LiveJournal for audra.
Thursday, March 21st, 2002 |
blah blah blah. bored bored bored. and kinda hungry. meh. oh, i don't have anything to say. bye. |
i just remembered! i'm leaving work early today, at like 4:15, to go pick up my glasses before tso closes. yay! less work less work la la la! |
ok, these guys are so great. read this: (by the way, the stuff not in teletype is me explaining for those who don't know much about the band)You Asked, Green Day Repliesoh, i enjoy them so much. especially the pie answer. |
so i must go hungry until 5:30 tonight when i shall stuff myself with massive amounts of lasagna. MASSIVE. it's so weird that i'm an adult. not the whole supporting myself thing, that doesn't seem weird to me cause i've been working for a couple of years now, and i've always been poor so i didn't really have to give anything up in the way of comforts after leaving home. but just the fact that i'm expected to act a certain way now and give up things that are considered childish. you know what i say? fuck that. i like muppets, i stay up late at night, i sleep late if i can, i make goofy movies with my friends, i don't style my hair or wear makeup, and i don't care if society doesn't like it. fuck society. society can kiss my ass. i'm in a good mood. not just a good mood, mind you, but one of those rare moods when i like me. it's pretty cool. i should be in it more often. |
alright, i'm still bored so i'm writin'. nothin' you can do 'bout it. i feel silly right now (if you couldn't tell from that title and those first two sentences). wow, billie joe was a lovesick little boy-o. most of the songs on "1,039/smoothed out slappy hours" are about chicks. but then again, the songs were all written from ages 14-18, so i guess it makes sense. grarrgh! someone calls and when i pick up it's a machine telling me it's an important call from nextel, which means it's for my boss, but the machine just kkeps saying "sorry to keep you waiting, i'm still trying to connect" and it says it every 2 seconds for like 2 minutes straight. so i got pissed off and hung up. if it's so goddamn important they can have a person call, and they can call when they can talk. they don't need to take my time away from me to hold when they're the ones who called over here. jerks. rarrh! sorry, it was just really annoying. . . anyway, i'm listening to green day again, so i'm pretty happy. they bring me joy. they have a song for any mood you could be in. it's nice. i could live on green day and rice if i had to. and water, i'd need water. not just to drink, but to cook the rice. so i guess i'd need a pot to cook it in, too. but no stove, i can build a fire. man, i wanna go camping again. i haven't gone camping in . . . almost 5 years. that is entirely too long. i think a long ass road trip is in order. but i've got to get a discman car kit first, cause i couldn't live off only the music i have on tape so i'd have to make tapes of all my cd's (or most of them), and tapes take up too much room. plus you can't skip directly to the song you want, you have to fast forward or rewind a bunch and sometimes you pass it up and that always pisses me off. so, in conclusion, i need a car kit. and an adapter so i can plug it into my car's lighter and not have to buy fuckloads of batteries. batteries are expensive. too expensive. i'm starting to learn to play the guitar. i'm excited about it. as of now all i can play is a g chord and a d7 chord, but it's something. my fingers don't like to switch posistions, though, so i'm gonna have to beat them up repeatedly until they bend to my will. i WILL become a guitar player, dammnit! i am determined! and i have very little that i'm determined about so there's not much to get in the way of this particular determination. "why does my life have to be so small, i love that quote. woo hoo! it's 1! i'm officially at lunch now. excellent. i should go see if i actually brought my lunch today . . . ok, bye for now. |
the doors are good. i'm really hungry, so i'm eating chips because i don't want to go to lunch yet. you see, i have to call a bunch of dr.'s offices, and they're all at lunch now so i don't have to. but they'll start comming back at 1 and i'll have to call them- except then i'll be going to lunch. heh heh heh . . . you see, this way, i put off work for the longest amount of time possible, and i still have an acceptable excuse. i could put it off forever, but "i don't wanna" wouldn't please my bosses, so i'll just put it off for an hour and a half. which is good enough for now. right now i'm not working, and i don't care about later yet. life is good. i get paid in one week. it should be sooner. man, these chips are so damn good when you're really hungry. i packed leftover lasagna for lunch, but i think i forgot it . . . or left it in the car . . . meh, i 'll check later. if i have to, i'll just eat chips until i'm full. ok, i'm boring so i'm going now. |
![]() WHICH SERIAL KILLER ARE YOU? find out at: slitmyfuckingthroat.cjb.net |
Wednesday, March 20th, 2002 |
well, i am full of seven-layer-dip and cottage cheese. i feel pretty ok. not especially good but not bad by any means. so that's a plus. chris is coming beck in to town finally! i'm glad, i haven't seen him since . . . um . . . i think christmas break my senior year when i saw him for like two minutes at borders. i went upstairs and there they were (him and elspeth) and he came over and gave me a big hug. i can't wait until i get a chris hug. they're the best hugs i've ever had and i've been very deprived for far too long. his arms are so long they just engulf me. it's cool. and he used to always wear flannel shirts so it was soft, too. anyway, they're the best hugs ever. i can't wait till i go home cause i'm going to rent donnie darko. woohoo! so excited and happy about that. i will own that movie. i wish it was showing in theatres here like it was in Austin, cause i'd go and take everyone with me. i'm trying to not spend money, but it would be worth it. so worth it. but alas, it is not playing anywhere in the city. i could drive all th eway back to austin to see it, but no movie is that good. and renting it is the lazier way, so that's what i'm gonna do. well, i can't think of anything else to write for now, so i'll go. |
this is a movie that everyone should see. it's really creepy and funny and fucking great. it is available to rent at hollywood video as of yesterday, so it's probably available at blockbuster, too. you should ALL see it. if you don't, i will be very dissapointed in you, and you'll miss a kick ass movie. so go rent it. you heard me! now! go! i'm getting it tonight, and so should you! | ||||||
Tuesday, March 19th, 2002 |
i just watched the video for nice guys finish last. it's so campy. it's the coolest. it's making fun of sports broadcasts. they do a show like it's a football game. they have a coach and there's an anouncer and everything. and at the end they do the stereotypical "dumb jocks happy that they won" thing. they smash stuff in the locker room and pour beer on each other and jump around and say "there's no 'i' in 'band'!" so hard not to fall on the floor and laugh my ass off . . . | ||||||
ok, even if you don't like green day, this election 2000 parady is hillarious (you need quicktime 5 or higher): "elect billie joe." then watch this: "no on billie joe." oh my. i love them so much. |
Tuesday, March 12th, 2002 |
![]() Which Internal Organ are you? Find out at willaston's lounge! ![]() Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty ![]() Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty ![]() Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty ![]() Who's Your Inner Buffy Bad-Girl? Find out @ She's Crafty |
Monday, March 11th, 2002 |
oh yes, i forgot to mention this earlier: you know the scene in fight club when edward norton is talking on the phone with marla and tyler is in the background, jumping around and fighting nothing with his makeshift nun-chucks? i's never thought of it before, but elspeth immediately exclaimed "it's chris!" and as soon as she said it i agreed and we chuckled for quite some time. i'd always found it funny, but now it's even funnier. heh heh. it's so true! it makes me smile just thinking about it now, cause i can just see chris doing it, and it's fucking hilarious. oh, i love that guy. p.s. did i spell nun-chucks right? that's the way livejournal's spell check told me to spell it. |
twenty-five more minutes until i leave work. time is moving exceedingly slow today. insanely slow. oh, man. so so fucking tired. this is so crappy. i want to sleep so bad. and i don't have any more work to do today. i've checked my e-mail and read my friends' page and everything. i could work on my website, but my brain doesn't want to think so that would not be a very bright idea. whine whine whine. man, i can't think of anything to say, and i hate that. i really wish i wasn't so damn tired. it makes time move slower. gr. | ||||||
my brain is nothing but a gelatinous mass today. i think i even misspelled that. guh. i'm exhausted. and i feel all oogey. blegh. my body wants to be catatonic. it's so hard to deny its wishes . . . 20 minutes left of lunch now. }sigh{ my legs hurt now, too. whoa. i zoned out for a while there. i need sleep. more coffee will have to do for now. |
by the way, for anyone who cares, i'm making a website. it's small and not very pretty right now, but maybe it'll be cool soon. so if you want to see it, click the link to my website on my journal or just click here. | ||||||
so, saturday i drove to austin. oh so much driving. but i got to see elspeth, so it was worth it. i do, however, really need a massage. but anyway, it was fun. we played with her chinchillas, and then went for good vegetarian asian food. they had these weird bubble drinks there, with tapioca in them and the one i got was really gross. i tried, i really did, but it was disgusting. so then we went back to her place and watched being john malkovich. it was fun. then we went to the Alamo Draft House and saw Donnie Darko. it's a movie theatre and restaurant in one! you order and eat while you watch the movie. anyway, Donnie Darko was really weird, creepy, and quite enthralling. i enjoyed it immensely and i highly recommend it. anyway, then we went to bed. the next day we had breakfast/lunch at magnolia cafe and went to prima dora gifts and mora, which was a very expensive store. i bought a hair clip. then we went to some vintage stores. i bought a pound puppies lunch box and a muppet show thermos. i also bought a very pretty skirt, which i am wearing right now. elspeth saw the new love of her life- a really pretty old school typewriter. she's gonna buy it today, i think. then we went and got her an account at hollywood video, and we rented the fight club dvd. she'd never seen fight club! so then we watched it and by then it was 15 til 8 so i came home. the end. | ||||||
Friday, March 8th, 2002 |
had a nice conversation with elspeth just now. ah, elspeth, how i've missed her. it was good to hear her voice. we talked of many things, including michael and how great he is, plays, and the recent scandals at jones. i'm going to visit her tomorrow, and it will be great. we shall run amok in austin. wonderful. tonight: lots and lots of sleep. tomorrow: lots of driving and lots of elspeth. excellent. | ||||||
so i had two dreams last night, immediately following one another: 1. i was older, probably in my late thirties, and married with kids my age. my kids were away, i assume, because they weren't around, but i knew they existed.my husband was abit older than me, probly in his early to mid forties. he was abusive and horribly mean. the largest chunk of the dream was me running for my life. you see, we lived in the country in a reall huge, sprawling house. he was chasing after me with a shotgun all through the house. i ran into rooms and shut and locked the door behind me. at one point i was in a bathroom. he was outside. he could see me through the window, and he started shooting. i ran some more, and at the end of all of this terrifying running and hiding, i was up in the attic i guess, but it was extremely tiny. probably only 5x4 feet and the ceiling was only about 3 feet high. there was a really big blanket in there, too, so it was taking up a lot of the room. however, it covered most of the window, so he couldn't see in. he didn't know where i was in the house. i coudl see him standing on a walkway between two different wings of the house, holdong hte gun and screaming at me about how he was going to find me, "you bitch you whore, i'm going to kill you!" needless to say, i was not of sound mind at this point. some time later, i saw another man outside. he was older still, probably in his fifties, with gray hair, and he was a bit fat. he seemed to be trying to find me. my husband was maybe 20 feet behind him, this time without the gun. after a long period of time in which i simply stared at them in fear, i started waving to the man trying to show him i was there. he saw me. the next moment i was comming off of a stairwell into a main room, where the man and my children were. my children wanted to hug me, but i was so terrified i wouldn't let anyone touch me. 2. i was about 25 and i lived in the western US. There was a guy there in his late 20's who was great. we were on a date i guess, but it was one of those where you meet a person and you just spend the rest of the day together. anyway, we were sitting on the ground in a park (but we were on cement), and talking. he was talking about how much it sucked that he lived so far away (he was a reporter from new york) and i was cuddling up to him. he was sad because we lived so far apart, but i wasn't worried about it. he had his laptop out and kept talking, and i rested my head in his lap. i was very happy and we cared about each other a lot. it was great. talk about having opposite dreams in one night! wow! |
Thursday, March 7th, 2002 |
![]() when i was little two of my little friends and i used to play aladdin. i was jasmin. . . weird. |
LiveJournal for audra.