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Surveyage! [27 Mar 2002|06:20pm]
[ mood | uninspired ]
[ music | Michael's beatboxing ]

01) Name 3 of your favorite songs: Hard....Turn Off The Light, These Dreams, err...Pacifier
02) Name 3 of your favorite movies: LOTR, Moulin Rouge, The Matrix
03) Name 3 countries you'd like to visit: Ireland, Spain, Vanuatu
04) What's your favorite WinAmp skin?: n/a - don't have WinAmp
05) Have you ever eaten an egg raw?: eww nope
06) Do you like tofu?: nope
07) Do you have a cell-phone? Indeed I do
08) If so, what ring-tone do you have it on? Is it a Nokia?Nope, not a nokia - what shall we do with the drunken salior is the ringtone
09) Shower or bath?: Shower
10) Pepsi or Sprite?: Sprite
11) Pop or rock?: Bit of Both
12) Cat or dog?: hmmm....both
13) Chinese food or Japanese food?: Hard choice - japanese, only cos of Sushi
14) ^.^ or ^_^?: don't use those
15) Who is/was your first online friend?: I'm thinking it was Sumi
16) What operating system are you using?: Windows 95
17) Have you ever crashed a golf cart into something?: Can't say I have
18) Do you have an MD player? nope
19) Do you have a PS2, XBOX, Gamecube, and/or Dreamcast? Or none of these?: none
20) Have you ever played Grand Theft Auto III? If you have, what did you think of it?: nope


001. Favorite band(s)? Westlife, Coldplay
002. Do you enjoy concerts? Who doesn't?
003. What was the last concert you attended? Robbie in November last year
004. Music you couldn't live without? any
005. Kind of music that would fall off the face of the earth and you wouldn't care nor miss it? Country or death metal
006. About how many CDs do you own? Around 60
007. How many CDs can your stereo hold at a time? I'm cheap - 1
008. Do you have a discman? yup, and a cool one at that
009. What CD(s) could you listen to for hours? Nelly Furtado, 'I've been expecting you' - Robbie, WL Live @ Wembly, 'Parachutes' - Coldplay
010. Can you sing well? kinda

How many CDs do you own by...
011. Britney Spears? 1 -single
012. City High? 0
013. O-Town? 0
014. Eminem? 1 - single
015. Incubus? 0
016. Blink 182? 0
017. Everclear? 0
018. Mandy Moore? 0
019. Backstreet Boys? 2
020. N'Sync? 1
021. Dr. Dre? 0
022. Fuel? 0
023. Linkin Park? 0
024. Destiny's Child? 1
025. Dream? 0
026. Korn? 0
028. Missy Elliot? 0
029. Nelly Furtado? 1
030. Jessica Simpson? 1
031. Christina Aguliera? 1
032. Eve 6? 0
033. Sum 41? 0
034. No Doubt? 0
035. Mariah Carey? 0
036. The Offspring? 0
037. Rancid? 0
038. System Of A Down? 0
039. Kittie? 0
040. NoFX? 0

What lyric comes to your mind when you hear...
036. Goo Goo Dolls? 'And I'll do anything you ever dreamed to be complete'
037. Lifehouse? 'Finding my way back to sanity / tho I don't know what I'm going to find when I get there'
038. Vertical Horizon? 'He's everything inside of you that you wish you could be'
039. Vitamin C? 'Put a smile on your face - make the world a better place'
040. LFO? 'Na na na na na na na na' etc etc
041. Savage Garden? and you cry these tears of pearls, yeah you do
042. Papa Roach? 'Cut my life into pieces/This is my last resort'
043. The Bloodhound Gang? 'we don't need to water let the mother--- burn'
044. Toni Braxton? 'You're making me hiiiiiigh, baby baby baby baby'
045. 98 Degrees? 'Give me just one noche'
046. Our Lady Peace?Don't know any of their songs.
047. The Verve Pipe? see above
048. Craig David? I thought you'd realize some people dont' want to compromise
050. Aqua? If only I could turn back time
052. Micaela? no idea who this is
053. The Fugees? I'm gonna find you, and make you want me

Either or...
054. Britney or Christina?
055. Punk or rock?
056. Edited or un-edited?
057. Backstreet Boys or N'Sync?
058. Nick or Justin?
059. Live or on TV?
060. Amphitheater or arena?
061. Live band or recorded tape?


(405) Do you ever dance to music when nobody's watching?: all the time

(406) What is/are the worst song(s) you've ever heard?: Because I got High, Imaginary Diva, and I'm a Slave for you.

407) What song(s) do you wish you could understand a little better?: ummmmm.....Spies by Coldplay

(408) What kind of music has the tendencies to get stuck in your brain?: something with real cool lyrics, like Michelle Branch or the new Pink one

(409) What song(s) do you think describe(s) your personality best?: these Dreams, or to the moon and back

(410) If you were to serenade the object of your affections, which song(s) would you use?: can't lose what you never had

(411) If the object of your affections were to serenade you, what song(s) would you hope he/she used?: anything, the fact that he's serenading me is all that matters really!

(412) Do you play an instrument?: used to

(413) What's you fave sound?: sprigs on concrete

414) CD in your CD-player: Ja Rule

415) Do you have a band/artist you worship?:I think we all the answer to this question

(416) What have you been listening to lately?: daniel Beddingfield, Darren Hayes, Coldplay

(417) What's your best concert- experience?: Definetly Robbie. Oasis comes in a close 2nd

(418) Worst?: Michael Jackson, but only cos the other ones were good.


(419) How easy is it to make you laugh?: extremely easy

(420) What person you know makes you laugh most?: anyone really

(421) Do you laugh at jokes you know you shouldn't?: of course

(422) Do you tell jokes you know you shouldn't?: sometimes

(423) What words instantly make you laugh or at least smile?: Dave, Vege....

(424) What do you think is the funniest thing you've ever said or written or drawn?: errr..that's a toughie....possibly in 3rd form when i told Katherine that in science we were studying orgasms instead of organisms. That was pretty funny.

(425) Are you sarcastic?: yep

(426) What's the funniest place you've ever been?: Ummmm.....pass

(427) What's the punch-line of your fave joke?: because he had no arms!

(428) Do you have an expression you overuse?: yes - 'oh man!' 'you dork!'

(429) Who's your fave talented white rapper?: Vanilla Ice, definetly.

(430) Do you see the humor of the previous question?: indeed i do.


(431) Does Christmas carols too far away from Christmas annoy you?:not really - whatever tickles your fancy.

(432) How old do you think you will be before you stop liking getting older?: 23

(433) What holiday do you think has still managed to obtain its original meaning?: Anzac day

(434) There are currently no federal holidays during August (in the U.S. at least)- what should be put there?: don't know and don't care

My Idea Of Hell
*On the CD player: :Leanne Rimes
*On the radio: John Banks
*On the TV: Some crappy reality tv show
*On the VCR: dunno
*Your spouse/partner: pass
*Your dinner: meatballs
*Your clothes: anything yellow
*Your hair:shaved
*Your library: filled with instructional type books
*Your dwelling: a roofless, cold slab of concrete
*Your neighborhood: surrounded by people who annoy the hell out of me
*Your job: septic tank cleaner
*Having a conversation with: Jerri from Survivor II

My Idea of Heaven
*On the CD player: Westlife, Robbie or Nelly
*On the radio: Daniel Beddingfield
*On the TV: Music I like
*On the VCR: a good movie - LOTR or Moulin Rouge
*Your spouse/partner: the love i haven't met yet...
*Your dinner: A variety of Pizza, sushi and lots of nummy other sutff
*Your clothes: my rip curl shirt, jeans and those adidas shoes that I've been eyeing for ages
*Your hair: with no flyaways...and no split ends
*Your library: books about dream interpretation, inspirational type books
*Your dwelling: a big nice mansion
*Your neighborhood: people who mind their own business
*Your job: a director or screenwriter of movies

1. the last cd you bought? Ja Rule - Pain is Love
2.the next cd you want to get? LOTR soundtrack, or Michelle Branch - 'The Spirit Room'
3. last place you ate @? err, work?
4.las time you had a headache? last week at the gym
5. would you rather be the driver or the passenger? seeing as I can't drive, passenger. do you know when you are getting tired? when I start to stare. do you handle being around stupid people? not very well - sometimes it frustrates the hell out of me, then I realize that they can't really help it do you handle rude people? depends on how rude they are. If they're real real rude, I end up saying something, if they're no so rude i usually grin and bear it.
9.funniest thing you have said answering your phone? 'LOSER!'
10.last movie you saw? Ice Age
11.last song you heard? Ummm.......Keep on Movin' by Five - when I flicked it over onto Juice
12. las book you read? The Fellowship of the Ring, but am in the middle of the two towers at the mo
13. where do you order your pizza from? pizza hut
14. where do you get your subs/sandwiches? the kitchen! you like to run into people when you go out? right now, yes.
16. when you go out do you have to check your outfit to make sure you didn't wear it last time you went out? nah, not really.... you use white out? no you get shy when it comes to talking about "going to the bathroom?"....uhh, not with some people yo like your hair? ugh no.
20.what's your favorite kind of pie? ummm....steak and cheese. Brings back so many memories.... you over-listen to cd's? fuck yes you hate when the phone wakes you up? I don't think I find anything else more irritating - I mean, you're in the middle of this nice deep sleep, then this ring comes out of no where and makes you get up.
23. name some shows that are no longer on tv that you used to watch. PlaySkool. Fraggle Rock. The Magic Roundabout. Rainbow. some Sunday comics that you used to/still do read. never did really.
25. some occupations you can see yourself having: screenwriter, broadcaster (as in behind the control panel), dole bludger, layout designer for a magazine, layout designer for movie posters.

Yeh, recognize. It took me a while to find those, but there they are.

Oh yes, I am very pissed off at shiny bald headed Richie Cunningham. Oh yes, I am going to kick his scrawny little ass. Oh yes, the aim of his movie was to win that award. grrrrr.

My sister has just been introduced to the wonders of email and sent me a lovely email:
Hi Aniva!
My name is Seleta Michie and I would like tocongratulate you on being the very first reciever of an e mail that I sent all by myself!!! Are'nt you proud?! I would like to advise you that you are a big dick and you smell like fishy poos and it is strongly advised that you should have a shower straight away.
Thank you for your attention.
Hope to hear from you soon.

I sent her one back congratulating her on being the smelliest person in the world, along with a list of prizes she's won - but I think some of you are a bit too young to know what she's won so I'll leave it at that.

There's so much more I want to say, but gazing eyes prevent me from doing so. Will have a speel on secrets tomorrow tho.

Going back to reading 'The Two Towers'. Realistically, I should be half way through it, but I've been extra specially lazy lately and had to read over one chapter like 4 to read more now tho.

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[25 Mar 2002|05:56pm]
All I have to say now is......
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA IN YOUR FACE RUSSELL CROWE!!!!!!! Shame you cocky piece of crap!!!
*Gloats* haha shame on your ass....
But WTF - ABM won direction and best picture...asswipess
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[25 Mar 2002|05:23pm]
Ok so I'm yet to find out who's won Best Actor, Best Director and Best Picture, but boy these Academy people sure do suck.
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LOTR overdose - Part II [24 Mar 2002|09:31pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Nada ]

With the Oscars now only a matter of hours away (wahoo!), all the newspapers have gone crazy with their predictions for the big event. Since I'm so bloody bored, I've decided to post a few comments from the NZ Herald and the Sunday Star Times respectively:

Best Picture
OUR PICK: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring (of course).
WHY: The leading nominee with 13 nods has proved the most popular film in the running. Like category winners Gladiator, Titanic, and Braveheart before it, it's an ambitious epic - the most "movie" of all the movies in the category.
Also, it's taken out the top prize in some important peer-voted pre-Oscar awards from the AFI and the Baftas. Its wide range of nominations suggests it's got support right across the Academy's technical guilds, if not its biggest branch - the actors.
OUR REVIEWER SAID: "The Fellowship Of The Ring - the first of Peter Jackson's three films of J.R.R Tolkien's trilogy - has the frequent capacity to make you go:'Good Lord! Look at that!'
If your optic nerves are getting a delightful battering, even better, perhaps, is the film's capacity to make your heart leap as high as your imagination."
THEN AGAIN: As we've been constantly reminded "fantasy" films don't win best picture (and Gladiator was "reality"?) like when the multi-nominated punters' favourite Star Wars lost to Annie Hall. And maybe the Academy voters are thinking: Let's see how the next two turn out...

Best director
OUR PICK: Peter Jackson - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
WHY: How's this for confounding logic - the guy who makes the best film is the best director, isn't he? Or how about, of all the contenders, who took the biggest risk? Or who displayed the greatest imagination, got believable performances from actors playing make-believe characters and brought clarity to what on the page is a very complicated story? [I'd say that's amazingly clear logic - me] The Herald didn't name him New Zealander of the Year for 2001 for nothing, you know.
OUR REVIEWER SAID: "Not only does Jackson's opening chapter show that a very fine movie has been made from the first third of an important, seemingly impossible-to-adapt book, it also shows what makes great films great."
THEN AGAIN: He's still a Hollywood outsider with a curious track record from a country that Academy members may have trouble finding. It's possible that The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring wins best picture but Jackson doesn't get director, just like Gladiator last year.

Best supporting actor
OUR PICK: Ian McKellen - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
WHY: In a cast where effectively everybody was a supporting role, McKellen imbued the wizard Gandalf his own acting magic, making him a living, breathing character palpably burdened with the fate of Middle-earth. He was a towering presence - and not just because his co-stars were a bit on the short side. Oh, and he keeps saying such nice things about us, doesn't he? He also won the Screen Actor Guild award in the category.
OUR REVIEWER SAID: "McKellen's Gandalf brings a wise elder gravitons to the occasion, making for a wizard-cum-pointy-hatted-action-hero with a human touch - such that, at the end of a series of scenes which deliver the film's greatest cardiac risk, it's hard not to shed a tear as Gandalf slides into the abyss."

[NB:What initially brought my attention to this newspaper was the fact that, as I was walking past Whitcoulls in St Lukes this morning, I glanced over the front page and had to take a second look as I saw a pic of Dominic Mongahan, Orlando Bloom, Peter Jackson and Billy Boyd on the front page. Needless to say, I had to buy.]

[NB again, sorry - This paper gave out alternative awards which I thought were quite funny.]

  • The Historians Went On Strike Too And Hollywood Didn't Notice award:
    History continued to prove a useful reference point for Hollywood last year, mainly by giving film producers something to disregard entirely. Contenders in the re-writing the past category include Ali (for ignoring Muhammad's womanising), A Beautiful Mind (for ignoring John Nash's bisexuality and divorce), and Pearl Harbour (for ignoring history pretty much altogether [lol so true!]) but the clear winner is Black Hawk Down for taking a notable American military defeat and rendering it as a jingoist series of pro-USA comrades in arms cliches.

  • The You Are Running Out Of Chances award:
    ....but by a neck (or rather a gut) the award goes to John producer who cut a poem from his [Russell Crowe] acceptance speech for the television broadcast. If Crowe wins tomorrow for A Beautiful Mind, he has hopefully prepared a haiku. It's so much harder to edit 17 syllables. [That made me crack up so much!]

  • The Academy Is Requesting You Return Your Oscar award:
    Ben Affleck is a strong nominee for Pearl Harbour (you may recall he won a screenwriting Oscar for Good Will Hunting) but the award goes to Angelina Jolie for Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. In 2000 she won an Academy Award for pretending to be mentally fill in Girl, Interrupted. This year we're asking for it back because there was clearly no acting required.

  • Real Actor With The Most Hobbit-like Name award:
    Billy-Bob Thornton. [Hahahahahah!!!!!]

  • Best Costume award:
    [I must admit I thought this was soooo hilarious!]
    While there was hot competition from dozens of uber-glamorous, designer sheathed Oscar hopefuls, this has to go to our boy Peter Jackson. Even as he rockets up the rich list, Peter manages to look every inch a man about to walk the Milford Track. [!!!!] Oh sure, they got him into a penguin suit for the Golden Globes, but it only made him look like a man in a tux about to walk the Milford Track. [damn that's funny!!!] Don't go changing Pete, we love you just the hirsute, shambolic way you are.

    My personal picks for the Oscars:
    Best Picture: This is actually quite tough. Clearly I would say The Fellowship Of The Ring, but Ian McKellen said something very scary on the news - he said voters - the majority of which are actors - may be very patriotic this year due to September 11 etc etc, so we may see an all-American show going on. Still, I'm going with FOTR.
    Best Director: Peter Jackson. If Ron Howard wins, I will be very very very pissed off.
    Best Actress: hmmmm.......wouldn't have a clue, so I'll just say Halle Berry.
    Best Actor: I'm going with Denzel, even tho I haven't seen that movie....just cos I don't want Russell Crowe to win.
    Best Supporting Actress: Again, no clue - errr, Kate Winslet.
    Best Supporting Actor: Ian McKellen.
    Animated Feature: Shrek. Don't see how the others could win over it.
    Art Direction: Either FOTR or Moulin Rouge.
    Cinematography: FOTR or Moulin Rouge [up against BHD - the fuck??]
    Costume design: Moulin Rouge.
    Editing: Memento
    Visual effects: No contest - FOTR.
    Writing - adapted: FOTR
    Writing - original: Memento, definitely.

    Ok so I'm a bit bias. I just want us to win more than the bloody Aussies, who also have 13 nominations to their name. I saw the Australian Who Weekly that exclaimed 'Aussie Oscars' from it's titlepage, which made me mad.

    Over the last week or so we've been having an anonymous prank caller. They'll ring, we answer, and they just don't say anything. They'll just say on the line while we insult the hell out of them. One day we thought it would be rather fun to take turns at bumming them out, so I answered, didn't say anything, and then screamed down the phone :"LOSER!!!! L O S E R.....Go get a life you fucking LOSER!!!!" We all started laughing, and yet they didn't hang up or anything.
    After a while they did hang up, then 2 minutes later they rang back and Seleta came up with a real good one: "You've reached Phone Sex. For sex with a man, press 1. For Sex with a woman, press 2. For sex with an animal, press 3." Apparently the person on the other end pressed 3, and so it continued: "For sex with a horse, press 1. For sex with a dog, press 2. For sex with a pig, press 3." The person then pressed 3, and Seleta replied, "You have chosen to fuck yourself." All 3 of us totally burst out laughing for like 5 mins, and we were all laughing into the bloody phone, and still they stayed on the line. After a while they then hung up, and then 2 mins after that the phone rang again. It was some girl for Michael, and we were like "D'uh! Who does that?? Rings the person they've been prank-calling straight after they've prank-called them??" It was so obviously the little bitch who was on the other end of the phone, and we kept saying things like "Ahhh fuck off you big pigfucker" so that she could hear us, and apparently she said to Michael, "Is you family all right? I can hear them laughing in the background." "Fuck off" he said, then hung up. Little bitch - if she ever rings up again I'm so gonna call her something not very nice. But it's like, HELLO, how dumb are you??

    Today was my first Sunday off since like.....probably the Ball last year. Seriously. And I can say, it was bloody nice. I'm so looking forward to having 2 days off instead of 1 a week from now on. It was just nice to have a sleep in.

    Went to the Blues vs Chiefs game last night, and it was so good. Carlos played soooo well - let's hope he stays at fullback from now on - and the crowd was the biggest it's been in ages. The amount of filth comes from people's - ok, so it's mainly guys - mouths during the course of a game is just amazing. Honestly man, the amount of times I heard 'fuck' last night was enough to last me a lifetime. The crowd did some mean Mexican waves too, and you should have seen the amount of Export Gold bottles that were thrown in the air - it was just crazy!
    After the game Lisa and I walked up to Wendy's, and we were talking about all the stupid (tho not at the time) things we've done at Eden Park - like waiting outside the changing rooms and listening to Orene Ai'i - aka my brother - singing in the shower. Or the other time Tanivula asked us if we were all right getting home. Or that other time we stalked Charles Richelmann thru the tunnels and got a photo with him, then followed him up to the Supporter's club. We were such groupies.

    I just finished watching Irish Popstars, and dude, it's just getting boring now. I mean, we've sat through so many of these popstar programmes, and one work that summs the whole thing up is repetitive. I mean, how many have we seen?....5. We've seen 5 different series of Popstars and it's just so damn predictable now: Thousands of people audition to get into a manufactured popband, losing their dignity at the same time, 5 or so people make it into the band, one successful band member turns out to be underage, or changes their mind about the whole thing, or is made to leave the band, leaves, a replacement is brought in, the new band goes on the road on a promotional tour only giving the people who have been watching them for 4 months more to chew on and gripping them even tighter into the hysteria, and then the bubblegum 'worldclass' single goes straight to number one. Tell me one 'Popstars' series where any one of those things has not happened. Grrrrrrr.
    Then the people who produced the single had the cheek to say that none of the other Popstars singles were that good, but Six's one was. Excusez-moi?? That makes no sense to me at all.
    Sidenote: on an episode of Bob Bond on More FM the other day, Bob was going to see what was on TV, and the listing was: 'ooh, Irish Popstars....Guatemalan Popstars....Ewok Popstars...ooh and Dyslexic Soptars.' I thought that was damn funny.

    I've thought of a new reality TV show. It shall be called Who wants to be a big Bootcamp Popstar Ground Force Millionaire-Survivor-Brother?? I'm still kinda working on the concept, and will get back to you. I'm sure there'll be a huge turn out for auditions tho.

    I coulda sworn there was something else I was sposed to mention, but hey, I've written enough for now.
    Laters dudes
    ~ Pro Patria et Libertate ~
    PS: This was just in Briar's email that she sent to everyone:
    Do you guys have pop idol over there? it's like pop stars but there is only one winner who gets a music contract, well anyway Will is the winner just in case you were wondering (Aniva Michie and Shirley Phalange)
    The sad thing is, I already knew that Will won. How sad and pathetic is that??
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    Ooops! Didn't see you there.... [23 Mar 2002|10:48pm]
    [ mood | okay ]
    [ music | Six - A whole lot of love (damn it's so annoyingly catchy!) ]

    Geeze, seems like I haven't updated this thing in like, ages, and because I'm not working tomorrow morning (yyyayyyyyy), I might as well update it now. Oh what fun we shall have.

    F R E A K Y S H I T
    Freaky instance #1:
    About 3 weeks ago at the Girls Day Out, I met up with a guy I went to Primary and Intermediate with, named Derek. We caught up a hell of a lot, and I told him about people I was still in contact with and vice versa. During the course of our conversation, I told him about Rachael Masters, a chick we went to Primary with, who had, during the course of last year, managed to get herself pregnant and the father had taken off. After half an hour or so, Derek gave me his mobile number and I told him I'd text him during the week to let him know what my number was.
    The Tuesday after that, I texted Derek and let him know what my number was, and didn't think much else of it.
    The following week, on Monday night, I had a dream involving Derek, Rachel and myself, in Derek's apparent appartment, and we were running around and laughing and stuff.
    I got up in the morning to go to work, and checked my phone for messages because my sister had taken the phone out with her THE NIGHT BEFORE. Freakishly enough, there was a text from Derek from the night before saying 'Hey Niva, thanks for texting. Guess what? After I left you that day I met Rachael Masters and her baby.' The night I had a dream about us 3. Freaky shit.

    Freaky instance #2:
    That same morning, I was sitting in the car just daydreaming, and I dunno how I came to it but I started thinking about the movie The Full Monty. In particular, the scene where they're all in the line at the unemployment office, and 'Hot Stuff' comes over the radio and they all start subtlely doing the dance routine.
    At work I was listening to ZM on my headphones, and the crew were doing 'Birthsongs' (a song that was big on the day of yoy were born that apparently influences the rest of your life). So anywayz, this girl is on the radio, and she says her birthdate, and the crew inform her that her birthsong is 'Hot Stuff' by Donna Summer. BUT, the funny thing was, that the guy said "You know, it's the song from the full monty when they're all in the queue and they start doing the dance moves." eeeeeek!

    Freaky instance #3:
    I was busy doing A4s at work, and had my walkman up real loud cos it was 'Gotta Get Thru This', thus I couldn't hear anything going on around me. For some strange reason, I thought of the MSN conversation Rachael, Lisa, Katherine and I had on Sunday night last week. Then I said to myself :'Don't forget to ring Lisa about the game on Saturday. Remember to do this...' etc etc etc.
    So I turn around, and Mele is standing in front of me with my ticket for the game on Saturday. She had come from the other side of the building to give me the ticket, right after I was thinking about it.

    I've had some major psychic vibes this week. I dunno if it was just me or what, but it just seemed too convenient to be a con incidence. If that makes any sense at all.

    Featuring the voice talents of: Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary
    This is one kick ass movie. Seriously man, it's real cool - not quite on par with Shrek, but just about.
    Basically the storyline is - the ice age is coming about, and all the animals are migrating to avoid all the snow. Sid the Sloth gets left behind by his family, and makes friends with Manny - Manfred - the Mammoth. Meanwhile, the Sabre-toothed tigers are prowling about humans, and plan to take the baby human for revenge on humans for hunting the tigers. So the baby is taken by Diego, our chief protagonist of the movie, and ends up in the hands of Manny and Sid, who take it upon themselves to return the baby back to the humans.
    That's the bulk of the storyline, but there's also a hysterical parallel story courtesy of a squirrel type creature (who I've forgotten the name of) who's trying to safely guard his nut. One of the funniest parts in the whole movie is when the nut is frozen in a block of ice, and so to melt it he puts it over fire. The nut pops into popcorn. It's real funny.
    Honestly, this is a real nice light-hearted movie and I especially liked the way Manny's backgroud was displayed - by cave drawings - and also the animation wasn't too bad either. What I really like about animated movies is that they always have the wittiest lines in them, and this does not lack in witty one liners.
    Rating: I'd say 8.5 - 9 /10. Just for entertainment value.

    Meh, I'm going to watch Scary Movie 2 now, even tho I know how sucky it is.

    ~ Pro Patria et Libertate ~

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    [20 Mar 2002|05:18pm]
    [ mood | curious ]
    [ music | Hands Clean - Alanis Morrisette ]

    Which Celebrity Song Are You?

    How bout that, I'm like Sumi! Wahoo!

    A list of random things about me I think people reading this should know:
    1. I'm a huge procrastinator. I don't know why, but I just always seem to put things off for strange or inexplicable reasons. Recent examples: I just recently changed banks, about a month after filling in the forms. It took me about a month to actually take them in. I have to get 2 films developed - of our last day of 7th form, taken in November 2001. Hey, it took me like 8 months to get camp photos developed!

    2. I have a mild case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). It's with my hands - I have a thing where I have to wash them after touching anything - and I mean anything. It's especially after touching something dusty or dirty, and I can't get my mind off washing my hands until I have. Even if it's the slightest thing - like the computer mouse, for example - I have to wash my hands straight afterwards.

    3. When I start to like something, I really get into it. I get into it with a passion. Currently: LOTR, Westlife, poetry, and an idea I just picked up at work that I will endeavor to explain in a mo.

    That's all I could think of at that point.
    I'm getting distracted by westlife pix that I'm about to post in the club, so I'm gonna go.

    ~ Pro Patria et Libertate ~
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    Who, me? [18 Mar 2002|05:54pm]
    [ mood | accomplished ]
    [ music | Always on time - Ja Rule ]

    I hate those stupid emails people send you, and they're as sweet as anything, and then suddenly they tell you that you have to send it on and if you delete it you're a cold, heartless person. Excuse me?? I think I'm doing a lot of people a favour by not sending it on, not to mention myself, because I know some people don't like receiving silly email's like that.

    It's amazing how many people fill up their journal entries with surveys...I am no exception:
    current mood: sore, clean, a bit tired
    current music: nothing at the mo
    current taste: pasta
    current hair: brown, up in a towel cos I just washed it
    current dress: my old soccer socks (cos I'm cold), adidas shorts & grey Nike top
    current annoyance: My sister's complaining voice
    current smell: bubblegum
    current longing: To know what the hell I want to do!
    current game: don't have one
    current thing i ought to be doing: putting nice girlie things on Rach's postcards. reading the Two Towers.
    current windows open: 3 explorer windows
    current desktop picture: Sean Astin as Sam Gamgee
    current favorite group: Westlife
    current book: The Two Towers
    current cds in stereo: I think Ja Rule 'Pain is Love'
    current colour of toenails: n/a - i don't wear nail polish.
    current refreshment: H2GO
    current worry: my health
    current crush: no one 'real' - Mr Feehily, Orlando Bloom, Jude Law (totally feeling the Jude Law hotness right now!)
    current favorite celeb: errrr.....see previous q
    current time wasting wish: filling in surveys to fill up my livejournal entries.
    current hate: people at work.

    today have i..

    smiled?: yes - at Haley Joel Osmond.
    laughed?: see above
    cried?: Not so far.
    bought something?: a head scaf thingee from kleins
    danced?: a bit in the shower!
    were sarcastic?: not to my memory....
    talked to an ex?: nope
    watched your favorite movie?: nope, but watched a movie.

    a last time for everything..

    last book you read: The Fellowship of the Ring
    last movie you saw: A.I
    last song you heard: Wrong Impression - Natalie Imbruglia
    last thing you had to drink: H2GO baby
    last time you showered: bout 2 hours ago
    last thing you ate: pasta for lunch

    do you?
    smoke? nope (dirty freakin habit)
    do drugs?: nope i 'just say no'.
    have sex?: nope
    sleep with stuffed animals?: when I'm lonely....or hear mice crawling in the walls....
    live in the moment?: when I want to
    have a dream that keeps coming back?: nope
    play an instrument?: used to
    believe there is life on other planets?: of course, it's ignorant to think it doesn't
    remember your first love?: uuhhhh.....
    still love him?:passsss
    read the newspaper?: yup.
    have any gay or lesbian friends?: hmmm...not that i know of
    believe in miracles?: yeah to an extent
    believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?:yup
    consider yourself tolerant of others?: I'd say highly tolerant.
    consider love a mistake?: depends
    like the taste of alcohol?: Depends on the alcohol.
    have a favorite candy?: Campinos - strawberry.
    believe in astrology?: no
    believe in magic?: david blaines - yes - all others, no.
    believe in G/g/od?: yup
    go to church?: LOL....errr, 'yes'.
    do well in school?: I DID ok (how cool does that feel to say?!)
    go to or plan to go to college?: dunno right now.
    wear hats?: nope. Only scarf thingees.
    have any piercings?: nope
    have any tattoos?: nope
    hate yourself?: at times yes
    have an obsession?: yes, many......
    have a secret crush?: nope
    do they know yet?:n/a
    collect anything?: ummmm....westlife stuff.....ummm....
    have a best friend?:
    wish on stars?: not really
    like your handwriting?: god no - it constantly changes
    have any bad habits?: yup - biting the skin round my fingernails off
    care about looks?: i hate to say it, but yes
    believe in witches?: no
    believe in satan?: dunno

    I was at St Lukes today, picked up Empire magazine, and found an article in there about the best 5 movies coming out. No surprise, The Two Towers was number one. I started reading the article, and found the sentence 'The Actors are schedueled to return to New Zealand in May and June to fix up loose ends, and according to McKellen dialouge needs to be re-recorded.' WHAT?! The actors are to RETURN to NZ?????? Yahoooooo......must....find....out ....more I can.....catch the.....airport....near....where I work!!!!!!!!!! [Depending on if they're flying directly to wellington or not, obviously.] But god, that makes me very very happy.

    I watched A.I last night / this morning and it was.....interesting. Ok, I admit it - I didn't really get this movie. All I can really figure out from this movie is Gigolo Joe's character. He's a meccha [robot] programmed to seduce women. That's his function. Then David (Haley Joel Osmond) turns up and Joe and him become basically Joe befriends David, overcoming - so to speak - his function and realising that friendship is valued more than fuction.
    Maybe the whole point of the story was to say that we're moving at a really fast rate, coming up with all this new technology and stuff, and I think its saying that if we're creating all thise new stuff, who knows where it will end? Well that's what I took out of it anywayz...

    LOL, I was just thinking about how cool it would be to have a movie starring Jude Law and Orlando Bloom, and what do you know, I just found on a JL site that they were both in Wilde. Note to self: track down a copy of Wilde.

    And as a finish:
    [from KaC's page on the More FM website]
    6:40 Showbizz Buzz
    Britney Spears is thinking about starting her own clothing line. "That would probably be something I do when I take a little break, Because I love clothes."
    So why don’t you wear any?...

    ~ Pro Patria et Libertate ~

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    Happy St. Paddy's day! [17 Mar 2002|10:01pm]
    [ mood | amused ]
    [ music | That annoyingly catchy Six song ]

    On the banks of the roses
    My lover lays a-down
    And I pulled out me fiddle stick
    To play me love a tune
    In the middle of the tune
    She sighed and she said
    "Ohhhh won't you leave me alone!"

    Yeah, that's my little thing for today. I'm still hyper from all that I've seen tonight, so I should go now before I start to get really tragic.....(operative word: Before.)

    ~ Pro Patria et Libertate ~
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    Muli Styles [16 Mar 2002|11:04pm]
    [ mood | creative ]
    [ music | N Sync - Girlfriend ]

    I've just spent about half an hour purtying up my livejournal. I was getting a bit sick of the black and white scheme, and I need a new icon too *cough* Jo *cough*. In celebration, a survey!

    01. I hurt: because I have the flu.
    02. I love: a lot of things - my family, my friends, chilling out, knowing I have a whole year to do shit.
    03. I hate: when people shout after jumping to conclusions, having the flu.
    04. I cry: silently, I cry inside of me (just a little WL joke there for ya)...a lot actually.
    05. I fear: that I'll end up at the end of the year right where I am now.
    06. I hope: that I will have used all this time wisely and made the right decision.
    07. I feel sad: for a lot of reasons.
    08. I feel alone: a hell of a lot lately.
    09. I kill: time by updating & modifying my livejournal.
    10. I talk: when I have something important to say, and when I know the person I'm talking to has finished.
    11. I listen: to n sync right now.
    12. I broke: my arm in 3rd form.
    13. I see: lots of purty colours
    14. I smell: not much cos my nose is stuffed.
    15. I taste: vegetarian pizza.
    16. I work: at a crappy boring-ass job.
    17. I remember: many good things people have told me.
    18. I hold: onto good memories, and also onto things that have hurt me in the past.
    19. I hide: from showing love to people.
    20. I pray: that everything will turn out for the best.
    21. I walk: because I have to.
    22. I drive: my parents insane!
    23. I read: not very often.
    24. I burn: myself on the element sometimes.
    25. I breathe: with a stuggle because my hyperventilation has come back.
    26. I play: 'Breathing' by Lifehouse on my discman a lot lately.
    27. I miss: having a good daily routine.
    28. I touch: the volume dial on the speakers to turn it down.
    29. I learn: by observing.
    30. I feel: sick, bored, and out of my mind!
    31. I know: a thing or two about a thing or two [there I go again, using quotes out of a movie...] - that I'm leaning towards film school next year.
    32. I said: no sausage in it. [Private joke, sorry]
    33. I dream: of bridges and lakes, being chased by snakes, cars, stars and places afar [don't ask me where the fuck that came from]
    34. I have: a lot of time on my hands, a sore stomach, a loud voice right now.
    35. I want: to know what I really want.
    36. I fall: too easily for things sometimes.
    37. I wait: for the clock to tick over at work so I can go home.
    38. I need: companionship, understanding, a clear consience and new pair of trainers.
    39. I live: half heartedly, cos I'm scared of losing people/things.

    2 fave songs at the mo: N Sync - Girlfriend, and Daniel Beddingfield - Gotta Get Thru This. Randomly.

    I'm giving up my Sunday shift - wwwoooohhhhh!!!! Cos I'll be working Tues - Sat, 6 - 1.30 which shall be err, eventful, but hey, at least I'll be getting some dosh.

    Ooh, another survey I just found on my travels! This is a goodie:

    1. WHAT WAS THE FIRST RECORD YOU OWNED (BOUGHT FOR YOU)?Ummm...I think it was the Rhythm Volume 9 or summin like that.
    2. WHAT WAS THE FIRST RECORD YOU EVER BOUGHT? err, that's going back a bit...3T -Brotherhood?
    4. IS THERE A SONG THAT REMINDS YOU MOST OF YOUR CHILDHOOD? 'People in your neighbourhood' by the Seasme St muppets, 'Big Ted's Takeaway' from Playskool, ummmm....'Sail Away' by Enya for some fucked up reason.
    5. IF YOU COULD SPEND A NIGHT WITH FIVE MUSICAL ARTISTS - THREE FOR THEIR MINDS AND TWO FOR THEIR BODIES - WHO WOULD THEY BE? Oh man! Ok minds - Nelly Furtado, Chris Martin from Coldplay, Paul McCartney; Bodies - Mr Feehily, and.....fuckit, Mr Egan.
    *** OPENING CREDITS: "Gotta get thru this"!!
    *** LOVE SCENES: another weird one, "Arm" by The Feelers.
    *** CLOSING CREDITS: "Moments" by Westlife.
    7. IF APPLICABLE, NAME A SONG OR CONCERT THAT MOVED YOU TO TEARS: Song = Angel, You Are Not Alone (when I was 12!) Concert = MJ, but only cos people were crushing me.
    HAPPY: poppy, dancy music like n sync, uptempo wl songs, songs I can sing loudly to.
    SAD: Angel, BBMak, Nelly Furtado
    ANGRY: Nelly Furtado, Robbie.
    11. NAME A SONG YOU WOULD RATHER HEAR NEVER AGAIN: that 50's 'Shout' song.
    13. NAME AN ALBUM THAT IS PERFECT ALL THE WAY THROUGH - NO FILLER, NO BAD STUFF: Nelly Furtado - 'Woah Nelly!' and 'Parachutes' - Coldplay
    15. IF YOUR MUSIC COLLECTION WAS ABOUT TO GO UP IN FLAMES, WHICH FIVE CDS WOULD YOU SAVE? talk about hard! This requires some serious consideration: Nelly's 'Woah Nelly', My MJ 'History' record, Rose's Live @ Wembly Cd, probably 3t, aaaannndd........Westlife- err, just any old one!
    18. HAS A SONG OR ARTIST CHANGED YOUR LIFE IN ANY WAY? IF SO, HOW? Bryan McFadden from Westlife, by living through a childhood that was similar to mine and inspiring me to just follow my heart and not care what anyone else thinks.
    19. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SOUNDTRACK? The Moulin Rouge soundtrack. 'Roooooxxxxxxaaane.....'
    20. BEST MUSIC-RELATED MOVIE: Almost Famous.
    21. WHAT WOULD YOUR DREAM BAND BE?: Zed mixed with Westlife. They could probably kick some serious ass.
    22. DO YOU MISS THE DAYS WHEN MTV USED TO, LIKE, SHOW VIDEOS AND STUFF? Well, I miss the days when we like, used to *have* mtv *wipes tear*
    23. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ALL-TIME VIDEO? 'Californication' by the Chilli Peppers. It totally captures the meaning of the song.
    24. CURRENT FAVORITE RADIO HIT? "gotta get thru this", "25 miles."
    25. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE ARTIST/BAND(S) OF ALL TIME? Honestly, Michael Jackson....Westlife.....err, Milli Vanilli!!

    Well, wasn't that fun? It was actually (hehe)....quite a good one.
    Forgot to do this last night:

    Starring:Jet Li, and Jet Li.
    Rant: Hmmmmm (in a corbett-esque way.) This was one hella confusing movie, and everyone I went to see it with just absolutely despised this movie.
    It may be due to the fact that I'm ignorant when it comes to Jet Li - or Martial Arts - movies, but I found this movie to be OK. I mean, the storyline was credible, and the fight scenes were rather well done - but as I say, maybe it's just the fact that I'm not a big Jet Li buff.
    The story is: there are like hundreds of parallel universes, and you have a connection to one person in each of those universes. Gabriel (Jet Li) travels illegally from universe to universe, killing each of the people he's connected to (who are actually him) so that he can become stronger, faster etc. When one of his parallel lives is killed, he becomes stronger because the energy is then dispersed to the other lives. It's all a bit confusing, and that does get in the way cos it makes you think and you get removed from the movie a bit. I'm like the world's worst person at explaining things, so please don't ask me again!
    Anyhoo, the fight scenes were well done, it's a bit Matrix-y, but still good. I just love it how they do some parts in slow motion to emphasize how fast the dude is - very stylie.
    Out of 10 - hmmmm, 5.5.

    I'm gonna go now. I get an extra hours sleep - hurrah! - so I'm gonna go zzzzzz
    ~ Pro Patria et Libertate ~

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    I'm getting sick :( [15 Mar 2002|10:46pm]
    [ mood | blah ]

    The definition of irony according to the Collins dictionary:

    irony 1. the humorous or mildly sarcastic use of words to imply the opposite of what they normally mean.
    2. incongruity between what is expected to be and what actually is, or a situation or result showing such incongruity.

    Why can't people hook onto that?? On More FM this week they've been running a competition to go see Alanis Morrissette in Melbourne, and were asking people to send in their ironic stories. I'd say about 1% of stories that they read out on air and claimed to have a lot of irony in it, in fact, did not. I suppose the huge irony in their 'irony story' competition was the fact that hardly any of the stories were ironic. That's almost worth e-mailing KaC about.

    Yes, I feel like I'm getting the flu. My nose is running like a tap that hasn't been switched off properly, and I feel very very spaced out. Plus I've been having tummy aches for a coupla days too :( which isn't good.

    Update: Work has offered me a 5 day contract for this year. I'm gonna take it. As much as I hate it, and as much as I talk about leaving, I'm in desperate need of money.

    A joke Carl told me today (it's really old, but I found it hilarious):
    Ray Charles is driving in his car with two caines on the front bumper, so y'know, he can see where he's driving. (That was just randomly put in there by Carl.) Suddenly, a truck comes out of nowhere, and Ray Charles is taken to hospital a while later.
    He wakes up in the hospital bed, and the Dr is by his side. 'Well, Mr Charles', says the doc,'I've got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that we've had to amputate your left leg.'
    'Oh no!' Ray Charles says.'Well, what's the good news?'
    The doc looks at him and says, 'You've still got the right one, baby, uh-huh.'

    I thought that was fucking hilarious.

    Just randomly, the Death To Smoochy site is up. It is bloody funny, I got to hear Ed Norton singing a song about coming to play with Smoochy in his jungle, I'm learning how to do the 'Jiggy Ziggy', and Robin Williams looks damn funny too. Can't wait for the movie to come out, but it looks like I'll be waiting til about July for it to come out - it comes out in the States this month. Dammit.

    ~ Pro Patria et Libertate ~
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    That's brilliant. I just love that idea. [13 Mar 2002|09:33pm]
    [ mood | easily irritated ]
    [ music | hero - enrique inglasias (sp?) - hey, it's on the radio! ]

    I've found a long way back to sanity again
    Though I don't really know what I'm gonna do
    When I get there...
    Take a breath and hold on tight
    And spin around one more time
    And gracefully fall back to the arms of grace

    'Cause I'm hanging on every word you say
    And even if you don't wanna speak tonight
    That's all right, all right with me
    'Cause I want nothing more
    Than to sit outside Heaven's door
    And listen to you breathing
    It's where I wanna be, yeah
    Where I wanna be...

    I'm looking past the shadows in my mind
    Into the truth and I'm
    Trying to identify the voices in my head
    God, I wish it were you
    Let me feel one more time what it
    Feels like to feel and
    And break these callouses off of me one more time

    'Cause I'm hanging on every word you say
    And even if you don't wanna speak tonight
    That's all right, all right with me
    'Cause I want nothing more
    Than to sit outside your door
    And listen to you breathing
    It's where I wanna be, yeah-ah...

    I don't want a thing from you
    I bet you're tired of me
    Waiting for the scratch to fall off
    Of your table to the ground...
    'Cause I just wanna be here now...

    'Cause I'm hanging on every word you say
    And even if you don't wanna speak tonight
    That's all right, all right with me
    'Cause I want nothing more
    Than to sit outside Heaven's door
    And listen to you breathing
    It's where I wanna be, yeah...

    How stupid is this - Rose made me a CD like aaaagggeeeess ago, with some WL songs, that Lifehouse song, and BSB's drowning. Now, I've had that CD for at least 6 months, and tonight as I wasn't paying much attention to my discman, and about 2 minutes after the last song finishes, Bad Girls starts. I had *no* idea it was even on there, and I've been wanting it on CD for like ages so it's good. Yay me.

    Didn't have the best day, cos I kept getting annoying at anyone and everything. I dunno why really....everyone just seemed to be annoying me in one way or another. Like Ant doing his usual coming up and talking to you, saying a statement to get someone to ask the question he want to answer. First it was all 'hey aniva, how is it' etc etc etc, and I just lost it when he said, without me saying anything,'uni sux' so I clicked the box shut. Then he came back with:
    Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

    Ants says:
    i hate it
    'Alas!' said Legolas, coming to Aragorn's side says:
    why do you always do that\
    'Alas!' said Legolas, coming to Aragorn's side says:
    Ants says:
    do wat/.?
    'Alas!' said Legolas, coming to Aragorn's side says:
    say a statement to provoke the person you're talking to to ask a question that you want to answer, instead of just coming out with it
    Ants says:
    i'll take that as a compliment cos i aint that clever to do that
    'Alas!' said Legolas, coming to Aragorn's side says:
    Ants says:
    i'll take wat ya sed as a compliment cos im not clever enuf or think ahead enuf 2 do wat u suggested
    'Alas!' said Legolas, coming to Aragorn's side says:
    i was stating a fact actually
    Ants says:
    yeah but i dont do it on purpose sooo i cudnt answer u
    'Alas!' said Legolas, coming to Aragorn's side says:
    but you do it all the time, so it is actually on purpose
    Ants says:
    no cos i dont think well hmmmmmmmmm
    Ants says:
    i just write/or say wateva

    He just really fucked me off so I came out with it - he's such a fucken loser.

    There was so much more I wanted to say, but unfortunetly I'm easily distracted and will continue this....later. I'm just generally annoyed.

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    I say, deliver me from Swedish Furniture [08 Mar 2002|07:36pm]
    [ mood | weird ]
    [ music | Wrong Impression - Natalie Imbruglia ]

    The Fishbowl
    God soup
    and other reflections from 35,000 feet

    Looking up --> into the deep rich azure
    sky -- Beyond the Home of the heart
    into the Land of the soul --
    with a splash and a flicker down
    bejeweled water rippling and undulating
    A carpet layer of crystal clear impenetrable Depth --
    Oceans of Love spread beneath my feet
    miles of sky play before mine eye
    Silken spread a
    Cloudy Bed
    A cry -- a sigh -- to breathe
    to die
    as I strive
    for a View Above
    The sultry dome of operatic
    Love kisses in my ear . . .

    Nope, I didn't actually write that one - believe it or not, Sean Astin wrote it in May 2001. My fave line is 'Oceans of love spread beneath my feet.' Nice. Personally, guys who write credible poetry get 20 gazillion points. Oh, and he has a swanky site.

    Thank you, Sumi, for your comments. I doubt it would've been attacking me if you had said something earlier, I probably would've had a long talk to you about it actually. You were spot on with what you said, and it's nice to know that someone can recognize things in the poems that I didn't even pick up on. But yeah, thanks for the comments and support - means so much.

    MAGS is catching up with Michael. I just feel like smashing him - he has the smartest mouth in existence, and he has the whole i'm-in-high-school-now-so-i-can-do-anything-i-want thing going on. I honestly feel like slapping him across the face...l;akhroiweng,kweing.

    It's weird for me, but I wanna go to the Girl's Day Out. It just seems real cool cos you get heaps of free stuff!

    This is turning out to be a very random entry.

    I saw a pic of Orlando and Billy Boyd in this mag yesterday, and really wanted to steal it, but couldn't. It was one of those ones sitting in an office that you read while you wait. I sat there looking at it for ages-buddagages cos I wanted it so much......Orlando looked real cool, and Billy looked.....his age. Seriously.

    I heard the most entertaining piece of radio today - on ZM the morning crew were discussing the new Japanese technique of losing weight, where one strips off and people punch them in the desired areas to loose weight. The idea is that after all the punching/slapping/torture, one spends the next half hour on the loo losing all the weight...
    Anyhoo, Nick Tansley went out onto the street to test the theory, and found 2 chinese chicks to slap and punch him. He proceeded to pull his pants down for them to slap him, and the girls backed away giggling and saying 'nooo...noo!' Anyhoo, Nick's talking away and then suddenly he says 'shit!.......good morning officer.' And there's a cop going 'you're gonna have to accompany me to the police station cos we've had some complaints about you taking your pants down....there's 2 ways to do this, one, you come with me, or a bit more physical.' Nick replied,'well, you're a handsome man, I'll take the physical.' The officer didn't find this too funny and that was the last we heard from nick! Ok, so I guess it would be more hilarious if you had actually heard it, but trust me, it was damn funny.

    I'm gonna go to Paskifika tomorrow. Randomly.

    I haven't got anything else worthwhile to say. Peace out my homies.

    ~ Pro Patria et Libertate ~
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    Long-ass entry.... [06 Mar 2002|05:41pm]
    [ mood | thoughtful ]
    [ music | Well Well - Nelly Furtado ]

    Ok, since I haven't written in this thing for almost a week now for several reasons, I intend to make this one big catch-up session, so to speak. I promised Sumi I'd make an effort just for her, so here I am.

    First off, anyone want a CD writer?? It's perfectly normal, and good, and I know it'll work on anyone's computer, save mine. Dammit, it's cost me quite a few dosh and now it doesn't fit with my comp - I don't have Windows 98, and I can't find the socket where the plug is supposed to fit on the back of my computer. So I'm willing to part with it for $495.70. That's how much I brought it for. Well there's a hella long story that goes with that, but I'm way too annoyed to go into yah. A perfectly good CD Writer wants a good home for close on $500. Any takers??

    My boss has been lying again. So this lady talked to the BIG boss for me. Highly exciting. On a not very related note, I remember reading an article about Guy Pearce a coupla months ago, and he was recalling some strife he had had with the original director of 'Ravenous' who had been telling one person one thing and another person something different. Guy told one of the producers that the director was a liar, and the director confronted him in a hotel lobby saying 'Don't you ever call me a fucking liar again.' Guy replied, 'Well don't tell fucking lies and no one will call you a fucking liar.' I think I'll use that one on my boss if she chooses to pull any more shit with me.
    The most exciting thing that happened today was the bomb alarm went off at work this morning, at about 7:15am. And let me tell you, standing outside the domestic airport at 7:15am on an overcast morning is fucking freezing. Luckily some of the firemen were a bit of all right, so it cheered me up a little.
    Carl also made the day move on a little quicker, by singing the Fraggle Rock tune with me when we picked up 'Fragile' parcels. And he asked, 'what do you do to be the best school? Have like, less than 3 murders or something?' It was fucking funny cos he went to James Cook which is like so weird cos he's this dorky white guy and he went to this majorly homie school.

    Things that annoy me.....
    1. When people don't use the possessive 'your' in front of an adjective instead of a noun. This may sound real stupid, but it annoys the hell out of me. Examples: 'Your stupid' or 'Your a egg.' It just totally doesn't make sense and pisses me off.
    2. When people spell my name Aneva. wtf is that all about??
    3. When you're in the best mood, and then someone comes in out of the blue with 'Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning??' And that's not supposed to piss you off somehow.
    4. People who talk in movie theatres as if they're the only ones there. NOT good (and make sure you're not doing that when I'm in the same cinema - I will kick your freakin ass.)

    I've been meaning to do this for like, ages, but here it goes now:
    Westlife -- This or That
    1 Mark or Nicky: Mark
    2 Nicky or Shane: Shane
    3 Shane or Kian: Kian
    4 Kian or Bryan: Oooooo too hard.....Kian
    5 Bryan or Mark: Mark
    6 Mark or Shane's voice: Marks of course!
    7 Nicky or Kian's voice: Kian, cos sometimes Nicky sounds like he needs some serious vocal work.
    8 Kerry McFadden or Georgina Ahern: This is a toughie too....I'd say Kerry, cos she doesn't seem as up herself.
    9 Westlife or Coast to Coast: Westlife
    10 Coast to Coast or World Of Our Own: WOOO
    11 Westlife or World Of Our Own: WOOO, cos they wrote songs on that one.
    12 Stools or no stools: Death to stools! <--agrees.
    13 Cover versions or original songs: Originals you dumbass
    14 Don't Get Me Wrong or Bad Girls: Bad Girls...cos it's real different
    15 Queen of My Heart or When You're Looking Like That: WYLLT - based on Mark's hip-swivelling.
    16 Flying Without Wings or World Of Our Own: World Of Our Own
    17 My Girl or Brokenhearted: My Girl, cos Brokenhearted gets a bit boring after a while.
    18 Seasons in the Sun or I Have A Dream: ew.....IHAD.
    19 You Make Me Feel or Don't Let Me Go: DLMG.
    20 Swear It Again or I Wanna Grow Old With You: SIA, cos I CANNOT STAND Iwgowy.
    21 Reason For Living or More Than Words: RFL - possibly the best WL song ever, cos they all wrote and sing it.
    22 Ballads or uptempos: More uptempo than ballad
    23 Angel or Angels' Wings: Angel - because of Bry's gorgeous vocals in it.
    24 I Lay My Love On You or Bop Bop Baby: BBB
    25 My Love or Evergreen: My Love - Evergreen sucks ass.
    26 Dublin or Sligo: Sligo
    27 Nicky with or without hair: Doesn't bother me either way - I'm not a Nicky fan.
    28 Kian blonde or brunette: Blonde, cos that's the colour I'm used to seeing.
    29 Mark with or without quiff: With, cos it makes him look a whole lot sexier.
    30 Uptown Girl or World Of Our Own video: WOOO, cos it's different and cool and not budget like UG
    31 What Makes a Man or Fool Again video: Never seen the WMAM vid - FA.
    32 Westlife in black or white: A combination, like at the Brits.
    33 Shane in leather or denim: Er, who cares? <--- totally agrees!
    34 Westlife Story or C2C video: Coast to Coast - it's a whole lot funnier
    35 Kian playing guitar or piano: Guitar, he he looks hella sexy playing it at the concert!
    36 Nicky's waistcoats, good or bad: Doesn't bother me.
    37 Bryan, before or after Molly: err, both?
    38 Westlife casual or in suits: Casual
    39 Good boys or bad boys: Bad boys *devilish grin*
    40 Meet them or see them in concert: Seeing them in concert THEN going backstage to meet them!

    Some lyrics - much like Hannah did in one of her previous entries. I've just been relating to these a lot lately, and thought I'd share:
    'Mum always said / Nothing would break me, or lead me astray / Who would have guessed I'd let my mind drift so far away / You always said I was a dreamer now it's dead / I'm dreaming of things that's making my mind go crazy small things like....'

    'I'll be looking at the moon, but I'll be thinking of myself / I got me under my own skin, I do not need nobody else'

    'If I could have sunlight in the palm of your hand I'd take the moonlight instead'

    'I'm sorry I forsake you /I'm sorry I left you / I'm sorry I did forget you / And I'm sorry that I made myself feel better / By making you feel never good enough /I know you'll shine much brighter than I ever could / Maybe that is why I was / Scared of you (and in everything I do I'm still thinking of you)'

    'I don't wake up early every morning / Cos the more I sleep the less I have to say / Scared of you always thinking that I'm boring / Stop me yawning my life away'

    'There was a time when we were fine / And I could tolerate you / I do believe that you should leave / 'cos I've grown to hate you / Should I be weak and turn my cheek / 'cos I'm scared to fall / But I just don't know you / And you don't know me at all'

    'Here we are / Just a little older / Time goes by / But did I ever tell you why / I want you so much / It came to me / When you were not around / You'll always be / The one to understand that's why / I can't miss your touch'

    'I'm so sick of people's expectations / Leaves me tired all the time / If your home's full of worthless aggravations / Then don't bring it to mine'

    And this is the biggie:

    'She lies on the bed with her hands on her head and she screams
    He gets a kick out of losing the plot so it seems
    He makes you all laugh so she's the one doing harm
    But how can you fight when she's not the one under his arm?

    These dreams have let you down
    Take it, don't break it
    Just turn it around
    These dreams won't let you down

    Never stop loving his misfortune of lazy ways
    All the memories that you should have had are of cabarets
    There's just a hole where you know he should've been
    There's no one worse off than you and you can't describe what you've seen

    These dreams have let you down
    Take it, don't break it
    Just turn it around
    These dreams won't let you down

    Where do you go when you're all alone in your bed?
    Do you cry in your sleep cos it's better unsaid?
    Have you forgotten your past week cos that's how it seems

    These dreams have let you down
    Take it, don't break it
    Just turn it around
    These dreams won't let you down

    You've got tomorrow tomorrow.....
    You've got tomorrow tomorrow.... x5

    Of course, I don't take all those lyrics for their literal meaning, it's all a bit profound, but they relate to how I'm feeling at the moment. When I decided to take the year off to figure out what I wanted to do, I thought it was going to be really cool, I was going to take my time and be wise about what I wanted to do with my life. Now I'm not so sure. Did I make the right decision? I'm just feeling real lonely and abandoned somehow, because several people I've talked to recently tell me about people they've met at AUT or Uni or whatever institution they're studying at, and it makes me feel kinda lonely and jealous and sad and happy for them all at the same time. They're out, seeing different people, experiencing different things, while I'm stuck in a stuffy building, the only 18 year old working it seems. I guess I'll get over this, but its just hard.

    Today I asked myself what I really want. I told myself I wanted to be loved. Then I asked myself how I was going to get there. The answer - that I came up with myself - was scary, and so so right, and shocking. In order to be loved, I have to open myself more and love other people in order to get the love back. I have this mask I pull out when someone tries to get close or personal or whatever, and it pushes people away from loving me. So in order to get that kind of affection, I have to give it. In my family we hardly ever show any signs of affection - save when my dad was sick in hospital - but that doesn't mean that I have to starve other people of that affection too does it?

    Sorry if this is all too profound, I'm just doing a bit of soul searching.

    I think I'll go now.

    "No I don't want ambivalence, don't want ambivalence no more!"
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    For everybody who be livin' it up we say..... [28 Feb 2002|10:42pm]
    [ mood | accomplished ]

    Let's step into the dimension that I know best <-- dunno where that came from, well, actually I do - from 'The Word Perfect Show' by the 4 corners or something.....but hey, that was just totally random.

    Ok, this is going to be highly vomit-inducing, but for once I'm just going to write what I feel without thinking about it. I'm on a big of an edge today - with making one of the best decisions of my life - and I just wanna write stuff that comes to me like that *snaps fingers*...ok hang on....

    I'm sorry for making you feel less than you are
    I'm sorry for not being good enough for you
    I'm sorry for all those times I've upset you
    I'm sorry for being a crybaby all those times
    I'm sorry for being so immature and not seeing the reasoning
    I'm sorry for being such a bitch
    I'm sorry for being such a two face
    I'm sorry for asking for pity in this way
    I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable
    I'm sorry for all those lies I told you
    I'm sorry for being so selfish and not seeing your pain
    I'm sorry for being impatient
    I'm sorry for not looking out for you
    I'm sorry that the only way I could make you laugh was to make an ass of myself
    I'm sorry for not being able to keep up to your standards
    I'm sorry for being so obsessive
    I'm sorry for not trusting you enough
    I'm sorry for keeping so many secrets from you
    I'm sorry for holding back
    I'm sorry for pushing you away when you needed me
    I'm sorry for being so scared of getting close to you
    I'm sorry for fobbing you off when you were so nice to me
    I'm sorry for not returning the favour
    I'm sorry for putting you through such boring times

    Have you ever had peace of mind of knowing that you've made the best decision?? I had that today - as I mentioned before - and it just felt so good. What made it even better was the fact that I had made it on my own, and it was just so relieving to know that I could actually do things by myself. For so long my family has done all this stuff for me - get this, I don't even know how to manually withdraw money from the bank, all I know is how to use my card. I just felt so relieved that I make such a drastic decision by myself. It sounds weird, but it's kinda the first decision I've made without my parents or whatever, and it gives me a major sense of independence and.....being an adult. Of course I'm not letting on what that decision was - I've gone through way too much shit to be bothered - but it was major and it felt good.

    Chantelle works at McD's at St Lukes and yesterday she hooked us up when we went through the driveway. Forgot to say another thank you to her, and if by chance she is reading this, thank you man. We had so much food, and the two of us totally pigged out. I don't think I'll be doing that again in a while!

    ooh yay - got my links working, thanks to guru jo. I am such a dumbass, I always see things the other way round - but yeah, the links work, but not the pic of orlando.....i'll post that up at some later date. I know what I've done wrong, I just can't be bothered fixing it. ahh well.

    I found this really cool poem on a postcard at work the other day - so cool in fact I thought I'd copy it down. Just one thing - imagine that the background is white, and the text is black. Otherwise it don't really work:

    Supposing this page is a paddock
    Under snow, or rather supposing
    This page is snow

    Blanketing the paddock
    Then these lines
    Must be tracks in the whiteness
    Left by animals late at night

    Or fences, or trees
    Just risking the surface

    I thought that was the best figurative piece of poetry I have ever read. I dunno how to describe it, but it's just real descriptive and really well done. Thanks to whoever was sending it to their friend in Canada.

    I should really go now - I need a shower before I go to sleep. I'm sure you all wanted to know that too.
    ~ Pro Patria et Libertate ~

    PS - Jo, where were u?? The Bafta's were on Monday night at 7:30 on 1 - only cos Peter Jackson won those awards.

    PPS - I know my entries are decreasing, Sumi. Mainly cos my nephew is hogging the comp now, and I'm sometimes too tired to be bothered. But I'll make an effort just for you k??

    PPPS - Isn't that Russell Crowe an asshole?? He SO isn't a Kiwi - he's an Aussie through and through. I decided that after the Golden Globes, and the whole beating up the producer debacle reinforces my views. Get a grip Russell, you ain't all that. I refuse to claim him as an NZer anymore - too much of an arrogant asshole. (Kac had some funny things to say about him this morning too.)
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    I got nothing [27 Feb 2002|09:26pm]
    [ mood | groggy ]

    Lutharen has the most annoying pop-ups ever. Just thought I'd start with that. :P

    Like Jo, I haven't updated in a while, but that's mainly due to the fact that I'm a lazy ass - whereas Jo is actually doing something meaningful. Wait, I have been too - I've now officially swapped rooms with Michael, which sux ass cos that means no more latenight journalising from me. And that means Aniva getting pissed of because someone is taking up all her net time. I swear, it's only been 2 days but it's really getting under my skin.....

    I haven't got that much to say - well I have, but seeing as the weekend was so long ago I feel as if it's no longer relevant. The one thing I will say is that Dennis falling off the computer chair, breaking the washing basket and calmly saying '........ow......' was possibly the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. That and the Romanian accent imitating. Funny funny stuff.

    The Bafta's were on the other night, and damn Orlando looked fiiiiiine - his hair was all spiky and nice, and his real voice & accent was so damned schexy. He no longer looked like a 12 year old, like in BHD!
    Speaking of Orlando, this is a good photo. I dunno if it's supposed to be all arty or something, but yeah - he's putting in a contact lens. Viggo Mortensen took it too.

    I was wrong - The Big One has the most annoying pop-ups ever. Go away man....

    I'm trying to use all this HTML coding, but I don't think it's gonna work somehow....I suck. I am so in the need for some HTML lessons. Any offers?

    Should go now - nothing much else to say, other than I'll update this again when I can.

    ~ Pro Patria et Libertate ~

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    Random tidbits of nothingness..... [22 Feb 2002|09:44pm]
    [ mood | blah ]

    This made me pretty proud:
    "In the twilight of gloom, darkness and evil that is encompassing and about to overthrow the world, there are still men of virtue, there is still humour, honour, courage and compassion. And we couldn't have picked a better director or a better country to encapsulate that drama."
    - John Rhys-Davies

    Would I have liked LOTR so much as I do if it wasn't filmed in NZ or if there was a different director behind the camera? Somehow I doubt it. Lately I've been having this big patriotic feeling build up (hence the colour scheme of my journal - which was inspired by the Black Caps when they were doing well against Australia) and I doubt I would've liked this movie as much as I do if it weren't filmed here or if Peter Jackson wasn't the director. (Sidenote: Must re-view Heavenly Creatures, cos it's been a while since I've watched that and it's real cool. Not the story, but just the whole fantasy world the two main characters fall into.)

    Me gots meself a CD Writer, but unfortunately the dumbass at Dick Smiths failed to inform me that it's an internal one, meaning I have to pull my comp apart and install it in order to use it, and my computer knowledge stops at the reset button. So I think I'm gonna have to take it back and ask for a refund, or ask if they have external ones. I'm gonna milk it for all it's worth and tell them that the guy who sold it to me failed to tell me that it's an internal one, and that's a pretty vital piece of information. I am SO bad.

    There's this big thing going on with me at work at the moment, it's a long story - which I won't recount here - but basically my boss is a big fat liar who's avoiding telling me the days I can work. After a meeting today, both my mum and my sister got on my back about asking her days I can work. I told them both that I had already discussed it with her, and they still kept persisting about why I don't want to work there full time. I started getting really really really annoyed, and then they got even more pissed off with me because I'm getting annoyed. BAH. Then I started thinking back, and its always been like that - I've grown up under these two incredibly bossy women, who are so much like each other in some respects it scares the shit out of me, and I couldn't help but think that maybe that accounts for the way I am regarding some things. Seleta and I were discussing our parents, and she was saying that I'm like Dad - and I said 'What, cos we get bossed around and screamed at by you and Mum??' It's SO true though - Dad gets so much shit I have no idea how the hell he deals with it. I was a shy little girl and maybe being overpowered by these influences in my life accounts for the way I am - trying to break out and be different and nothing like what I've seen my whole life. But hey, that's just me.
    I've been doing that a lot lately - psycho-analyzing people - which is rather mean of me, but I just can't help it. It came about thanks to a tv show about adults who are trying to move on with their lives but are clinging to painful things that happened to them in their childhood, or things that their parents have done to them. Fucking interesting, and it made a good conversation topic with my dad - who told me he had a similar experience on his time away in January - and I think I've converted him to Nelly Furtado. Haha, cos I was singing 'Shit on the Radio' in the car the other day - the 'hurt me hurt me hurt me hurt me.....bring me down down down down.......' etc etc etc and then he just started talking about how weird it is that people hold on to things that are so painful to remember. Profound stuff.

    Everyone who doesn't like Legolas says he's a 'poofter'. That word always comes up when describing the dislike for him. It's a shame there's no icon for giving the finger....

    Revised / new lists:
    Top 5 movies:
    1. Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring
    2. Fight Club
    3. Moulin Rouge
    4. Labrinyth (totally forgot about this one - loved this when I was a kid!)
    5. The Return of the Jedi (weird cos it's the last in the trilogy - but hey, I like it!)

    Top 5 CD's in my collection:
    1. 'Whoa Nelly' - Nelly Furtado
    2. 'Parachutes' - Coldplay
    3. 'Sing When You're Winning' - Robbie Williams
    4. '1' - The Beatles
    5. 'World Of Our Own' - Westlife [just making up the Westlife quota]

    Best Movies I've seen in the last year:
    1. LOTR
    2. Memento [and I repeat - the poster's NOT budget - see the movie first!! U know who u are.....]
    3. Moulin Rouge
    4. Black Hawk Down [ok now I'm just cheating cos I can't remember half of them....]
    5. Beauty and the Beast on Imax [haha! that's so wrong....]

    5 really really really cool movie characters:
    1. Legolas Greenleaf
    2. Aaron Stampler - Primal Fear
    3. Fletcher Reed - Liar Liar
    4. Derek Vinyard - American History X
    5. Tyler Durden - Fight Club

    Infalliable words place my head in a noose
    That tightens around my coarse throat
    As raw emotion attempts to escape my battered insides
    And loosens as they fade from my lips
    Stolen by the invisible hand
    That reaches from my mouth and grasps them in their wake
    Holds me back from saught after ambitions
    Caught in my throat and circling my head
    Consuming every inch of my being

    Basically that's about wanting to say something but being really reluctant to - was inspired by telling my mum a pretty big secret and I didn't know how she was going to react. I was debating with myself for about a week how to tell her this, and as I was about to the words were just stuck in me and as I was about to tell her, something would hold me back. I was on the edge of telling her, and I'd open my mouth and nothing would come out, but somehow I'd hear my voice in my head. So yeah, that's what inspired that.

    Oooh gotta say properly - in the only way I know how:
    Thank you for the present
    It was so very cool
    But Legolas is very small
    So there won't be so much drool
    I put it up straight away
    It still brings many smiles
    I want the poster for the next movie
    But will have to wait a little while
    I'm running out of time
    I think I need a coaster
    But before I forget, here it goes:
    Thank you for the Lord of the Rings poster!
    (I struggled with trying to rhyme poster - could you tell??)

    I'm Marla!

    What FIGHT CLUB character are you?

    Whoohoo! I'm Marla the skanky suicidal psyco bitch who steals clothes from laundromats and sells them for money! Wahey!

    Outta here
    ~ Pro Patria et Libertate ~
    post comment

    SCORE!!!! [20 Feb 2002|09:56pm]
    One more thing.....

    I GOTS ME A LORD OF THE RINGS MOVIE POSTER!!!!! *does a little dance* *jumps round the room*

    All thanks to my good mate Kenny who spontaneously came round to spread the LOTR love - Big ups to you matie!!! I am SO grateful's sticking it up right now...


    [that's gotta be some sort of record - 3 entries in one day!]
    2 comments|post comment

    I'm baaaackkk..... [20 Feb 2002|09:17pm]
    [ mood | calm ]

    Fuck that last entry. Yes, I am that boring.

    I'm seriously considering being one of those USA Camp Councelor people. I've looked into it at the website, and it seems like a lot of fun....but the problem is that is it takes place from June through to August and that's when we're planning on going to England.Maybe next year huh. It just sounds like a lot of fun.....then again, yanks are known for their overexaggeration.

    I must be loosing my mind. People actually made me laugh at work today. I actually had fun. Thatis fucking scary. Work's actually really stressing me out at the moment, thanks to my ever-so-lovely boss lying in my face - grrr. But Carl's making it a hell of a lot more fun, by saying things like 'oohhh Robbie you're sooo sexy' in a high pitched voice around me. He always seems to throw that in my face whenever he doesn't have a thing to come back with, so I always tease him about liking 'The Randy Assholes' [Dandy Warhols]. He gets very annoyed. It started somehow today, and he said, 'I love that song he does called 'Let us losers of the world unite.' 'Nah,' I replied, 'I prefer that one 'Carl Horrocks is the biggest dork ever to set foot on the earth.' And so it went on.
    Then later on, people decided to tell me about their bodily functions, others decided not to answer the phone even though they were 2 metres away from it which was just fucking hilarious, and Riccardo informed me that in Chile they call a bun [as in hairstyle] a tomato. 'Oh wait, I'm just gonna quickly put my hair into a tomato.' Doesn't quite have the same effect does it?

    Ohh ohh, a things to do list:

  • Ring Steve
  • Send video off to Angie
  • Send club money off
  • Drop off 2 films for developing
  • Sort out what I'm doing on Saturday
  • Buy photo frame
  • Find Lisa's present
  • Sort out things to send to Rach
  • Finish reading The Two Towers
  • Clean up room
  • Put stereo back onto tall boy
  • Resist the urge to see LOTR for a fourth time
  • Amend and Print out CV
  • Search the papers for another job

    Well folks, I'm outta here. It's been fun, but I think I need to move on, it's time for me to spread my wings and see more of the world. I'm moving out. I need to see more of the big bad world, that's why I'm moving out......down the hall into my sister's old room. Did I scare you there for a moment? Yes, I'm temporarily moving into the other room with my's a long story - basically my sister's moving back home to save money, she refuses to share with a 13y.o boy and so I'm moving into that room and sharing with her until we get back from England. Which means no more late night posts from me :(. It's been fun....anyhoo, we're moving this weekend :( I want to stay in here....

    All for now
    ~ Pro Patria et Libertate ~
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    Is this how you spell m a n i a c?? [20 Feb 2002|07:25pm]
    [ mood | contemplative ]
    [ music | Don't Panic - Coldplay ]

    Be warned: this entry is devoted to 4 movies I've watched in the last 4 days. There's gonna be whole heap of bolonge about here goes:

    My Rant (of the Tyler Durden Variety):
    Ok, I'm gonna have to admit that I wanted to see this movie solely on the fact that Orlando Bloom is in it. When I get past that, it's an average movie. I mean average.
    Basically this movie is about the American involvement in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1993. The Americans are trying to find the location of this big warlord who I've forgotten the name of, and in order to find that they have to take these prisoners from a hostile part of the city. What is intended to be a 30 minute operation turns out to be an overnight heist.
    This is in the same vein as Saving Private Ryan, as there are some pretty gory scenes in this to show the horrific nature of war. Stuff like people being literally obliterated, fingers snapped off....and other such unpleasant things that I really don't want to mention. It's not for the fainthearted - I can handle some gory stuff but even this stuff grosses me out. It's easy to see why it was put in there - for shock factor - and it works kinda well with the story that they're telling.
    There are a few English actors in this movie with ridiculous American accents - particularly Ewan McGregor - which sounds weird. (I dunno if it was just me, but he just sounded real peculiar with an American accent - it was obviously dubbed over and just looked real weird to me.) I'm not a big fan of Josh Hartnett and he just seemed to be the same person from Pearl Harbour minus the southern accent. Plus he looked way too young to be taking charge of a....battalion....thingee....and his acting left a lot to be desired.
    All in all - 6.5 / 10.

    This is one fucked up movie. Fucked up but bloody good.
    One must see this movie to see the amazing acting ability Renee Zellweger possesses - she was so good I was actually getting annoyed with her character. She plays Betty who works in a cafe and is obsessed with TV Soap 'A Reason To Love.' She's married to a car salesman who has been doing some dirtywork behind her back, and when she witnessess his murder she is so distraught and traumatised that she begins to believe that her life is that on A Reason To Love, and drives all the way to LA from...some white trash find her 'true love' Dr David Rivell. She meets a lot of weird and wonderful people along the way....and 'tis a very fucked up story indeed.
    It took me a while to draw conclusions from this movie, but bascially what I think it's about is Betty is like your average Amercian wife who holds a job and looks after her husband, but still wants more out of life. When she sees her husband murdered she's totally distraught, but quicky realises - thanks to her favourite soap - that there's something bigger out there for her and she's not gonna let anything stop her from getting that. My view anywayz. 8 / 10

    Sean Bean's in this movie. Hehe, looks real strange without the goatee and the long hair.
    Bascially: A gang of robbers stole a jewel from a safe deposit at a bank and the driver of the getaway took off with the jewel, leaving the others behind. They kill the guy, and are sent to jail for 10 years.
    The daughter of the guy they killed has a 6 digit code stuck in her head which the newly released killers want, and so they kidnap her pathologist's daughter and blackmail him to get the code. It's all very complicated, and very very infallible.
    It's long, it's a little boring, and they leave loose ends which are totally stupid. 5 / 10

    Same category as Scream and all that, cept really really really lame. Nuff said. 2 / 10

    General rant about movies:
    Films in general have always been about escapism for me. It's a 2hr break from my so-called life where I can just get caught up in character's lives and dilemma's and see their way of solving it. Unless the movie's really really boring.
    I think maybe that's why I like LOTR so much - it's fantasy and it has magical creatures and wizards and villians and heroic kings and elf witches - I can be immersed in these amazing characters and scenery and stories, and I follow someone else's journey - their obstacles, their triumphs /tragedies. Does this make me a selfish person?

    Is this really what it's all about? Is this really the life I want to be leading? What is it really that I want?
    Am I really that boring? Why do I push people away? Because my dad had cancer, does that mean I'll have cancer? Does THAT make me a selfish person? Am I a superficial person? Why do I seem to grasp for the unattainable?

    So many questions......

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    All this inspiration is passing me by [14 Feb 2002|09:55pm]
    [ mood | discontent ]
    [ music | Trynna Find A Way - Nelly Furtado ]

    Not a good day. Not a good day at all.

    Usually I can take it when people hassle me about my height - I take it on the chin and can mainly handle it - but today it really really really got to me. First it was this guy asking me if I could reach lids that I was putting on the shelf for me to use, then it was another person teasing me about not being able to see over the trolley. The exact words were "Oh, little Set, you should tell people to look out for you because you can't see over these big trollies." Apparently it was a joke, which I really didn't find that funny, and proceeded to put a pissed off expression on my face. Then it was all "Oh c'mon, smile - it's Valentine's Day." I just walked away ready to fucking throttle the next person who made any comment even vaguely connected to my lack of height.

    Honestly, it got to me so much today that I ran to the toilets and had a little cry. I'm hating this constant fatigue that is making me so vulnerable and over-sensitive and edgy, and paranoid about people talking about me. And it annoys me that I have to be surrounded by people of this nature every single fucking day. That's why I'm on the hunt for a new job, and it's getting to the point where I just don't care what comes my way, it's better than being stuck in that shithole.

    I came home, watched Final Destination, went to sleep for about an hour or so, and then woke up and found I had a real sore stomach. After several, let's say eventful trips to the toilet, it seemed to calm down, then suddenly it got really really really sore and I ran to the toilet and brought up almost everything I'd had to eat thus far in the day. And I feel even worse as I write this. I've been drinking cup after cup of L&P; to get the yuckiness out of my throat and it will not go away. So all in all I'm not having a very good day.

    To make matters worse, my vunerable-cum-over-sensitive-spaced-out mood wasn't helpful on a day like this - the big V day. At the moment I'm feeling very lonely, sad, worthless even. Stuff like that usually doesn't bother me, but as my mood is pretty bad it made things worse.

    I don't like people who don't take the time to know the smallest details, like my name. It's like I don't have an identity - or I'm not worth getting to know. In my 4 years at NZ Post, some people still don't know my name. That fucks me off big time.

    And now a poem I wrote a coupla a weeks ago that kinda relates to this:
    Cast stones of lies against me
    Send ripples under my skin
    Knocking down this pillar inside
    Unaware of the sin
    Distant shores, faded signs
    A memory of all I've left behind
    Your tainted lips, unspoilt face
    Smothered by his enduring grace

    I've actually got a few variations of that one, and that's the......err, most credible one, if that makes sense.

    Breakthrough on how I feel today - I feel like everyone's running away, moving on and enhancing their lives in one way or another, and I'm stuck on the side of the road waiting for a ride, neither enhancing or tainting my position. I just feel really lonely / sad / sober / blah.


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