Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
6:31 pm
My phoneline was dead for two days. But I'm back now. Helloooo.
current mood: content current music: "The Air Is Getting Slippery" - Primus.
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Friday, February 22nd, 2002
12:47 am - this strange plan is random at best.
![]( What Lion King Character are You? by Prism.
So, I've not posted in a few days. There is a perfectly good reason for this.
...nothing has happened. Well, aside from seeing Bob Dylan. Who rocked. And the carnival... I enjoyed. Regardless, the rodeo sucked. I hate having to go every year.
I ... wish my life weren't so ... boring.
current mood: sore current music: "Strange" - Built to Spill.
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Monday, February 18th, 2002
1:52 pm
going to see bob dylan wednesday night. at the rodeo. meaning, i have to sit through two hours of animal abuse. beh. they have a carnival outside. with roller coasters. :D :D :D :D :D :D
that is all.
current mood: thirsty current music: "Corduroy" - Pearl Jam.
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Sunday, February 17th, 2002
7:02 pm
2:27 pm
My weekend, for the most part, has been boring. Went to the eye doctor yesterday, 'cause I needed new glasses. I have a slight astigmatism in my right eye. Uhm. And my glasses won't be ready until tomorrow afternoon. ...They're a dark silver and somewhat regular looking. Not the ones I'd originally wanted.
Also, on impulse, my mom purchased a DVD player, which won't work. Ah well.
Sundays are uneventful.
current mood: lethargic
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Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
8:15 pm - I vant chocolate.
Happy Valentine's Day, to those of you who care about a greeting card-generated holiday. :P
I love you all.
current mood: love-y. current music: silence.
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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
7:13 pm
I got my tablet. :>
current mood: artistic current music: TV. Something about the Boston Strangler.
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Monday, February 11th, 2002
9:04 pm - well, of course.
Sunday, February 10th, 2002
10:30 pm
I don't like Valentine's Day.
current mood: lonely current music: "Making Plans for Nigel" - Primus.
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4:36 pm - beh.
I want to see The Queen of the Damned. Look, I wrote this:
Her cold fingers slid along the soft curvature of his neck, down to his shoulder. His chin was tilted skyward, and he awaited what was to come--which, in his mind, was sex.
She punctured his exposed throat before the boy could comprehend what had happened; the blood trickled down the tan flesh, red and sweet. Slowly she drank, victim pinned beneath, struggling. And then with a breath of air that rapped his entire body, he was gone.
current mood: creative current music: "I Stay Away" - Alice in Chains.
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3:48 pm - Stole from Lins.
1.What's your name?: Susan. 2. Who do you love?: Lots of people. 3. Are you sure?: ...Yes. 6. Who are your best friends: They know. 7. Where's your favourite place to be?: Anywhere but here. 8. What is your boyfriend, girlfriend, or crush doing tonight?: ... 9. How many pairs of shoes do you have?: Two. 10. What is your favourite place to eat at?: Any Italian place. 11. What colour is your bathing suit?: Black, I think. 12.What beach do you go to?: Any beach in Galveston, when we do go. Though we usually go to Galveston to see the aquarium. 13. If you could have any car, what would it be?: Something small and simple looking. Not ugly. Not beautiful. And it should have good gas mileage. 14. Do you smoke?: No. Nor do I want to. Second-hand smoke makes me sick enough. 15. Do you drink?: Not yet. 16. Do you know it's bad for you?: Not bad in small doses. 17. Have you ever gotten shit on by a bird before?: No. 18. Have you been to an amusment park within the past year?: Unfortunately, no. I miss roller coasters. 19. How many kids do you plan on having?: Zero. 20. What's your favourite store?: Borders. 21. Do you have a fan in your room?: Yes. 22. Who sent you this?: I stole from Lins. 23. What's your favourite flower?: Carnations are nice. 24. What do you usually get at Dunkin Donuts?: Don't go there. 25. What do you usually get at Newport Creamery?: Uh. 26. Do you like RI?: Never been there, never want to go. 27. If you could move right now, where would you go?: New Orleans. Or... England. XD 28. Do you have a TV in your room?: Yes. 29. What colour is your hair?: Blonde. 30. Are you a homosexual?: Halfway there. 31. What school do you go to?: None. 32. Do you have any roommates? How do you feel about them?: No. 33. How long has it been since you've made a hand-turkey?: Uh. 34. Is your room a mess right now?: Yes. 35. What's your favourite game (BESIDES sports)?: Not into games. 36. Do you have any pics of yourself on the computer?: Yeah. 37. How do you make your money?: I ask my mom. 38. What's your favourite donut?: Chocolate. 39. Tea or coffee?: Coffee. 40. How do you like it (the tea/coffee, get your mind out of the gutter)?: Add chocolate. 41. Are you a virgin (how's that "cherry" doin?)?: Yeah. 42. How much money do you have in your room?: Zero. 44. Who is home at your house?: My mom and my pets. 45. Fruity or Cocoa pebbles?: Fruity. 46. What's your favourite colour of skittles?: Purple. 47. Do you even like to eat skittles?: Yeah. It's sugar. 48. What time is it?: 3:56 PM. 49. What have you eaten all day?: Fettucine alfredo and garlic bread. 50. Who's your favourite Sesame Street character?: Uh. Elmo? 51. What time did you go to bed last night?: Went to bed at two, didn't fall asleep until five. Insomnia bad. 52. Do you believe in God?: No, not really. 53. Why are you doing this profile thing?: Boredom, most likely. 54. Do you like cheese?: Yes. 55. What do you like on your pizza?: Cheez. 56. Do you have any siblings?: Two. 57. Are you into all these reality-based television series? If so, what's your favourite?: No. 58. What's your favourite thing that you own?: Kirby. 59. Would you like it if your boyfriend, girlfriend, crush surprised you with roses or a love poem tomorrow?: I would like it. Despite the fact that I have none of those things. 60. What's your favourite stuffed animal(s)?: Anything my sister's jack russell terrier has ripped apart. 61. How many people are on your buddy list?: Thirtysomething. 62. Do you have nailpolish on your toes? What colour?: No. 63. What's your favourite type of salad dressing?: Raaanch. 64. What's your shoe size?: Seven. 65. Are you hungry?: Not right now. 66. What is your favourite Victoria Secret Lotion: Haven't tried any. 67. Do you sing in the shower?: Yes. 68. Do you love your parents?: Yes. 69. What's your favourite song(s)?: Tons. 70. What's your lucky number(s)?: 13. 71. If you could go to a prom right now, who would you go with?: Social events aren't really my thing. 72. What's the first thing you thought of when you woke up today?: Why my mom went to work, seeing as it's Sunday. 73. What's your favourite thing on your walls (come on, I know you've got shit on your walls)?: Guitar poster. 74. What are you doing right now (other than filling this thing out)?: Absolutely nothing. 75. What's the last thing that you were totally psyched about?: Going to New Orleans.
current mood: bored current music: silence.
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3:31 pm - I'm back... again.
Reactivated this, once again. For absolutely no reason, other than I wanted to.
I'll be 18 in two weeks.
current mood: full current music: "Three Days" - Jane's Addiction.
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