonight to get a gift to swap, and some little snack for all these old farts to feast upon. Then I’ve got a doctors appointment at 2. I’m going to get back on BC… this time I’m getting the shot. Man, I hope this stuff reacts better with my body than the last did. And I’m going to party tomorrow night up at the E-club since I don’t have to work Friday b/c I’m flying to KY. Then it’s chillin’ with my family. Hangin’ out with a couple old friends. Life will be good.
I’ve started getting this new magazine called fitness. Man, it’s such a great magazine! I really do love it. I recommend it for any woman that wants some new ideas to getting herself back under control. You may not use their exact ideas, but at least it states out-loud stuff that you’ve been dreading or worrying about or whatever. It covers Mind, Body, and Spirit. Just what I need. Maybe with some of these hints I can stop thinking so negatively. But, it IS just a magazine… (see.. that was negative)..
okay. Love you guys.

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[10 Dec 2001|02:40pm]
[ mood | bored ]

Ugh. Another week. At least I’ll be leaving for KY at the end of this one to spend Christmas with the fam. It’s horrible to not look forward to anything…not even going home and seeing loved ones. Everything seems like a hassle now a days. I feel like I’m rotting from the inside out. I mean, I’m 20 and already a depressed, cynical bag. Bah humbug.
I’m a BRUNETTE now. First time in my life, and I’m lovin’ it! All I really have to do to make it work is add a little mascara to make up for the light toned lashes. I love having a new look. It makes me feel fabulous, if only for a moment. I don’t know why I should be in such a bad mood. There are lots of really good things going on in my life. I guess, I’m just so used to feeling low that I don’t know how to be happy anymore. I DON’T WANT TO BE A BAG!!!

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He finally did something right. [06 Dec 2001|05:32pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | this great 70's/80's station... hurray! ]

I went home last night still pretty pissed off… Carlos could tell big time, and he almost screwed up. Alas, we talked…. or he listened anyway. He asked what was up… I told him it was pointless to talk about. He calmly said that he was ready to listen, and wouldn’t be able to convince himself to get up until he knew the problem. I beat around the bush, and told him all my other problems. After he listened to all that, he asks ‘okay, so what’s the real problem?’ He knows most that stuff doesn’t really get me down… and he’s right. I can handle my own problems… he knows he’s the only thing in my life capable of really hurting my feelings or pissing me off. So I told him pretty much what I said last night in my journal (only without being pissed off and obnoxious)… I think what made sense to him was when I said that he spends so much energy on what’s negative in his life, the things that bother him, that everything else (ME) gets snubbed most of the time. I mean, saying, “I love you”, sex, and getting into fights (arguments) isn’t bad. You need arguments or nothing gets resolved. But it’s just not enough for me. He sat and thought about it for a while and held me. He asked what he should do about it. I told him that I’ve made suggestions in the past that have gone in one ear and out the other…. besides that’s half the problem right there. He makes no effort to make me happy. Anyway, I was still in a pissy mood. I had to go help close my bldg and I asked if he was coming with me…. He said that he wasn’t in the mood to just wait around. OMG! I ignored it. Should I really expect anything different? Selfish Asshole! So I left, did my thing, came back, and he called me upstairs. He was all sweaty and out of breath and holding a dozen white roses, candy, and a card… I’m a sucker for flowers! He better be glad. The cops even pulled their guns on him b/c the way he was running out of the store made it seem like he was the shoplifter of the century. He told them that he had to get home before I did. They hassled him a little longer then let him go. They were actually still sitting outside the apartment when I got there. Ha Ha!! We’ll see if this actually lasts. I know that’s a negative way to look at it or whatever… but I love him. I want this to work out… and I’ll give him as many chances as I think is reasonable. He wants to make me happy. He’s loyal and completely in love with me. He’s just…. a man. I can’t think of a better excuse for him. If any of you guys out there can think of a better one for me, I’d love to hear it.

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[05 Dec 2001|07:08pm]
[ mood | lonely ]

Does anyone even read my journal? I mean, I don't blame you if you don't. I'm not sure I would.... I'm just wondering why I never get any replies... I really would like advice.. I don't really have anyone to talk to here.

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Bye-bye, Pearl [27 Nov 2001|06:39pm]
[ mood | Withered ]
[ music | I'm never listening to anything ]

Everything is coming together slowly, I think. My boyfriend got his apartment and all his stuff. We’ve mostly set that up and bought essentials for the time being. Friday is payday anyway (Thank God). Thanksgiving is over and I don’t have to sweat about that anymore. Now I just need to buy a plane ticket so that I can go to my brother’s house for Christmas…. I haven’t done any Christmas shopping for my family yet. Hell, I haven’t really done any Christmas shopping period. That’s a little depressing. My money is going 50 ways at once. Carlos is really bummed about the cash situation for him too. I mean BUMMED. He’s tired and busy and broke. He’s got bills and he won’t start getting BAH until the 15th so now he can’t come home with me for Christmas… It’s disappointing, yah, but I don’t want him to lose sleep over it or anything. I was going to see if maybe I could buy his ticket for him, but he won’t let me and plus he probably won’t be able to get the time off from his stupid job. He’s got all these inspections this month too. He hasn’t put anyone in the military, so they’re going to come down even harder on him. I think he’s going to press them to send him back to the infantry… which means him moving away… which means everything that I was getting used to is going to change… again. Life.
Fuck. Now I’m depressed. In fact, I can think of a lot of things to be depressed about right now. I’m not going to get into that though. I don’t want to be depressed. Fuck.
But something that I wanted to mention is that I’m getting a new car… well new to me anyway. It’s a good vehicle and the guy is selling it to me for $1000. You can’t beat that with a stick if you ask me. So bye-bye, Pearl, I suppose. I’m going to ask my dad what he wants me to do with her…. If he has no ideas, I’ll just give her to the guy I’m buying the other car from. The other car practically looks like a mini-van. It’s lt. blue. Most of the parts are almost new. He’s had it for a year (drove it about a month) and has put a new alternator, radiator, tires and exhaust in it since then. When he got it, the suspension was close to new and the body is in really good condition. Since he’s decided to sale it he got a cheap brand new radio for it and he’s putting in a different engine with … I can’t remember how many miles on it… but it’s not bad. Interior looks good. It runs on gas, has a good windshield, good tires, and a jack and spare in the back, which is 4 pluses on Pearl. I feel like I’m talking somebody into it. Maybe myself. I’m just afraid of making a mistake. But I really need a car. Especially if I’m going to be living with my boyfriend….
I’m really glad Bridget is calling tonight. I’d really like to talk to someone…. and I know she would too.

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Thanksgiving [26 Nov 2001|02:38pm]
[ mood | Overwhelmed ]

For Thanksgiving, we went to NY to spend the holiday with Carlos’ family. Don’t ask me why, but I absolutely freaked out Wednesday night before we left. Could have been PMS. Could have been the fact that I’d never met the family of someone that I’d ever actually considered marrying. Could have been the fact that his mother is very old fashioned, picky, protective of her son, and doesn’t speak English…. but needless to say, I wasn’t in the best frame of mind. Carlos wasn’t much support; he was excited to go home and couldn’t understand why I couldn’t find the right things to wear, and for some reason, was mad at him for it.
Okay so we get there and everything goes alright. She’s trying to force food down my throat and I can’t tell her that “Okay, it’s 5:00 in the morning, I’m not hungry”. I’m super nervous too. I don’t even want to try to talk. I’m just tired. Everything will be better in the morning. Only then I couldn’t sleep.
Thanksgiving Day comes up and I’m tired, still nervous, and I can’t stop wanting to attach myself to Carlos in some way. Maybe he could just wear me as a backpack. We went out to shop for some stuff, and I bought his mom some flowers (that she loved) so that made things better and a little more comfortable for me. We have a few drinks, stuff the turkey, and then Carlos and I go watch a movie and nap (which I reeeeeaaaallly needed).
Then I go to get ready and I forgot my hairbrush and deodorant…. and if that’s not enough, I forgot to mention that I’d had to borrow sleeping attire from his mother the night before b/c I’d forgotten that too. I’m getting really annoyed trying to blow-dry my hair tangled (his mother doesn’t use conditioner), with no brush, in this horribly sticky, steamy bathroom. The pressure is rising. I’m losing it. So we go to this little family party… my hair and make-up are awful. Carlos keeps leaving me alone. His family is trying desperately to include me when all I want to do is crawl btwn two couch cushions and disappear.
Then it’s dinnertime. There’s turkey and dressing, and tamales and seafood salad and this weird bread with ham and boiled egg sticking out of it…. So I had Spanish food for Thanksgiving…. It was a little depressing, and I only sort of liked most of it. Oh man! I’m about to fall apart. After dinner, I go back to my trusty corner of the couch to wish I could melt into it…. I’m feeling very… desperate. I need to get out. I need fresh air and some time to clear my head BY MYSELF. Then if that weren’t enough, Carlos comes over and asks me to dance. Salsa dance no less. I tell him no. There was no way I was going to get up in front of his family and make a fool of myself, feeling the way I did, and probably start crying or something. So he gets mad. The rest of his family starts feeling uncomfortable because then I get upset anyway, and don’t feel like TRYING to communicate with them. It’s so obvious that we are angry at one another… so they’re talking in Spanish around me… I can understand enough of it to know it’s about me, but not enough to know what they’re saying. So then I feel even worse because I’ve made a spectacle of myself, made everyone uncomfortable, and now my weaknesses are being used against me and I can do nothing about it except want to vanish. Finally, it’s time to leave. I try to be calm and handle myself a little more dignantly, just to half gain respect (if not just for myself).
We get home. Go to bed. Carlos and I start to talk. Well, I start to cry. I felt half mad for a moment or two… and he tells me that maybe he can’t make me happy. He’s getting tired of trying. That wasn’t what I’d needed to hear. I’m completely in love with this man. Yah, shit’s rough around the edges. We both have to work at our relationship. But he makes me happy. Very happy. So after a while things get a little better. I felt better, I think he felt better. We held each other for a while on an air mattress in the middle of his mother’s living room…
Then suddenly there’s shouting and things are going crazy. We look out the window to see the 2nd floor of the building we’re in (only a different wing) blazing in flames. We throw on our clothes and run outside. Carlos runs out to help. Runs into a burning building. My hero. Then I couldn’t find him. I started to get upset again (I’m such a baby). Anyway, it was just a weird day. This was all one day, by the way. So finally we bed down again, Carlos is hacking away b/c of all the smoke he breathed. We wake up very late, eat breakfast and get the hell out. Thank God! We get back around 9:00 pm Friday. The rest of the evening/weekend was spent unpacking Carlos’ stuff for the new apartment. But that’s another story….

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Happy Thanksgiving! [21 Nov 2001|06:09pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

Hope yer turkey's moist! ;op~

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Jason [21 Nov 2001|06:09pm]
[ mood | ready to go home!!! ]

In my last entrée I mentioned that I would write more about “Jason” later. That’s what I intend to do with this entrée. :o)
Okay, quick Bio.on Jason: about 6’3” or taller, WAY buff… I mean, BUFF!, well groomed, random tattoos covering chest, arms, back (that’s all I’ve seen), 27 yrs old, recently divorced, Army (infantry, no less), quiet until he gets to know you…then he’s still pretty quiet, he looks rather sophisticated actually.
Carlos and Jason are getting an apartment together b/c they can both live off base b/c of their rank and collect BAH which is cash for housing that is a lot of money. It just so happens that I’m going to be living there as well b/c well, the apartment is in MY love muffins name and it has all his furniture in it. I was worried that me living in this apartment would cause a problem. Like what if me and Jason can’t stand one another? or What if he doesn’t appreciate the fact that I’m kinda free-loading on their deal? I mean, he is paying half… I’m not paying for squat. So I wasn’t sure if I should move in until Carlos talked to him…. Carlos talked to him, everything’s fine. Well, then I started thinking what if we get along really well and Carlos gets jealous? So I talked to Carlos and he said “yah, I may be jealous sometimes, but it’s just b/c I love ya and I don’t want any man potentially taking you away from me. It’s not you I don’t trust, It’s him”. So I said okay. At least we’ve talked about it.
Well, it just so happens that Jason and I have an insane amount in common. I mean, we buy the same type of toothpaste, for crying out loud. Carlos notices and tries to overlook most of it, but some of the stuff, I admit, was unfair. Some conversations we’d have would almost completely exclude him b/c of his lack of knowledge on the subject. I never even noticed. My bad. And we find the same things funny, so laughing with Jason would sometimes exclude him also b/c he either didn’t get the joke b/c he didn’t know it’s background or he didn’t hear it. And so on and so forth. So when we got home from that long weekend, we had a long talk about it. It was a good talk. And Carlos and I have been getting along much better since then.
Anyway, that’s the story on Jason… or as much as I’m going to relay. We’ll just see what happens.

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Life [21 Nov 2001|02:52pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Life. what can I say….
Two weekends ago I took some leave from the norm of everyday AF to go for a little vacation up in NH. It was supposed to be this great getaway… at least that’s what I’d had in mind except fate always seems to draw a different scenario. Carlos had an Army ball for his lil’ recruiting gig he’s got going on, and the Army had funded for them to go to this ski resort. The hotel was incredible… I loved every second of it! We stayed in this little town house like apartment: Living room/Kitchen w/ fireplace, a pull down bed, and full bath (hot tub). 2nd Fl: bedroom combined with a hot tub right next to the bed ;o), another fireplace, and a bathroom w/ shower and sink and toilet and all that stuff…. The room is great!
My weekend starts off with us getting into a fight over the phone about cigarettes, of all stupid things. Then I have to call back to find out if I’m even going to come the next day. He starts apologizing and all that crap. Grrrr! Anyway, I went. I rode with some of his co-workers b/c he had to leave the day before b/c he was on the color guard. Which him being on the CG worked out really well for us b/c then he didn’t have to attend any classes, just practices (which were few and far btwn). So I arrived around 11:00 am Friday (first thing I think of this place is “Deliverance”) and he meets me and takes me to our little weekend home :o). Then he rushes me out the door and we meet up with Jason (I’ll tell you more about him later) and we all go shopping. Just to let you know, it was snowing (but not sticking) when I got there so I was freezing as were all of us b/c Carlos didn’t think it would get that cold (IN THE MOUNTAINS IN NOVEMBER). Then he and Jason decide that the best thing to do at that point is to go off-roading. So we start out looking for our own thing and we finally think we found something, but it turned out to be a driveway (Deliverance) so we asked these folks who were walking (they didn’t look inbred) where a good place to go would be and they gave directions so we’re off. We get to this road that (is said to) have all these good trails branching off of it…. so we take the one road off of it that says “NO AUTOMOBILES OR HIKERS”…. so naturally Carlos uses his Jeep to jump the hill and naturally we crash down on the other side. Now if that wasn’t warning enough, he keeps going and we come to this “ravine” that has this little river running through it…. Okay, now lets jump this! Right! WRONG!!! we got so stuck for almost 45min. We had to make these little bridges for the tires so they could get out of the mud! I’m standing there freezing, subconsciously humming that battling fiddles tune….and like I said, I’d just gone shopping so I had on some “clean”, cute little cords that the bottoms now happen to have a little mud ring thing going on. I stayed in good humor though. Then when we finally got “unstuck” we went down other trails for about an hour. When we get back to the resort I have an hour to get looking cute for all his “forrest gump” buddies. He has other things in mind so now I only have like 20min…. and IT’S SSOOOOO HOOOOOT!!! in the room and I haven’t had a cigarette. I’m stressed out to say the least and he’s behind me: “Hurry up, Baby” “We’ve only got about 5 minutes”… and this isn’t like every so often he pops his head in the door… He’s standing behind me chanting this and he won’t stop touching me and trying to help. Anyway, I finished and we stayed at this party for about 15 minutes before coming back to our room and all the quick, hard work I’d put on myself was stripped off again. I won’t go into the rest of the night ;o) But that’s only the first day.
Now, Saturday, I wake up around 11:00. Carlos has been at classes since 8:00 and he’s on his lunch break so I through on some clothes and we go out. Once again it’s me, him and Jason. He ends up running late to get back to practice later for reasons I won’t mention. And I need to run to the store to get some beautifying supplies from like a CVS or something. The traffic is horrible. All these weekend vacationers are just coming into town so I’m stuck… but that’s okay, I still have 1 ½ hrs to get ready. Pulling into the hotel, however, I see Carlos running madly towards me saying the CG posting is at 7pm not 8pm so I only have 20mins. b/c he has to be there at least a half hour before. So once again, I rush into the bathroom and throw shit together. Carlos gets mad b/c I’m mad so everything is absolute hell. Then I have to finish getting ready at the ballroom in this tiny bathroom where all these ladies are coming in and out ALL DRESSED UP in evening gowns and hair that looks like it took hours to do, and they pass on verbal support as they casually pass. Meanwhile, I’m sweating, on the verge of tears, my hair is slowly coming together, I don’t have my make-up or dress on yet, and Carlos is banging on the bathroom door “hurry Baby (we’d made-up again by this time), It’s almost time for me to go on” Needless to say, I missed his little performance. I went outside and smoked a cigarette instead :o). The rest of that night went okay. Nothing great, to say the least. And it was supposed to be special. ~sigh~ I looked good though!
Sunday, we (me, Carlos, and Jason) went into the little mountain town and walked around going through strange (deliverance) novelty shops… We eventually stopped into this little coffee shop and had cigars (I stuck with my Kools) and lattes… and Carlos kicked both of our butts many times at chess. Then we just kicked back and watched the snow…. b/c it was getting dusk and snow looks so pretty at this hour…. It almost hurts your eyes. but then we went to see “13 ghosts”. It was okay…. O yeah, I failed to mention earlier that we got kicked out of our room early b/c Carlos failed to reserve it for the last night….so now we’re bunking up with Jason. Whatever. We go out to eat and go home. Monday (I have off work) we check out and go get some food. We find out that the plane crashed in NY so I’m freaking out b/c I’m not supposed to still be in NH. We go and look at some puppies; then we go looking for some trails into the mountains so we can go repelling. No luck…. which was kinda lucky in my opinion b/c it was way too cold. So we go home. That was my weekend. like I said… Life. sheesh.

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[24 Oct 2001|03:52pm]
My grandmother is dying. I'm coming home. See you guys soon.
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[19 Oct 2001|02:46pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Everclear ]

Life is good... and weird. (as usual)
Thursday nights are like a party night for enlisted folks on base and we all usually get waisted then go up to the Eclub to dance like fools and karaoke our lungs out. (last night we sang: what's up by 4 nonBlonds). Well, Carlos and Natalie are chilling in my room while I get ready (you know how that goes ;o) and my parents call right in the middle of everything... (wet hair, no makeup, half ass dressed) so I handed the phone to Carlos and told him to occupy the phone for a sec while I at least get decent.... My brother and his family are down visiting my parents so he even got to talk to my brother.... both my mom and my brother like bs around (threatening his life in various undertones - they're so cute).... Anyway, Carlos was heavily influenced by the bottle (Natalie too... by the end of the night she was completely wiped)... Carlos tells my brother: "Man, I am completely in love with your sister" that takes some balls... I think at least. And he told Natalie while I was talking to my parents that he wants to marry me. That makes me happy and scared. I mean, I get tingles all over my body just thinking about it.... but I don't know if they're bad or good ones.
Anyway, I got to talk to my nephew, Tyler, too. OMG! is he a cutiepie! All I understood of his ramblings was somewhere along the lines of..." hey, aunt boo.....Tucker.....helped Grammy....and boy he's a nut!.....................................................(this is all the stuff that I had no idea what he was saying)...................................................................................................................................... okay I love you....... " then I here "GRAAAAAAAMMMYYYYYY! ... here's the phone" Man, I miss him. He's 4 years old and my sister in law told me that he's already 44".... you do the math.
Well gotta get my work on.... :op~~~ thppptttt.

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Good Weekend... [09 Oct 2001|06:19pm]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | East west Commercial on the radio... :op~ ]

It's absolutely amazing what a good weekend can do for you.... I mean, I feel like a new woman! :oD
Okay. Carlos and I went to the Science Museum on Sat. We did the Planetarium which was doing this thing on Galileo. It was pretty cool.... we were way in the back (obstructed from view)... I really wanted to do something (dirty)... but I didn't have the guts... should I have? I mean, we've already got it on in public (sorta... I don't really think anyone saw us) so do you think I shoulda went for it? too late now. whatever. then we got lost (b/c we didn't go with my idea) going to get something to eat. We got back just in time for the Omni-Theater presentation we had tickets for. I love public transportation... best thing is it's free with a military ID... especially now. The world loves us.
Sunday (as everyone knows) is when more sh*t went down so I kept getting called in. What a pain! but we finally got off base and went out to eat and did a movie... we were going to go roller skating, but we got there just as they closed :o(... I think Carlos was pretty relieved though.
Monday we just BSed away.... We went to the mall, he got his oil changed, and I bought some clothes to go out in. But it was great! I love him so much.
It's so scary.... I've never been in a relationship like this. I mean, it feels so finalized. We're making future plans together. Like if he ends up getting out of recruiting (which is what he really wants to do) I need to go ahead and put in my dreamsheet for Bases down south... I really want Keesler. It's not far away from all the things I love. Home, Bridget, NO, and hopefully Carlos will be back in Georgia so I'll be pretty close to him too. We're going to his mom's for Thanksgiving; My house for Christmas. We're trying to get him an apartment and my car working again so I can live with him. This all bothered me before, but now.... Now it makes me happy.... but I'm still so scared.

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Whoa.... [05 Oct 2001|10:23am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Don't know but it's pretty good. ]

The little picture to the "dorky" mood thing couldn't descibe how I feel any better than it already does. hmm. Strange how stupid stuff can make me actually happy for a moment. I really like it when things work out.....

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I HAVE A FUCKIN 3 DAY WEEKEND!!! [05 Oct 2001|09:52am]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Hotel California - Eagles ]

Boy, they sure know how to treat a girl.
I went up to the Eclub ("Enlisted Club" because I'm a dork and in the military) last night. It all started off really bad. Carlos calls and is all bummed out b/c he has to work today. I didn't know how to make him feel better, and apparently he didn't want to feel better about it.
So a couple of friends talk me into going up to the club, and I accept b/c I'm so tired of moping about, trying to make Carlos happy when he obviously doesn't want to be, and just not being happy myself. I'm going to go crazy if I don't get a "good" day in here somewhere!!! So anyway, we have a dorm inspection today so I had to haul ass and clean my room (for those of you who have seen the atrocity that I claim to be my room, you'll know this was quite a task) so I can go.... and I'm kinda annoyed by the fact that I didn't make all this mess all by myself yet I'm always stuck cleaning the shit.
He calls and lets me know that he's going up to the Eclub with his friends... So I tell him "Good, we'll see one another up there". Yes,....yes. There was another frickin' fight. This one wasn't as bad... and I don't think (hope)we'll have another for a while. But the thing is.... Last night, after we were okay again (the whole fight was stupid... It was a jealousy thing. He felt that I was ignoring him... and I got mad b/c why would I try to hurt him... I love him. I don't hurt the people I love.. or the people I don't for that matter. I might lash out at those who annoy me, but who cares... they deserve it. I just felt like he was always trying to start shit... then I realized I got mad at him telling the truth and that's fucked up so I went to apologize and hear his side of the story and then boom! everything was dandy) okay, so after we were okay again... he tells me that he's more in love with me than he could have ever imagined capable. He claims that I've put a heart back together that was unfixable, and one that he never cared to fix... it just happened. He actually said " I want..." then he paused b/c he realized what he was about to say... and then he said it anyway "I want to spend the rest of my life with you". He just wants to know how I feel about all this. I mean, just what the hell am I supposed to say to something like that? I know I'm too young to get married and I don't want to get married. I want to be with him... maybe forever. But I have a history of jumping into shit I can't handle with both feet... I don't want to get a divorce... I don't want to fight with him about stupid shit... and we already do! AAArggghhh! >:o{ I mean I've already gone through a whole pregnancy thing with him.... (It's actually a very interesting story... I'll tell you my next entry if you're interested). It sucked. I'm okay though (not pregnant, I mean) just to clear that up. Okay... need advice here... and if you don't have something nice and honest to say... keep it to yourself please.

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Boy, do I need a vacation... [03 Oct 2001|11:12am]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | Funky Cat -Elton Jon ]

My life is so boring right now. All I do is come to work, do whatever until it's time to go home. Do whatever errands I have to do, or work out. Then I go home take a shower which Carlos usually comes home during for some reason. Then we eat or "something" then go to bed and DO THE SAME DAMN THING THE NEXT DAY! I'm so bored. I'm home sick. I want to be pampered. and obviously I want to bitch about it! *deep breath*
I'm tired of only hearing bad news too. or mediocre news. It seems like everyone is sad, mad, or blah. I probably have an honor guard detail this weekend (that's the military that give honors at funerals with a flag fold and 21 gun salute and stuff). I'll be in the firing party if the family decides they want one. Thing is, it's an Active Duty funeral... meaning the guy was young... He committed suicide. Shot himself... Why? I don't really know much more than that about it.... but I'd understand if the family passes on the whole firing party bit. It would feel a bit mocking rather than honoring. Man! how depressing.
This weekend is Columbus Day, right? I might get Sunday off... hopefully. Carlos gets Fri, Sat, Sun, AND Mon off. He was going to go home.... I'm so jealous. And I'm sad because then if he goes the only day I'll have off, I'll have to search for something to do. That's so crappy. I need to get my car working again... and I need to start spending more time with my friends again. Since all this started, I haven't had much time for anyone but him.... So now, I feel so distant (again) from everyone. I really hate that. I miss having friends I can talk to.... you know. Like sit down with a cigarette and just spill your guts... Carlos says he wants to be that for me. And that's great and he is.... but when the problem is him and all I want to do is bitch... how am I supposed to go to him. I'm so lonely.
It's not all bad. I hope not anyway. There's lots of things going on up here. There's a maze about 30mins from here with a dinosaur theme to it. I went to it last year when it was an alien theme. It was absolutely GREAT! Then the BigE is still going on... I'd really like to ride the zipper!!! (I really doubt we'll be going back there though) The Barnum and Bailey Circus will be here from oct12-21. Halloween is coming. My favorite holiday. So why am I so disappointed when nothing has even happened and there's still time to do it? I really don't think it will ever happen.... that's why. God, I feel so dramatic.
But really should I just let it go? The things I want to do. Just forget about it? Except it?
I'm going outside to smoke.

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Bad Weekend... well sorta. [01 Oct 2001|10:02am]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | none ]

Why can't I just lead a normal life? Just once!
Okay so like I said, I got practically no sleep Friday night... and I said a lot of things I don't really remember... So Carlos is holding this big grudge against me when we leave for the BigE on Saturday. Only I didn't know this, of course...
So we get up there pretty late and get lost b/c so many people give us BS directions. So he's upset about that.... when we get there, I can tell he's pretty edgy so I tell him to go get a beer. He did. We go get tickets for some rides and I'm soooo happy because they've got the zipper which is my absolute favorite! Then we walk around somemore so he can finish his beer (#2) and by the time we get back to the Midway the zipper is broken. I'm so bummed so we go into this exhibit hall and he's making fun of me so I tell him to leave me alone... He's like "oh you want me to leave you alone" and he walks off. He does his own thing for a while and comes back around and says "Do you still want to be left alone?" I give him this look and just turn around while I'm thinking "could you be a little more generic?" so he walks off again. I'm a little tired of this game. I didn't really know what his problem was so I walked outside to smoke. While I'm sitting out there I watch him leave and go to a different building.... He left me alone! So I walked off then... We lost one another completely and two hours later the park started to close.... I got so frantic and all these carnies were being obnoxious and rude. I wanted to cry! I hate to be alone... I'm afraid of being alone, I don't know why. Then I finally see him and he is soooo pissed off. I wanted to run up and throw my arms around his neck and kiss all over his face, but I was afraid to.... I mean, he looked very unreceptive to say the least, ya know. so He's like "you've ruined my night. Are you ready to go home" I was so devastated that he would think this is my fault. Bastard. Then he wouldn't talk to me... I got so upset.. I had no idea what to do. Everything is better now. I mean, the rest is kinda a weird blur.... we just talked (eventually) and got a lot off of our chests. I did go off on him for no reason Friday night. He was unprepared for the things I had to say so he took them offensively. I should have sat down and talked to him about the things I had a problem with instead of blowing up at him that night when drunk. I don't know. I've got my guard up against him now. We had a pretty good day Sunday.... but it wasn't what I'd wanted to do. And I'm on day shift now (HURRAY!!!) so we'll be able to spend more "quality" time together, I suppose. I don't really have much good to say right now.... just wanted to tell somebody about my weekend. I almost hate weekends. whatever.

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[29 Sep 2001|06:27am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Come Together- Beatles ]

Hurray! I only have to work 5 hrs today (1hr down already) and then I have a day off and then I start day shift. I think me n carlos will go to The BigE this weekend. I have to go transfer dinero from savings to checking though so I'll be able to survive the wkend. I don't know where the hell my money went! I mean, its not like I've been able to go out and spend jacksh*t since this whole messy business began. Whatever.
I talked to a telemarketer for MCI (I think that was it) for 2hrs last night. His name was Mario. He's 22. He lives in Phoenix, Arizona. And he loves telemarketing. Hmmm. He was really fun to talk to.... We talked about pretty much everything from God to cars to the WTC to traveling to languages to all the places we've ever lived. It was fun! I started off telling him I was only 16 and my folks weren't home yet, so he'd leave me alone, but he felt the need to talk for a few hours anyway.... I ended up telling him I lied.... He didn't really seem to care. Anyway, I told him about my LJ so maybe he'll show up and all you guys can meet him too. :o)
Anyway, I started drinking Amaretto last night from the bottle while I was talking to him.... by the time I was finished talking to him I felt pretty good so I walked out into the hall and hung out with one of my homies, Meeka Williams (long lost cousin) and I damn near finished the bottle while we watched "The Bear" or some weird sh*t like that.... then I went back to my room and Carlos was sitting there and he started harassing me about my drinking habits (I'm not a drunk;o)... and I don't really remember what I said but he almost left. Everything's okay now, at least I think it is. Except for the fact that I'm sitting here at work tired as all hell with a slight hangover (and maybe still a little tipsy).... 31/2hrs to go.

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