hardcore poser's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
hardcore poser

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:/: walk with me :\:

what you are about to see is a true conversation.... [24 Jan 2002|04:33pm]
Legoguy500:i'm really sad right now
dying amy:oh... sorry...
dying amy:should i leave you alone?
Legoguy500:i lost my calculator, or at least whoever took it hasn't returned it
dying amy:LOL
dying amy:thats why your sad?
Legoguy500:it's not funny
Legoguy500:it was a gift

:/: 7 wounded | walk with me :\:

[21 Jan 2002|11:45am]
[ music | offspring- I want to be sedated ]

which karchanian are you?

:/: 3 wounded | walk with me :\:

hey? [20 Jan 2002|09:44pm]
is anyone out there?..........

*throws a stone and hears it bouncing off hallow walls*
damn, I feel isolated.

:/: walk with me :\:

[18 Jan 2002|09:01pm]
wait... cancel that request on praying for me. I don't want to be too grubby, and I've come to the realization things are bound to change no matter what, so this summer can't possibly be the same as last...

...this might be a good thing.

:/: 9 wounded | walk with me :\:

it's good to see you again, my friend [18 Jan 2002|07:58pm]
It was great... I reapplied at six flags today and saw a bunch of old faces... everyone was smiling at each other, and happy to come back. It was just really great, because no matter where I went someone was happy to see me. EVEN CHRIS THE SUPERVISOR!!! *gasp* :p I saw the cute boss too, so I know he's coming back... and it was just like the dream too, minus the family. So I have a nice raise coming, and a cute boss to look forward to. One thing.. they don't know which unit I'm going in... I *hope* it's the same one! eeeeck... I really don't want to get stuck in bathrooms. That's a pretty easy job, but I've grown fond of my patios... + it's easier to meet new faces when you're on patio + cute boss doesn't do WOMENS BATHROOMS!

come on, it worked before, now everyone pray I'm in the same unit as his cuteness!

:/: 1 wounded | walk with me :\:

very, very... very,very late. [15 Jan 2002|07:03pm]
Wow... it's final. Okay, that's about the 100000th time I've said that, but before i didn't have tickets, and I can't help it if Illinois give licenses to colorblind people! Anyhow, I've got two plane tickets to paradise [with satan]. Somehow I always thought I'd be alot more excited than I am, but I guess it's just because I have to walk around with a living reminder on why homicide is sometimes good!

jk... jk.. no, really, I'm not homicidal! seriously dude, I'm not >=( I'm a misanthropotic pacifist [or however you spell it].

in other news, I studio production.

:/: 6 wounded | walk with me :\:

i'll never be your valentine...... [13 Jan 2002|02:52pm]
[ mood | jenny feels good today! ]
[ music | the wallflowers- sleepwalker ]

this song makes me want to dance :D.

i had a dream last night. cute boss was in it. me and my family were working at six flags together. it made me feel good, cause while they were trying to figure out what the hell was going on i was grooving with the co-workers. it was surreal, it was great, it didn't mean a damn thing. i love it.

but you never saw my best scene! the one were i sleep walk... sleep walk into your dreams....

febuary... something something. i get a four-day vacation. i figure ill give cali a shot then. its not enough time for my mom to fuck the vacation up. at least thats the reasoning. so now she has to come *gag*. it'll be like with new york... im hoping. eventually ill work my way up to wondering off alone. it'll rock hard, i hope. only a month,sweet, no?

man, the wallflowers are so close to being goth its not even funny. no wonder they're mediocre. at least in my opinion. they songs all have such a similar style it just begins to bleed together... but i guess gusters a bit like that too, EXCEPT FOR GOLDFLY!!!!!!

oh well, end rant, my mom wants to do something. so do i, but i dont particulary want to do it with her. i dont like quilts and i dont like shopping for useless shit.

hm. bye. hope your enjoying your absolution, chris :p

:/: 2 wounded | walk with me :\:

[11 Jan 2002|06:02pm]
ok, when i move out i've decided i want an entertainment center that'll fit all the game systems i can get my hands on. this *SO* includes the NES. playstation i could take or leave. i also want some animals [unlikely if i'm in an apartment] and i want things nice and simple. i dont want alot of furniture or shit, aside from the game systems :p. i can't wait! i can't wait! I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!!

:/: walk with me :\:

the nightmare begins... [11 Jan 2002|03:40pm]
so my first week of school went pretty well...

i want to write about it, but im thinking about it too hard, so screw it, ask me if you want to know :p. stuff did happen though, that i assure you!

:/: 2 wounded | walk with me :\:

love me [07 Jan 2002|10:45pm]
finally I got a personal website up!... it's purposely overly done and works best with high speed cable access :p


:/: 8 wounded | walk with me :\:

daze [06 Jan 2002|07:54pm]
this is how I feel:

:/: 4 wounded | walk with me :\:

[25 Dec 2001|09:03pm]
at grandparents... won't update for a while... FORGIVE ME! :(

:/: 21 wounded | walk with me :\:

hey big spender [21 Dec 2001|10:13pm]

The console that suits me best is:

Sony's Playstation 2

Click the image to take the quiz!

eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cough, sputter, cough* UNCLEAN!!!!! UNCLEAN!!!!!!!!!!
stolen from marie! she rocks my socks :)

:/: walk with me :\:

it must be nice [20 Dec 2001|07:35pm]
[ mood | shocked ]

it must be nice to be able to hit someone and have the liability rest on them.
it must be nice to be an adult, so the police officer talks to you, listens to you.
it must be nice to still have the front end of your car.
it must be nice to give your end of the story, without anyone to give a defense.

my clothes smell like smoke. my car has been totalled. my glasses flew off my head and broke in the process. the police officer left me at the scene alone. he did not wait for someone to come and get me, he did not issue the ticket to me at the scene. he gave the ticket to my mom when she went down there. i got no say in it. he gave me the ticket before even hearing my story. the guy who hit me on the scene even APOLOGIZED to me, which i believe implies blame, but no, I got the ticket.

forget that I had to take a final after this, but because some asshole went speeding down washington ave. I will have to pay for it for the rest of my life. i don't even want to drive anymore. cars make me sick. the police make me sick.

fuck that.

the light was turning red. and now i have to pay.

:/: 1 wounded | walk with me :\:

taj's funny friends [17 Dec 2001|10:27pm]
Prince Nutmeg: if you want I can hit him with a stick or something
alteredescape: dont sweat the small stuff
alteredescape: LOL actually alex once offered to do that for me
Prince Nutmeg: that's a good philosophy to live by
Prince Nutmeg: the hitting people with a stick
alteredescape: nah, i want everyone to be happy!
alteredescape: LOL
Prince Nutmeg: not the small stuff thing
Prince Nutmeg: I learned it from teddy roosevelt
alteredescape: well, a bat works too
alteredescape: LOL WHAT?
Prince Nutmeg: speak softly and carry a big stick
Prince Nutmeg: what else was the stick for
Prince Nutmeg: political enemies
Prince Nutmeg: or political enemas
Prince Nutmeg: they all mean the same thing

:/: 5 wounded | walk with me :\:

anyone know how to get the smell of crotch out of the toilette? [17 Dec 2001|06:03pm]
okay, EVERYTIME my mom uses the bathroom she makes the toilette smell like crotch. sometimes she makes the whole bathroom smell like crotch. like, what the fuck? how can one persons crotch smell that horrid and strong? and it doesn't go away after a few hours... oh no! last week after she left the smell still lingered for another week! and because of that i almost thought it was me... but no, because now that im back and have used the bathroom before and after her i realize i need to deorderize her crotch... anyone got any tactics? i was thinking while she was sleeping, but that might look bad if she wakes up. meanwhile i poured herbal essences into the toilette in hopes of somewhat mellowing out the smell, but NOTHING BEATS CROTCH! except maybe ass... but that's ANOTHER post entirely....

:/: 2 wounded | walk with me :\:

[13 Dec 2001|12:50pm]

:/: walk with me :\:

random [11 Dec 2001|05:19pm]
do i have nothing better to do and im sitting here reflecting.
reading satnili58's profile. dude, i miss him. i guess we all sorta miss the old parts of us though, huh? lol, no matter how bad things get there's always some qaulity i wish i carried forth. even though the nj days sucked ass. and even though right now things are so hot either... but things are bond to change soon because they must... hmmm... i really have nothing to say. again i think about deleting this... but then there are people on my list i haven't even talked to yet~~! dude.

:/: 12 wounded | walk with me :\:

she drags you down and she pulls you up [11 Dec 2001|04:17am]
days wasted on a ship that will never sail.....

fuck expressing myself. i just flat out hate myself right now for chasing after something thats never going to amount to shit, and i don't understand how the other end gets away with it either...

here's an idea... one fake journal and one real??? oooo god, not the two journals idea again... aren't they both fake anyways?

anyhow, i'm not really as distraut (sp?) as i sound to be... it's just that one thing..... it's like god's way of saying "eat shit... eat shit and die!"

[see, this is what new jersey does to you]

:/: 3 wounded | walk with me :\:

someone's gonna die, AND IT'S NOT GOING TO BE ME! [10 Dec 2001|01:01am]
hm........ WHY I AM I UP AT 1 am? Well, i took some fucking actifed that totally knocked me out at 10 so it can't be the insomnia..... I SMELL AND ASSHOLE!!!!! no... seriously, I do. my brother never bathes, all he does is smoke and drink coffee, and his goddamn perculator makes an aroma that travels ALL through the house... so if you can't sleep when you drink coffee, what are the chances you can sleep when you smell coffee [let me remind you taste is 80% smell]. HMMMM.... NOT VERY GOOD.

i swear, because of his smoking i will die when I'm 25... and he'll live to a very old age because he's got a filter working for him...

*perks up* wait a minute.... IS HE SMOKING A FUCKING CIGARETTE?! let me ALSO remind you to add an hour to the time this is set... I'm in the east coast but my computer is set by central time zones. bitch gonnna die. I swear to god, he better not going to sleep tonight. and the sad thing is this is the NICE one... oh god... you don't want to meet the asshole. i swear, if the school board doesn't let me graduate a year earlier..... they're next on the fucking shitlist.....

hm, jared just imed me and said i reminded him of his christian crush. this night kinda sucks, ya know?

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