Dan's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Dan's LiveJournal:

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    Monday, November 5th, 2001
    9:53 am
    Women confuse me....

    Current Mood: frustrated
    Wednesday, October 31st, 2001
    3:43 pm
    Dear God, NO!
    Click here to find out what robot you really are

    Current Mood: scared
    Monday, October 29th, 2001
    11:13 pm
    I like this personality test. I found it on bansidhe's journal.

    "The Animal in You" www.animalinyou.com/survey.asp

    You are a Fox personality.

    Appealing and cerebral and of average size, the fox is a close relative of both the wolf and dog personalities and displays typical canine qualities of loyalty, passion and creativity. Largely misunderstood to be a shy, retreating individual, it's the fox's unique stature as a small carnivore that defines its survival strategy. Because it cannot succeed in the world using brute force alone, it must rely on its sharp mind and engaging personality to garner resources, and it consequently spends a lot of time in its head -- giving the impression that it's trying to outsmart its friends. So the fox is often surprised to learn that its intellectual pursuits are intimidating.

    So, the fox tempers its serious nature with a sardonic sense of humor and engaging playfulness while interacting with its eclectic community. It expects others to be as honest about their strengths and shortcomings as it is of its own, and while these high expectations don't make the fox a snob, it expects its friends to first demonstrate their worthiness before returning the favor with loyalty and devotion.

    Foxes are typically successful in the work place but their competitiveness and ambition sometimes makes coworkers feel belittled. They would never deliberately take advantage of others, but their single-mindedness often blinds them to their feelings. So they thrive in their own businesses and like to surround themselves with family and friends in these ventures. Although they demand consensus in all decisions, they dominate discussions and steer the plans to reflect their own agenda.

    A discussion with a fox is invariably stimulating and challenging. Its great curiosity and worldly experience makes it a wonderful conversationalist and it's able to hold forth on a number of different topics with ease. Sometimes, however, the fox will view a conversation as a competitive challenge, which proves to be off-putting and annoying to its companions.

    Care to comment?

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Fight Club soundtrack, "Homework"
    Thursday, October 25th, 2001
    3:19 pm
    W H A T E V E R

    Current Mood: annoyed
    2:46 pm
    Fun With Surveys
    [i am happiest when] I'm organized. When I feel accomplished.

    [i feel lonely when] I feel like nobody understands what I'm going through. When I feel under-appreciated.

    [the ideal relationship would be] Very trusting. Freedom for space. Not to clingy. A woman who would understand that when I want to be alone it's not because I don't want to be with her and a woman who would nurture when I'm not feeling terribly good about myself.

    [what makes you cry?] lonliness. failure. the feeling that nothing that I could ever do will be recognized.

    [do you think too much?] Oh, hell yeah.

    [if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?] Right here suits me just fine. I've got my friends and family and my life is fairly tolerable at the moment.

    [famous person you would like to meet] Mick Foley. I think we'd have a lot in common. That and he's looks like just a big ol' teddy bear. I want to give him a hug.

    [do you believe in organized religion] If it's your bag, baby. It ain't mine.

    [pro-life or pro-choice] Pro-choice. I'm pro-life myself but I believe in the freedom to choose. However, I DO NOT believe in abortion after the baby has a beating heart. Then it's just murder.

    [are you a vegetarian] I'd eat raw meat if I could get away with it.

    [do you support the death penalty?] If the crime is deserving, sure.

    [do angels or demons exist] Well, I am the Devil....

    [what would you most like to be doing right now] I can't get fencing off my mind right now so I think I'd like to be doing that.

    [do you have any regrets] Nah. I've done things that have been stupid but I've learned from them.

    [sex or love] The 23 year old male in me says sex but the romantic in me says love.

    [favorite scent] That fresh scent women have. It's difficult to explain.

    [what REALLY makes you mad?] Betrayal. When people use me or take advantage of my loyalty. When people treat me like I'm stupid. When people won't take my feelings into consideration.

    [favorite way to waste time] Playing on the 'net.

    [if you won $50,000,000 what would you do with it?] Invest it of course. Use it to go to school. Use it to be a bum and travel the world. Boy that would be fun....

    [what is your best quality?] Loyalty. Passion.

    [are you currently in love/lust] I'm a 23 year old guy. I'm in lust 24 hours a day.

    [what's the craziest thing you have ever done] I did a lot of crazy stuff when I was 15. Ask me about it and I'll share stories.

    [any bad habits] Procrastination, hella.

    [do you find it hard to trust people] Nope.

    [do you ever doubt yourself] All the f'ing time. It's one of my least favorit flaws.

    [bath or shower] Shower.

    [favorite season] Autumn. Seattle whether is the best in autumn. Not to hot, not to cold, nice breeze and with all of the greenery here the fall colors look really pretty.

    [what is your favorite flavor] Caramel.

    [what is your favorite time of day] Late afternoon, I guess.

    [gold or silver] Silver. Gold is too ostentatious.

    [silk sheets or cotton] Cotton. Silk is for sissies.

    [any secret crushes] Oh, yeah. Too many to list.

    [if you could be the opposite sex for one day, would you do it] Probably not. If I found out how the female body really worked I'd probably never touch it again.

    [what do you desire most in life] Achievement. Recognition. Harmony.

    [do you believe in destiny] The idea is romantic, and it's nice to blame the negative things that happen to you on it, but no.

    [is world peace attainable] Nope.

    [i first got this survey from] sickgurl420

    Current Mood: bored
    10:57 am
    Things I'd Like to do Before I Die
    Play the title role in a GOOD professional production of "Hamlet".
    Be regarded as a great actor in the theatre scene locally or nationally.
    Win a national fencing tournament.
    Write a novel.
    Mentor a successfull protege in anything I'm passionate about be it acting, fencing or writing.
    Learn another language.
    Travel to every continent in the world (with the exception of Antarctica).
    Have at least marginal fame whether it be at the local, national or international level.
    Own some nice property away from civilization that I could escape to.
    Raise a family.

    Current Mood: thoughtful
    Friday, September 28th, 2001
    10:16 am
    I slept in today. There's no better feeling than not having to wake up on a day you would normally work. I mean, weekends are cool but you feel like you're getting away with something on vacation. Very satisfying.

    Today I'm going to my grandmothers for a home cooked meal for my birthday with my family. Can I tell you how much I love my grandmother's cooking? I'm 230 pounds which should tell you enough. I lived there for about a year two years ago and she made sure to fatten me up. I didn't complain.

    But my whole family should be there from my mothers side since they're all local. That should be fun. I really like my Uncle Mike and his wife Melissa. Of all my family members I have the most in common with them. They, too, are actors and just as pretentious as I am when it comes to movies and plays. I love hanging out with them. They also give very cool gifts!

    So, today should be fun. I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow, yet--which is my real birthday. I know I'll be doing things with my friends but dunno what yet. I should be fun anyway!

    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: The Beatles, "She's Leaving Home"
    Thursday, September 27th, 2001
    11:24 pm
    Well, it's been kind of a long day for me. I think I've found closure on some issues. I have a very strange "gut" feeling though that I can't quite explain. I just feel like another era in my life is about to begin. Don't ask me how I know this--nothing today has really been brought to my attention to bring this feeling on I just somehow /know/ it. It's difficult to explain.

    Jesse joined me. My roommate wasn't home today but that's all right. Jesse and I watched a good episode of Smackdown and the final show for "Tough Enough". Maven won! Good for him. He /really/ deserved it. I'm looking forward to seeing him on WWF television sometime in the future.

    Anyway, it's another day done. My vacation has officially started and I'm not going to do a damn thing! I'm signing off.

    Night all!

    Current Mood: relaxed
    Current Music: Sarah Brightman, "Anytime, Anywhere"
    7:04 pm
    Melancholy Rambling
    I have a caffeine-rush headache.
    She stopped by my house.
    We talked over coffee.
    She "loves" him.
    I nodded.
    She's not happy but she pretends to be.
    I love her.

    Why does it hurt so much? We will never be compatible and I know that. I want that. Is it because a guy like him can have someone so special? He doesn't realize what he has.

    I hate him for that.

    Current Mood: morose
    Current Music: Tool, "Prison Sex"
    4:56 pm
    Well, she changed her mind and decided not to go out tonight. I just got the call on my cell phone. "I know, I have no back bone," she says. She couldn't be more true. I don't hold that against her but it does make me angry.

    I don't know why it bothers me so much. My plans haven't been ruined tonight. Hell, I get to watch WWF Smackdown and the conclusion of "Tough Enough" with my roommate which is always fun. Maybe I can even convince Jesse to join us.

    Oh, well. I still love her, and I realize why she made the decision. She's making the right, honourable choice from her point of view but that doesn't make it hurt less. I don't want to lose what we have though it seems to be heading in that direction. I rely a lot on her input and opinions.

    I hope he's happy. I really do.

    Current Mood: disappointed
    Current Music: The Verve Pipe, "Drive You Mild"
    2:50 pm
    Apparently, her boyfriend isn't able to join us tonight. I don't know why. I don't care. This should be a good thing, right?


    She told me she was going to cancel because she can see he's intensely paranoid about it. I guess when he asked if she was still going to go out she told him she would and he had a fit. Her excuse for not going out tonight was that she didn't want to get in a fight with him. My response was that's precisely how he's controlling her.

    She agreed to see me for a few hours to get some dinner.

    I hate seeing my friends unhappy like this--especially when there's little I can do about it. I think I'm going to talk to her tonight about it and try to make her realize just what he's doing. Maybe she'll leave the jackass.


    To ygrane23: I appreciate your advice--truly. Sometimes though, you just have to take the bull by the horns. Hopefully some good will come out of this.

    Current Mood: aggravated
    10:41 am
    The Daily Grind
    I think the meeting is going to be cancelled today. Apparently "they" are still working out kinks in the program before it's presented to us--not that I'm surprised. That's usually the way things work in this company.

    Whatever--no big deal.

    I think I'm going to treat myself to some spicy chicken teriyaki today for lunch at the little teriyaki place down the rode. I can't get enough of it. I really like the old woman who owns the joint. She doesn't speak English very well but she's funny as hell.

    Only five hours and fifteen minutes before my vacation starts.

    I don't know if I'm going to make it.

    Current Mood: indifferent
    Wednesday, September 26th, 2001
    2:58 pm
    I got chosen to attend a meeting downtown Seattle tomorrow from about 12 for the rest of the day. So, little work tomorrow, got Friday off for my birthday weekend and then on to a two week vacation!

    Can't get any better than that.

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: X-Pac's entrance music stuck in my head. Somebody help....
    12:48 pm
    Son of a....
    So, I was supposed to be going out with a good friend of mine tomorrow after work. She's a very good friend of mine and we haven't done anything one-on-one in a long time. I was /really/ looking forward to this.

    She's one of the few people I can really open up to. I don't know what it is about her but I feel very comfortable sharing things with her that I don't even share with my family. I think it's because she's proven to me that she's truly non-judgmental. Anyway, I enjoy her company immensely and it was going to be nice to spend time with her for a while.

    But her fiancée won't let her.

    He /insists/ that he joins us. What the fuck is up with that? He tells her it's because he wants to get to know her friends--she doesn't believe it and neither do I. From what she's told me about him--which is a lot; we talk frequently--he's an immature, paranoid insecure little bitch. You can see that I like him.

    So, I guess he's joining us tomorrow. I may just cancel the whole thing. A night out with the jealous boyfriend doesn't sound like much fun to me. I'll be talking to her, he'll be analyzing every little word and gesture and she won't be comfortable. Goddamnit.

    Here's the thing kids--for all you boyfriends and girlfriends out there: Let your significant other go out with their friends no matter the gender. Trust them enough that they won't become romantically involved behind your back. And /if/ they do have that intention do you think joining them will change things? No. Just back off. Feel comfortable with yourself and realize, you /are/ their life. You get to spend nearly every day with them. Let their friends have some time too.

    Ok, I'm done ranting--for now.


    Current Mood: pissed off
    Tuesday, September 25th, 2001
    10:30 am
    I love my mood-swings. No, really. Thank you God, for the manic-depression you've blessed me with.


    Current Mood: melancholy
    Monday, September 24th, 2001
    10:04 am
    American History X
    "…Ask yourself this question: 'What have you done for your life?'"

    That's a damn good question....

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Sunday, September 23rd, 2001
    9:52 pm
    I was messing around and found a web site that analyzed your name. Take a look if you're bored. http://miva.zodiacal.com/acro.mv

    Anyway, this is what it said about mine. Most of it, I think, is frighteningly true.

    Daniel :

    Your world, good or bad, revolves around your family. You are determined and loyal, and your word is your bond. You have much enthusiasm with a driving attitude toward achievement in life. You can handle details well. You have a methodical mind. You are relatively demonstrative in your affections. You enjoy being stroked verbally and physically. You can be quite inventive and quite curious. You have a diplomatic flair to your nature. Equality and fairness are important to you.


    You can be quite inventive and quite curious. You are soft-hearted with a charitable nature. You are a hard worker when you make up your mind to do a job. You need to learn to be expressive. You are a person who cannot tolerate being misunderstood. You must learn to give 'wise' service and not be a martyr.


    Take advantage of all opportunities. You must develop your creativity and talents. You are determined to prove yourself to others. You have a great deal of loyalty to those you love. You have much inner strength. You need to learn flexibility. There is a need to learn to evaluate family ties properly.

    Care to comment? (Comment, damn you all!)

    Current Mood: thoughtful
    Current Music: Fight Club Soundtrack, "Who is Tyler Durden?"
    Saturday, September 22nd, 2001
    12:00 pm
    I Found This Interesting
    I like bansidhe for all the cool internet things she finds! I found this one particularly interesting. Those who know me feel free to comment.


    Birth dates: 22 September - 22 October.
    Earth influence: The Falling Leaves Time.
    Influencing wind: The West Winds. Totem: Grizzly bear.
    Direction: South-west.
    Predominant elements: Air with Earth.
    Elemental clan: Butterfly (Air) Clan. Function: Initiating ideas
    Birth and animal totem: Crow.
    Plant totem: Ivy.
    Mineral totem: Azurite.
    Polarity totem: Falcon.
    Affinity colour: Blue.
    Musical vibration: A natural.
    Personality: Charming. Friendly.Good-natured. Tolerant.
    Feelings: Sensitive.
    Intention: Justice.
    Nature: Co-operative.
    Positive traits: Idealistic. Romantic, Diplomatic.
    Negative traits: Indecisive. Frivolous. Gullible. Resentful.
    Sex-drive: Strong.
    Compatibilities: Otter and Deer.
    Conscious aim: Partnership.
    Subconscious desire: Harmony and beauty.
    Life-path: Harmonisation.
    I Ching trigram:Chen. Thunder. Desire for achievement.
    Spiritual alchemy: Yang predominates.
    Must cultivate: Decisiveness. Constancy. Impartiality. Inspiration..
    Must avoid: Indecision. Uncertainty. Inconsistency.
    Starting totems: Crow. Grizzly bear. Butterfly. Ivy. Azurite. Falcon.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: VH1 Behind the Music, "1994"
    Friday, September 21st, 2001
    1:54 pm
    What the Hell....

    First grade teacher's name: Ms. Ellifsen. I think she was gay.
    Last word you said: Whatever. (in response to my manager telling me my lunch has now been changed from half an hour to fory-five minutes.)
    Last song you sang: "Truely, Madly, Deeply", by Savage Garden
    Last meal you ate: Spicy chicken teriyaki
    Favorite childhood cartoon: Thunder Cats
    What do you hate most about school: Homework.
    Last song stuck in your head: "Kissed By a Rose", by Seal.


    What's in your CD player: I'm not at home but I think it's a Nine Inch Nails cd.
    What color socks are you wearing: White. Do guys wear any other color?
    What's under your bed: I don't know but it talks to me at night.
    What's the weather like: Seattle. That's all you need to know.
    What time did you wake up today: six-fucking-thirty.


    Who do you want to marry: Though I'm looking at a "Dilbert is Singleman" post card given to me by a good friend in the office posted on my cubica wall, any chick that can put up with me and treat me right would be cool.
    Are you going to college: Wish I was.
    Where do you want to go: Yale: School of Drama
    What is your career going to be: Professional actor. Maybe a writer as well.
    Where are you going to live: London would be cool.
    How many kids do you want: Two, maybe three.
    Kids' names: Boy: Galen Lawrence Girl: Aurora Faye
    Where do you want your honeymoon: Italy.
    What kind of car will you have: If it looks nice and runs well it's cool. I'm not a car kinda guy.

    Current Mood: blah
    Thursday, September 20th, 2001
    2:55 pm
    *beats head against desk*
    My Manager: Are you familiar with [x] system?
    Me: Yeah, but I forgot my password so I need it reset. I don't find it particularly usefull so I don't use it that often.
    My Manager: (phones data security. hangs up the phone.) Dan?
    Me: Yeah?
    My Manager: You just need to put in your password.
    Me: (blink. blink. turns around and continues working like nothing had been said)

    My office is so much like "Office Space" it's frightening.

    Current Mood: irritated
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