Relevant Communities The following communities are also interested in "duran duran". 23 matches: Interested users The following users are also interested in "duran duran". More fun stuff can be found on the interests page. 1000 matches:
- 0000x0mnihil - ....Better Living Through Sound Design
- 39 - this twilight garden
- 6coal6chamber6 - JoNaThan's hivalicous KoTTon KaNdY
- 7yearbitch - Concrete Blonde
- aaronin - Aaronin
- aboriginal - *BloodGlamour*
- absolutegoddess - Absolute Goddess
- adagiogray - adagiogray
- addictedtofuel - Brenna
- aebon - aebon medazzal
- aer0mancer - Aeromancer
- aerospace - skippy
- aeryn - Aeryn
- affectsofxero - Silence
- agentorange101 - Agent Orange
- agothicbarbie - GothicBarbie With a Black Crayon
- ahlivejuice - Cedes
- ahree - Andrea
- aidualc80 - Lelaina Pierce
- akhet1031 - Dark Rain
- alasbaster_fur - Malania
- aldous - Aldous Tyler
- alexis_k - alexis
- alex_ - Alexandra
- alisalohv - Alisa Lohv
- alligator - Tanya
- allyjo - Ally
- all_grrl - Becca
- all_neon_like - Renee
- almeda - Almeda
- alteredboi - Fen
- alterxego - Jessica
- alyyss - Alice
- amai_unmei - Amai Unmei
- amandamichelle - AmandaMichelle
- amorematico - Stef
- amyaustin - Amy Austin
- amyblushing - [a][m][y] || BLUSHING
- anakinsucks - Anakin Correnti
- android18sl - android18
- anfetamina - fujou
- angelfaye - seanachais
- angelmichael - Mikh'ael
- angelnia - Prince of Your Dreams
- angelofsin - an empty vessel
- angeltrouble - Nipples Nabooti!
- angermanagement - Jonathan
- anglo33 - ~*Allyson*~
- angrylittleboi - XxThe-Somewhat-Almighty-AJxX
- animosity - Christina
- annabelevil - Annabel Evil
- anoitecido - anoitecido
- anonomiss - anonomiss
- antistacey - antistacey
- anyacaspa - Anya Dvorak
- aperfectmistake - ApM
- apricotluv - Natasha
- aquarious - tori
- arcaneslave - Ti-Jae
- aria01 - Jessie B
- ariana75 - Michele
- arien - Adella
- ariesgirlie - that damn ariesgirlie
- arovane - Aladdin Sane
- asilvahalo - Angela Q
- asocialfemme - kayla
- astral_halo - astral_halo
- audigy - Audigy
- babychambunny - janie doll
- babygroupie - [ Le Cirque En Rose ]
- babykosherdill - yazzer
- babyraven - Babs
- bachelorettia - love your punk rock ego
- bacos - 'nny
- bad80shair - bizarronicsmythe
- badfuzzybunny - Megan j
- bajema - Bethalynne
- bakedjustright - Gianna
- ballistik - Ballistic Coffee Boy
- barryhjr - Barry
- becca_boo - Becky Pagels
- being__aleister - Aleister Sebastian Pop
- bellagoth - "M"
- benny_narrator - Benny Narrator
- berzyneko - neko m
- betsontebs - Tebs
- betsyb - BetsyB
- bettysbitch - *Drink*Me*
- bigraoul - Big Raoul: The Ayatollah Of Rock-A-Rolla
- bippy - Bippy
- bird - Rio
- bitterprey - Cat
- bjosephattacks - fashion for shizzle
- black666rose - Jems
- blackdimond - Abs
- blasphemousgrrl - please forgive me for not being pretty
- blinkus - Meg Gilley
- bloodcicle - Crying For Days On End
- bloodfragments - the hussy with the most
- bloodied_up - analog girl in a digital world
- bloodylipstick - Becca
- bloolube - .bºhem¡an whº®e.
- bluedumdum - Blue
- blueskin - kevin
- blue_rat - Pope Mickey XXIII
- bluroom - BluRoom
- bobburnquist - Mike Palmer
- bohemianwhore - alexis
- bootlegbatboy - Mark
- borisdermann - APOSTROPHE [ ' ]
- bowielove - desolation angel
- box5 - Kendra
- boysquared - Bri
- boyswithpennies - madonna
- boys_hurt_me85 - Zariah A`Lex
- braptalk - ThE SouL THaT CrEAtes tHe SHivEr
- bratcub - Bratcub
- bratgirl66 - i lick you!
- breathlessgin - Gin
- brigidmarie - brigid
- brodie_ - My Name Is Wepeel
- broicello - They used to laugh at me but I saw the future.
- broken_halo - Chris Halo
- broken_s0und - maria
- brthinginfumes - sylvia
- bruisedsanity - christina
- bsbnobishounen - Bishounen
- bubbledragon - Bubble Dragon
- burnswithin - a seratonin-deficient fleshbot
- butterfly666 - *Glitter*Grrl*
- butterpixie - Call me Moz
- bu_xie - Derek W.
- bytemare - Jen
- cacamimi - Rivers' Bitch
- cactuscraigd - Cactus Craig D
- cadenzaallli - alli
- caenum - mud the bum
- canadianyams - fluffernutter
- candette - Cailin Chaos
- candydevil - jaclyn
- capitalflash - capital flash
- captainhightop - Kaja
- caterpillargirl - ~^i^~ Angelicque ~^i^~
- caterpillargrl - *Caterpillargirl* Rachel
- celestialdebris - Spam
- cerealdater - Cereal Dater
- chameleon_chick - Hiddendays
- chaotica - The Forgotten Realms
- cherie17 - Kine Michelle
- cherypez - Emostoke Inc
- chironsvictim - Nikki
- chooch - Crystal
- chorrocks - Chris Horrocks
- christina1973 - Christina
- christmas - Lieutenant Lush
- chronoscrow - ChronosCrow
- chuckecheeeses - chuckecheeeses
- cinammongrrl - deaddolly
- cisforcursive - dont call me pretty baby anymore
- cityrokker - Evan the Terrible
- classklown - The Class Klown
- cloying - alex
- comfybluechair - Curmudgeon of omniscience
- communique - baby skull for a disco ball.
- compusiveprep - janjan
- conflagration - Corey Haim Feldman
- coollibrarian - Debbie
- coolvegan - Theron
- copycat - copycat
- cosmoonmars - Alex
- coven - Teresa
- cover_me - cover me
- cowbob - phantom breeze
- cozie - cozie
- crackjackal - Crack Jackal
- craigariah - (exeunt behavior.)
- creepella - Cyn
- crena - listening for reason
- crestfallen - Michael
- crimsonplague - Holly
- critterkllr - Frank
- cruciverbalist - Margaret Undecided
- crushmaniac - lynne
- cupiditatis - Fitter Happier
- curagi - Tamra
- curefan007 - Christopher
- cyanidelollipop - selina i elen
- cygnus - Eric
- czelfett - jake
- damnuscubasteve - ¤ *~ The Texan ~* ¤
- dancefawn - Dark Fae
- dangerkitti - amanda
- darkannie - Anne
- darkelvis - Emmanuel Brass
- darkest_eve - Callasandra
- darklight - Erika
- darknessrising - DarknessRising
- darkness_awaits - Melyssa Dark
- darksoulchild - Nubia27
- darksyren - Dark Syren
- dark_elf - Twinkie Eatin' Jenn
- dasgeliebteeve - evie
- davedbone - Smellhead
- david973 - David Nikithser
- david_bowie_fan - Kitty
- dawn_on_me - Kim
- deadboys - girlfriend in a coma
- deadgrrl - Lou
- dead_dolly - aurora
- deafmx - MiKe
- deathizzardcake - amy
- deathmetal - Your Mom
- deathpop5000 - The beef
- deathsayspeachy - Tamara
- deccasmooth - Pathetic He*A.K.A* La-z-boy
- dee902 - Dee
- deepseatedfears - deep seated fears
- deftonesllama - rachel, the walking pixies cover song
- deleriumtwist - Hyperactive
- demonickittie69 - Self Inflicted Drama Queen
- denile - Deedles
- depechechick - Suzie
- derekallan - Derek Allan
- des - AngryPrincessUnhappy
- destroll - That 1 Guy With The Glittery Girl Friend
- destruct - fuck face!
- detourvel - Dr. No
- devo68 - DEVO
- devoidj - Dorian Gray
- dianamonster - ~~Diana~~
- diaphane - Vixeen
- dietgirl - dietgirl
- digitaldreamz - DREAMz...
- digitylgoddess - DigitylGoddess
- dikordant - `DisKordant`
- dilateyourmind - Kris
- disassimilate - Fuck Up
- discolor - disco dolly
- disflux - soda dreamer
- distilled - valerie flames
- divacore - jocie
- dizzyreject - Dizzy Reject
- djskot - Skot
- dmeinheit - darren morze
- doctor_velocity - Kerouac Wannabe
- docudrama - Kelsey
- dolphingirl - Amy Lase
- dorkzilla - annie
- downside - about the dark side
- dreamyiyz - Surbhi
- dressedinblack - Shes Come Undone
- drksdofthemoon - drksdofthemoon
- dr_hill - Dagon
- ducky092 - Kayte
- dudess - Dudess
- durancureboy - Ryan
- dynamitegirl - Lisa
- dzamion - Dzamion is Dead
- eatmyass - d.a.n.n.i.s.u.c.k.s
- eclipse69 - Das Erwecken der Verdunkelung
- eeviac_ - heatherface
- eggshapedfred - Brian
- electricfriends - jessie
- electricky - Jess
- eletyl - eletyl
- elisabat - Elisabat
- elizabethmarie - Elizabeth
- eloise - C
- eloquentscream - LaLa
- elusiveangel - ElusiveAngel
- elvenwolfcub - Ice Goddess Speaks
- el_rudo - Justin A. Lollie
- emeraldgrrl - Emerald
- emilytbm - Jenn
- emogirliee - ·(Skinny .Minny. Vinny)·
- emohoe - *slant face*
- emotony - emotony
- emoxgirl51 - Pauline
- empathyxxx - Empathy
- emptylydia - Jesus Christ on Ecstasy
- engle - Ally
- erikblade - I am Jack's (Ninja Hamster) Smirking Revenge
- espionage - mean nadine
- eternal_autumn - Naive Lil Grrl
- eutopiandreamer - the accidental duchess
- evilkateyez666 - katie e. frank
- evilkellychan - kelly
- expendable - krissy poo pie pants head
- eyelinerfreek - Silly Vixen
- eyeofjapetus - Kae Emm
- eye_candy_lover - Sarita
- eye_socket_sex - Will
- f3tisha - dani
- faerieboon - Angee
- failuretothrive - failure.to.thrive
- fairytalesnlies - Terribilis Est Locus Iste
- faith869x - Teddy
- fakeplasticbum - The Elusive Katy
- fastrada - fastrada
- fauna_girlie - Fauna
- fauxfaux - Ace Face
- femmefrets - Dana Detrick-Clark
- fetisha - Devlyn
- fh - cry-baby
- fictitious - Alter Ego
- fierceblue - Small But Fierce
- filialuna - Pandora
- filmstarusa - Theresa
- filmstarwhip - Angelique Upstart
- film_noir - a figment of your imagination
- firebunny - Mary
- fla170omc - submerged in defecation
- flamingjune07 - Anaîs
- flamingopinkie - The Third Grace
- flicker_y2k - ~*High Priestess Of The Cult Of Sean Moore*~
- flightoficarus - daniel!
- flowingglower - Ryan
- flunky76 - Justin
- flwrchld - Orchid
- flyinnun - massive humpage all over commando
- fneh - The Synthetic Fneh
- forever_dreams - La Dama dans La Lune
- for_real_ - BRYN
- fragilemouse - fragile porcelain mouse
- fragilestar - gemma
- frappgirl - Nelly
- freakygirl69 - Sara
- frenchhorngirl - Tabatha
- freya - Phoebe
- frosted - Chloe
- frzngoddess - FrozenGoddess
- fugacious - laura palmer
- fullofstars - Luna Stardust
- funkybluehair - [Mi]s.s Va-ne-ssa
- funnychica - a girl with kaleidoscope eyes
- fwapacha - Kungfu Mastaaaa
- galadriel007 - Saint Jacqueline
- gamehendge - Frank D
- garbage1983 - Tommy Gnosis
- gaunt - Vincent E Gaunt
- gcoleman99 - Gaz
- gearwhore - #karol
- geekber - grrrlfriend in a coma
- geekfish - Trick!
- gehgoigoddess13 - Ra Ra Rasputin.. I mean, Roops
- gemsalist - Gems
- ghostwritten - Chris
- gibson - gibson
- glambat - alas acortadas
- glampira - Glampira
- glampy - JACOBO
- glasstornado - cara
- glitterboi - C
- glitterybitch - Glitterybitch
- glitteryloulou - **slave*to*mikey**
- glitterystar - screams like an angel for your love
- glitter_glitz - Meghan {Dis Dis}
- glitter_miricol - ~*maynards:::dream:::bitch*~
- gloompixie - Jess-muffin
- glowjunkie - the glowy one
- gnaw_chopstick - Watashi_koto_o_shimashita
- goddessvt - Starfish
- godead - chase reynolds
- godivadeadlove - Roxanne
- gogogadget - sarah
- goldtoofer - GHOSTfaceKILLAH
- goombalicious - GOoMBa
- goreygalx - GoreygalX
- gothglamboi - erik
- gothgrouch - louis pearlman is DEAD
- gothicgeshia - GothicGeshia
- gothylocks - Sarah
- govinda505 - Shelby
- grannie_undys - pg-13 little bitch ass girl
- grecianurn - Not a good Indian girl
- grrlsvsbois - -+femme d'argent-+
- gutterglitter13 - Angela
- gutterm0uth - johli hougre
- gutterxglitter - *~*GutterXGlitter*~*
- gypsydancer - Aurora Gabrielle Rhiannon
- harlequinn - Harlequinn
- harveynip - Sara
- hayzee - hayzee
- heartworm - nineveh
- heavenlyheather - heavenlyheather
- heavenlysin - Alana
- hellokitty666 - Maura
- hemorrhoid - Sara
- herdivineshadow - her divine shadow
- hermeschild - Nikolai
- higher_lovesong - Elegia
- hiphopsupahstah - []D[][]\/[][]D
- hollisjournal - not worth your time
- hollywoods - hollywoods
- hologram - Hologram
- homsup - Stan
- hotcoffeecakes - hotcoffeecakes
- houseelf_hobbit - Chibiwolf, protector of houseelves and hobbits
- houseguru - Batgrl/HouseGuru
- hungerkunstler - pschodelicate boy
- huntressdiana - Bianca Christine
- hyperdonut - carly
- hyperviperbeam - mark
- hypoflux - Eric
- iamjacksbrain - K to the A to the R... Ehh, Karolena
- icarus_black - XVII
- icdedpeople - Dårxá Dövđamün
- icedawg - jessyca
- icemaiden - Dark Angel
- ichuu - Stephen
- idiosincratik - kaA+hleEn
- idrawrobots - teen-c power
- iheartpinkstuff - a girl with problems...
- iliketohugtrees - 155
- illyanadmc - illyana delorean
- ilovenoelle - Sexy Biatch
- immortal - Satyr
- impulsive - Lament
- in2xs - Carls
- inaparkinglot - Mr. Hox
- indigodreamz - "LaDee~of ViSuAL XTC"......Kristi
- indigo_eyz - Spanky
- indivia - Indivia
- induetime - Little Silver Pixie
- industrix - lux
- inelex - Zero
- infiniteapathy - Parker
- inkblotte - Jaynipper Franklyn
- insane_42 - insane
- insearch0f - monica
- interiorite - sumi
- inthebackground - gross little loser girl
- in_melancholia - Burnt Out Buttercup
- irishcolleen - sha na na
- issacsnillof - issac snillof
- issuinoyume - Yuugao
- itsovernow - you don't care
- iworshipsatin - Dell
- jacquehyaena - My Other Life Has Meaning
- jadedlust - My Love
- jaded_5ilence - silly tart
- jaded_star - Erin
- jakineko - jakineko
- jamezy - James
- jamie - the kissing bandit
- jane_doe11 - Meli Maeryn
- janusdoa - Master J
- jayandsilentmat - My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult
- jenburgess - jenburgess
- jennafei - .·:*¨¨* :·.Jenna of the Fae.·:*¨¨* :·.
- jenniferlee - jennyenny
- jenni_8 - Jenni
- jessilicious - IMPORTANT! Read Me!
- jesusraygun - spacey raygun
- jevaisetreperdu - Lost
- jezebeth - Bethyko
- jfortuner - jeanna
- jillojello - Jillian
- jkatj - modern day peacenik
- jocie - jocie
- johnnygo - brian
- johnnypanic - johnny panic
- jtoomey - Wicker King
- juice921 - Justin Ray
- julesbag - Don't you wish YOUR life was full of JULES?
- julietsdistress - Venus in Vinyl
- jupitercrash428 - Somebody
- justinc - justin
- kadi - Kadi K
- kalarojo - Sarah Z
- kalinichta - Kali Nichta
- kaliva - Ninjaktty
- kandycreep - Jamie Lee
- kapthowdy - goldberg, the goalie
- karleen - karleen
- karmakanic - Secretary of (Keepin' It Real)
- katbradley - rizzo
- katester - bubonic katester
- katiekilldare - katie
- katielovesyew - Katie
- katiereeree - Katie
- katt - Katt
- kattvomitt - Katt Vomitt
- katyakoshka - Lobotomized curiosity
- keara - keara
- kelpunkoi - Combat Kelly
- kennedy - Kennedy
- khanada006 - Khanada
- kikamer - Kika Mer
- kilby - Kilby
- killypumpkin - killypumpkin
- kimmyeatworld - leavingarizona
- kimykat - KimyKat
- kingdomforakiss - d.i.s.c.o.
- kirk1701 - Chuckles
- kissingnuthing - Gullible
- kitten13 - lly the wonder grrl
- kittie_collar - kittie collar
- kmaxchicky16 - Jamie
- kodama - becca
- koinu - dark star
- kookyfaery - That Stupid Girl
- kornqueen118 - JeNn DaViS
- krazycat - KrazyCat
- kristasia - KRISTASIA
- kristiem1 - kristie
- kristy1000 - shutup yr gay
- kshandra - K`shandra
- ladyarwen - Suzanne
- ladyd - aLice
- ladyrio - Lady Rio
- ladysunshine - Samwise Gamgee
- ladyxanax13 - Xanax
- lalanin - Carolin
- lallabelle - that bitch lelah's
- lamewhore - whore
- lanc0rv2 - Prelate Lance Panda
- latebarstarlet - LateBarStarlet
- lauralizzie - Laura
- lauraxz - Laura
- leahzero - Leah
- lelly - +*~lipstick stained on whipcream lies~*+
- lesh - your host tonight
- lesmoirae - Thelxepeia, Aglaophonos, Peisinoë
- letigre21 - julie ruin
- lhiannon - Jen
- liagrl - ich bin schlecht
- libra_kat - jump start my rock 'n roll heart
- lickyxx - Licky
- lifelessemo - Sara
- lilbrownheifer - Some Heather Chick
- lilcricketnoise - hakeber neelloc 'kym' kcirderf
- lipstickkillers - Boi
- liquidlove - Melissa
- lirablack - Lira
- liser - angel.made.of.cement.and.nails.
- literaryladybug - Dirigible Spuffin
- lithrac - The Mighty Thor
- liukeshi - K...C?!
- livingdeadsoul - iLL
- lockstockkitty - Amelia
- loco59 - rojas
- logorrhea - Erin
- lolamoz - lolamoz
- lolliriot - X CARLY X
- lookn4neverland - April Kaos
- lordandrei - Andrei
- lordspongeboy - Bob
- lothie - La Faye
- loungebunny - loungebunny
- loveandrockets - Marko
- lovefield - love field
- lovemaster - GEEK-LOVE-RON
- lovessweetexile - Aimless
- lroberson - Gamegeek
- lsw123 - [Bunnie Silide]
- luckylove - Lauren
- luffly - Bettie Brass
- lukataintedlove - Luka
- luminareopaque - LuminareOpaque
- lunakandi - cherub rocker
- lunarclick - Lunarclick
- lunarpollen - Dire
- lunesse - Lunesse
- luse30 - SyMPtomOfiT
- lustmaker - [*Mindfuck*]
- lustystar - cozmic.
- lyricagent - Lyric Agent
- l_money - Luciana
- mackinnon - MacKinnon
- madorange - Lindsey
- magicdancer - magicdancer
- maiea - jai
- maitrize - Maitrize Midi:Nette
- maldeluxx - Silver M
- mamagoth - mamagoth
- mamunia - mamunia
- mango - RUCA
- mango_lad - black hole heaven
- mangros - Mangros - Rare Denebian Moon Crystal
- mansonite - jennifer
- mapgirl - mapgirl
- maquarfbrit - Emijin
- maralife - Mara
- marcassa - Marcassa Cathars
- mariflame - Mari
- markusparkus - Mark
- marmaladeskies - Marmalade Skies
- marsghost13 - Gene
- maschinegarten - Maschine Garten
- matina - Tramp
- maxfischer - Old man lover
- maydaydream - Laurelin
- mcneal - Fallon Destiny Guerin
- mderaterck - Katie
- mechisma - esoteric
- medazzaland - Kikki
- medea1919 - Medea
- meegan - Meegan
- meggomyeggo - Super Meg, Meggo, Meg
- mentalycorruptd - Missy
- metallic - starfucker
- miabella - miabella
- miaokitty - The Girl in the Love and Rockets Song
- michellex - MichelleX
- midnight_dancer - Midnight Dancer
- mikesmaster - 987
- milkshakenhoney - all my little words
- millabean - Arin Marie
- mindlessrockett - "...Once there was a girl who had a vibrant glow"
- mindless_fiend - ~*Falling Star*~
- mirbie - mirbie
- miserablism - Low-Life
- miserysflower - Nessa
- misfitina - Misfitina
- mishmish - Little Black Box
- missamanda - missamanda
- misshell - Miss Hell
- missjanette - miss janette
- misskittykat - Kitty
- missmia - Miss Mia
- missmodular - Jagged Thoughts
- misstessa - nO dOubT about tEssA!
- missygoddess - Missy
- mistresshalo - Bonnie
- mizchan - Digital rape of a mind
- mjb - Mike Brown
- mjktool - Allison
- moghedien - Andrea
- moniagogo - Moni
- monologue - jem
- montefire - neon soprano
- monumentofdust - julien.Julien.julien.Julien.
- moonbunny - Violet
- moonlightdrive - Mira
- morbidraven - ~Nails~
- morrisseydork - Cat Lady
- mosie311 - mokey,mokey,mokey
- motorhome - Ty
- mount_dreamer - Earl
- mrmanukatchie - James
- mr_d_heart - Mr. D
- mskitty23 - MsKitty23
- msmarvelous - Ms. Marvel
- mungersmurf - Beth
- mutewitness - mute nothingness
- mxpxsk8tx - Freedom
- myriadfacets - Heather
- myriadwhispers - Solanine
- mysteriouso - Diabolous Machina
- mzbehave - Bean
- nacco - Marmeladov
- nachtmerrie - NachtMerrie
- nadja_25 - Nadja J
- namey - Mikey
- nanabanana - Elana
- nancyvictimized - Erykah
- naughtylo - Lo
- needlehole - lucy in the sky
- neenerhead - lil' mikey boy
- nefariousjareth - puck
- nekokiri - Rage
- neon_like - All Neon Like
- neotokyo - fluorescent future
- nephthys23 - Le Chat Noir
- nerdyactivist - Bougey McBoo
- nerdywitchguy - The Jennerator
- newromantic - Romo-pop
- newspeak - modernism
- nezumichan - Meg
- nhyrvana - Evily
- nightkiss - Kat
- nightmares - Nightmare
- nikineko4 - Christa Ann
- nikkichristmas - Nikki Christmas
- nikkienoname - mommy's little monster
- ninajean17 - NiNa
- nincure - Weesa
- ninpryncessnin - Justyne
- nitelight - sammy
- nnnslogan - No Name, No Slogan
- nostar - No Star
- nosuperstar - jeri
- notorious - caroline
- not_blonde - Jo
- nowheregirlnd - nowhere girl (monica)
- nubbytwiglet - +Nurse Twigenstein+
- nuromantik - dandy in distress
- nutcake - Rachy
- nyyanks16 - Kayo
- obsessive_katy - Obsessive Katy
- oct_a_tronic - Miz Octy
- offherheels - jem
- ogopogo - Rÿan
- ohbonjovi - daidra.
- ohfuckyou - The Reproduction of Death
- okayfine - Sloane
- oncenawhile - Tamara Alvarado
- onehotmama - carlysue
- onelastwish421 - l-a-u-r-a
- onthestairs - Cricket
- oola - oola
- optci0nvap0r - Beautiful Garbage
- ordinaryworld - For All Those Lies You Told THIS is What You Owe
- orgyspaz - Spaz
- orngcure - Orngcure
- otkschoolgirl - Nekromistress
- p1nsandneedles - p1nsandNeedleS
- painslut - (Not so Anonymous) G
- palexia - ~*Tash*~ }I{
- paling_ded - paling_ded
- pamster - Pam
- paraanna - ParaAnna
- pasteurized - pasteurized girlshake
- patheticfallacy - Lycee
- peacockpunk - la peacock
- pelicanzed - Zed
- pepper23 - Athanasius Pernath
- perfectionshell - Sha
- perfectkaos - Mike
- perinixie - perrinixie
- perinnial - Seneka
- perplexxi - crescent fresh m.c lexx
- persia - Persia
- petalederose - La Fée Verte
- pezqueen325 - Trudie
- pezvixen - Monkey Butt
- phenobarbidoll_ - phenobarbidoll
- pigeon - Pigeon
- pinkape - lynxiccus
- pinkerton - jenna
- pinkskagurl - *ashleigh* the RBF babe numero 19
- pixiebitch - State the Obvious Girl
- pixievomit - tR@SeE
- pixystixfairy - Chicken
- pjdipes - Patrick
- pj_sparkles - Sex eye makeup
- placebo - Ryan
- plaidrats - CleoBatra
- plaidslothbutt - Jameson.is.rock.
- plastiquemeow - Liquified Panda™
- pleistoscene - Gutter Glitter
- poboi - po (as in poor) boi
- poh - Prince of Happiness
- poisonking - Poison King
- polaroidtrash - edna murray
- polly80 - abby
- pollyprissypant - The Emperor Fabulous
- pominaive - Dominique
- poopslut - erin
- poptrash3000 - Amanda Dai Wells
- populuxe - Madeline
- pornstargirl - PornoYummie
- postmortemfame - #1 in the world electric
- power01 - Todd
- poxybat - cinder
- poxylox - Alison
- pr1ncessariel - Ariel
- presentdarkness - Brian
- princesscyn - Adulteress
- princesselena - Princess Elena
- princessryo - Paradox Boi
- princesstara33 - Tara Ashley
- prinzess1n - Nicole
- pris - >>PRiS>>
- prismfaerie - -prism-
- proseur - .+.*:vintage:.+.:queen:*.+.
- provokative - COXY
- pseudo - Lia is a Timebomb
- pseudogay - Tugboat
- pseudopunk - Drysta
- psychosmurf - Shelaine
- psycho_ex - psycho ex
- psycho_monkey - Julia
- psycotia - Lauren (Psycotia)
- ptc555 - Zoriana Vega
- punkmastasteph - Stephanie
- puppetparts - little
- pvc - pvc
- pyrcedgrrl - ~*~The Prozac Princess~*~
- qspade - Silhouette
- queenlokie - Cute Little Boi!
- queenofheartsr - Her Majesty
- queenofspades - Luna*
- queenwanda - Jenn
- quelqueparte - parrish
- quote_whore - Beanie
- qvalentine - Q. Valentine
- rabble_rouser - Rabble Rouser
- radical_edward - Radical Edward
- radnessa - nessa
- raefukumaden - We Plants are Happy Plants
- raguel - Chrisam
- rainbowfaerie - rainbowfaerie
- rainbowinlove - X Candy Kid
- rainbow_bitch - *~RaVe ThE NiTe AwAy WiTh Me~*
- rainy_day33 - heather
- raje - Raje
- ral - Bob
- rammstein - *Ally*
- rancourt - Dusty Rancourt
- raspdrmr - raspdrmr
- rcohmaadn - ++Roman++
- rebelyells - Alyssa
- recycled - Nobody
- reddragonace - Bri
- redgreenblue - Mike
- redlilthang - MarY mOOn
- red_shoes69 - Samantha Lauren Del Sol
- reealchris - Chrissy
- reegs - Liz
- reerah - Reerah
- reethax0r - Avatar of Nothing
- reject_barbie - Rachy
- remission665 - Cameron
- renomac - Lucifer
- rephlex - rephlex
- reverendlisa - Rev. Lisa
- reznormoon - ReznorMoon
- rhiannonfaery - Holly
- rielle - Chelsae
- riosunset7 - Doody
- riozonia - Riozonia
- rivetpuppy - mechanicalDoggy
- rjw16 - RaZe
- robertsmith - soft as snow [but warm inside]
- rockyswhores - Punk Rocky Missy
- rozza - Rozza
- rucaheina - Erin
- rudegirle - Rudegirle
- ruskalya - FalFox
- rvendyca - . Rvendyca .
- ryanuw - Ryan
- sadisticlullaby - Alicia (Spinnet)
- sagey - twinkle
- saigonwhore - Carolyn
- sailorstars - Sailorstars
- saintgusgus - Cory
- saint_libertine - st. libertine
- saira - im.not.emo
- sakuraigirl - Emrys
- sandypru - Dra
- sapphistscot - Jen Kollic
- sarrabellum - sarra
- saturnina - velvetjenn
- saveferrisnow - sit&observe
- scandafemme - raquel
- scarbaby - Stratocaster
- scawt - i'm your zero
- scentless - *#*ultraviolet*#*
- schizomatic - Jenna
- scrapedknees - danyell
- seafoamstar - Aqua Seafoam
- secondtolast - Anna Maria
- seekyr - seekyr
- sehr_gotisch - cm gaudioso
- sekhmet2 - Sekhmet
- septemberally - *Jenna*
- sequencer - Veronica.
- servbot - kuri-kobun
- sexkitten - 'Nny
- sgtskruffay - Crispin
- shadowdealer - Carrie
- shattering - shattering
- shaunna - fiancee, klip klip's ghetto ho.
- shawnuhh - Shawna
- sheepforsale - lamb
- shenandoahcub - Barre
- sherabob - chrissy
- shessilent - Valerie
- shigatsuh - Shigatsu Hagakure
- shinchy - Shinichi Evans
- shinedownunshy - shinedownunshy
- shinysparkly - Viper
- shitney - Whitney
- shnarfer - Maureen
- shok - Shok
- shs_butterfly - Kristen
- shylentcat - Shylent Cat
- signlanguage - Potty Mouth
- siktripp - Dave
- silentsometimes - i meant it
- sillyduckling - Portuguese Ophelia
- silverpsych - Crystal
- silverthoughts - SilverHawk
- simonlebon - gillian
- sinfxcker - dEad bunniE
- siralfred - AJ!!!
- sisterofnight - Poppy
- sivadore - *[kristen]*
- siyfox119 - Sarah
- skarlet - The Sona
- skatanic241 - ×banned× from the back porch
- skelejoker - skelejoker
- skinwalker - Dok Mod
- skipbreakfast - Obscured By Crowds
- skippykins - Dani-L
- skyknyt - Skye
- slash_girl - Stacy
- sleepsleep - sleep
- slicedgeek - D to the E to the V-I-N
- smoothcriminalx - Monique
- smudgedeyeliner - ¤ [Mi]s.s Va - ne - ssa ¤
- snaguaro - Snaguaro
- snapdragon_666 - Ashura
- snewzn - Snewzn
- snlgirlie - Jenni
- snowshoehare - The Wayward One
- snuffie - julia goolia
- sodomeyes - Whoregasm
- soiledlinen - strangelittlegirl
- solusaudere - Solus Audere
- somegirls - Sugar
- somethingsmart - I reek of sex
- sonic_requiem - Pathetic
- sorchar - Sorcha Ravenschild
- soulhakr - Dances-with-Words
- sour_grrrl - wendy.
- speedydollface - RaChEL
- spider_violin - Penelope
- spiralling - Zoe
- splinteredhalo - Jessie
- spookysprite - the little spooky sprite
- sporkchop - sporkchop
- sprite2300 - Taylor Howard
- spyhunter111 - Alex
- spyre - Amanda
- squigglybee - *ashley*
- staedtler - Josh Phillips
- starfireblue - name your kid oliver.
- stargirlms - Meghan Sarah
- starkviolin - MiSeRy bOy
- starmarie - Arin-Marie
- starorbit - random amusement and the occasional rant...
- starphrute - Narcissus
- startingnow - Easy like Sunday morning
- starvingartist - Ms Psedo Pretentious Bemused Muddled Maladroit....
- staybeautiful - staybeautiful666
- stellarstar33 - *Stellar Star
- stephatit - Stephatit
- stilletokitten - Cherry
- stitched_up - Mike
- stojo - StoJo
- stormclouds - Stormclouds
- strangegirl13 - Vanessa
- stuckinthebox - Core, that would be greek
- stupidstarail - i didn't poke the monkey!!!
- stygmameshe - Stygmata Majick
- su11enangl - Su11enAngl
- subterranean - Deborah
- subzero_flapper - Chingba
- sugarkitten - sugarkitten
- suicideskies - Kristina Fuentes
- sultryvamp - Estelle Moughton
- supakhai - Tony
- superba - ElectriC MistresS
- superdupercle - im gay
- superspy - melanie magenta
- supervixen23 - Supervixen23
- surf_princess - pLayboy bunnY*nicoLe
- suzyq - Lady Drakkar
- svckerlove - ~*Luna Tik*~
- sweetsheetmetal - Manda
- syko_neko - *kRiStiN*
- sylvanfae - Sylvan Fae
- sylvarogre - SylvarOgre
- synthcat - m.c.d.
- syntheticlove - Megan
- synthsympathy - kim katrastic
- taffygirl - Taffygirl
- taintedgrrl - tAiNtEd
- taintedpurity - kris
- takemeundrgroud - Kat
- talula - Veronica Sawyer
- tamdragon - Tamdragon
- tearx - ashley
- tendency - a diva complex in the making
- teq - Sarah
- terribull - xxx Girlie Gurl xxx
- teskosuicide - natski
- thatblackchick - Incognegro
- thatevilgirl - rx queen
- theantismeed - Ashleigh
- thecooldork - Claire
- theevilone6 - kelly
- thegarret - Mia
- thehatter - The Hatter
- thejordanconsp - The Jordan Adams Conspiracy
- thematrix - Ashe Draven
- themodemlisa - Lynnay the Incredible
- themojojojo - Mojo Jojo
- thepalebelle - Xander's Ragdoll
- thespian - stephanie m. clarkson
- the_countess - Charlotte Sometimes
- the_passives - andrew watchmaker
- thillythuthie - soosiemaru
- thisisyesterday - Stronger than MENSA, Miller and Mailer
- tiffdivakitty - One psycho kitten
- tigerpig - Sara
- tinuviel - Tinuviel