la dee fuckin' da > >BEGIN OFFICAL STATEMENT
> I never crossed Doc, so I don't really have any
> bad personal experiences with him. I do know,
> however, that better than half of Tiny Fools'
> various cast feuds have involved Doc. So either
> Doc's prone to picking fights, or there's something
> about him that makes people want to start
> something. Either way, it's clear that more Doc
> means more infighting. For this reason, and (I feel
> it safe to say) no other, I feel Doc shouldn't come
> back to cast. So speaketh the
> (roll of thunder) OFFICIAL CAST ARBITER.
There IS something about me that makes people angry. I don't know exactly what it is, but I've had it for as long as I can remember. I remember really distinctly, when I was 6, I asked some kid a question or said something to him that he didn't like and he tried to punch me. I don't really remember what the question was, I just remember it was completely innocent, I thought he was my friend and I open my mouth and all of sudden he's trying to split my lip. His name was Mike, and our relationship was one of those hate-hate collisions. And this always happens to me in some way, I say something, innocently enough, and it comes back to haunt me in some way. I'm convinced that the only reason Benny hates me is because I said I thought of him as a girl, but everyone does.
* * * small tangent * * *Language is a neat thing, it defines how we think. It's called the Freudian Slip, when you mean one thing but are really saying what you're thinking. Comedies use it sometimes, Monty Python uses it to great effect when a director with enormous tusk-like teeth is being interviewed about his latest film and the interviewer keeps using tooth-related words instead of the proper words.
Man: ... was not talking to Neville Shunt. From the world of the theatre we turn to the world of dental hygiene. No, no, no, no. From the world of the theatre we turn to the silver screen. We honour one of the silver screen's outstanding writer-dentists... writer-directors, Martin Curry who is visiting London to have a tooth out, for the pre-molar, er... premiere of his filling, film next Toothday... Tuesday, at the Dental Theatre... Film Theatre. Martin Curry talking to Matthew Palate... Padget.
* * * tangent ends * * *There are plenty of people on cast, and in Benny's life who refer to him as "she" or "her" simply by forgetting that they're
supposed to refer to him as a boy. Why is this? Because they think of him as a girl, but either out of respect or out of fear of reproach say nothing of what they think or believe. The only difference between me and everyone else, is that I spoke my mind openly and freely. I always speak my mind, ask anyone whose been willing to listen, and I'm not going to stop because someone's feelings might be hurt or someone might be offended. I think it's incredibly silly to be offended by what someone thinks anyway, it's not impossible to change someone's opinion but you can't do it by bullying them. Benny is a world-class bully, he gets other people to do his work for him.
Another thing that Kyle failed to mention is that these 'numerous cast fueds' I've had all involved ex-girlfriends. Benny is unique, he and I fooled around once, but then Benny chickened out of having sex. Benny chased after Shannon, Shannon chickened out of having a relationship, mostly though it was because Shannon preferred to date me. So why does Benny hate me? Because he fears my animosity that we never slept together? Jealous of the attention I got from Shannon? Benny DID start dating Wendy as a rebound from getting jilted by Shannon, and even admitted it. I don't know really. I'm just conjecturing at this point because I don't have anything solid to go on. All I know is Benny hates me, is unwavering in this, admits to being immature and selfish when it comes to discussing or resolving this matter, and nobody on cast even comes to me to ask how I feel.
I was once convinced that it was a cry for pity, and I think I still agree on some level. But it's also a willful ignorance of my position.
Current Mood: cranky