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Sunday, April 21st, 2002
9:14 pm - April 21
Hi everyone! I had a pretty relaxing day...just dicked around my house and finished another book today. (That makes 3 for this weekend... I need a life.) Then later I went out to eat with Lisa (who I've become newly friends with again) and we saw "The Sweetest Thing", which was hilarious! Awesome movie. Couldn't stop laughing. Hmm that's about it! Bye kids!


Saturday, April 20th, 2002
11:51 pm
Will this sadness ever end? I just can't be happy.

I went to Mike's for awhile tonight. :-) I feel like I never really see him! Hopefully I'll see him more when baseball's over!

More quoties:

*If it were a color, it would be orange*

*She is eating a piece of sweet potato pie that makes her voice sound thick and sweet.*

*I dreamed we were making love in a shell.*

*I wake up sweating in the middle of the night, sit straight up in bed with his voice echoing inside of me.*


9:46 am - The Hanged Man--Francesca Lia Block
*I could be a child still, untouched.*

*You wake up sweating and your make-up runs before you even leave the house.*

*I dream we are in a palace with pink-veined marble walls and faraway ceilings.*

*The lights reflecting off the water slide green moons all over his face and arms. He doesn't have sunglasses on and his eyes are deep-set and slanted.*

*I feel like when I was little before I was afraid all the time.*


9:25 am - April 20
Sorry I didn't update yesterday!

:-( I would have gotten a 90% on my Social Studies project if I had handed it in on time! I would have had an 84% average. Now I have a 72%. SHIT!

I have a 77% in math. 10 points higher than last quarter!

I hung out with Jamie after school yesterday. I hate her mom so much. Her mom is so obsessed with Mike's Jaguar. Her mom refused to drive me home yesterday. (I don't know why. It's only across town.) I had to, like, wake my mom up to come and get me. It took almost an hour. Her mom's a crack-whore bitch and I hope if she ever gets to ride in a Jaguar, she dies in it. Me and Mike have boycotted the party. This story has more depth to it, but it gets me mad so I won't really go into detail about it.

Mike came over later for a little while my dad and Patrick were at the Yankee game. I went to bed, like, as soon as he left, not even bothering to wash my make-up off or anything...

I finished "Number Six Fumbles" by Rachel Solar-Tuttle yesterday. GREAT book. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes to read.

I should be seeing Mike a little later today. We'll probably go dicking around for a present for Jamie. Later gators!

current mood: okay

(2 kisses | kisses?)

Thursday, April 18th, 2002
7:39 pm - I love hot weather.
Do you all want to know why I love heat? (I'm going to tell you anyway.)
Sometimes I don't mind feeling heat overtake me, the wave consuming my breathing and swelling out wetly from my chest and forehead. It's as if I'm trying to sweat out everything about me that's a lie and face the fear of being who I am. Sweating out all those people I become in various situations and just be lonely but true.

current music: "All You Wanted"--Michelle Branch

(4 kisses | kisses?)

7:33 pm - April 18
Today is my half birthday! Woo!!

School was SO hot today. ::Drips with sweat::

Jamie and I hung out after school and made chocolate shakes and bought cheddar chips and sunbathed. :-) Ahh that's the life. Jamie is my bestest friend. :-) Apparently, Christina thinks she can use me, and told her mom she was at my house instead of Ronnie's. I would have covered for her, it's just that I would have liked to know..
My NYSSMA song is coming along great!
Woo I hope this heat keeps up! Wooo! Bye kids!


Wednesday, April 17th, 2002
4:41 pm - April 17
Woo! It's like 85° out! I'm loving this.
Okay day I guess.
I'm pissed at Christina.
Ray is an asshole. (What else is new?)
5th Period Gym (the period I usually have it, except on A Days) got out of running the mile today because it was too hot. They have to run it on Friday, though I think.
Mr.Romeo decided to leave the building when Jamie and I had lessons so we just played our solos and sunbathed outside for the rest of the period. She got burned! That's weird because I'm whiter than her...I don't think it had any effect on me.
Hmm that's about it. Later kids! Enjoy the weather!

current mood: morose
current music: "Don't Let Me Get Me"--Pink

(2 kisses | kisses?)

Tuesday, April 16th, 2002
3:43 pm - April 16
Ugh I was upset all last night and almost all of today. Granted I would be in a worse mood if the weather wasn't so pretty! Poor Mikey thinks its because of him! :-(


I'm just in one of my moods you all love so much.
Jessica and I didn't cut gym. She was afraid of getting caught, so we just went to gym and didn't do anything. I got 100% in gym for 3rd quarter! ::Shocked:: ME?! IN GYM?! Hahaha I don't know how I managed that! Not running the mile is only like 10 points off the 4th quarter average! Yeeeeey!!!
Christina was starting with Jamie today for no reason. I mean, I do that with people though, but her argument wasn't even good....hmm
After school I thought the weather was too pretty to stay inside, so I went to get a chocolate shake at Baskin Robbins! :-) Yayy!! Bathing suit weather! I miss Mikey :-(

current mood: lazy


Monday, April 15th, 2002
5:48 pm - April 15
Ah, pretty boring day yesterday. Didn't do much. Pretty quiet day back to school. Jessica and I are cutting gym tomorrow because we don't think its fair that we have to run the mile again. The teacher probably won't harass us too much about making it up because we already did it. We were 2 of the 8 people that actually ran it in the beginning of the year because we had our clothes by then. (Most people hadn't.) How unfair.

Jamie seems very pleased with her new shoes. :Grin: She invited both me and Mike to the party. I'm telling you all now--if she does what she did at Shawna's party--I don't know, things'll be very bad.

Woooo it's so pretty out. Hope everyone is liking this weather as much as me!!

(2 kisses | kisses?)

Sunday, April 14th, 2002
2:46 pm - Bored
What do you think of?:


1.What do you think of life? Right now, I'm happy with it. However, must of the time I think of it as a punishment...
2.What do you think of racism? Hmmm...
3.What do you think of religion? I'm not very religious. Perhaps because I have, like, no spiritual guidence whatsoever. I know people that are religious, and it's quite beautiful.
4.What do you think of death? ::A dreamy smile appears::


1.What do you think of drugs? Immature.
2.What do you think of legalizing marijuana? Immature.
3.What do you think of alcohol? I drink it, but I'm not one of those losers that gets drunk every weekend. Like a hobby or something...
4.What do you think of getting drunk? Ah, its fun.
5.What do you think of acid? No.
6.What do you think of heroin? It's just like everything else...kind of expensive though. :-/
7.what do you think of LSD? No?
8.what do you think of snorting coke? Elizabeth Wurtzel was a coke addict. It's so horrible. Poor Elizabeth ;-(


1.What do you think of people who cry a lot? Uh...
2.What do you think of having a boyfriend/girlfriend? I LOVE IT!
3.What do you think of couples? :-) A lot are not open with each other and it ruins they're relationship, but me and Mike are very close..
4.What do you think of people who dress in stripper-like clothes in public? I DO THAT!
5.What do you think of people who dye their hair? What color?
6.What do you think of people with mohawks? FUCKING JOCKS...
7.What do you think of people who smoke cigs? I don't do it. My mom does, though :-/
8.What do you think of people who are in jail? That's their problem.
9.What do you think of rapists? I am a rapist.
10.What do you think of reporters? They must have so much fun.
11.what do you think of famous people? Like Mariah?
12.what do you think of fat people? Stefano?
13.What do you think of skinny people? How skinny?
14.what do you think of short people? They're the same people as us. Don't hate the little people!
15.What do you think of tall people? Well, I'm 5'9''1/2 just like Mariah, I love it. :-) Haha no I'm really 5'6''.

current mood: optimistic
current music: "Family Affairs"--Mary J. Blige

(4 kisses | kisses?)

2:31 am - NSYNC
Hi! Everyone! The NSYNC concert was great fun! However, I could barely hear their singing at some points, due to the obnoxious girls screaming behind us. :-/

Never Is A Promise--Fiona Apple

You'll never see the courage I know
Its colors' richness won't appear within your view
I'll never glow - the way that you glow
Your presence dominates the judgements made on you

But as the scenery grows, I see in different lights
The shades and shadows undulate in my perception
My feelings swell and stretch; I see from greater heights
I understand what I am still too proud to mention - to you

You'll say you understand, but You don't understand
You'll say you'd never give up seeing eye to eye
But never is a promise, and you can't afford to lie

You'll never touch - these things that I hold
The skin of my emotions lies beneath my own
You'll never feel the heat of this soul
My fever burns me deeper than I've ever shown - to you

You'll say, Don't fear your dreams, it's easier than it seems
You'll say you'd never let me fall from hopes so high
But never is a promise and you can't afford to lie

You'll never live the life that I live
I'll never live the life that wakes me in the night
You'll never hear the message I give
You'll say it looks as though I might give up this fight

But as the scenery grows, I see in different lights
The shades and shadows undulate in my perception
My feelings swell and stretch, I see from greater heights
I realize what I am now too smart to mention - to you

You'll say you understand, you'll never understand
I'll say I'll never wake up knowing how or why
I don't know what to believe in, you don't know who I am
You'll say I need appeasing when I start to cry
But never is a promise and I'll never need a lie


Saturday, April 13th, 2002
9:08 am - Muhahaha! I'm sure you're all just SO surprised...

I'm a Freak!

How much of a freak are you?

current music: "Oops! (Oh My)"--Tweet Featuring Missy Elliot


9:01 am - April13
Hi everyone! Right now I'm at Mikey's and he's at baseball... just got out of the shower and used this really cool mint shampoo and conditioner. Hehe It smells so pretty.
Anyway--yesterday Jamie and I rented Leprachaun In Space and got pizza. It wasn't as good as all the other ones. We got bored very easily. Mikey came over a little later and we rented Serendipity...we fell asleep almost immediately, and it was pretty late so he just slept over. He had to be at baseball at 9AM, so we just left together so he wouldn't have to come back for me. Tonight is the NSYNC concert! Woo Heee!! I'm gonna go dry my hair now...later gators!!

current mood: pleased
current music: "In The End"--Linkin Park


Thursday, April 11th, 2002
3:46 pm
Flashback to this morning

My mom and I are in the car on the way to school. She is driving me because she stayed up all night and I didn't feel like catchning to bus. (I get 25 extra minutes now!) We're driving over a bumpy road, a road a usually didn't take when my dad drove me to school beore he got a new job. I asked, "Why are you taking this? Why didn't you just take Monroe? It's easier." She replies, "Daddy just takes that road because he likes to see his favorite house." (My dad always drives by this stupid big house any chance he gets. He probably has done it a thousand times.) "Besides," she continues, "I like bumpy roads." I nod my head and she adds, "Hey! Wouldn't it be funny if I wasn't wearing a bra?!"

Jesus, she's a psycho. :-)

I was walking into school this morning, and this really pretty girl was walking, sort of in a quiet manner, as if she was trying not to wake someone up...Anyway, I thought it was so weird that she was wearing pants that were too short for her to begin with and big shoes. I could see her white socks peeking out.

Perhaps I am seeing Mikey tonight. I'm supposed to. He went to the NSYNC concert last night. When he got there, he realized his tickets were scheduled for tonight instead, so he might try to get in again. I wonder how the seats were still open...Oh well, I hope I do! If not, I'll definately see him tomorrow! :-) I love Mikey!

current mood: nerdy
current music: "I'm Real"--J.Ho Featuring Ja Rule


Wednesday, April 10th, 2002
5:19 pm - April 10
Okay, today in Social Studies there was a fire drill. Me and Christina thought it would be fun to dance around and stuff. Forgetting that I had put my glasses onto my shirt, they fell off. When I got back to the classroom I noticed they were gone and asked if I could go back and look for them. So my teacher gave me a pass and told me to go down to the office. So I did, and explained what happened, and like different old-middle-aged women said, "Are you sur you're not going to look for your clothes "? I'm like, "Uh, obviously not." I'll add I was wearing blue Calvin Klein sweatpants and a black spaghetti strap tank top. I could dress (and have!) a lot worse! So anyway, these women were saying how beautiful my hair was (::blushing::) and this woman who just walked in said, "Yes, you're hair is very beautiful. Why don't you tell these women how your glasses fell off your shirt?" I said, "What?" (Forgetting why my glasses fell off) She said, "Yeah, I thought you were trying to keep warm by jumping around because you're practically naked, but I saw you wrestling on the lawn." I said, "Obviously you weren't watching because I was dancing and apparently I'm not naked being as that my glasses fell off my shirt! " Fucking idiots. So one woman went outside and looked for my glasses and found them for me. Yay! I was getting really self concious, making sure my bellyring was covered so no more fat middle-aged women could piss me off, when Miss Lubow was hall monitering and I stopped to say hi and she said, "Aren't you cold?" I was like, "No! In fact, it's really hot in here!" She just laughed and said, "Okay darling, I'll see you fourth period."

I took a biology test that I thought I was ready for, but apparently I wasn't because I guessed on 70% of the goddamn test I took today. Shit.

Happy birthday Trina!!

current mood: predatory
current music: "Hella Good"--No Doubt

(2 kisses | kisses?)

Tuesday, April 9th, 2002
4:32 pm
-what time is it -
-name that appears on birth certificate -
Holly Bear
-nicknames -
Holly Bear
-number of candles on next bday cake-
16 (1 for good luck!)
-date to blow um out -
October 18.
-eye color-
-hair color-
I don't know. I guess like 115-120. (I'm really about 300..)
My ears and belly.
-how much do u love ur job -
I love it so much that I don't have one.
-fave color-
Black and pink.
-who do you love-
My cat Simba, Mike, Christina, Jessica Cridlin, Melanie, Jamie, Katy, Shawna, and Mariah.
-best friends-
Christina, Jamie, Katy, Melanie, Mike, and Shawna.
-good friends-
See above.
Lindenhurst, Long Island, New York
-current residence-
Prozac Nation
-favorite food -
Pizza and soup
-loved someone so much it made ya cry -
-been in a car accident -
Yes. You could barely even call it that, though
-fave drug-
-sprite or 7 up -
-fave movie -
Fight Club, Glitter, and Labyrinth
-fave holiday-
July 4
-fave day of tha week -
-fave phrase -
I loooove ya! --Mariah
-fave toothpaste-
Toilet water
-fave restaurant -
The Olive Garden
-fave cola-
-fave flowers -
Carnations (pink ones!)
-fave sport -
Singing to Mariah
-fave icecream-
Cookie dough
-fave sesame street character -
Me and Mike appreciate Elmo greatly. I always loved Big Bird, though.
-disney or warner bros.-
-fave fast food -
-color of bedroom carpet-
Brown (ew)
-number of times failed drivers lisence test -
I don't drive.
-last person to get email from before this -
-single store ud choose to max out a credit card-
Uhh..2 CUTE!
-what do u do when ur bored -
Read, call everyone I know. Worship Mariah and Elizabeth.
-most annoying thing ppl ask me -
What's WRONG?!
Whenever I feel
-fave tv show -
-last person you went out to dinner with -
-last movie u saw -
At the theaters--Clockstoppers
In my house--Splash

(2 kisses | kisses?)

4:17 pm - April 9
I know the Katy Flynn secret.

(2 kisses | kisses?)

Monday, April 8th, 2002
4:12 pm - April 8
First day back. Not as horrible as I expected. Miraculously, I have a second chance to do both the math packet and the social studies project. I'm so relieved.
Something that pissed me off--my social studies teacher came up to me and Christina at the end of the period and said, "What happened to your project, Christina?" Christina said she didn't so it and then she turned to me and asked, "Holly, why didn't you do it?" I made up some stupid lie. I thought it was totally unfair that she singled us two out, while 70% of the class didn't do it. I hate her.
Me & Christina got the salt shaker! :-)
I was just informed last night that the NSYNC concert is this Saturday, the 13. NOT THE 20! AH!

current mood: morose
current music: "Girlfriend"--NSYNC Featuring Nelly


Sunday, April 7th, 2002
8:18 pm - Ah! Shawna's Damn Quizzes!!
click to take it!

You're the 80's Man!
No, you're not a cross-dresser. You're just the odd-shaped 80's lego man! You love the classic legos, and you're not into all these new-fangled expensive kits. Why settle for the new when the old is just as good, and far less expensive!

Take the "What Lego character are you?" test! by ctbx

Are you a ho? Find out @ She's Crafty

current music: "What's Luv?"--Fat Joe Featuring Ashanti

(4 kisses | kisses?)

8:06 pm - April 7
Hi everyone. Just got home from my grandma's a little while ago. Missed you all! This sucks that they turned the clocks back. I didn't go to bed till somewhat late, and I had to get up at 9:30AM and I have school tomorrow! No sleep for Holly! :-/Oh well, I got a cool new shirt and skirt for the NSYNC concert I'm going to on April 20 with Mikey! :-D ::evil laugh::
Okay day, as much as I hate everyone, I hate being away from everyone even more!
Weird thing that happened yesterday--I heard a Jimmy Eat World song on Z100 yesterday. I didn't know whether to be upset or happy..I guess it was just a weird moment.
I guess I'm gonna go do some more stupid shit and go to bed early. Just to let everyone know--I didn't en up doing any homework. I'll do better next quarter! PROMISE!! :-D

current mood: mischievous


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