
Calendar 2001-2

Staff Voice Mail

MUHS Schedules for 2001

MUHS Baseball Link

Scholarship Post(1-11-02)

. Building trades.

Class of "1982" Reunion Link HERE

Basic information about Mingus


This rollover photo taken by Aaron Johnson-

Mingus Governing Board

Winter Sports Schedules

E-mails for staff and school board.


Art Gallery by students




Welcome to Mingus Union High School

Home of the Marauders

MUHS 1801 East Fir Street, Cottonwood 86326 Ph. 928-634-7531 FAX 928-639-4236

NEW! Site Map--If you can not find a link, check the Site Map page.

NEW! Academics Index-: Includes-List of Accelerated Reader tests-

Directions to MUHS











Technology news from MUHS--- Mingus will soon have a technology committee formed from interested staff members. Dr. McCraley recently polled the staff to see who was interested and approximately a dozen people responded.

Applying for a grant with the state facilities board is being discussed. The grant is for establishing a Cisco Router Academy on the campus of Mingus and working in conjunction with Yavapai College who has recently become a Cisco Academy Regional training center.

Articulation between Sedona Red Rock High School, Camp Verde High School, The Sedona Center for the Arts and Technology (part of Yavapai College) and V'ACTE ( the newly formed Verde Valley Vocational and Technological high school district) will occur this coming week in Sedona. Teachers and administrators from each of the institutions will participate.

The State Department of Education is preparing an "ASP" (Application Service Provider) to be implemented in the Fall of 2002, if funding for this program is not cut due to recent revenue shortfalls in State tax revenues. (Joe Spangler)