catherine's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in catherine's LiveJournal:

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    Saturday, August 25th, 2001
    4:58 pm
    the end.
    i won't be posting here anymore.

    i've decided to move my journal back to my site.
    11:35 am
    every time i try to access my livejournal and i get an error message, for a few minutes i seriously consider just scrapping the whole livejournal idea and putting a blog back up on my site. but then, i always hold back... for some reason. and i think it's because i really do like the set-up of things here. i like the "community" feel of it, and the interactivity, and the fact that, somehow, even though my diary isn't even hosted on the same server as my website, this feels a lot more... personal than any blog page that i could put up on my site.

    but i'm sure, if things continue like this, i'll get fed up with it eventually.

    my parents drove down to gimli today. my mum came into my room at about 8:30 this morning and asked me if i wanted to go, but i said no, because i wanted to sleep. as it turns out, i probably should have just gone with them. after she left my room, i drifted in and out of a really uncomfortable, disjointed sleep until about 10:30, when i got out of bed for good.

    my mind's been on overdrive recently. and it hasn't been driving in a very easy to follow direction.

    but i don't really feel like getting into that. i'm not sure if it's necessary, or if it would make any sense at all to anyone else, because it doesn't even really make sense to me.

    in other news, the movie ('parsley days') last night was good. actually better than i was expecting it to be. as david said, the ending was a bit drawn out, and it wasn't exactly a satisfying end, but the rest of the movie made up for it. definitely a film i'd recommend seeing. and, as we were waiting for it to start, we noticed posters for lots of other interesting-looking movies that are coming to cinematheque soon, so it looks like we might be making these 5-dollar movie outings more frequently in the future... which is more than okay with me.

    my house feels weird right now. i think i'm waiting for something, but i don't know what....

    on another unrelated note, there are two new pieces in the drivel section of my site ('soothe me, softly' and 'sevendashtwo').

    have a good day, everyone!
    Thursday, August 23rd, 2001
    2:43 pm
    i forgot to eat lunch.
    i have two completed (??... hopefully) posters, though.
    and that's good.
    now, mr. wolf.... what time did you say it was?
    oh, that's right... now i remember:
    10:32 am
    i think i'm getting sick. i can feel it in my throat and my eyes and my bones. oh well. it's okay. as long as it's only a cold, i can deal with it.

    i'm working at home today, which is good, because i'm actually feeling really positive about the posters now. i met with cindy yesterday and we decided on a semi-finalized template, and then nicole and i spent the afternoon exploring rural manitoba and taking pictures. we ended up in st. adolphe and st. agathe, and we even found a field full of sunflowers. i made nicole "model" amongst the sunflowers. it was all very artistic, as i'm sure you can imagine. if you really want to, you can take a look at the pictures here.

    i'm looking forward to tomorrow night. if everything goes as planned, sunshine, phil and i are going to see parsley days at cinematheque. it's opening night, though, but hopefully we'll get in.

    it'll be my second visit to cinematheque this week. on tuesday night, my mum and i went to see yi yi. it was.... a beautiful film. it was about 3 hours long, and it had subtitles, and we were sitting in the horribly awkward and uncomfortable cinematheque seats, but it was all worth it. and, honestly, the hours flew by. all of the performances were fantastic... particularly yang yang's character, the youngest child in the family. the whole movie just left me with a really... strong feeling inside. that sounds corny, but i don't know how else to explain it. it was definitely a good experience, though, and it was nice to spend some good quality bonding time with my mum.

    in any case, i'd better get going. i really wish that livejournal's servers were more reliable. i'm beginning to get a bit sick of livejournal being "overloaded". if i had the money in my budget, i'd pay for my account, but i don't think that's a purchase that i'm able or willing to make right now.
    Monday, August 20th, 2001
    11:18 am
    i really do work. really.
    god... my second post in just one working morning. it probably seems like i never do work. but i do. i'm actually currently waiting for the batteries on the office digital camera to recharge so that i can go home and do some actual work. not that i haven't been working this morning. seriously, my fingers move so fast that it only takes a few minutes to write these things. really.

    anyway, believe it or not, there is an actual point to this entry... that point being that the supremely talented mr. sunshine has re-designed both and i don't think i've ever seen anyone use pop-up windows so well. if you're running IE, you should definitely take a look.

    and now i'm going to get back to work. don't doubt me, please. i'm not even planning to take a lunch break today! really!
    9:22 am
    ummm.... ?
    this morning, i got a referral from if anyone is willing to fess up to this prime example of dirty, sinful surfing habits, please let me know. maybe i'll give you a cookie.

    matthew has a fantastic new layout up. it's... fantastic (!!).

    and i haven't written an e-mail in over a week. my "skills" are decreasing more and more each day.

    last night, my family went out to dinner to celebrate my dear brother john's 20th birthday. it was actually a lot of fun. we went to the paradise italian restaurant and my dad and brother ate the largest slabs of lasagna that i've ever seen. i personally ordered ricotta ravioli... but the waiter got my order wrong, which was to be expected, because waiters always get my order wrong. i'm not kidding. i think i'm cursed. for example, just the night before, at perkins, when i ordered a hot fudge sundae and was brought a bowl with melted ice cream and whipped cream with no "whip" (translation: syrupy, creamy white sludge), candace said something to the effect of, "god, catherine. at first i thought it was just a coincidence, but this happens every time".

    oh well. at least it usually gets me out of leaving a tip.

    my brother seemed to be quite pleased with the present i gave him, though, which was good, because i was worried that he might already have it. "it" was an einstürzende neubauten zippo lighter that i found at wild planet. you see, einstürzende neubauten are john's favourite band. he even has their symbol tattooed onto his chest... so i wanted to find him some sort of EN memorabilia. as it was, a zippo was the best thing i could find. but he seemed happy with it, which made me happy, because it's always nice when you're able to find a gift that someone you care about actually enjoys... especially when that person happens to be very hard to shop for.

    and then afterwards, when we got home, phil and i watched 'slc punk'. just like phil warned me before we sat down to watch it, it did have some stupid moments, but, overall, it was pretty good. devon sawa's role alone was enough to make it a great film.

    and in case you couldn't guess, i'm at work, so i think i'd better... uh... do some work.
    Friday, August 17th, 2001
    3:29 pm
    so i'm at work... but i'm actually at home... because i'm working at home... for the afternoon. and yes. that's how that works.

    so the meeting went well. or at least i think it did. it was sort of hard to tell. but everything they told me seemed positive, and... i'm not getting excited about anything yet, because they're telling us the final decisions next week, and it's in my nature to be pessimistic until proven wrong.

    it's been a good day, though. better than yesterday. i think i was just suffering from a severe case of over-tiredness yesterday. my mind was so burnt out that i was finding it almost impossible to process thoughts in a rational manner. but phil came over later on in the evening, and we had a nice time, and... that calmed me down quite a bit.

    and then when i was on the bus home this afternoon, i suddenly felt myself heaving this great sigh of relief. because things felt so much more organized. and i felt more in control of what was going on... and less frazzled.

    and the new issue of shift is finally out (i've been visiting dominion news almost daily for weeks now waiting for it to arrive), and it even has an article about the lofters in it, which is most definitely cool.

    and the new bjork album comes out very soon. it's the album that i'm the most excited about at the moment. i've had the release date marked down on my calendar for ages now. and, thanks to the convenient downtown location of my office, i'll be able to walk over to a&b; sound on my lunch break to pick it up. good stuff.

    and... i was finally in the fort richmond area at an appropriate time to pick up the lovely software package that rob sent to me. you may remember my freak-out about adobe illustrator a few weeks back. well, rob was kind enough to burn not just illustrator, but the entire adobe package for me.... plus a music cd. further proof that rob is quite possibly the most helpful, generous, nicest guy on earth. thank you, rob. thank you thank you thank you. and i hope that your mix tape has arrived/will soon arrive safe and sound.

    and this morning, after the meeting, i dragged john and jim outside to do yet another "photoshoot" for the CAP-YI posters that i've been working on. it was quite amusing, because i don't really think that either of them was taking it too seriously. as a result, we ended up with a lot of joke shots and not very many serious, "artistic" shots. i've uploaded them into a gallery for easy access and viewing here, if you're interested. a lot of them are pretty dark. but some of them are quite amusing. and even the "serious" photos are quite enjoyable... mainly because of john's "hardcore squinting action" (his words, not mine).

    anyway, enough distractions. back to work.

    have a great day, everyone!
    Thursday, August 16th, 2001
    6:45 pm
    all of a sudden i just feel really stressed out about... everything.

    i know i'm probably working myself up over nothing, but i can't help it. at least these sorts of "catherine freak-outs" don't happen as often as they used to.

    things have just been too busy recently... and i've been running on very little sleep, and, as a result, my stomach has been playing up like a mofo. and it's not pleasant. it almost ruined my night out last night, but then i decided to ignore it as much as possible, because, after all, it is just a stomach, and no matter how temperamental it decides to be, i'm in charge. oh yes. that's right.

    i cried a few minutes ago for what seemed like no reason.

    but it's okay... because i haven't really cried out of the blue for a while now.

    i feel like this is a very hard-to-follow, not very emotionally consistent post.

    i apologize for that.

    in other news, i got my hair cut today. it's almost the same haircut that i got last time, which is good, because i liked the haircut that i got last time. and now my hair doesn't feel all gross and overly grown out.

    and i just ate cold scrambled eggs for supper.

    and i have to finish a project for work in a few minutes, because it's due tomorrow morning... right before i have to go down to the JA office for a meeting re: whether or not my contract is going to be continued on until the spring. i'm feeling very pessimistic and worried about the whole thing. no one else at work seems too concerned... and i probably shouldn't be, either, but... the idea of having to look for another job right now really doesn't sound very appealing. and plus, i like the job i'm in now. i like the people i work with. i like being able to go out into the community and meet people and visit places that i would never have otherwise met/visited. i like the fact that i can spend a good part of my day in front of a computer and actually know that i'm staring at the screen for a reason.

    and... yeah.

    i just feel weird. but i should probably get going.
    Wednesday, August 15th, 2001
    11:30 pm
    my oh my... i'm exhausted. megan, sabinah and i had a very enjoyable night of girly gallavanting. we went down to corydon (which wasn't as exciting as we'd hoped, because all of the stores were closed... except for this one called 'lady godiva' that sold lots of scary old woman lingerie and... nipple clamps), then went out for thai food on osborne, and then decided to continue our fun by going to baked expectations for drinks.

    it was all very very nice. definitely a good night. it's just sad that megan will be moving back to victoria at the end of august. the office just won't be the same without her.

    and tomorrow sean and i are having a hair-cutting party! yes, that's right... we've got hair appointments booked for the same time. it will definitely be something to mark down in the history books. actually, i'm looking forward to it. i seriously need a haircut, and i'm interested to see what sean has decided/will decide to do with his hair.

    i'm babbling. i apologize for not making sense/being interesting. i need sleep. but first i need to have a bath. so goodnight!
    Tuesday, August 14th, 2001
    8:05 am
    do you want to know something incredibly, completely, totally cool? my dear friend alain, who presently lives about 45 minutes away from me, will be moving to a house just down the street from me on september 1st. this, of course, is fantastic news. now we'll have no excuse to be lazy about seeing each other, because we'll only be 5 minutes apart. and the day before alain's big move, on the 31st of august, cheri-ann's friend (and mine) jenn will be moving into a dorm at the uofm.

    i have a feeling that the next few weeks are going to be very enjoyable.

    plus, i got a surprise phone call from cheri-ann last night. we've been able to speak on the phone twice within the past few weeks, which is definitely a nice change of pace.

    and i'm going to miss my bus if i don't go and get dressed, so i'll shut up, but.... yes! GOOD NEWS!!!!
    Sunday, August 12th, 2001
    1:40 pm
    it's been a very, very good weekend so far. i don't know if i can pinpoint exactly why it's been so good, but... it has been. last night was another fun night. we danced in "our" parking lot, went out to eat (twice), hung out at my house, chatted in erin's car, listened to sean pretend to be a gangsta....

    it was all very nice.

    and i'm just feeling all-around-very-good about... stuff.

    in general.

    and phil coated my entire bedroom with raid, so hopefully all of the little baby spiders are dead and gone now. you see, the other night, just as i was getting ready to go to bed, i noticed something that looked a lot like a sticky, icky spider egg sac stuck to my window screen. i was too tired to actually think about doing anything about it, so i just sort of prodded at it with a pen and then went to bed. the next night, i told phil about it, and we went to go and check on the status of it, and.... it was gone. of course, this was very frightening, because there was a good chance that thousands and thousands of spider babies were scurrying around my room (according to some research that i did the day after i found the sac, there are about 20 000 eggs in each sac). so we set to work vacuuming the entire area, including my bed, windowsill, and all of the dark, damp corners of my room. and then, last night, just for good measure, phil sprayed my room with raid before we went out so that the bugs would be attacked but i wouldn't die from inhaling the semi-toxic fumes.

    don't get me wrong... in general, i don't like the idea of killing bugs or any other sort of creature, but a few years ago i was in a similar situation, but i didn't kill the spiders at first, and then i ended up with spider bites all over my legs and horrible, hairy black spiders crawling on my bed. needless to say, my paranoia has increased since then, and when something must be done, it must be done.


    and rob! i mailed your mix tape yesterday! i know that it was a few days later than originally planned, but still.... i actually, physically put it into the mailbox, only a few days after recording it. for me, this is a huge accomplishment. hopefully it'll get to you safe and sound.

    take care, everyone. have a great day.
    Saturday, August 11th, 2001
    3:08 pm
    i'm just waiting for my stomach to become hungry so that i can eat breakfast and properly start my day. but, as expected, i'm getting hungry now, so some hardcore toast action will probably be happening pretty soon.

    i just got out of bed at around 2:45. i can't even remember the last time that i've slept that late. it was good, though. very good. especially considering the fact that i didn't get home until around 3:30 last night and then was unable to relax enough to fall asleep until around 5. but we had a fun night. on the spur of the moment, we decided to drive down to the towne theatre to see 'american pie 2'. you see, we were all in the mood to see a movie, but we didn't really want to pay $12 for admission, and the towne is great because as long as you say that you're 17 (candace and i actually are. erin and sean are not. erin said she was, though. sean's too honest for his own good, which, i guess, is pretty admirable. but still... he could have saved 2 dollars!), admision is only $4.75... and the theatre was big and the screen was big and it was a rather nice experience.

    and the movie was good, too. mindless, of course. and not quite as funny as the original, but still very good. it made me laugh a lot, which was a good change of pace after seeing 'memento' 3 times last week (yes, i saw it another time... with david and phil. but it was good, because i still enjoyed it the third time around, and i was able to look out for the one aspect of the film that i hadn't caught/understood the first two times. and plus, david liked it, which was good, because phil and i have inflicted quite a few not very good movies on david in the past. not that 'half baked' wasn't a stunning piece of cinematic history, but....).

    and now i need to eat. because another day is starting.... or maybe it's already almost over. either/or.

    happy saturday, everyone!
    Wednesday, August 8th, 2001
    9:56 pm
    i have mariah carey in my head. this is not good.

    i think that i'm actually sleeping right now. my eyes don't feel like they're really open.

    and my hair feels so disgusting. i need a haircut. badly. and it's been so hot outside that every inch of my body feels yucky and sweaty, even though it's really not.

    you've gotta love life in winnipeg.

    but in any case, it was lovely to see angela tonight. i'd missed her a lot while she was away... and although she's leaving again, at least we got to have a brief visit with her beforehand.

    sleep. i need sleep.
    4:20 pm
    post-it notee
    i'm at work right now.

    i'm tired, and i just felt the urge to write something.

    of course, i'm not as tired as i was yesterday, when i almost keeled over from a combination of heat prostration/pre-period angst on the bus on the way home. not good.

    but tonight i get to see angela, who's back in town for a brief visit before going back to camp. and last night, for the first time in what seems like forever, i sat down and made a mix tape. for rob. and i'm determined to send it off tomorrow. yes yes.

    and i washed all of the clothes that i bought on my latest value village excursion with phil on sunday. shopping at value village has become even more of an addiction for me since i started earning money. it's kind of sick, really.

    and... there's a lot of other stuff going on.
    but i don't know if i'm ready to talk about it yet.

    i don't know if i even know what to say.

    but i'm happy. confused, but happy.

    and that's... good.
    Monday, August 6th, 2001
    10:19 pm
    ehcadaeh... headache!
    we went to see memento again tonight. that's two times in two days. the main motivation for our repeat viewing was the fact that, after seeing it initially last night, we spent at least an hour in perkins discussing it, then another few hours at my house afterwards (much of our discussion was fueled by an online search that i did for other people's opinions of the movie. it opened our eyes to aspects of the film that we hadn't even though of/noticed.... for example, the little 'fight club'-esque "scene switch" in the asylum). we needed to see it again to settle our minds. and seeing it again did help, i think. it made things a lot clearer. of course, the fact that erin brought along a notebook and actually took notes throughout the entire film (we kind of thought she was joking... at first) helped as well. gave us something to refer back to afterwards.

    but it really is a fantastic movie. it's definitely up there with some of the best movies i've ever seen. i love movies that make you think.

    it's an exhausting movie to watch, though. it definitely requires full attention. and now my head hurts. and i have to get up early for work tomorrow morning, so i should probably get going.

    have a nice night, everyone!
    Sunday, August 5th, 2001
    3:04 pm
    dawdle, dawdle.
    i wasn't expecting to have any more time on the computer today, but then my dad offered it to me unexpectedly just as i was finally almost motivated enough to go downstairs and start cleaning up. needless to say, i gave into the distraction. but i'm going to go downstairs right after i post this, though. really. i swear.

    i added two new, recent pieces to the drivel section of my site.

    i also decided to fill out yet another survey, because we all know that surveys are the ultimate time-killers. this survey comes to you courtesy of mr. david boggles. he sent it to me a while ago, and it's not a terribly exciting one to read through, but i've never filled out any of the surveys that he's forwarded to me, so i decided to start with this one. i'm sure he won't be thrilled that i chose this particular survey to respond to, but oh well. sometimes boring things can be fun, right? yess... of course. (sorry, dave)

    - GENERAL -

    Full name: catherine elizabeth toews

    Nicknames: we've been over this before.... catheter, squidge, other variations on my name that i can't remember at the moment.

    Hometown: manitoba!

    Birthdate: september 8th, 1983

    Eyes: hazel?

    Hair: brown

    Age: 17.... almost 18, though. almost!

    Current Residence: manitoba!

    Siblings and their ages: 1 brother, 19 (20 in about a week)

    Where do you work: here

    Do you make fun of people: sometimes, but almost always just in good fun.

    Have you ever been convicted of a crime: no... not that i can remember.

    Best online friends: umm... i don't know. i don't really have any incredibly close online friends. i rarely ever use icq, and when i do, i mainly use it just to talk to people that i know offline as well. poor, pathetic me.

    Best offline friends: cheri-ann, of course. plus quite a few other, equally important people that are radically, radically cool.

    Pets: one. a cocker spaniel/terrier/crazy mutt named lady (we didn't name her. when we got her, she'd already been blessed with that highly unimaginative name. of course, if she happened to be a guy dog, then the name would be a whole lot cooler, but unfortunately, she's a girl.)

    Type of car you drive now: why are there always so many questions about cars? i drive a mazda protege. woo-hoo.

    Do you get along with your parents: yes. for the most part. we've always had a pretty good, stable relationship. i think they're pretty cool.

    Favorite town to chill in: umm... i don't know. i don't really "chill" that often.

    What's your bad time of day: i don't really have one specific bad time of day. maybe around 5:00, when i'm just finishing work and i'm about to embark on my bus ride home.

    Craziest or Silliest person you know: god, that would be a tight race. i don't think i can pinpoint one person.

    What do you remember most about 1999: 1999? dear me, that's a stretch. my memory is definitely not impressive enough to remember even the most memorable, enjoyable moments from that year.

    What's on your mouse pad: uhh... it's got a leopard print on it. phil gave it to me, and it's rather cool.

    Do you believe in yourself: umm... yeah? i don't know. yes, i guess so. moreso than i used to, that's for sure.

    Craziest/most exciting thing ever done?: i don't know! i hate having to pick out individual, defining moments from my life. i guess it's my own fault for doing these surveys in the first place.

    Do you get motion sickness: i don't know if i actually do or not, but i'm always afraid that i will. i know that i get sick when i'm in a cramped, hot car. i'm always afraid of getting airsick, but i don't think i ever have. if i do, it's probably more psychological than anything.

    Are you a good friend: i'd like to think so. i hope so, anyway.

    What's your zodiac sign: virgo.

    What do you wear to bed: pyjama pants and a t-shirt, usually. i don't own any elegant sleepwear.

    Have you ever been in love: yes.

    What's on your bedroom walls: once again, i've answered this before. paintings, photos, posters, etc., etc.

    - EITHER OR -

    Croutons or Bacon Bits: croutons, though i don't really like either.

    One pillow or two: two.

    Adidas, Nike or Reebok: if i had to choose, i'd say adidas, just because i like their shoes.

    Glass half empty or full: i'm not even going to dignify this with a response.

    Coke or Pepsi: again, i don't really like either. highly caffeinated drinks do terrible things to my insides... but sometimes i get cravings for coke out of the blue, so... coke. yes. i'll go with coke.

    White or chocolate milk: umm... white, i guess. chocolate milk affects me in almost the same way as coke.

    Lefty or righty: righty.

    Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate!

    Thunderstorms - scary or cool: cool. as long as i'm inside. actually, even if i'm outside, as long as i'm in a fairly safe place.

    - IF -

    Dream car: don't know, don't care.

    If someone were to write a play about your life, what would the title be: 'The Dukes of Hazzard - The Saga Continues'

    Where do you see yourself in ten years: iceland. or england. or, more realistically, manitoba.

    If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be: magazine owner/editor.

    - Favourites -

    Favourite salad dressing: ranch, i guess.

    Favourite perfume or cologne: i'm still quite enjoying the lancome 'miracle' stuff, though once it runs out i doubt that i'll ever buy it again because it's so over-priced.

    Favourite subject in school: english.

    Least favorite subject: math, followed closely by science.

    Favourite type(s) of Music: this question is never worth answering.

    Favourite movie you've seen recently: i know i've seen a few good movies recently, but i can't really think of them right now. i'm looking forward to seeing memento tonight, though.

    Worst recent movie: 'crime & punishment in suburbia'... but it doesn't really deserve to win this category, because it was so bad that it was almost good. actually, it was good, so forget i ever said anything. it was even better because i'd read the book, so i was able to see how completely unrelated the book & the movie were, no matter how hard the director was trying to connect them.

    Favourite movie ever: probably 'fight club', though i could be wrong.

    Favorite ice cream: mint chocolate chip.

    Favorite TV show: repetition, repetition. 'my so-called life' was my all-time favourite, but i'm currently enjoying 'felicity'.

    Favorite colors: blue & yellow.
    1:13 pm
    by the way, i gave cherylann's diary a makeover yesterday. she's away on a sports trip right now, so i don't know what her reaction will be to it. hopefully she won't hate it. you've gotta love that green dress....

    it's even more fantastic when she wears it with her sneakers.
    1:09 pm
    crazy on a sunday afternoon
    i just returned home from a 3+ hour driving session with my mum. we drove all the way to transcona, and i think i did quite well. i hope so, anyway. there was a little episode where we kind of lost a hubcap in the middle of a busy road, but that was just a minor slip-up, if you ask me.

    i'm being hurried off the computer, so i won't write much at the moment. last night was a nice night. today has been a nice day. our girls night out/in was highly enjoyable (we even bought 'playboy'! hooray for softcore porn!).

    yes. things are good.

    and thank you to the people who sent me e-mails about the illustrator thing. i seem to have found a solution, because the tech guy at my work said that he could bring in his home copy for me on monday, so as long as that pans out, i should be set. but thank you anyway.

    too little time. too little time.

    happy sunday, everyone!
    Thursday, August 2nd, 2001
    9:43 pm
    don't be alarmed, but this is rather urgent... although not in a life-threatening way:

    i need Adobe Illustrator. like, badly. you see, as you may or may not know, i've been working on some posters for our program, and because we're sort of a government program, we have lots of different sponsors with lots of different logos that all need to go on the posters. my lovely co-worker meghan has been in charge of vectorizing all of the logos so that they'll be easy to work with on the posters, but, you see, i have no way of opening them... because they're illustrator files, so.... i need illustrator. yes i do. i tried to download the trial version of it and then just apply a patch, but the link to the trial version is completely broken, and i'm freaking out.

    deep breaths, deep breaths.

    if anyone could help me out with this in any, way, shape, or form, i would be eternally in their/your debt. anything would be good right now. like, even if someone knew of another place where i could download the trial version... anything.

    again: i'm freaking out.

    sorry to be so melodramatic about this. it just kind of crept up on me at the last minute, and i was hoping to start working on revising the posters tomorrow so as to have them ready to show to the project manager on monday, when i said i'd have them at least semi-ready.


    all hysterics aside: have a nice night everyone! take care. xo.
    8:02 pm
    my parents are cool.
    you know what? sometimes hanging out with your mum and dad can be a lot of fun. today was a good example of that.

    after work, i walked over to my dad's office and met up with him and my mum. we then ventured down to a really nice greek restaurant called homer's and i enjoyed a very good plate of chicken souvlaki, greek salad, and lemon potatoes... followed by a nice dish of chocolate cherry ice cream. it was a very good meal, and a nice change of pace. no matter how much i complain, i've always kind of liked the fact that my parents only go out to dinner very rarely, because it means that every time we do, it feels like a treat. even mcdonald's is kind of exciting to me still, because it reminds me of my childhood. i can't bring myself to eat the burgers anymore, though.

    after our dinner, we drove down to osborne village so that my dad could look at some movies, and i ended up buying yet another sugarcubes album. today's find was 'stick around for joy'. needless to say, i was very pleased to find it. that makes three sugarcubes albums in the span of only a few weeks. i'm having a string of good luck. it's nice to find good albums for less than $10.

    now, the parent-daughter bonding will continue as my mum and i watch the episode of 'felicity' that we taped last night. and then tomorrow, erin, candace and i have a super fun girls night planned. we barely ever get to hang out just as girls, so we're going to go all out. maybe we'll even do make-overs!

    no... i don't think so.
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