Q. Is there a professional version?
Yes, our service is designed for professionals.
We recommend the professional subscription version to all businesses and anyone else who
might find the advertising undesireable or who wants extended features and support.
The subscription version of our service is 100% advertising-free
and does not show our logo or any other identifying information.
All subscription plans allow you to index PDF files and
have fast re-indexing. "Enterprise" plans have even faster "parallel" re-indexing.
Priority email support for quick answers to your questions is also available.
In addition, subscription accounts do not subsidize free accounts,
so you're not paying for someone else's search engine.
For pricing, look here.
To subscribe, first log in to your free account then go to the
page then click on the select link next to the desired plan.
Our load-balanced server farm provides both high performance and high availability.
We are the pioneer in this field and have a proven track record of providing reliable
search and navigation services to many thousands of websites around the world.