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Sunday, March 17th, 2002
5:04 pm - HaPpY BiRtHdAy LYNDS!!!
(eventhough, I doubt she'll c this....)

Well things didn't quite go as I mentioned in my last entry. This weekend has been really good!!!....Happy Birthday Lyndsay, once again - I am sorry I missed it. Long story short - I was sick, again....but then on Saturday, after work in the morning Yves nad I went out to sign the papers for the suite and eventually we picked you Celina and Che from Tom and Kim's and took them took see Ice Age...Once again, another movie which is a DEFINATE GO AND SEE!!!!!!! was soooooooooooo funny.....After we got back to the apartment there was a msg. from Kim asking if I wanted to go to teh Amanda Marshall concert sicne they ended up with some extra tickets....Celina and I ended up going - it was AWESOME!!!!!!......had such a blast!!!!!!!!!!!....It's sad that that was the first time I ever wnt to a 'real concert' but great memories...oh wait! - I am forgetting about that thing in Vancouver that I worte about in grade 12 english.....haha - not was a lounge day and now I am procrasting doing my hw. 8 page consultants report do tomorrow worth 30% that I ahve not yet even begun......why am I liek this?....Oh - one more thing - HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY EVERYONE!!!!!....especially if you are Irish, like me....eventhough I am not wearing anything green.....oh well....c'est la vie....

current mood: pleased

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Thursday, March 14th, 2002
7:54 pm - Little Mikey :)
I am now the proud owner of "Little Mikey"...the stuffy that Boo carries around in Monsters Inc....awwwwww...that's another story, but I still had to mention this...whihc, I know, makes zero sense...anyways....

I forgot to mention this b4....thanx to some paper work not being completed properly by "upper people" I lost 15 hours/week at work!!! :(....Also, I cannot claim any vacation pay so btwn. the hours themself being lost and not getting the pay when Yves and I go to Edmonton I will lose over $700....f*** that!!!!....But, I got a raise...a whole 38 cent raise but it's something...and I will get all of my hours back as of April 1 so things should settle out.

So Yves and I are able to leave our stuff at the apartment until the 9th which is convient for us to move after we get back.

Switching topics again, Celina (Yves lil' sis) is coming out on Saturday. Yves and I are gonna pick her up from the airport again, go and sign some papers and then go to Tom and Kim's for a finger foods social thing, I think. Oh, and I have to work in the morn on Sat. I am gonna switch days at work after school is done though - which is on the 25th - yeah!! - so that I get all of the weekends off.

I can't wait until the summer...

current mood: sore

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Monday, March 11th, 2002
12:57 pm - We found a new place!!!
Last week may not have been as eventful as the previous one, but Yves and I found a new place to live. We will be moving we when get back from Edmonton/Vancouver on the April 6/7th weekend. I am really excited about it. The place is small and not really what we had intended on moving in to but as the saying goes, it's all good. It's all hardwoos floors, with the kitchen and bathroom being tile floors, and you can smell the wood so it's quite pleasant...The living room is a bit smaller then the family/t.v. room at my folks' place - but it will be perfect for the surround sound which Yves is pysched about. There are also several windows which let a lot of natural light in...the kitchen is fair size with a lot larger counter-top/eating counter area thing (I know I am being very desrcriptive if anyone is actually reading this) ... there is a small section for either a dining table or computer area ... in the kitchen/dining area there are sliding glass doors that go to a cement patio which will be nice in the summer cuz we'll be able to bbq... the bathroom doesn't have a bath, just a shower but it's alright - it's narrow but still a decent size...and the bedroom...dun dun dun - is HUGE!!!...There is tons of storage space in it too. It's an awesome bedroom... So are figuring out where to put things and because most of the furniture we have is stuff which we have - mostly Yves has basically collected, nothing really goes so we'll slowly be getting rid of things and getting new stuff. The things that we really want to get are: an entertainment stand, a new living room set, a computer, and a bbq..but we already ahve everything we really need, for now and we are just gonig to build on things and whatnot. I find all of this really exciting. IT is a big step though - a really really really really really big step. My dad still does not treat me as though I am his daughter and I am sure that this is not haleping. I was raised: no sex b4 marriage mum is alright with a committment being established though, but my dad is still really traditional with no exception - must be married so what I am doing now, he absolutely hates! I am not doing it in spite of him or anything like that. There is a committment and things are all well. It's hard to explain and I know people will continue to say that we are moving too fast etc. I will simply say, those people are wrong because saying they are wrong is right, it is that simple.

current mood: content

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Monday, March 4th, 2002
12:22 pm - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...................................................
This passed week was pretty good. It involved:
Boston Pulic, Alley, and Third Watch on Monday night, Going to Silvercity to see Queen of the Dammed with Yves, Yaz, Eli, and Tana on Tuesday night, b-ball on Wednesday night, Friends and Survivor on Thursday night, got really ill on Friday and blah blah blah, On Saturday, after work, Yves and I went to miniature world, the IMAX to see Journey Into Amazing Caves, stopped by Scott's and ran into Dan at Silvercity where we went to see We Were Soldiers - if you are thinking about seeing it, GO AND SEE IT!!! - It was really good! and Sunday, we went to The Wax Museum and the Undersea Gardens...Of course throughout the week we also went swimming and lounged in the hot tub...It's nice to be busy, and yeah - 24 days 'til Edmonton. We are going leave on March 28th and drive there with Athena and then comeback on the 4th or 5th and drop Athena off at the ferries then spend the night and next day in Vancouver. It should be fun. This will be our first trip so I am excited and we have had a lil' tlak of others, but one step at a time..."sigh"...Thus entry, like all of mine, was extremely boring...My life is really busy though, although I still managed to continually fuck up....once again, c'est la vie pour maintenant.....?!?

current mood: sore

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Monday, February 25th, 2002
1:59 pm - "Sunday Morning"
The weekend went by way too quickly, as always. On Friday I worked and coached all day then ventured to Laura's for a short while which was fun but I was sooooo tired - hence, leaving early...On Saturday, I worked all day, then Yves and I went out with Kim and Tom to the Casino and the Kareoke bar....and Sunday -I had a day off!!!...Slept in 'til 11:30 then watched the hockey game - CANADA kicks arse!!!!!!!...then Yves and I went downtown cuz he HAD to get a jersey?!?....anyhow, we met up with Dan and went to good ol' Denny's and DOnna was working...After all that Yves and I went into the hot tub and pool adn then I napped when he went off to work and then woke for about 30 minutes when he came home and then went back to sleep again - I was sooo exhausted.....and today, I went to school and left early cuz I have to work....I am in serious need of another nap but am afraid to lay down because if I do fall asleep I don't I will wake - even with an alarm in tiem for work.....oh well....c'est la vie....

current mood: full

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Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
11:14 pm
I am seriously fucked up but the countdown is on. I dunno if I told anyone but I am going to Edmonton with Yves for Easter. We are leaving on March 28th and are not sure when we'll come back but probably April 6th or so. It will be so nice to have time off when neither of us have to work at all and we can just lounge around, explore West Ed., and spend some awesome time together. I still cannot believe how it really feels as though we do not spend enough time together. I am such a hypercrit, I know - I love him so much though!!! In other is going well, work is getting figured out and is getting to be extremely 'calm', my intestine is being manipulated and is incredibly sore, I am fucking bloated and so beastly - not that that si new news but yet the mania seems to be controlling and crewing with my mind and body. I am a disgrace.

current mood: MaNiC!!!!!

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Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
5:59 pm
It's been some time since I last updated this. My last entry is in regards tomy father when we went out for dinner. Now here I am sitting at the computer in my folks place. My mum made me dinner and although my dad still doesn't really talk with me, he somewhat welcomes me again. I am still never living with them again - and yes anyone can quote me on that. It seems as though I will soon have a place to really live and call home - or for Yves and I to call home...In the meantime, I have to say thanx to Katie for putting up with me. I am so sorry for being such a hypercrit. Loves blinds you from everything. I know that I am with Yves 99% of the time, but that still doesn't seem like enough. I have so much to say to Katie but I don't know how to say it...I really hope she reads this...not that I am saying anything here but you really are teh greatest friend in the world Katie!!!.....

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Thursday, February 7th, 2002
11:11 pm
This is all so insane...I didn't even get one look in my direction..........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........oh well........c'est la vie

current mood: blah

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4:41 pm - My boss is a now a giddy school gyrl.hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Last night was alright. I cried a lot but it felt good. Lenore and I had a really good talk and it was nice to hear from an adult that I am not the only one in this situation who is fucked up. Today has been quite good so far and hopefully it will stay that way, even after meeting with my folks. I am taking them out for dinner tonight to let my dad know that even with everything going on I still want him in my life and I hope that he is willing to take me back in as well. I won't be returning home but I don't want these circumstances to continue for years to coem as they have in the passed. Life is too short and it's just not worth it. Anyways, I got off on a bit of a tangent there...I stopped by Tim Horton's on the way to work and that always perks me up - no lineup there was the first sign that it was going to be a good day...haha...At work my boss had to talk with me about Yves. That was very amuzing!!!! We we both laughing like crazy adn everyone else in teh offices wanted to know what we were talknig about. My bosses boss wanted in on the "action" so we started to play with the "new toy" setting off horns and buzzers like crazy irrating absolutely everyone but keeping ourselves entertained. Next I wrote an email to Yves and just as I was about to send it I heard someone walk into the pool area....dun dun dun...It was Yves coming to visit me :) He made me a paper crane...hehe...He always does all these little things that make me feel so special. OKay, yes - I knwo I am a giddy freak but I am sure you can all see why. I left work early to go to physio which actually went well - the best it has ever gone I think. Now, I am writing this at the JdF library waiting to go to the chiros and then for the dinner....hmmmmmmmmmm...

current mood: calm
current music: Not a girl, not yet a women

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Saturday, February 2nd, 2002
3:20 pm - HaPpY BIRtHdAy ARWYN!!!
Right nwo I am at my folks' place sine they are outta town for teh day. I came here witha purpose: lanudary adn I have nto even brought anything in from my car. Howver, I went down to SUperstore and have now fullfilled my ceasar salad and chicken rice soup craving - what an accomplishment. I am feeling ill now though. I went for a swim after work this morning but only lasted 7 minutes cuz I got another mirgraine...urggggg... and I really need some more zzzzzzzzzzzz....Anyways, last night it was Arwyn's bday adn we all met up at the Strathacona hotel. It's a small world that Arwyn is friend's with Nina cuz I used to race her a longgggg tiime ago but ya...I didn't really tlak with Arywn so once again, HaPpY BdAy!!!! After Arwyn and her friend's from uvic? left we (Laura, Paul, Donna, Sukhpal, Lyndsay, Yves, adn me) went to Boston Pizza. Donna dn Laura brought some Tim Bits, we all gabbed, and peoples got to meet Yves a lil'. Everyone seems to like him so I am glad of that, not that it really matters, but it's still nice to know. I think I am going to go and have a longgggg bath now and soon after a nap....I am supposed to be going out with Yves, Athena and Scott but I don't think thats' gonan happen - I am feeling really crappy....hmmmmmmmm.....In need of more zzzzzzzzz.......buh bye all, luv ya's xOxOxO

current mood: full
current music: blah...............

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Wednesday, January 30th, 2002
10:25 pm - You're an idiot - but in a good way...jeesh...
So apparently the concert was alright...Yves was on t.v. with Celina. That was MOnday...I didn't do anything that night and Tuesday I went to work, sort of to physio and then to Yves to watch Fast and Furious because Scott and Athena wanted to meet me. Some other people showed up: Drew, Diana, and Sarah and Drews car got towed which really sucked. I love Fast and Furious though!....Today was alright - I went to Tim Hoton's three times!!! Insane, I know! I worked all day and then it was b-ball so nothing too thrillling and nothing out of the ordinary but I thought that I'd still udate this thing anyways. Tomorrow I am working and then am going to physio and the chiros...and Friday, work and then?!?!?...Going out with the gang an Yves is comin too so you all will finally be able to meet him - I hope that's a good thing :)

I am tired though - goodnight all - sweet dreamin xOxO

current mood: mellow
current music: that Atomic Kitten song

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Monday, January 28th, 2002
10:49 pm - Really i cant
I fucked up a bit today but i know that it's a roller coaster to recovery but in the end - it will all be good. I am the luckiest person in the world....for some reason though, I turned down front row Nelly Furtado and Swollen membres though....hmmmmmmm...I am sure that Yves and Hebb will update me tomorrow though. I don't know where I would be without this job. IT has given me so much. I am nto talknig about the money here, which is alright- not much, but it'll have to do...but the people and the whole experience. On top of that, Cliff and I are discussing res and things look godo there too. Although, the turn over would not be until April -that helps me plan ahead for the $$$ and to get ready to hopefully settle there. I am ignoring how much I fucked up and how I am continually doing so because all in all today was great. From the morning package to the emails to the condo...I am feeling alright. Tomorrow won't be so grand with physio. I hate physio with a passion. I like to work out and excerise because I want to not because my body is messed. Anyways, I am getting of my content track here. Wait - that cannot happen - can't get you outta my head...

current mood: full
current music: Purge....

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Sunday, January 27th, 2002
8:31 am
Things are turning out to be really good, surprizingly!! I saw my dad Yesterday though, and he didn't even look at my direction once...oh welll - things are figured out pretty much so it's all good. Yesterday was busy but soooooooooooo much fun!!!!....I worked in the morn and went out for lunch because my mum and I were supposed to be tkaing my "adopted grandma" out only it ended up being our whole family...Anyways, after that Yves and I went out to the airport to pick up his lil' sister, Selena - she is so cool! SHe is 9 and flew from Edmonton by herself so she was a v.i.p. and such - I never flew ona palne at all until I was 13 and that was just to vancouver...but anyways, we went back to Yves for a lil' bit then took her to the arcade, to Chapter's, to Boston Pizza, and to bowling, then back to Yves again where we played Outburst and then took her to her dad's where we hung out there for a bit watching dumb and dumber. It is kinda strange,the fact, that I met Yves Step dad b4 I met him...oh well - it's all good!! Cheers!!!...

Hope to see everyone soon!!!!! xOxOxO

current mood: content

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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
7:02 pm - Capre Diem!!!
This week has been very eventful and it is only Tuesday!! Right now I am at the JdF Library wasting some time b4 going to Silvercity to finally see Lord of the Rings...I am sure you are all dying to know why my week has been just so eventful...well, most of it cannot be posted on here but I will just say - I left my folks' place and am currently living at Katie's - prob for the week...then I dunno where...just gonna have to bounce around until I find a place to live...but if all else fails I will live in my car for a 'lil bit until I do find an apartment. I found some places which seem decent in the classifids so I think that's what I'll be doing this weekend - I don't really have any other choice. Yves offered for me to stay at his place but I don't think that's too appropriate. My mum left a msg. on my voice mail to say that I am "welcome" back at home but for some reason I don't exactly belive that is a mutual agreement...Anyways, I will be callin' peoples else can I communicate without icq?!? I am really glad now that I have my own line at work and that my office is away from all other offices so that I sorta have a phone. hmmmmmm........well, I didn't really say much here but I guess there is not much to really other news....oh - there is no other news...Regarless of this shite that is going on I am still so lucky and very content :)

current mood: calm
current music: can't get you outta my head

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Saturday, January 19th, 2002
10:50 pm - "I wanna punch a really fat dude in the gut just to see what happens...
like will they puke or will my hand just bouce back?!?...." - Phil
It's been a long....but awesome weekend so far...Last night Yves picked me up and things were all good...even when he got called into work - it was all good...he's so awesome!!! After getting to bed around 3:30 I woke at 7 for work and went straight from there to the Judo tourney at Panorama...It wa sa longggg wait til his matches but definatey worth it!! - he won gold...didn't even have a koka on him!! ..The pirhanas were there for practice so I talked with Matt and Phil for a bit which was cool...When I went up to watch their practcie for a lil' bit Val, Ali, and Kate were coaching...Now I am here and am exhausted...Tomorrow Katie and I ahve b-ball then were gonan go up to Nanimo to supprt the team at regionals...The "big" game is tomorrow too - I dunno who I want to win the bet...SPeaking of those two people - it's so cool for me at b-ball cuz it's just hangin out with my best friend and my boyfriend...and on topp of that - I am getting paid to do so!!!!!! ...I am so lucky!!!!...SO many things are going well right now it is co crazy!!!!! Everything is just greeat - I am even controllin shite!!...whahoo!!! I cannot believe Jed said that...

hmmmm.Tara commented on how my journals just sorta bouce all over the place...they don't really but I just don't take the time to explain my train thoughs..haha...

Hope ya'll are doing awesome!!!!

current mood: peaceful
current music: Hip Hop Horray - Naughty by Nature

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Thursday, January 17th, 2002
9:48 pm
Living here just plain sux. My dad is pissed at me for no reason and he wants me to spend a fucking shitload of money which I do not have on the fucking granny mobile...the car which I was forced to get and I fucking hate...But, on the other side of things - I'm sweaty...hahahaha...Things are kewl...

current mood: crazy

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4:48 am - Pierre and his spot (oh - 2 spots) will never be forgotten!!..haha
I am up incredibly early. Why? My ear is ringing and my back is spasming so I cannot sleep hence I will babble in here for a lil' 'til I cna get some more zzzzzz and then get p and run off late to work. It's all good though - work is going really well right now. It's fun workin with Caroline and seeing her a lot more often now and I am glad that she is really enjoying her job and whatnot....swimming instruction is the way to go - the only downside is that you ahve to wear a bathing suit....sure, sometimes you get some nto so great kids but the longest class is 45 minutes so it can never really get all that bad....the plus' are huge!! Caroline put it, "I come here and play with kids and I get paid for it!"....and Jaxon's response, "Aquatics are fun! It's just that simple, aquatics are fun!!!" I feel like I am one of the luckiest people in the world right now. Between work, friends, Yves, my folks on most occasions, everything is really enjoyable. I am working full time doing a job which I really enjoy... and now I am getting a regular/consistant pay cheque and full benefits, sick leave, vacation pay - there are some good things about the Canadian military :)... Speaking of work, I am hiring again. It's really too bad that no one from high school has their WSI or NCCP because I know that many of them would be great working with the kids. I like being in control of hiring and running lessons etc...The place where I feel most confident would be my abilities to almost any sense of the word....hence, I am back to thinking about going in for education...

I am really wasting time here, and up now quite wide awake...I don't think this is a good thing...

Other than work, I have not been up to much. Sunday was Haley's bday thing, which I already talked about...Monday - I was sick...Tuesday - Yves came down to visit me at work...I went to the dentist and to physio...Wednesday - Yves came down again and brought me gummy bears (as he said, "I just wanted you to know I was thinkin 'bout ya..."...awwwwwww...I don't care if people reading this - if there is anyone reading this - thinks that's lame or whatnot, I thought it was cute...(I am a giddy freak, I know.)...then Katie and I had b-ball, Yves came back and stayed for the second game...once again...I find that cute...I really shoudl go and watch a hockey game with him...It's cool that he scorekeep hockey games and Katie and me, b-ball games...only he gets paid $5 more a game than's all good...All we do is talk with peoples, and mock Pierre...hahaha...Today - I am workin, going to the chiros, then prob gonna help Katie find a bday gift for Lenore...and Tomorrow - By the sounds of it, people are going to Vancouver and are all over the place so Yves and I are gonna go grocery shopping and cook dinner together and stuff - things will be good...Saturday is Jon's Judo tournament...adn on Sunday - it's be nice to go up to Nanaimo and watch regionals after b-ball, but I am not sure about that so we'll just have to see...

I think I am gonan go and have a shower now to help relax my back a bit...Hope everyone is havin some sweet dreams...

current mood: sore
current music: the carbon in my joints cracking...sounds oh so lovely..

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Tuesday, January 15th, 2002
7:49 am - Just as crazy as before, if not more...
I really want this to work out..."sigh"

current mood: anxious
current music: Can't get you outta my head...

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Monday, January 14th, 2002
8:17 am - Scategories....pictionary......?!?!?
HaPpY BiThDaY HALEY!!!!!

Last night was fun! PLayed some scategories....which, as always, got quite vicious....

oh - that reminds me - This may sound lame, especially putting it into these terms, but we should all have a "board game night" - I just remember us all playing pictionary and stuff and it being very amusing (and a lil' violent)- any options?!?!

Bakc to last night...we (Haley, Cat, Katie, Sharon and myself played scategories, had dinner (mmmm..wraps and salad - my staples), played "pass the parcel" where Katie got this quiz book and we took the one to find out what type of women we are in regards to men (or something like that) result: "the choosey women" - which seemed quite appropraite...a part of it mentioned how we list a guys good traits and bad traits etc....and lil' did I know I was really doing that until Katie pointed out how I am like that with Yves...(but, not that I am searching for them, but I have not found any "bad traits"...anyhow...Yves called and Jon was an ass to him so after playin the pass the parcel game and having cake everyone, except me, watched "Heartbreakers" I had to appologise for my brothers bevhavior...darn him!!....urgggg.....The night was for Haley and she seemed to ahve a great tiem so that makes me happy!! But, I got caught up with my emotions a lil'which kinda sucked and I appolosize for being so selfish - I am just paranoid about ruining anything btwn Yves and me....I relaly don't think I am human....this "fantasy" seems to becoming a reality.... I am running late for work....buh bye :D...enjoy your day everyone!!!!

current mood: mellow
current music: Can't get you outta my head...

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Sunday, January 13th, 2002
8:28 am - WOW!!!
It's hard to not take things for granted, but by eyes are already being openned, and I am realising how lucky I really am :D....

Friday nite was amuzing, although I don't think I have ever been more tired...I was pretty much asleep driving home - it was crazy...but anywas,everyone else has already talked about the "art" which certainly earned the right to be in quotion marks...mayeb it could have been more of a brief history exhibit or sumthin, but art - NO - too far fetched...abstract thinking can only go so far without being classified as insanity.... hmmmmmmm..... blondes though, once again - hmmmmmmmm... (even though Donna's a "dirty one") - all for the excercise baby...I think that my sense of direction is equivalent to how that "stuff" was "art"....But, Donna and I should get some credit - we found Darcy Magees without a prob....

Last night was awesome...I woke up at 6:45 this morn just cuz I couldn't sleep....I am insane....but now I know that I am not alone in this insanity!!!! "SIGH"'s really ALL good....and today should be good too...AFter b-ball, Katie and I are going shoppin for Haley's bday gift and later on Cat, Sharon, and of course Haley will join us to celebrate her 14th...I think this will be the first time ever for her to celebrate her bday with peoples other than family...I am so proud of her...tehe - I know Katie is too....

current mood: hopeful

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