The AntiDoc's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
The AntiDoc

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Quote of the Day [03 Dec 2001|01:07am]
"Butts are such a pain in the ass." --drcristin

P.S. Kerri...I bruised my butt using the wheel yesterday! hee!
3 you said it!| whoa! i got somethin' to say!

thoughts meander like a restless wind [23 Nov 2001|04:22pm]
limitless undying love
which shines before me
like a million suns
it calls me on and on
across the universe...

just felt like postin' that. it's in my aol profile. yay for me.

by the way, john lennon wrote it. but it's the kinda thing where i wish i wrote it. and sometimes it feels almost like i did. =)
whoa! i got somethin' to say!

[03 Oct 2001|07:44pm]
[ mood | amused ]


4 you said it!| whoa! i got somethin' to say!

testing 1, 2 [14 Aug 2001|01:01pm]
testing probing questioning wanting willing having testing probing questioning desiring fulfilling succeeding testing probing questioning opening pulling wishing testing probing questioning

*To newcomers, random linkers, and anyone else who happens upon this journal... This isn't my only entry. The rest is friends only. I have nothing against making friends on lj, I just want to know who's reading my stuff. me if you'd like me to add you as a friend and we'll see what happens. : ) Behold the soap opera (sitcom? porno? lame horror flick?) that is my life.
7 you said it!| whoa! i got somethin' to say!

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