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Heartless Healer's LiveJournal

Below are the 25 most recent journal entries.

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  2002.02.16  10.51

Which Firearm are you?
brought to you byStan Ryker


  2002.02.16  09.49


You are a DUMBLEDORE to Harry! You are kind, nice and a bit crazy. Everyone looks up to you and respects you. You're basically the nice old guy in the bunch ;D

Which adult in Harrys life are YOU?


  2002.02.16  09.45


  2002.02.16  09.26

the resuts of this quiz conclude that I am most like........

psssttt. don't be a Pussy- take the Streetfighter Boss Quiz

made by: indigo


  2002.02.16  09.16

I'm gonna sing the doom song now! Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom Doom! Doom doom doom! Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom! Doom doom doom! Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom! Doom! Doom! Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom! Doom doom doom doom doom doom! Doom doom doom doom! Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom! Doom doom doom! The end! Oh wha's that?

Take the Invader Zim quiz!


  2002.02.16  09.10

What Pattern Are You?


  2002.02.16  07.55

thank god for private postings.
Ahh well.
today basically sucked ass.
moral dilema,
and i hate my brother. hate is bad word so rather i "dislike him greatly"
My damn parents.. I hate my job only beacuse the coustomers are real horrid some of them. i cut my finger deep, and it bled plently.
oh well. I lived and learned. another day that i spent indoors working 12 hours.

Mood: rejected

  2002.02.14  11.38

today while i was doin the bills at work, my favorite necklace broke. The choker that my best friend gave me. I was recoring the invoices and the necklace just snapped and all the beads started to fall everywhere. I picked as many as i found up and put them in my pocket after taking the remainder of the necklace off. Dana is in FL. I hope she's kool. She's there with her bf Don.
on bigger and wider notes, rebecca had the whole week off and mark was sick for 3 days. thank the gods that tend to exist that i do not have to close by my self tommrow. I really ought to get some sleep immediataly after i finish this post. I finnaly got around to dwnlding trillain and installed it. After a few tries, i got it running smooth as ice. . That place i goto everyday for goddamn 10 hours or more, just hired a new peron. Shirley whom whines waaaayy too much, has a grandson (oh my god, why was she allowed to breed) and he is gonna start there, beacuse rebbecca is sick from the surgery and so i can have a few days off if i need (? more like want) them. Shirley was really getting on my nerves this moring, so she tryed to flatter me by saying, "Come over for dinnah some times Jo, you really oughta, and you a veggatarian right? Whatcha eat then? You eat bacon? I gonna havta order you some stuff. I dunno how to make veggatarian stuff". I just walked away from her, and kept walking till she finally shut the hell up. that lady really needs to know no one gives a damn if she slept with one blanket or 7 and how the water tastes in her kitchen sink. >_> Shit, now her grandson is starting. . how are you gonna say i am not cursed? *groan* thank god i can sleep late for once this week, (hopefully will be 2ice). Sunday is inventory. my arm hurts, the muscles are sore, and in my neck too. My mom and dad have been oddly over-kind to me for the past 2-3 days now. They try to flatter and be kind and impress me, suckin up to me. i'm like "..k.. what do you want." I know there are strings attached somewhere, somehow, sometime.
Sometime, . I hope this year goes by a lil faster then becomes timeless when frinkle gets back. It'll be funner that way.

Peace onto you,


  2002.02.14  11.10

Still not too late to say

happy st valentine's Day


  2002.02.05  11.09

Knowledge can never grow in a field of absent questions.
Because no ruler, no matter how godlike, no matter how long since he lost or gave up his throne, is ever content with his lot.
No one, beast or man, is grateful for chains, no matter how silken they are.


  2002.02.05  11.09

We all err, and the only sin is commiting the same stupidity twice.


  2002.02.05  06.10

my life sux....

I still can't spell
(damn you frinkle)


  2002.02.03  13.14

i think, i'm going though withdrawl thanks dave but then again,.. eh watever


  2002.02.03  13.08

i'm still alive.

i go ta work soon.
and then fix my comp.
i'll tell you peoples about the dreams i had ifin i get the chance.

Don't have too much fun.


  2002.01.30  09.24

Sod Off!!

Take the Which Tank Girl Character Are You? Quiz!

This quiz was made by lia


  2002.01.29  12.47

on my dead journal

Music: Enigma - Almost Full Moon

  2002.01.29  11.53

yeay for deadjournal, i just found this

Music: Darude - Sandstorm

  2002.01.29  11.38
so, i AM insane..

Borderline:Very High

-- Click Here To Take The Test --

maybe i should re-take it?

Music: cosmic baby - loops of infinity

  2002.01.29  10.37
Drunk And a Priest

A drunk sat next to a priest on a bus. The priest couldn't believe how smelly and dirty this guy was. The drunk took out a newspaper and began reading it, when he turned to the priest and asked, "Hey there, Padre. Hic! Can you tell me what causes arthritis?"
Read more... )


  2002.01.29  10.31
So today is SUPPOSTA be a good day,..

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Be creative and do something that will make you feel good about yourself and your abilities. Self-improvement projects will be successful. 5 stars


  2002.01.28  22.55

i'm going ta sleep
mabbe i'll see dave tommrow,

Mood: sick

  2002.01.28  22.54

Take the Which Hogwarts Professor are you? Quiz!


  2002.01.28  22.52

i miss dave,.

Mood: lonely

  2002.01.28  22.47

i miss dave,.

Mood: lonely

  2002.01.28  14.08

Take the What
animal best portrays your sexual appetite??


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