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this is the definition of anti-social

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under a sky that is grey, sand that is grey, by an ocean that's grey [22 Mar 2002|06:30pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | ani difranco ]

i guess my day really couldn't get any better, so instead it made a complete 180 and decided to screw me over. funny how life works that way.

so here's my day. i don't recall of anything interesting happening in first period, but in 2nd, we had to write 2 practice AP essays and i messed up on both of them. 3rd period, celeste invented a new game which was stupid but cute in its own way, jennifer sang nelly furtado to elisse, drew made a lasso with the wires in the lab and tried to lasso my head, and jeff tapped mr. larson's stump, which was the funniest thing i've ever seen in my life. it soo deserves a play-by-play. here goes.

1) jeff taps mr. larson's stump
2) mr. larson asks him what he's doing
3) "i'm touching your stump, mr. larson"
4) mr. larson tells him to stop
5) "why? is it tender?"

ohhhhh mannnnnnn. i wish my day could have ended right there.

i'm going to praise night now. no knott's dance for me. sorry jon, but i don't like sweaty atmospheres, freaking, or getting hit on by asian fobs.

looking in your eyes * i see a paradise [21 Mar 2002|03:23pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | grey * ani difranco ]

today started out good and it ended even better. this is how every day should be. i had no homework yesterday, so i decided to start reading "a walk to remember" for english since the book report's due next friday. i actually finished it in one sitting even though it took me 3 hours, and i cried. today, we had a sub in history, and there's a new guy in our school and he's in that class with me and he's really cute. then in psychology, i gave doug my backpack because his fell apart. then during lunch, i had orange chicken for the third day in a row and monica and i decided to wander around to look for boys. i found mine at the end of lunch and monica found hers during 6th. 6th period was boring and we just discussed "their eyes were watching god". i told taylor and bert that i was scared during the last chapter when janie shot tea cake and he bit her so they started chomping really loudly to scare me but it worked. then someone came up with the brilliant idea to pretend that we were sleeping so our whole side of the room laid their heads down and it took mrs. baron 20 minutes to notice. i have NO homework today. channel 4 @ 8:00, you guys. be there.

Auto response from C r O n O 2737: eating like oprah.. haha [19 Mar 2002|06:28pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | phantom planet ]

modified day. slept in. went to school. international week. i had orange chicken + rice and a smoothie for lunch. then me and monica made up lame pick-up lines. haha

*we walk up to a random guy and stand to his left*
me&monica;: ohhhhh hot girl at 9:00
*the guy starts looking around and then looks at us*
me&monica;: ohhhhhh yeahhhhhhh.

i was really hyper today. it was weird. me and monica got doug and steven in trouble and they got detention in tadokoro :[ sorry you guys. i really am. okay anyways, too many people are going to pop disaster and coachella and too little people are going to sadies. this isn't cool kids.

PrncesRei: i have so much hwk andrewwwwwwwww
XxGekidoxX: haha . me toooooooo graceeeeeeeee
PrncesRei: last week i had a buncha hwk toooooooooo
PrncesRei: but spring break is in two more weekssssssss
XxGekidoxX: i have to study for chem test, do all the chem hwk, do japanese project and study for ap art tooooooooooo
PrncesRei: omggggggggggggg thats insaneeeeeeeeeeee
XxGekidoxX: this week suuuuuuuuuuux

yes it does. back to hwk. byeeeeeee

what did the angry customer at an italian restaurant give the chef? ..a pizza his mind. [18 Mar 2002|03:39pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

XxGekidoxX: what are you doing?
PrncesRei: thinking of how funny i am.

so anyways, i deleted my last post because it was stupid and it didn't make any sense. today was kinda blahhhh. i came home and i was like whoa. i look like crap. i was talking to jee eun and she said she's not going to coachella with elliot and i was like whatttt and she was like maybe you should go with him instead. haha. that would be SOO weird, considering i barely know the guy. hmm he knows my jokes though! jee eun told him and his mom the beethoven one and his mom goes "don't worry. i won't hold that against you." haha cutteeeeeee <333 i don't understand why no one likes my jokes. i think they're really funny actually. so yeah.. if anyone needs any cheering up, you know who to call. orrrr yeaaaahhhhhh. maybe not.

swallow, choke, and die. [17 Mar 2002|01:54pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | michelle branch ]

shopping did NOT go well yesterday. we were really late and i felt bad because andrew had been there since 1:30 and we got there at 3:15. meeting at abercrombie was also a huge mistake because there's three of them and we all met at different ones. we never met up with alexis and me and jessica went to crystal court to find her but we had no luck. then we forgot about meeting diem and monica back at abercrombie and yeah.. it was a huge disaster. everyone was split up and it was really pointless. i did get shopping done though and i bought a new pair of jeans and half of kelly's birthday present. the other half is tickets to the rooney show, which i will also be attending on march 30. that means i have no more money left to buy eric's birthday present but i don't even know what to get him. anyway, i didn't end up cutting my hair or dying it because we didn't have time but i went to jessica's house and she kinda gave me layers but it's not really noticeable. then we ate orange chicken and listened to nsync and dreamstreet and looked through magazines for a haircut that i liked and i found one but i forgot to rip it out and take it home. we talked a lot about school in general and how everything's changing and it was really depressing. then i came home and stayed up all night talking on the phone and i went to church in the morning and got in a fight with my mom, the same exact fight that celeste had with her's- minus the waterworks. sigh.. i have SOO much homework to do. dieeeeee.

SAT's, metro, and black stuff. [16 Mar 2002|02:00pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | for me this is heaven * jimmy eat world ]

so last night was pretty boring, wasn't it? school was.. school. what can i say. the freshmen are getting really annoying. um yeah. that's about it. afterschool, i went shopping and got a new pair of pants and a paul frank shirt. then i came back home and slept early because today was the SAT's. i'm so glad i got that over with. no more SAT's for this girl. i still have the SATII's to take though. hmph. well our proctor's name was flora and because of that, no one took her seriously. jt drank his water, jessica and minnie ate their apple chips, blaire didn't turn in her cell phone, and matt and i chewed gum. we're REBELS, i know. right now i'm waiting for celeste and jessica to come over so we can go to the mall. okay.. more of this later.

try to write it down into a perfect sonnet or one foolish line [14 Mar 2002|03:38pm]
ignoring grace is the cool thing to do these days..

a line allows progression *//a circle does not [12 Mar 2002|03:29pm]
[ mood | grumpy ]
[ music | a perfect sonnet * bright eyes ]

today was a yucky day. iono why.. i just feel really icky from everything and yeah. i just wanted to go home and sleep but now that i'm home, i can't get my mind off of things and basically, i'm just worrying about things that are beyond my control. ahhhhh okay. whatever. school itself was alright. we had a sub in history and psych so i have 2 tests that i have to study for tonight. then in physics, somebody stuck something on mr larson's back that said "physics is cool" without him knowing and i took it off and said "i saved you from mortification mr larson!" and he said "okay" without ANY sign of gratitude so i was like "what's 5q + 5q?" and he said "um.. 10q" and i'm like "you're welcome" and mr larson blushed and everyone laughed. it was a really funny had-to-be-there moment.

it's GOTTA be that whole anti-social thing.. [10 Mar 2002|09:22pm]
24% addicted to Instant Messenger. How about you?

by the way.. [10 Mar 2002|09:19pm]
i ate waffle crisp for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner. i just thought that was worthy of mentioning.

they come out at night. [10 Mar 2002|09:15pm]
[ mood | scared ]
[ music | everlong ~foo fighters ]

gosh i'm so effin paranoid now about answering the door at night ever since that whole "let's put ransom money outside of grace's door" prank. man.. story of my LIFE.

it's WAAAAY past my bedtime.. [10 Mar 2002|12:58am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | nothing right now ]

it took us half an hour to decide where to eat and when we finally came to a consensus [which was claim jumper] there was a one hour wait so we left and went to applebee's although i was NOT happy with that decision. we saw mr. theriault there and we sat at a table next to rojeh and his family and his brother looks like the guy from dreamstreet. our waiter was a billy joe look-a-like and i got an oreo smoothie which was really good but probably really fattening as well. then britney spears started playing and it was really annoying cuz there was a table full of girls singing "i'm not a girl, not yet a woman" and then my brother joined in with them which was so embarrassing it's not even funny. afterwards, we went to buy groceries and then we went to my house and went on the computer. i find it weird how NOBODY likes kind of like spitting and everyone was making fun of ben barnett's singing. then jason came over also and he brought over some chinese kung fu fighting movie and while they watched it, connie, tiffany, and edward cut my hair. then jason walked in on us in the garage and saw edward and said "so you want to be a hair dresser" in a lisp and it was really funny. they're still upstairs watching the dvd but it's not my kind of movie so i'm staying downstairs.

the story of my life. [09 Mar 2002|05:24pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | dashboard ]

everyone's out with ed right now and here i am stuck at home, studying for the SAT's. it really sucks that i can't spend much time with him when he's finally back from upenn and he's only staying for a week. i have so much stuff to do right now that it could take me a lifetime to finish everything on my agenda. i got a lot done so far though; i feel accomplished. i finished half of my history study guide, did my japanese homework, read chapters 7-9 for english, and finished my online shopping for the day and ended up getting 2 shirts and a poster. well right now, i'm watching the dashboard music video and sorry to say, but he looks way too pretty in it.

cross out the eyes.

highlight of my day. [08 Mar 2002|05:58pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | flake. jack johnson ]

my dad called and i got to talk to him for a couple of minutes. he won't be home till may or june though and i can't wait until then. families just aren't families when there's only two people living in the house. actually, there's three this week because my brother's on spring break otherwise, it would just be me and my mother. i'm hoping everything will turn out okay.

to my surprise// for my eyes [08 Mar 2002|03:28pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | and one * linkin park ]

my day:
waking up at 8:20 and [surprisingly] getting to school on time, pinching doug to death in 2nd, watching clueless in physics, making analogies about gays in japanese, eating A LOT during lunch and not going to the library for the second consecutive day = homework in five classes AGAIN, and coming home and eating more. i think i need to go on a diet again. next time j.t. calls me fat, i'm going on my freshman diet plan. that'll make him sorry. and after i lose 10 pounds, i can laugh in his face and he'll just say "you went on a diet? i can't even tell." nice guy = j.t.

we're not 21 but the sooner we are, the sooner the fun will begin. [07 Mar 2002|08:59pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | the dream; thursday ]

i haven't had any homework this week until today. this must have something to do with going to the library right? i've been going there during lunch for the past three days with andrew, wooge, and calvin.. err. kevin, and then today, i decide not to go and look what happens- i get homework in FIVE of my classes. this is r-i-d-u-c-u-l-o-u-s. so my day consisted of being in a bad mood because a) it was raining, b) i had homework, and c) tomorrow's not reverse modified. that's okay though cuz today is ending in 3 hours. so in first period today we went to the library and we had to do an internet research project on propaganda. then we spent the rest of the time playing nanban and it was really funny cuz eric was playing it but mrs park couldn't tell cuz his computer was on mute but when allison started playing it, the music started playing really loud and i just started cracking up. then after first, i was waiting outside of the english hall for celeste and the guy who just happens to be the best looking guy on earth [well not really but okay] came out of that hall and he smiled at me. and that made my day, even though i didn't smile back. i always see him around school and after school though which makes me happy. and celeste said that he reminds her of me and that we look cute together which made me happier. okay well enough about him.. i don't even know his name. so anyways, in physics, we were learning about volts and resistors and i impressed mr larson by yelling out the equation for parallel resistors before he even got to that part. and he said "how did you know that grace?" and that was my moment of glory. but then i felt really stupid in english cuz we were writing a practice ap essay and i mixed up the passages and said one was subjective when it was really objective. way to go, idaho.

kelly and grace's one month reunion: march 22. it's been a long 30 days, hasn't it KEL?! :]

XxGekidoxX: *slap* [04 Mar 2002|07:25pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | nightingale //std ]

i came home from school today and spent an hour cutting my hair. i think i need to get monica to fix it again.. sigh*

they call her action. [03 Mar 2002|06:12pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | the get up kids ]

i just got back from monica's house. of course, our original plan was to study but that was taken over by ulterior motives so we spent most of the time taking our pillowfight/slumber party/makeover pictures. i never knew so much effort and detail had to go into making a picture look just right. i can't wait till we get them developed but it's probably not going to be until summer. the rest of the time left over was divided between eating, studying, talking, and monica and diem cutting my hair. it looks like it's about 2 inches shorter but i like it a lot better cuz i got sick of long hair. over spring break, i'm gonna chop it all off. that is, if i don't chicken out.

last night -the strokes [03 Mar 2002|11:57am]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | know you know * nathaniel's endeavors ]

i went to eat at ruby's last night at crystal court. next time you go, you should order a ruby melt. i haven't had one since last january and i almost forgot how good they taste. the waitress gave us crayons, ignoring the rule of thumb. it was pretty disastrous. we didn't just color outside of the lines, but we got it all over the table too. oops. then we went to tiffany's house and we watched "ferris bueller's day off." i can't believe robert schwartzman and co. named their band after edward rooney. i hate that guy. if i had a principal like him, i'd kill myself.

i have no friends except for saves the day. [02 Mar 2002|05:36pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | nightingale //std ]

+went to satII class this morning
--got over 700 in writing this time. way to be on team "we're heading to stanford". go me.
+went home and took a practice sat
--haven't scored it yet but i probably got a three digit number.
+read "their eyes were watching god"
--finished my journal entry
+finished reading psychology and did my notes
+started doing japanese homework
+looked over math.

wow. i'm being productive today. being anti-social pays off.
next saturday's not looking too good either.
march 16- SAT's. that's why.

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