river sylvan's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in river sylvan's LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, March 20th, 2002
    4:40 pm
    female - the green oxygen sun from
    which each world breathes. the moist
    sensuous soil caressing infant forests
    in their gasping touch of new-life.
    the smooth glossy rocks where child
    corals cling. her red spring growth
    gushing gooey galaxies in warm soft
    wombs. she is the seed that sprang
    and illuminated even dark deserts to
    bloom. she is the ripe glowing pool
    from which all life began.

    (all my powers of expression and
    thoughts so sublime could never
    do you justice in reason or rhyme)

    and where was male in our first

    (cover the Earth in green)

    Monday, March 18th, 2002
    8:54 pm
    in the seed, we are decaying
    cotyledons completely unaware
    of the ripe soil that nourishes
    the growth of our womb tissue.

    (cover the Earth in green)

    Tuesday, March 12th, 2002
    11:13 pm
    foamy slime rocks slip inside warm wood
    rivers. they breathe with smooth gill
    glow gasps. their eyes are marsupial
    grooves grabbing rare unstructured energy
    rapids. movement is an unseen mud gust
    of thin soft scale clouds. in time, shells
    smoothen and gain colors of blended
    night. look closely and you will see suns
    pouring lava through hot wet flowers,
    bending purple winters in the water.
    sticky sections divide each squirming
    specimen in their webby river worlds.
    coated shield glares puncture floating
    depths of oxygen cell eyes. nourishing
    unbroken pools of green sleep. that
    twist and convulse with gentle jungle
    movements. stinging moons collapse and
    wrinkled horse flows dive under the
    fruit particle wind surface. where life
    was squished from seeds and the first
    sun was born.

    (cover the Earth in green)

    Thursday, March 7th, 2002
    1:23 am
    the Earth is still
    engulfed in an ice

    (cover the Earth in green)

    Monday, March 4th, 2002
    12:13 am
    the entire world
    is aquatic
    liquid is just
    more obvious
    then air

    (1 spread seed | cover the Earth in green)

    Wednesday, February 27th, 2002
    1:01 am
    the physical and mental city
    (the severed mound)
    the city is born - a bubble,
    a circle, wrapping all the
    senses inside. life for plastic
    papers. the web expands.
    insects sticking.

    what's the chance for survival,
    when entertainment is death?
    the Earth on a city pyre. concrete
    warmth. embers abound.

    enclosed in a tomb. and the city
    is born. watch how we flock there,
    our frozen stampede. watch how
    we slave. grinding stones in the
    corner for the feast in our grave.

    crisp in the morning, barbecued
    shade. violent world of windows.
    sun dance in the rain.

    what's the chance for survival?

    (the mental)
    let's make the adventures ours
    again. forget the plastic heroes.
    unstick ourselves from moldy seats
    and dust away the past.

    occupants of stale vision corrode
    inside the glare. eyes at our
    fingers. fangs in the screen. cinema
    vein temptations. our bodies never
    even move.

    two neon glows hypnotize the

    1. illumination of the premises.

    2. the entertainment of the moment.
    docile movement dancers. their
    screen god of pixels. distant illusions
    of ages dead. artificial in pale
    laughter. puppets highlighting celebrity
    moons. craterless, without past or
    present. always groaning in trapped
    system machines. crumbled eyeliners
    of ripped blankets and beds.

    watch their eyes squirm in the
    spraying swamp of putrid images.

    you people of the couch and car
    seats. you warriors of the remote;
    choose now your drug of sedation.
    your rubber experiences in radio

    the human being has been
    mutated: what was once an
    expanding consciousness
    slicing through space is
    now simply a pair of eyes
    lips and twitching hands
    aging in a box.

    what's the chance for survival?

    all modern day human
    entertainment revolves
    around circles and lines
    and actors and spectators

    one form involves focus on
    a stationary screen of some
    kind. television, books,
    cinema, paintings, concerts.
    an object of reverence and
    attention is chosen. all senses
    are funneled toward the center
    of this social comedian -
    this single point in space.
    a line transfers from the
    actor to the spectator. usually
    sight and hearing - audio/visual -
    are the only senses consumed.
    the static screen is preferred
    to the expanding Universe.
    the screen is used as a filter
    of perception.

    the second form is a more inter-
    active medium. existence is
    pulled-out from the 'participant',
    as opposed to being pushed-in. this
    entertainment usually takes form as
    conversation, debate and other
    verbally based communication. here
    again, everything is essentially
    drawn into a single point of focus.
    and audio/visual are the only
    called upon senses. lines are
    formed and the 'screen' is still
    used to attract attention.
    advantage: entertainment is always
    preformed live.

    these forms of art require an actor
    and a spectator, in order to be.

    both essentially form bubbles
    that pull the senses, mind and
    perspective of each 'individual'
    down to this pulsating circle.
    this circle becomes a psychological
    structure - a mental city - usually
    inhabiting in a physical city.
    only single bits of information are
    understood at any given time. several
    minds experience the same existence.
    'individuals' become crowds, masses
    and audiences.

    the goal of the lords here is to
    capture us in a prison. to show
    us only what they chose to show
    us. to keep us from peaking above
    the wall. also, to merge us into
    clumps and herds. to limit our
    understanding into one uniformed
    class. grouping us together into
    one culture makes us easier to
    control and manipulate. this circle
    mentally tames us into structure.

    (the physical)
    the city - a spreading cancer heart
    that the asphalt veins drive each
    cell toward. it is a forest crumbled.
    an ocean sprayed over. soil crusted
    across iron faces. bone waves of
    sizzling glare, stuck in fence caught
    islands. fast drilled army marches.
    step stairs of destruction. the stars,
    ripped from our tarp sky.

    boiled water in rainbows just smearing
    the color until only black bleeds out
    and is lost.

    it is life that is the color on
    this canvas.

    existence is a metamorphosis. life
    is diversity. the city is extinction.
    where we play our lonely games.

    (4 spread seeds | cover the Earth in green)

    Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
    7:02 pm
    when did you forget the
    feeling of your birth?

    (5 spread seeds | cover the Earth in green)

    Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
    10:02 pm
    things ive learned in the last few days:
    1. 'writer's block' is only
    frustrating when you
    actually want to write
    2. i want to be eaten alive
    by komodo dragons.
    3. 'lord of the rings' is a
    very goodly written book.
    4. i want to live with elves.
    5. i dont respond well to
    6. i dont respond well to
    7. i dont actually want to
    write anymore, but feel a
    strange responsibility to
    do so.
    8. 'mississippi' is Dylan's
    best song since the 'blood
    on the tracks' album and this
    includes 'not dark yet'.
    9. my heart only beats 34
    times a minute on average,
    which is only about half
    of what is considered normal.
    10. really small dogs annoy
    me. and i feel sorry them
    and all other dogs that
    have been breed for our
    needs. so...i feel sorry
    for every dog.
    11. tigers are almost as
    cool as black panthers.
    12. i want to be eaten alive
    by fruit bats.
    13. i have a very strange
    fascination with being eaten
    14. the piano is insanely fun
    to play.

    (3 spread seeds | cover the Earth in green)

    Thursday, January 31st, 2002
    11:58 pm
    wolves - forest suns of
    swift corona. illuminating
    worlds in howls of energy.
    smeared on moons to light
    even the night. tissue soft
    eyes connecting each other.
    tongue web stares in a
    moment of union. gripping
    planets to suns and moons
    to the planets. they reveal
    a universe in a single move-
    ment of muscle.

    (3 spread seeds | cover the Earth in green)

    Friday, January 25th, 2002
    1:17 am
    when the raided Earth
    unwrinkles these ropes
    and Her muscles pour
    soil through steel
    Her venom soft fingers
    rip wombs through the
    sullen cities and
    bleed forests in wet
    rushes on the mounds
    of stacked skins

    warm breath
    and lungs
    in blue wind
    this life-try
    in jungle
    moist vines
    to swing
    birth pushes
    steel liquid
    river wrinkles
    the muscles
    and we

    (2 spread seeds | cover the Earth in green)

    Sunday, January 20th, 2002
    11:23 pm
    lets flood the Earth
    in philtre forests
    dancing dryad bodies
    rains bleeding a
    sexual warmth
    winds of frozen
    muscle touch
    lets slip through
    galaxies and slide
    on novas
    kiss the nebula
    suckling suns
    sylvan creature ooze
    of rivers
    lets breathe with
    lungs that grab the
    earthen air in green
    leopards stalk the
    night beside us
    cobras coil and hiss
    beneath us
    death and birth at any
    life at every glance

    (4 spread seeds | cover the Earth in green)

    Thursday, January 17th, 2002
    1:31 am
    damp fecund caves
    fossil peel flesh
    bubble mushrooms
    to moisture petal
    fruit blood
    bending forward
    venom flowing
    breathing stalking
    mucous moss
    on tongues
    rain groove
    lichen fingers
    hunting seeds
    womb sack fluid
    swimming pollen
    thorny membrane
    cells exposed
    to all who
    seek them
    through the suns
    gooey sticky
    for the sky

    (cover the Earth in green)

    Tuesday, January 8th, 2002
    9:48 pm
    we contribute to a culture
    that drove over 30,000 species
    to extinction last year alone.

    each living being is a cell.
    these cells come together into
    an ecosystem that is an organ.
    these organs come together to
    form one single growing entity.
    these entities come together
    to form.....

    this journal is now extinct.

    (8 spread seeds | cover the Earth in green)

    Saturday, January 5th, 2002
    12:44 pm
    i havent been writing much
    lately. instead ive been
    drawing abstract forms of
    animals and forests and
    ancient peoples hunting and
    odd geometerical shapes. it's
    actually quite a bit more fun.
    i just wish i had a cave to
    draw all of them in without
    having to walk half a mile
    down to the creek. as it is
    hard to do that at night. i
    miss the old days when we made
    cave art everyday. it was fun.
    does anyone want to go live in
    the cave with me?

    (1 spread seed | cover the Earth in green)

    Friday, January 4th, 2002
    1:27 am
    in its Mother's womb, the
    nurse shark cannibalizes
    its brothers and sisters
    until it is the only one
    remaining to be born.

    (cover the Earth in green)

    Wednesday, January 2nd, 2002
    11:53 pm
    here we stand, staring
    at a mirror while in a
    glade of galaxies. as
    nebula holds the moment
    still. slow-motion womb
    of suns.

    (1 spread seed | cover the Earth in green)

    Sunday, December 30th, 2001
    1:42 pm
    i see a culture whose
    disease is so spread
    with infection that
    even the few who claim
    to be immune still feast
    on the parasitic corpse
    of their kill.

    (cover the Earth in green)

    Saturday, December 29th, 2001
    11:57 am
    imagine a bed of squishy
    ferns, spongy trees and
    furry moss. imagine sheets
    of suns sticking vines
    through clouds. imagine the
    taste of skin unfolding across
    your bodies and fingers melting
    together as lava licked oceans.
    imagine a pillow of mushroom
    rocks that embraces you
    with roots of coral sand.
    imagine a soft island breeze
    engulfing you in smooth
    muscle bark. imagine sinking
    into soily earthen eyes and
    kissing with a moon of green
    lung lips. now imagine that
    this is where we awoke, at
    the blue birth of our

    we liked the way you kissed

    (cover the Earth in green)

    12:39 am
    praying mantids - winged
    leaf ninjas of ambush. armed
    with spiny thorn fingers. eyes
    of soft thread touch. compound
    arsenals with colored defense.
    attacking and evaporating into

    (cover the Earth in green)

    Friday, December 28th, 2001
    7:57 pm
    vultures - cleansing water tides.
    soaring shower scouts on thermal
    gushes. washing bone to soil. they
    mold jungles from desert rocks.
    eating even the smoke of abandoned
    fires. purring stomachs of recycled

    (2 spread seeds | cover the Earth in green)

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