LiveJournal for Nick.

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Friday, March 22nd, 2002

Time:11:20 am.

Take the What Sex Position Are You? test

Comments: Touch me.

Time:2:55 am.
Mood: tired.
Music:Linkin Park - Step up.
This might seem like an odd post, but i saw it on a bunch of other journals so i wanted to try it.. have fun!.

(12 midnight)
Sitting infront of the pc, not doin much.. just thinkin, waiting for dad to come home

Stroking Foxy on my bed, he's purrrrrrrrrrrring..

I made myself a Cheese and Pickle sandwhich, thinking of ya Retta lol.. I'm feeling kinda tired, musn't fall asleep.. I'm gonna lay down, Ally McBeals' on! musn't fall asleep, MUST NOT FALL ASLEEP!

Dad just came home, he came in my room and gave me £20!!! woo!.. It's his new year, I forgot that.. but yeah I got 20 quid!!! hmmmm what to buy, what to buy.. No your right, save it.. or at least not spend it at 1am, got it..

I'm getting sleeeeeeeeeeeeeepy..

Ohhhhh crap, I fell asleep!.. I'm in trouble. Stupid Nick, Stupid.. Stupid.. Stupid.. *SLAP*

Alex called, asked if he could stay the night so I said yeah I guess, I don't know whats up with him but he sounded kinda worried.. oh well.. He has to go see Mrs. Meadows first, not good.. not good at all.

Put music on, I better start cleaning up my man pad, ha! yeah sure.. *sigh*

I'm back!.. Dad made me do the rest of the house, but umm something still smells, oh yeah, ME!.. we didn't have hot water all yesterday cuz the gas man broke a wire in the boiler.. so I didn't get a shower. For breakfast I had, a coconut turkish delight, a hand full of weetos, a packet of skips and a Jacob cream cracker, yup healthy is my middle name.. right after sarcasm and gonna have a heart attack at 30, I don't know why i've just been eating a whole bunch of junk food the past week, I never usualy?.. must stop. I'm gonna take a shower.. no peeking!.

Well I had a shower, very nice.. and now I'm all bored and un-motivated, I'm gonna download the Marilyn Manson song Tainted love.. it took me 5 minutes to bring myself to type that.. *shutters* I don't know, he's okay.. I mean he's really funny on TV docs and stuff but he scares the crap out of my ass.. Kinda like that TOTP interview with Slipknot, you didn't know if they were kidding or if they actually were gonna beat up the woman presenter. Dad just wen't to work, party!.. PAR-TAY, uh no.. sadly.

Playing GTA3, kick ass!!!


Alex got here at 10:30, he's playin video games.. loosing horribly. We decided to celebrate the new year by ordering Cheloh Koubideh, yeah I don't know what the hell it is but thats what were having for lunch.. and it better not have sheep balls in it or something.. keep ya posted.

~Burp~ I need to eat grass..

In a battle you can't hack it, react with whack shit.. And get smacked with verbal back flips

Alex is getting pissed at the playstaion, haha.. we went and got a few other games and umm he's still doin crap lol.. were both kinda tired.. we had to go meet up with my sister to take her to miss selfridge, she needed a birthday present for one of her friends.. We watched Eden earlier on, and ok Westley HAS to go, and Jo is just a bitchy cow.. so vote them off pleeeeeeease!!!

We rented American Pie 2!.. WoO HOo, oh yeah late night fun here I come!.. my new shoes came in mail order today, they gave me a damn blister :( it's sore.. Alex isn't so subdued as he was before, I'm not sure whats up... oh well, I'm not gonna ask him, he doesn't usualy open up.. stereotypical guy thing i guess. although he really needs to ALOT of the time. blah!


Time for a guy talk.

Alex is asleep.. I'm thinking REAL hard.. but i should wake him so we can watch the film.

(12 midnight)
This film is just, fuckin A!! lol.. And so concludes my 24 hour post um thingy.. yeah I have nothing better to do that to actually do one of these, but hey this is my Thursday.. back to the movie, click click click..
Comments: Touch me.

Wednesday, March 13th, 2002

Time:4:02 am.
Mood: impressed.

Xuff and Z-Man made these of me, you guys kick ass!.. Thank you!, Thank you!, Thank you!

( Click here to see more )
Comments: Touch me.

Tuesday, March 12th, 2002

Time:10:00 am.

Comments: Touch me.

Subject:I got bored..
Time:9:55 am.
Music:Cypress hill - Stoned raiders.
5 bad habits you have
- Anyalysing things too long
- Leaving stuff till last nimute
- Not sleeping enough
- Sleeping with the window open
- Talking on the phone too long

5 people currently on your bad side
- The queen
- Her dumb ass husband
- My aunt Ilka
- Kevin!!!
- My father

5 scents you love
- A girls hair
- Vanilla
- Deep fresh
- Fresh air
- Roast dinners cookin

5 things you'd never wear
- Polo necks
- Real fur
- A bikini
- Hot pants
- A mini skirt

5 animals you like
- Kittens
- Puppies
- Dolphins
- Swallows
- Puff fish

5 shows you love
- So Grahem Norton
- Ali G
- Trigger happy TV
- Simpsons
- Buffy

5 celebrities you don't like
- Nelly Furtado
- Matthew Wright
- Vanessa Phelps
- Myleene Klass
- Joan Collins

5 ice cream flavors you love
- Carte D'or Toffee fudge
- Peanut butter
- Carte D'or Dark cherry
- Rasberry cheesecake
- Mint choc chip

5 facts about your family
- My mother worries too much & has a complusive behaviour with the hoover
- My father needs to fuckin wake up to reality
- My sister is a cow, temporary teenager thing i guess
- My brother's funny but a little critter at the best of times
- Parents like to think there is 'good communication', but there isn't

5 things you have complete loyalty to
- Love
- The english accent
- Knowledge
- My cat
- Friendship

5 snacks you enjoy
- Mustard & onion sourdough pieces
- Patatoe wedges and sour cream
- Fries
- Prawn crackers
- Cheesy Nachos

5 songs you know the words to, even without the music
- Savage garden - Truely madly deeply
- Linkin Park - My december
- Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood
- Sting - Desert rose
- Ronan keating - When you say nothing at all

5 things you couldn't live without
- The past
- Love
- Laughter
- Understanding
- Friendship

5 things you'd buy with 20 thousand pounds
- Linkin Park to play in my garden
- My own flat
- A Mercedes Smart car
- My own personal tube carriage
- My own copyright label

5 god[esse]s in their own right
- That little girl on the pride of Britain show this year, Kirsty Howard *I think*
- Tony Blair
- Archimedes
- Professor Kypros Nicolaides
- Lord Winston
Comments: Touch me.

Monday, March 11th, 2002

Time:2:36 pm.
Mood: relieved.
Music:Travis - Flowers in the window.
I haven't posted in a while, sorry.. things happen. I got foxy back today.. he's allot better, we thought he wouldn't make it but he did, not un-scared but he's here. He has a problem now with his left paw, he can't align it straight when he tries to walk so he's walking on his knuckles all the time.. the vet said it was cuz the diabetes affects his nerves and when he had the glucose attack his nerve was damaged.. it's not treatable, sometimes it fixes itself.. all we can do is be thankful if it does.. I'm hoping real hard. I want to make one of those online test things, I'm just curious.. but thing is I don't have any idea's whatsoever to make it about so please please.. need some ideas. Did everyone like the LiveJournal connect thing I found?.. I thought it was kewl.. it's weird how we're all strung together.. Retta was lonely last night, sorry hun :( .. Yahoo! messed me over again.. Sister got mad at me for posting this.. a few entries ago.. but do I care? Oh no!, she'll have to clean my blinds first.. they are dusty. Note to self: Apply bribe before it reaches mum!!.. am I a mean brother?.. Tassy showed me this.. Odd don't ya think?.. I think Alex is going to come with me in the summer, pretty sure.. but we'll just see, we went for a coffee last Friday in St.James's to talk about it.. he has this bad knack for injecting all my ideas with a dose of sense (not that they usually need it) but this time he couldn't.. ha!.. so I think I got it covered. Well I hope you all have a good day,
I'm spent..

Comments: 3 Touches - Touch me.

Sunday, March 10th, 2002

Time:11:27 pm.
Mood: curious.
LiveJournal Connect!
Enter your username in the left box, someone else's username (or a * for a random one) in the right box, and press the button!
Coded by sachmet
Comments: Touch me.

Wednesday, March 6th, 2002

Time:10:23 pm.
Music:George Michael - Freeek!.

Take the "How immature are you?" Test

Comments: 2 Touches - Touch me.

Monday, March 4th, 2002

Time:2:48 am.
Mood: refreshed.
Music:Shaggy & Ali G (A to the L to the I to the Gizzy.. J to the U to the L I Eezy.. S to the H to the A double GGizzY.. Y!!).
¡No! señor yo no compro cocos, porque como pocos cocos como.. poco cocos compro
Comments: 7 Touches - Touch me.

Tuesday, February 26th, 2002

Time:11:19 pm.

What is your meaning of life?
Comments: Touch me.

Time:11:12 pm.
Mood: listless.
Music:Shakira - Whenever, whatever.
I can't stay too long right now, dad will be home soon.. I wanna have my line packed up before that. How are we all?.. good I hope. My throat's allot better I can hardly feel it, I still have a little yellow loogey, which means I'm told that I have/had an infection.. but enough about my germs.. My brothers birthday is tomorrow he's gonna be 4, mums was on Monday I dare not speak her age so publicly, women can be very touchy about that kinda thing, I know.. I got her the new Westlife album *ewwwww* yeah I was embarrassed when I bought it, I got another single and put that on top of the pile so I could cover myself from the peering eyes at the check out.. sad but, necessary.. LJs being screwy again, it wont let me look at my friend pages, so I hope your all ok :) ..I'm feeling kinda like I'm not feeling anything, today.. it's weird and annoying, I wish I felt something. Things have just seem to all come to a halt, I don't like it.. I can get them going again but I don't know if I even want to, or have the energy anymore *sigh*.. maybe I just can't face things? there's so much to think about and I'm so tired of thinking, I have trouble even thinking through other peoples problems.. I'm sorry to all of you for that, I'll get better soon.. It's just like I'm in the centre of a funnel.. everything just slides slowly towards me and I have to watch it all coming, and engulfing itself all over my fuckin life. It's my fault, I saw things.. and this is what happens if I leave them to linger, hoping for a ray of light, a miracle, growth in something that's finished maturing. I always learn from mistakes.. and I suppose this is another way of life telling me I'm not the one in control yet, and I don't feel anyone ever really can be totally in control, right?.. It's not that I want to totally understand and work things how I want them, I just want to understand the things that are important to me, I'll look and I'll listen everyday if that's what It's going to take me.

Comments: 1 Touch - Touch me.

Thursday, February 21st, 2002

Time:4:15 am.
Mood: lonely.
No one's on.. I'm as bored as hell, Retta went off just as I came on.. *sorry Retta* and I'm sorry I haven't really been reading my friends' entries.. I've been a little preoccupied, I'll keep up to date now, promise!.. Well anyway, I have Tonsillitis.. it's so sore.. I can hardly swallow and eating is just out of the question. It won't even let me go to fuckin sleep!.. ahhhhh it pisses me off, I hate being sick, yeah it might of been fun when I was younger but now "I'm old enough to look after myself".. like I asked for this, yeah *applause* god damn idiots.. To top it all, I choked on my pain killers, have you ever had that feeling where something you swallow gets held in your throat and wont go up or down? that's what happened, it nearly made me throw up.. I had to go outside the front door for 5 minutes for air.. Apologies for the ranting.
Well my day was pretty crappy anyway.. Julie gave me Sarah's diary today, I haven't started reading it yet.. I don't know if I can, want to, should do?.. I hate it, because it keeps on regurgitating.. I want to rest and I can't do that if things around me don't also, a non existent synchronisation.. go figure. Alex is coming over tomorrow, I'm hoping it'll be some kind of release.

Comments: 7 Touches - Touch me.

Tuesday, February 19th, 2002

Time:2:53 pm.
Mood: sad.
Music:Oxide & Neutrino - Devil's Nightmare.
They won't have my coconuts till 6 :(
Comments: 4 Touches - Touch me.

Subject:oh HELL FUCKIN YEAH!!!...
Time:12:49 pm.

Which Firearm are you?
brought to you byStan Ryker

Comments: Touch me.

Time:12:35 pm.
Mood: blank.
Music:Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal.
I'm setting in my room with my sister, ugh! damn school holidays. She's playing nintendo.. talking to the T.V. screen at the same time, if your curious, here... dear lord save me!. She let me try her Irn-Bru today, I hadn't had that in god knows how many years, it reminded me of Lesley.. she's supposed to come visit us soon.. I think things with her and Paul are getting better but her mum can't stand him.. Adams still a little dick I hear. Well anyways.. I found my Ali G video!, I've been wanting that so bad.. he's gonna do the Brits this year with Shaggy.. that's gonne be severely x-rated.. speaking of which I ordered 'coconuts' from the fruit store yesterday, *coconuts* ~droul~ woo hoo.. I gotta go pick them up ummmm round about now.

Comments: Touch me.

Subject:Play with me
Time:2:04 am.

They hold him down, pull him back
"hang him up!!"
He's on the rack
Drip him dry, from his eyes
"this ones for a quick fry!!"
They sizzle the outside, puncture the in
Savour the aromas
He's hung again...

Comments: 2 Touches - Touch me.

Sunday, February 17th, 2002

Subject:mmmmmm I haven't had these in a while
Time:5:53 pm.
Mood: calm.
Music:Puretone - Addicted to base.

Take the Which Breakfast Food Are You? Quiz.

Comments: Touch me.

Subject:lo que le quiero decir
Time:1:14 pm.
Mood: thoughtful.

Quiero ser tu heroe

Si una vez yo pudiera llegar
a erizar de frio tu piel
a quemar que se yo, tu boca
y morirme alli despues
Y si entonces
temblaras por mi
lloraras al verme sufrir
ay sin dudar tu vida entera dar
como yo la doy por ti.

Si pudiera ser tu heroe
Si pudiera ser tu Dios
que salvarte a ti mil veces
puede ser mi salvacion.

Si supieras
la locura que llevo
que me hiere
y me mata por dentro
y que mas da
mira que al final
lo que importa es que te quiero

Si pudiera ser tu heroe
Si pudiera ser tu Dios
que salvarte a ti mil veces
puede ser mi salvacion

dejame tocarte, quiero acariciarte
una vez mas, mira que al final
lo que importa es que te quiero

Si pudiera ser tu heroe
Si pudiera ser tu Dios
que salvarte a ti mil veces
puede ser mi salvacion

Quiero ser tu heroe
si pudiera ser tu Dios
porque salvarte a ti mil veces
puede ser mi salvacion
puede ser mi salvacion

Quiero ser tu heroe....

Comments: 3 Touches - Touch me.

Saturday, February 16th, 2002

Subject:(100th post!) Ohhhh baby... uh huh
Time:11:38 pm.
Mood: horny.
You're Caramilk!
Just stuffed full of surprises. No one ever knows what you're going to do next.
The greatest mystery to you is, naturally,
"how do they get the caramel in the Caramilk bars?"
Comments: Touch me.

Time:11:36 pm.
Mood: amused.
We got Auntie from the airport.. *woo flippin hoo*, we hadn't even reached the Exit of Heathrow when I was already regretting going to pick her up.. Apparently, she sat next to this really polite girl on her plane.. she was 16.. she was Spanish but she'd been to London, America and I don't know where else.. she spoke good real English.. so my aunt had a the 'brilliant' idea of telling her she'd introduce her to me when she came through the gate.. and well I ended up with her phone number, well actually I didn't.. the litter bin on Brookwood road did, sorry.. I mean holly cow is she CRAZY or what? she can't just spring someone on me like that for gods sake.. ugh! I guess it's mildly amusing now, but I swear I was so embarrassed I could almost feel my trousers falling down.. and for the record it's not such a nice feeling. And no I could not refuse the number, I would of made her feel bad and I was too shocked to say anything other than "hi" and "bye bye"..
So... on other news, Christina's finger is ok.. yay. I hear it's actually quite intimidating *laffs*. I got round to organising my ftp folder, so sorry if anyone tried to look at my journal while that was going on.. In answer to the question I posted in a couple of entries ago, which everyone so enthusiastically attempted at ;P
Men going down the ladder are labelled A,B,C and the ones going up 1,2 and 3, in this sequence... see?)
Well I feel a little alone tonight, not largely but a small part lingers.. Oh I just thought I'd like to let all you know that my calendar girl for the month is J-ho.. and luckily there are no breasts this time.. woo hoo!. Oh, I've been wanting to post this for a while but I lost it and a couple of days ago I found it again in my N-R-A folder. Well it's from a few years ago when I had Japanese student exchange trip, the lady from the group of people that organised things asked me to write a short article for the local school paper.. so I did, she said I should be a 'poet' after she read it.. although the article isn't a poem at all.. I think she meant I should be a writer, her English was kinda skimpy.. but anyways...

"My first impressions on Japan:
Absolutely eye opening. There are so many things to do, to try, to taste, 10 days just isn't enough. Infact I could be here 10 weeks and still not get bored.
On arrival to Japan I was very nervous but excited, once I saw Mitsunori and his family my nerves were settled quickly. Which left only the excitement, which I liked. I have been left with ten days of un-repeatable tastes, sounds and memories and for that I give the Hoshino family the highest and greatest thank to. From the peace and tranquillity of Karuizawa, with it's Onsens and acres of trees. To the bustling metropolis of inner Tokyo city.
Japan is truly and unforgettable experience, there's so much to learn, even if they insignificant details it all adds up to make an enormous and beautiful picture on Japan. I would do it 10 times over again if I could. Finally I would like to give my up most thanks to the Hoshino family, for taking an almost stranger into their home and making them a king.
Thank you!

Nikholas Khani"

I never could get them to spell my name right.. I think cuz technically my name didn't exist in Japanese my new name was Nikorasu it's kinda cute.. I'm glad it got printed, first page too!!.. I think I sound like Michael Palin in it a little, like I'm trying to sell a holiday package.. well I hope I'm wrong.. but I really only got interested in writing after that one article. Oh! incase anyone was wondering an Onsen is actually a public bath.. and you have to bathe in it nakey!.. I'm serious, all the guys got strip down and we all went and got in the pools, to bathe.. we were separated from the girls by a wall with a gap at the top, but we could hear them getting in and SCREECHING so loud, oh my god it was soo funny.. the pools are really really hot!, they are supposed to be.. there's also a cooling down pool which I swear to you now, it is just molten ice.. you couldn't stay in there for more than 2 minutes before your bones started to ache, and as for the hot pools well you couldn't stay there longer than 10 minutes before you could feel your insides warming up.. and it's the most god awful feeling.. the good side is that you come out and your skin feels like baby's bum yay!.. it was really relaxing.
I think night night for now


Comments: Touch me.

Thursday, February 14th, 2002

Time:3:51 am.
Mood: peaceful.
Music:Lucy Pearl - La la la.
I feel better, just a little. I talked to mandy tonight.. I missed her, she hasn't recieved my Valentines Card and stuff yet.. I really hoped she would of got it for tomorrow, she might still I guess. My brother has the biggest bruise on his head.. for some odd reason it looks 'cute'.. lol he was rocking on that little rocking chair of his, he rocked all the way forward and smacked his head on the video cabinet.. *ouch*, he has a lump.. Well i didn't really do much today, I went to college.. my cold didn't help, I thought I was gonna leave half way through.. I felt crappy all over.. *sniffles* I watched a little TV this afternoon and fell asleep.. My aunt, well my great aunt.. is coming over from spain this weekend, she stays for two weeks.. I'm dreading it.. and if you knew her you'd quickly agree. Thank god she's taking up my sisters bed and I've taken precautions and re-fitted a lock on my door, her incessant barging in is amazingly annoying .

Three men descending a ladder meet up with three men ascending the same ladder. One man can climb over another, but will fall if he tries to climb over more than one at a time, or walk backwards along the ladder. Is it possible for the trios to exchange places withought anyone falling or leaving the ladder?

Happy Valentines Day, sweetdreams..

Comments: Touch me.

Wednesday, February 13th, 2002

Time:3:07 am.
Mood: sick.
Music:Savage Garden - Truely madly deeply.
I have a cold *SNEEZES*... I wan't mandy with me :(
Comments: 2 Touches - Touch me.

Time:3:06 am.

In fire I burn, in ashes I reborn

What Mythological Creature Are you?

Comments: 1 Touch - Touch me.

Tuesday, February 12th, 2002

Subject:Fuck you Yahoo!... Fuck you!
Time:12:42 am.
Mood: aggravated.
Music:No doubt - hey baby.
Ok excuse me..
I haven't spoken to mandy in like 3 weeks, so she gets a chance to come on tonight as do I... and my FREAKIN messenger wouldn't load up and i missed her by like a god damn 1/5 of a second and Yahoo! hasn't screwed me over in months but it can sure as hell pick it's hour. I wanna cry.. :"( you know what? when i get enough money, i'm gonna make my own messenger and the servers gonna be right under my god damn bed, so i don't get this crap!.
So how are we all? I haven't posted in a long time, i know.. i'm sorry.. but those of you that know why, well i guess you know why. My day was ok, it turned sour towards the end but yeah oh well.. I keep having to go over to Sylv's house to help her with her puter.. it's kinda annoying, i don't mind helping or anything but she's never used a puter before so she goes and gets herself one with XP on.. lol woo, it's not her fault.. she had an asshole for a salesman. I put a sound up on my journal, what do ya think??
Oh and this is for retta have fun :) .. ok my god i'm on Yahoo!.

Sweetdreams, night night

Comments: 5 Touches - Touch me.

Monday, February 11th, 2002

Subject:woop dee doo!
Time:10:54 am.
Mood: mischievous.
Music:Chris Isaak - Wicked game.

Take the What Color Dragon Should You Ride? Quiz
Comments: Touch me.

Saturday, February 9th, 2002

Time:11:11 pm.
Mood: disappointed.
Music:Enrique Iglesias - Escapar.
Ok why on earth did Will win ?
Comments: Touch me.

Tuesday, February 5th, 2002

Subject:well hmmm ooo!
Time:12:02 am.
Mood: awake.
Music:Kylie - it's in your eyes.

Take the What
animal best portrays your sexual appetite??

Comments: 2 Touches - Touch me.

Thursday, January 17th, 2002

Time:1:54 am.

I asked a question for what i need and more,
I recieved an answer for what i should ignore,
The answer lies deep beneath my heart,
I pray for its truth, and let it not tear it apart.
Should i open my eyes, or let them rest?
Would denying them light be the same none the less?

Comments: 4 Touches - Touch me.

Wednesday, January 16th, 2002

Subject:mmmmmmmm minty!!
Time:1:05 am.
Mood: naughty.
Music:Craig david - fill me in.
Drink me!

Which drink are you?
Comments: Touch me.

Monday, January 14th, 2002

Subject:praise be to the lord!!!
Time:3:06 pm.
Mood: mischievous.
Music:Daniel Bedingfield - Gotta get thru this.

The New FHM Calendar!!!

woo hoo

yup! it's lookin good...

I had a busy week, i was suppose to start work today, but i got there and they had a fire over the weekend.. so i guess not yet. haha! there's page in FHM for electrocuting someone while they are on the wizzer! me and Alex gotta get together for that lol.. to do it on *someone else* i meant. Has anyone been watching Eastenders? Barry is such a tosser.. *Dick Head!*.. I need to go to the doctors, i have warts on my elbows.. not the ugly witch kind.. the dry crusty white icky looking kind, they itch like hell!! and i can only have them off by freezing them.. yuk i feel like a parisite. Anyways, my weekend was good.. suprisingly, cuz i didn't do anything.. I talked to Retta, Lynn and Christina that would be it.. Oh! on saturday i stayed at a friends house i hadn't seen since i was like 10 or something, we went to primary school together.. it was fun!

*I love my calendar!*

Comments: 6 Touches - Touch me.

Friday, January 11th, 2002

Time:4:20 pm.
Mood: lethargic.
Music:Sting - Every step you take.
How Are You?
Comments: 3 Touches - Touch me.

Thursday, January 10th, 2002

Subject:la vida es sueño
Time:12:52 am.

Es verdad, pues: reprimamos
esta fiera condición,
esta furia, esta ambición,
por si alguna vez soñamos.
Y sí haremos, pues estamos
en mundo tan singular,
que el vivir sólo es soñar;
y la experiencia me enseña,
que el hombre que vive, sueña
lo que es, hasta despertar.

Sueña el rey que es rey, y vive
con este engaño mandando,
disponiendo y gobernando;
y este aplauso, que recibe
prestado, en el viento escribe
y en cenizas le convierte
la muerte (¡desdicha fuerte!):
¡que hay quien intente reinar
viendo que ha de despertar
en el sueño de la muerte!

Sueña el rico en su riqueza,
que más cuidados le ofrece;
sueña el pobre que padece
su miseria y su pobreza;
sueña el que a medrar empieza,
sueña el que afana y pretende,
sueña el que agravia y ofende,
y en el mundo, en conclusión,
todos sueñan lo que son,
aunque ninguno lo entiende.

Yo sueño que estoy aquí,
destas prisiones cargado;
y soñé que en otro estado
más lisonjero me vi.
¿Qué es la vida? Un frenesí.
¿Qué es la vida? Una ilusión,
una sombra, una ficción,
y el mayor bien es pequeño;
que toda la vida es sueño,
y los sueños, sueños son.

(Pedro Calderón de la Barca)
Comments: Touch me.

Tuesday, January 8th, 2002

Time:6:24 pm.
Mood: mischievous.
Music:Gorillaz 19-2000.
I'm Murdoc
Comments: Touch me.

Time:3:57 am.
Mood: thoughtful.
Music:Savage garden - Truly madly deeply.
I can't sleep tonight *again*, I've been talking with Retta and Christina a few hours and they've all gone to bed..
well hummmmm I don't know, mum and everyone got back from Spain on Friday.. which is good I guess.. I think.. well you know what? it kinda sucks!, I was just starting to enjoy being on my own, it was nice to have my own space, I missed them and all but still.. and dad was doing that whole father son bonding thing which was kinda creepy at the start but it was getting ok lol..
Something's really been bothering me, I started this poem so long ago and I can't finish it?.. I finished others in the mean time but this one seems to have no end..

I want to close my eyes, fall my head
forget the tears that I have shed
closed they are yet open tightly
let all the dreams pour out inside me

weird!.. but oh well if I ever do get it done I'll let you know. I haven't talked to Mandy since like Christmas day or something, I miss her so much! :( I went shopping the other day with dad, I was waiting for him somewhere in the store, and they put this song on that Mandy and I listened to once , I remember telling her it was our song.. I wanted to be with her so bad right then, I got completely lost in it.. I think it's called butterfly kisses by Colin Raye, I'm not sure.
Oh! that movie Private parts was on tonight, my god that was funny!! Retta and Christina didn't approve however lol.. how completely GENIUS is having an orgasm on a subwoofer hi-fi speaker? hell she had that bass up way too high lol.
*subject change*
I'm getting kind of sleepy.. I talked to Sarah a little tonight, I wish I got to talk to her as much as I use to. That's it i think.. so,

night night, sweet dreams...

Comments: Touch me.

Sunday, January 6th, 2002

Time:4:59 am.
Mood: sleepy.
Music:Alicia Keys - Fallin'.
My anthem is:
"Electro-Shock Blues," by Eels.
I'm a very giving person, which means I frequently cut myself short. Everyone sees me as being perfectly alright, without any huge problems of my own, but I beg to differ. Even when I ask for help, no one really believes me... I'm trying, but it's not easy.
Find out what YOUR anthem is HERE!
Comments: Touch me.

Time:3:24 am.
Mood: refreshed.
Music:Wycleff Jean - Gone till Novermber.
i'm Cherry flavoured!
Comments: Touch me.

Friday, January 4th, 2002

Time:4:28 am.
Mood: indescribable.
I'm sleepless tonight.. I've had an insight over the last day or two into love, not what it is, but more how it is.. how awkward it can be, how amazing it can be, how we'll sever life and limb for it.. and yet how it always goes deeper every time you come back to question it. It's winding and cruel sometimes, it's a contradiction and non conformist in almost every way. Yet we drown ourselves in it, what's more because we want to, not because we have to.
I feel like I'm missing something, like I should have something that I don't.. but I don't know what it is just yet.. and that hurts so much, but I want to find out. I want to know it all at once, in one big package.. but there is something else about love. It doesn't come in packages, it's scattered across the floor.. you have to reach down for it and put it together as you walk by the pieces.. You pick up the pieces you want, and arrange them the way you want to.. but the bigger you make that love, the harder it is to remove and change it's aged parts.

night night

Comments: 2 Touches - Touch me.

Thursday, January 3rd, 2002

Time:1:03 am.
Mood: curious.
Music:Pink - Get the party started.


All aboard White cliffs of dover


i don't wanna bath!

who the?


and after

owwweeee it's the casanova of alcohol

Happy new years to everyone :) .. the new years eve party had alot of rough and tumble, it came in many different forms but from the only one i can remember.. it involved me sleeping 13 hours straight, awakening with a headache from THE BURNING PITS OF HELL!!!. It was fun though, me and Alex started dancing outside of the window to all the neighbours. I remember laughing alot.. but i don't think i was laughing for any particular reason?. lol
Monday night's menu:
3x peach archers
2x orange archers
4x pineapple bacardi breezer
2 swigs of tequilla (bad bad evil stuff)
I would personaly like to give my warmest sober thanks SB Smithkline Beecham(Copyright) for their Panadol ActiFast... i don't get why medicine companies don't just make something to keep u sleeping all the way through your hangover?.. Anyways, i called mandy up on christmas eve.. we didn't get to talk so long :( my dumb phone was broken so blah!..
Well i thought i'd have more to say but i'm lost..

~night night all


Comments: Touch me.

Monday, December 24th, 2001

Subject:Merry Christmas =)
Time:11:42 pm.
Mood: hyper.
Music:Dandy Warhols - Bohemian like you.
~*Merry X-mas*~

And a hug to all my friends

Comments: Touch me.

Tuesday, December 11th, 2001

Time:11:51 am.
Mood: anxious.
Music:Gabrielle - Out of reach.
Hopefully i'll get my internet up by friday.. but till then i'm as bored as crap, so here.
~*Basic Information*~

Full Name: Nicholas Khani Perez ( theres more on my birth certificate but i could never remember it )
Nicknames: Nicky, Nik Nak, Nick
Birthday: June 22nd 1984
Age: 17
Zodiac Sign: Gemini - Cancer
Hospital you were born in: St Mary's
City you were born in: London,UK
Have you lived anywhere else besides where you live now?: Yeap
If so, where?: Spain
Where do you live now?: London, UK
How long have you lived there?: Way too long...
School: {Graduated} but it use to be Westminster City School
Grade: um?..
Parents' Names: Elizabeth & Hamid
Siblings' Names: Natalie, Luc
Pets' Names: Fox, Cyph
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Skin Color: white - tanned
Glasses/Contacts?: No
Braces?: Nope
Height: 6'0"

Colour: Blue
Flower: Rose
Juice: Orange ( with the bits )
Number: 4 ish..
Band: Linkin Park
Boy Band: Yuck!, nasty little critters
Singer: Dido
Song: Theres too many,Savage garden - Truely madly deeply kicks!
CD: Hybrid Theory
Actor: Tom Hanks or Hugh Grant
Actress: Renee Zellweger
Movie: A walk in the clouds, Star wars, I know what you did last summer
Type of Movie: Romantic/Comedy/Action
Day of the Week: Saturday
Jelly Flavour: Pineapple
Kool-Aid Flavour: Orange
Ice Cream Flavour: Peanut butter
TV Show: My family, Buffy, Graham Norton, Fraiser, East Enders
Cartoon: Simpsons
Cartoon Character: Homer
Channel on TV: Channel 4
Video Game: GT3, Silent Hill
Clothing Brand: Gap, Next
Shoe Brand: Vans, Airwalk, Next
Potato Chip Flavor: CHEESE AND ONION!!!
Jellybean Flavor: coconut, watermelon
Book: An inspector calls
Author: R.C. Sheriff
Pudding Flavor: Cheese cake
Sport: Swimming, Football
Athlete: Steven Redgrave
Car: TVR Tuscan speed 6.. i mean DAMN!
Teacher: Mr Barker
Month: June and December
Season: Winter
Word: Analogy
Shampoo: Deep fresh

(Who's the...)
Nicest?: Sarah, Pam, Milad, Amir, Mandy, Clint, Christina, Tara, Retta , Vincent, Johnathan
Prettiest?: Mandy ;)
Meanest?: Rassal, Kevin
Snottiest?: none of them are really snotty bu tmy god i use to have this one guy, JAMES GRAVES.
Most Annoying?: KEVIN!!!
Most Trustworthy?: Mandy, Sarah, Christina, Amir
Best Singer?: I've only heard Sarah so her..
Best Athlete?: Clint, Alex
Best Dancer?: Sarah, Martin ( LOL he's too funny dancing )
Best Writer?: Christina, Clint, Alex
Most Creative?: Christina, Clint
Most Innocent?: lol yeah right
Most Rebellious?: Tara
Moodiest?: SARAH, Alex
Happiest?: Milad, Mandy
Weirdest?: Milad
Most Stubborn?: Sarah
Biggest Flirt?: Rassal.. you player you.. NOT!
Sweetest?: Mandy, Christina, Sarah
Laziest?: Alex
Most Stupid?: none really
Best with Secrets?: , Sarah ,Mandy ,Christina
Worst with Secrets?: Kevin, Rassal
Loudest?: RASSAL!!!
Quietest?: Alex, Vincent
Neatest?: Milad, Amir
Messiest?: hmmm none
Funniest?: Clint, Amir, Mandy, Johnathan
Dorkiest?: Milad but hardly
Smartest?: Clint
Most Street Smart?: Mandy... yup thats it :P
Skinniest?: Clint
Cutest?: Mandy
Tallest?: Sarah
Shyest?: Sarah
Closest(to you)?: Mandy, Christina, Sarah
Most Hyper?: Rassal, Ali
Hottest?: Mandy, i already said that!
Sluttiest?: -CENSORED-
Most Preppy?: I'm not sure what that would be
Most Ghetto?: none of them
Who's your best friend(s)?: Alex, Mandy, Sarah, Christina
Who knows you the best?: Sarah, Mandy
Who has known you the longest?: Alex
Who do you know the best?: Alex, Christina, Sarah, Mandy
Who do you like to shop with?: With Mandy if she were here! :"(
Who goes shopping with you the most?: Sarah
Who do you gossip with?: no one
Who do you trust the most?: Mandy, Sarah, Christina, Amir
Who do you laugh with the most?: Mandy
Who do you give advice to?: those in seek of it
Who do you go to for advice?: Sarah
Who has the best smile?: Mandy
Who do you depend on the most?: Sarah
Who's your newest friend?: Bethany
Are most of your friends boys or girls?: girls
Have you ever betrayed a friend?: no
~*Other Questions*~

Do you have a homepage?: no
Give us a link: NO
What do you think of people who drink?: Have fun! at your own expense only
Have you ever smoked?: no
If you have, did you like it?:
Do you smoke now?: no
What do you think of smokers?: They aren't no different, just with an addiction
Have you ever tried drugs?: yeah
If you have, what did you try?: I don't know?, it was like 2 years ago.. a bunch of us hot potted the bathroom.
If you have, did you like it?: It just made me feel happy
Do you do drugs now?: no
What do you think of people who do dugs?: Will that be a cremation or burial?
Do you know any foreign languages?: A few
If so, what?: Spanish, French, a little Iranian
Have you ever taken a picture of yourself with a milk mustache?: no
Have you ever had a dream about something, and it ended up happening the next day?: YES over and over
Have you ever stalked someone?: yes
If so, who was it?: my cat
What kind of car do you want?: This one
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Web Designer/Business owner
Do you consider yourself a good person?: yes
Do you consider yourself attractive?: you tell me
Have you ever tried to kill yourself?: no, but i did nearly die when i hurt myself
Have you ever tried to kill someone else?: no, i got a hit list though
Comments: Touch me.

LiveJournal for Nick.

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