I Am Kath's journal

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Sunday, February 24th, 2002
2:15 pm
I need to get some real friends, I can't just talk to robots all day... )

current mood: nerdy

(2 bruises | hit a little harder)

1:34 pm - tee hee hee
Ohno! Hehe )

current mood: satisfied

(2 bruises | hit a little harder)

Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
12:05 am - lmao... gotta love those Aussie toddlers
Toddler attacks strangers with toy truck
22 February 2002

A boy, aged three, left one woman with a fractured skull and another
shaken and bruised after hitting them with his toy truck. The women, who were waiting at a Tauranga pharmacy, endured a 30-minute ordeal as the tiny terror kicked, punched and smashed them with his toy.

Both victims needed hospital treatment after the child was finally subdued. The pair later approached the toddler's mother, who replied: "Yeah, he does that to people sometimes. I don't really know what to do about it." The mum told the tot to apologise. But he just yelled abuse and ran off.

One of the victims, Trish Mackie, was shocked the kid's mother failed to step in to stop the violence. "It was horror. We were getting beaten up by a bloody loose-wired toddler while his mother just stood aside and let him do what he was doing." Mackie suffered scratches and bruises to her arms, chest and shins. The other woman, who doesn't want to be named, was taken to hospital witha hairline skull fracture. She was diagnosed as suffering concussion. She told Truth: "You wouldn't think a little bastard like that could cause so much horror. I read somewhere that's how terrorists are bred. If he can do that at three then think of 30 years from now."

The woman was disgusted that his mum let him continue his tantrum. "She appeared to be as scared as we were," she said. Mackie said she'd seen the kid kicking the other shopper in the shins, and then bashing her on the head when she bent down to stop him. Mackie went to her aid but then the pint-sized hoodlum turned on her, whacking her on the shin with the truck, then hurling it at her face. Mackie picked up the truck, triggering a frenzy of scratches, kicks and punches from the furious child. "I was in tears. I couldn't push him away because he was strong. I managed to get up and run out of the shop and put the truck on the footpath."

The mother begged the women not to call the cops and they reluctantly agreed. Cops said they have been unable to charge a three-year-old with assault. But the mother might have been charged with allowing the child to attack the strangers. The incident had an ironic twist. Mackie used to live on Palm Island, off Townsville in Queensland, which the Guinness Book of Records lists as the world's most violent place outside a combat zone. "I lived there for four years and not an inch of my body was touched," she says. "Yet in peaceful Tauranga I'm attacked by a three-year-old."

current mood: giggly

(3 bruises | hit a little harder)

Friday, February 22nd, 2002
12:06 am - Wahoo! Guess whose computer is fix-ed??? MINE
Yay, my dad roxors. Going to Boston tomorrow. I got 2 new books today, which also makes me quite happy. Except for that damn picture in the Russell Crowe community, everything was seeming pretty nice! WHY doesn't it want to work for me? Yet another example of how computers hate me... The dumb LJs let everyone else post pictures, how does everyone do it without the pics turning into x's? I'd appriciate anyone's advice on this, and on any good servers that let you use outside posting-things (like LJ).

current mood: annoyed

(hit a little harder)

Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
3:05 pm - Awww, I feel so understood. ::smile:: mmm... Logan... lol

Which Star-Crossed Marvel Lover Are You?

haha Gretch

current mood: giddy
current music: radiohead - fade out

(hit a little harder)

2:38 pm
Well, here's the story that I've been telling people for the past day or two... I somehow injured my dad's computer, so I'm banned from using it, and my computer's been broken for a while, so until my dad fixes both of them, I have to use the library's computers to check my e-mail. So try to hold off e-mailing me about stuff, just call me instead! And for anyone who doesn't have my number... Too bad. Nyuck nyuck nyuck... E-mail me for it if it's really that important, and I'll get back to you the next time I visit the library. (I know, laugh all you want...) Anyway. My journal updates will also be less frequent... Grr, I don't know why, but computers seem to hate me, a lot. They just break when I use them. It doesn't happen to anyone else, why does it happen to me?! Life isn't fair... OH and one more very VERY important note... Much more important than anything else I've said so far... If anyone hears of Russell doing a TV show, call me!!! I can't check my Russell news as often now either! Ack! I'm going to go insane... insaner.

current mood: distressed
current music: Radiohead....

(2 bruises | hit a little harder)

2:17 pm
Dun de dun dun DUN )

current mood: amused
current music: Radiohead - Nice Dreams

(hit a little harder)

Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
2:32 pm
The Truth About Lord of the Rings!!! (Not for fragile [or obsessed] minds...)

current mood: devious

(6 bruises | hit a little harder)

2:12 pm - That sounds about right...

Red: 19/100 Blue: 18/100 White: 5/100 Yellow: 3/100

Take the Color Code Test
by Dano

That's what I want them to think... )

current mood: hungry

(hit a little harder)

Sunday, February 17th, 2002
7:57 pm - This must be like my 400th entry today...
My darlink Apolo won silver in Short Track, and an AUSSIE won gold! I couldn't be happier.

current mood: jubilant

(hit a little harder)

7:48 pm
According to the all-knowing TheSpark.com, on which I base my entire life's philosophy, I am 62% lazy! Yip yip!

current mood: lazy

(hit a little harder)

5:46 pm
I am Kath's twiddling thumbs.

current mood: bored

(hit a little harder)

4:04 pm
Nyuck nyuck nyuck...


Woah, dude, too far. You're totally unsuitable
for anybody under the age of 17, and for society
in general. Tough break...

"Which Movie Classification Are You?"
Test created by Jamie - take it here.


I'm Jareth!

I'm Jareth! I'm calculating and determined, and I may well burst into song for no reason. I want to get the girl, rule the kingdom, and wear tight pants. Ahhh, who doesn't?

Take the "Which Labyrinth character are you most like?" quiz by smarmy

current mood: naughty

(hit a little harder)

3:51 pm
I Am Sam was really good, Sean Penn was awesome, and I can see now that Russell may just have a run for his money for the Oscar... but I still think Russ is gonna win. Tee hee. Today has been incredibly boring so far. I've done laundry. That's about it. Yesterday I learned how to play a song from Gladiator on my guitar, and it sounds really cool, so I've been playing that a lot too. Tonight I plan to watch The Usual Suspects because it's on TV. So my day's activities will increase to doing laundry and watching 3 movies! (I watched City Slickers and Coming to America this afternoon.) I love vacation... lol.

current mood: lazy

(2 bruises | hit a little harder)

Saturday, February 16th, 2002
1:45 pm
Blue like water
Blue like heaven is all of the time
I'm all right
I'm just gagging on all the all right
I'm so happy
So happy
I'm in heaven
Yeah heaven
Oh the season's come for opium
I'm so happy
So happy
I'm in heaven
Yeah heaven
Oh the seizures come from opium

current mood: relaxed

(hit a little harder)

1:32 pm
I really want to go to the movies tonight, but I can't decide between seeing John Q or I Am Sam... what does everyone suggest??? I'm taking votes here. Anyone who wants to come is also welcome... Call me! I also saw Memento last night!!! What a kickass and cool movie... hehe. Anyway, I'm just happy it's vacation! Going into Boston on Tuesday, skiing some other time during the week, plan on going to the movies at least twice, and anything else anyone asks me to do. I have to go call some people about these movies, though... bye.

current mood: relaxed
current music: A Cloak of Elvenkind - Marcy Playground

(3 bruises | hit a little harder)

Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
3:49 pm
I had forgotten about that silly math test thing this morning, so today felt really short because I got to miss the first two periods! Yay. I can't say much right now except that I really shouldn't be online since I have to do 2 chapters worth of biology and try to work on those stupid driver's ed things, plus I have karate tonight, so, bye!

PS Eric is a sexy bitch

::grins:: )

current mood: stressed
current music: The Eagles - I Can't Tell You Why

(9 bruises | hit a little harder)

Monday, February 11th, 2002
3:54 pm
Ugh, I hate being sick. So much for perfect attendance... Grr... Being sick messes everything up, I was planning on doing my performance in English today, and I have to do a thing for geometry but my stuff is at school, and I had BETTER be okay tomorrow because bio extra help is tomorrow after school... Argh, it sucks sucks sucks... I wish I never got sick. All I did today was sleep and watch Proof of Life, and now I feel like sleeping again, but I can't, because I have to do my stupid driver's ed project. ::grumbles:: And I have to go to driver's ed tonight. BAH! Life sucks.

current mood: annoyed

(4 bruises | hit a little harder)

3:26 pm - love IS like oxygen!

If I were a character in Moulin Rouge, I would be Christian.
What Moulin Rouge Character Would You Be?

current mood: happy

(hit a little harder)

Friday, February 8th, 2002
3:24 pm - I love you, Mark Ramsey:

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 8:06 AM
To: mramsey@moviejuice.com
Subject: A Beautiful Mind

I cannot recall a more hyped movie with disappointing results as A

It is over-long, excruciatingly dull, boring and hackneyed. There is
nothing about it that is fresh or original.

Part 1 - The early years at Princeton: a young man struggles with his
hormones and his mathematical gifts. Hormones win.

Part 2 - Young mathematics genius goes completely bonkers... I mean
totally NUTS.Love takes a backseat to histronics.

Part 3 THE ASYLUM - Far better done in 1975 by Jack Nicholson in ONE

Part 4 - By now the audience is becoming restless. So the writer and
director speed things up and cover FORTY YEARS IN ABOUT 12
MINUTES. Fortunately, it is at this time that those unwashed
multitudes (including me) finally learn who this crazy guy is.
Ho-Hum, Ho Hum. Mathematics here is no more interesting than it was
in GOOD WILL HUNTING... another monumental bore.

Summing up, on a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate this picture at about
4. And that is only because of Jud Hirsch, Christopher Plummer, Ed
Harris and the delicious Jennifer Connelly.Without these this would
be a zero.


Well sir, you are obviously smarter than everyone else. Are you a
film critic? Because your rigidly dogmatic and arrogant bullshit
suggests you make the cut. What can I say about your opinions when
it's evident that you detest anything made in the past 25 years,
including yourself, I'm guessing (although at least we can agree on


current mood: satisfied

(2 bruises | hit a little harder)

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