Heather's journal

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Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
4:10 pm - Spend your lazy, endless, crazy, days inside my head.
Yet another productive day in the life of Heather.

Clinical went good. Passed medication without killing anyone. Did treatments, wrote many many nursing notes. Did my report and typed it out. Typed out Cindys paper and even started my clinical paper that's due Monday. It's all a bit tiring really.

A bunch of high school kids came into the office and we got to give them shots :o. Some boy almost cried. *giggles*. I told him it would hurt :o.

I should play this song for my mom. She's missed three days of work in a row just cuz she "doesn't feel like going".

Now I know where I get it. Tut.

current mood: tired
current music: Good Charlotte - Motivation Proclimation

3 buzzs - Love

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
9:50 pm
Wow. My head hurts :/. 30 fucking drug cards made and ready for tomorrow. Fuuucking hell :).

Happy early bday to coggie woggie.


and Congrats to Timmy for his exam results test thingie. I knew you'd pass you smart boy.

So tomorrow I must write out my report, study for my exam, and type out Cindy's paper for English class cuz I'm nice n stuff. But now I'm going ta bed.

But you can do this to amuse me :).

current mood: exhausted
current music: Aha - Take On Me

1 buzz - Love

4:27 pm
Today was an erm good day. I woke up at 5 am feeling more refreshed that I thought possible that early. Had a lovely pt. today. My instructor is pretty much turning us lose to do our thing now, she complements us also, which is nice. I really like feeling like I'm actually doing something. Like yes, that's *my* patient that *I* gave medication too and yes those are *my* nursing notes. hehe I bit silly but hey it's something. Just wish I actually got paid for all this work, but I guess it'll pay off in August eh.

I chose to do my 5 minute "report" on Fetal Development. Should be interesting enough. This has been annoying me since the project was assigned. I hate doing anything in front of persons, even tho I am friendly with all my class mates, it's still annoying.

I'm starving. My mom's been making dinner for an hour now and when I asked her if we'll eat soon, she said "well, I wasn't in a hurry or anything." Well, I'm only about to die of starvation.

aww I love this song.

current mood: bouncy
current music: Good Charlotte - I Want Candy

2 buzzs - Love

Monday, January 21st, 2002
6:47 pm - the emptiest of feelings.
I laid on my bed to study and all I could come up with was jotting down words.

words words words.
writing writing writing.

helps to get the words out but not away.

I need to stop being a slacker girl.
Things I must do this week.

- write five minute report to give to class by Thursday.
- two clinical days/do clinical papers by Monday.
- study for this fucking exam that's going to kick my ass.
- stop being so fucking down.
- mail some stuffs.
- make it through two computer classes. (might be a bit tricky)

That's about all I can come up with.

*ho hum*

Do you ever just wanna disappear completely?

Mmm. My mom got some of those lil chesse sticks like you get at BK. Yum.

current mood: okay
current music: Lit - Addicted


2:28 pm
I keep deleting my entries. They just annoy me.

I highly recommend this book to you. It's full of drugs, sex, and love.

Well now the fucking poll won't work so you don't get it :o.

Thank you drive through.

current mood: frustrated
current music: Nine Inch Nails - Hurt

7 buzzs - Love

Sunday, January 20th, 2002
12:23 pm
The parental units frighten me sometimes. I spent the morning with my mom and her bf, with minimum complications. We had breakfast and then I treated them to coffee. I picked up The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Looks good. Little Eddie bought me a blue star folder for school yesterday and told mom to give it to me. How sweet is that! Went over to my grandpas house to see my dad and discovered he was on his way to buy a motorcycle. This worries me. For one my dad is only like 5 foot 10 and weights maybe 140 at the most, he's to small for a big ol' motorcycle! Another thing, he has wrecked two motorcycles that I know of, one of which landed him in the hospital for a weekend. My father always has to have grown up toys and he always plays to rough with them :/. I played with my grandpas puppy a lot. He's sick with a cold, poor puppy :(. My mother is doing her weekend clean of the house. She's sprayed some orange fluffy stuff on the carpet and it's making me sneeze. Ah lazy Sundays how I miss you. Did I mention I don't have class tomorrow? God bless Mr. King.

current mood: bouncy
current music: soul asylum - runnaway train

6 buzzs - Love

Saturday, January 19th, 2002
10:58 pm - The music or the misery?

Orange County was awesome. Great cast. Jack Black was so funny and Colin Hanks is adorable.

So yeah. Lotsa laughs there. Mucho fun with Pamela. She so rocks. We ate pizza and laughed till our tummies hurt and some big woman/man ran into lil pam with her big butt and I thought I was going to fall over from laughing. We got soaked in the massive rain. She had to wear my pjs home cuz our jeans were so wet. Messy rainy day makes me sleepy. We also watched High Fidelity cuz she'd never seen it. We had to keep re watching the 'walking on sunshine' dance scene. I <3 that movie. I think we're getting up early tomorrow to go eat brekfest. Yum. We haven't done that in a long while. I miss not working on Sundays.

current mood: happy
current music: Nirvana - bside - Marigold

2 buzzs - Love

Friday, January 18th, 2002
1:55 pm
Using the lyrics from only *one* artist or band, answer the following questions:

I chose to use Jimmy Eat World. :o.

1. Are you male or female?
"little girl you're in the middle of the ride"
"just a smile makes her who she wants"

2. Describe yourself:
"I'm not crazy cause I take the right pills everyday"
"I love feeling watched by you"
"Punk is what you want it to be"

3. How do you feel about yourself?
"It's only in your head you feel left out"
"It takes all my faith just to start"
"Sinking into sweet uncertainty"

4. How do you feel about life?
"Our hearts littering the topsoil"
"We're the same, human rain"
"you need to find yourself"

5. What would you rather be doing?
"I wanna fall in love tonight"
"The only voice I want to hear is yours"
"Rockstar, you're looking good"

6. Describe where you live.
"You'll take your time, but no one cares"
"euthanasia could be the greatest gift"

7. Share a few words of wisdom.
"Clean your conscious, clear your thoughts with speyside"
"Easy comes but doesn't stay"
"And there's no antidote for a petty loaf"
" Nothing that makes sense ever works out"

current mood: sleepy
current music: Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American


Thursday, January 17th, 2002
9:10 pm - Strung out on confusion.
Lately I've noticed my social anxiety is getting better. I seem to enjoy looking people in the eye now. I'm talking strangers I pass. Tonight I got a larger amount of smiles and hello's than normal. I figure I could have a larger friend base, if I wanted. Ya know, actually put in the effort. I dunno. I like my small circle of friends. I like the closeness we share. It was a lovely night for walking around looking at things I can't have. I did buy a few things. Valentines, candy, a DVD, pink socks with yellow ducks on them and something for someone but I can't say who or what :p. It was also nice ridding around with the windows down and playing some old school greenday. I'm determined to have a good weekend. Tomorrow sleep late and go pick up something else for someone study, study, study. Go to work Saturday morning and then out with Pamela Saturday night. Spend Sunday doing whatever I wanna do. Yes, sounds nice now but lets hope it stays that way. I love how my mom does my laundry. I come home to piles on clothes on my bed. Socks, unders, shirts, jeans in a heap. Ithink my PO box is broken. I've got nothing in two days now, not even bills. Suppose that's okay then. I've got this large scratch on my hand. Dunno how that got there. Word.

It just takes some time, little girl you're in the middle, it'll up the ride.
Everything will be just fine, everything will be all right.

current mood: good
current music: Jimmy Eat World - The Middle

7 buzzs - Love

7:57 am
This morning for the lovely drive to school, I have chosen my Beetles CD. It doesn't get much better than this. *points at music*

*sneezes* I hope I'm not getting sick, again.


current mood: uncomfortable
current music: Beatles - Hey Jude

2 buzzs - Love

Wednesday, January 16th, 2002
9:33 pm - my whole existence is flawed.
My next investment will be an espresso maker of my very own. 4 bucks a pop is a bit much for a mocha, as good as they are, don't get me wrong. I'm way addicted. So yeah, I went by B&N; just to get a white chocolate mocha :/. Didn't allow myself to look at books cuz I did buy one today at walmart and ordered one from Amazon.

Today's been one of those day's where I've felt like I was walking around in a blurry haze. While I was walking around at the shops I smelt weed. That's not very fair is it. I got a pretty lil poohbear shirt. It has a fuzzy rainbow on it. So cute. Pamela and I and maybe Derrick, made plans to go see Orange County Saturday night. And Tim kinda sorta taught me how to play chess today. I must say that's harder than I thought. Not sure I did too well.

I guess I'll go to lecture tomorrow. Kathy was nice enough to let me have her notes that I missed on Monday. Like 8 pages. I noticed today that I bit my thumb nail down to like the skin. I always bite my nails but never that harsh.

ah well.

Therapeutic quizzes are fun.

Poll #16290:
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

What makes you sad?

View Answers

you make me perfect
you are the reason
i stay alive.

current mood: crazy
current music: NIN - Closer


Tuesday, January 15th, 2002
8:41 pm - Baby I'm about to creep up inside ya.

Woah. I just watched The Fast and the Furious. My gosh what a fucking good movie. Vroom Vroom!

Fuck I've got a headache. It developed durning my lovely computer class. It's one of those that make me sick on my tummy :(. My mom gave me something for it, a big white pill. Not sure what it was but it's making me feel all fuzzy inside and I like. In fact it's making me sleepy too.

This is some fucking hard music.

Not sure I'll keep my eyes open long enough to watch the nakkie chief. Sarah, you'll have to swoon over him alone tonight.

Poll #16158: <3
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

Tell me what makes you happy.

View Answers

current mood: ditzy
current music: (hed)p.e. - Killing Time


8:47 am
You know if you listen to this song over n over all the words start to run together and it really fucks with your head. Or perhaps it's too early. I <3 this song tho.

I feel kinda bad cuz the rest of my classmates are working like buzzy lil bees at clinical, and the lucky 6 of us that didn't have to go was busy sleeping in. I have comptuer class this afternoon tho. Bleh.

I'm hungry.

current mood: groggy
current music: Drugstore f/Thom Yorke - El President

2 buzzs - Love

Monday, January 14th, 2002
11:19 pm
I just watched 'true life - little people' Weeman is so cute. I wanna weeman, no, not really :p. Is it me or is that new Jewel song totally annoying?

tra la la. Duuude I wish I had some drugs. Drugs are bad tho.

/heather b0red n sleepy.

my ankle still hurts. yucky bruise.
I can't believe you are playing sims with Brian. *giggle* I got nothing important in the post today. I got a letter from work about starting my retirement. *thinks* How much $ should I start investing? Ah well. I'll let my mommie help me there. So yeah. I wish I'd get something interesting in the post. *hint hint* :)

And true love lives
On lollipops and crisps
Just don't leave
Don't leave

heeeeey jackass is on :D.

current mood: cold
current music: jackass on tv

10 buzzs - Love

12:10 pm
My, lj is nice and active today :p, not. Nor is my e-mail. What's wrong with you people :o.

I just got up about half an hour ago. My bad. I just felt like poo at 7 am so I went back to sleep. Naughty I know, but oh well. I was caught up last night, so I'll have to read and read some more tonight. So since one of my instructors is sick this week, I don't have clinical tomorrow or Wednesday. So I get more late morning sleep.

My ankle is nice and bruised where a shelf hit it last night. I'll go exercise now and then have a hot shower. I've almost got my book read, and I must say the chapter titled 'crabs' wasn't very amusing :/. Gave me weird dreams last night. No more reading weird chapters before bed.

QAF was good last night. It's getting more and more sexual I think. Sometimes I catch myself gasping and I'm sure I'd be making this face :o if possible. Ameth, I did get it taped. I can tape 6 hours worth on this tape, dunno how many you want but I suggest a tape full :).

current mood: lazy
current music: The Presidents of The USA - Peaches

5 buzzs - Love

Sunday, January 13th, 2002
7:17 pm
Today at work I was sitting at the nurses station, doing some paper work when I look up to see a man (80 some years old) rolling his wheel chair down the hall towards me. I know this man, and he is not a resident, but a residents husband. He's old and has to use a wheel chair himself to get around. He comes in twice a day to see his wife. Anyways, here he comes down the hall with a bag of lunch, a balloon, and some flowers for his wife. I smiled at him and looked at the balloon to see what the occasion was and he said "do you think she'll like it?" I giggled and said something about her being spoiled and his reply was "well, she's all I've got" smiles and said "and I love her." Then he was gone on down the hall leaving me to wonder that if when I get old and grouchy I hope someone cares enough to bring me balloons for no special reason.

current mood: cheerful
current music: Type O Negative - Cinnamon Girl

7 buzzs - Love

3:57 pm - :/

Today totally sucked. Sunday's are meant to be good, even okay, not total shit. I'm so tired :(. I did get my lunch bought for me though. I'm so spoiled.

I'm hot n dirty and I don't feel like moving. My knee still aches. I need a hot bath, but I'm so not moving right now. Some how I've gotta get the motivation to read/take notes/study by tomorrow morning. Tonight's QAF night, hurray. That's something..

current mood: aggravated
current music: StaticX - I'm With Stupid

4 buzzs - Love

Saturday, January 12th, 2002
9:16 pm - lick the tears from my eyelashes.
Sorta productive afternoon I guess. My new book is proving to be a quick read, which is okay.
...six drops of essence of terror,
five drops of sinister sauce
when the stirring's done
may I lick the spoon?

Read and took notes on two chapters of text, that leaves two more and I'll be caught up, my plan to get actually get ahead, not likely though. I have a very pregnant friend at work, shes also a nursing student. Anyways, she has like 8 weeks to go and I keep telling her she should let me go to her delivery. She said I could :o. Would be a learning experience?

Oh fuck I'm so sleepy. I've been yawning all day. I didn't sleep well last night and getting up a 6 am so kicks my ass.

cold cold cold.

She looks like the real thing
She tastes like the real thing
My fake plastic love
Tell me you love me.

Good night world.

current mood: lonely
current music: Saves The Day - This Is Not An Exit


4:14 pm - I'm so fucking special.

Take the Which Radiohead Album are you? Quiz.

Congratulations, you're Pablo Honey!

Many may find you boring and whiny, or perhaps even stupid. You're really not so bad. But the fact is that you don't always 'compete' with your peers. Really smart people might bother you. You know you're angry, but you're not entirely sure why. It just seemed like the right thing to do. When you get all fired up, you can turn your anger into great things! Maybe even a song you'll grow to hate! Otherwise, people tend to be unimpressed by you, but deep down inside you're sensitive and still smarter than non-Radiohead albums. It's just the 1990's grunge influence getting under your skin.

Yeah. Couldn't say no to the Radiohead quizzie <3.

current mood: bouncy
current music: White Stripes - Hotel Yorba

2 buzzs - Love

Friday, January 11th, 2002
4:28 pm
ho hum.

I think that's the cutest picture of miss love ever.

current mood: lazy
current music: City High - Caramel

7 buzzs - Love

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