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Tuesday, February 19th, 2002

Time:7:05 pm.
you are smrt.

Take the web's most accurate personality test now!
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Time:5:21 pm.
cool fire
If you're cool fire, this means you probably:
* are extremely boy/girl crazy <--yes both
* love a challenge and the thrill of the chase <--i thought everyone did
* can be very flirtatious <--can and am
* are pretty confident most of the time * can be nasty if you don't get your way <--MMMHmmmmmm
* have a serious jones for some lip-service <--::lix lix lix
* have no problem letting people know how you feel about them <--yup
* believe that humour and love should go hand in hand <--they should and WILL in my life

Lively and dramatic, you have an incredible lust for life. You always stand out from the crowd and whatever you do, you do it in style. You spend loads of time, effort and money on looking your best - and it works 'cause you're always getting noticed, you lucky things. <--well if i had the money i would...i don't really spend time and effort looking my best, i just always end up that way.(yes that sounded cocky but i really don't spend that much time on myself)

in love: You're at your happiest when you're forming romantic attachments, you slushy little thing. When you see someone you want, you ignore all protests and persist until they're yours. You're certainly not one to take "no" for an answer. Once you've caught someone who can give you the admiration you crave, you're faithful and steadfast. <--true true and true

watch out: Because you love being in love so much, you have a tendancy to make more than your share of romantic mistakes. Despite your strength of character, your sense of judgement goes right out the window when it comes to matters of the heart. Which is no good, because then you'll also end up with more than your share of heartache, as well. <--yup..i'm always saying goodbye to judgement

advice: Remember that looks aren't everything. Spend a bit of time on your spiritual side to be truely gorgeous inside and out. <--i don't need this advice..i don't agree with this part

cool fire aries: You're the most impatient of the cool fire types, but you realise that the best things - and the best people - are worth waiting for.

cool fire leo: You're the most flamboyant cool fire type and your outgoing nature means that you're never short of interesting company. <<<<-----this is me LEO represent baby baby

cool fire sagittarius: You're all about confidence and although you're not that interested about getting involved in a big romance, you'll never say no to a bit of flirting.

perfect match: cool earth and cool fire
brief encounter: hot fire
don't hold your breath: cool water
unrequited: hot water
flirt: cool air
stay friends: hot earth
waste of time: hot air

uh huh..okay..what's up..shut up
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Time:10:56 am.
I'm cool!
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Time:10:42 am.
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Monday, February 18th, 2002

Subject:in your mofo face
Time:1:17 pm.
do you have a negative opinion about jersey..well read this and think again
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Time:1:01 pm.
my nipple is sore today
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Time:1:05 am.
my mom made a bunt cake last night..and when she was taking it out of the pan it started to fall apart a little so she decided to change it into a crumble cake..and melted choc. buttercream icing over the top of it and served it...hahahaha

i love my momma
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Sunday, February 17th, 2002

Time:1:30 am.
i just retook the colorgenics thing..this is on fucking point...although i'd like to deny it...

You feel as if you have missed out in a great deal that life had to offer .. and you go about trying to make up for past failures ..Naturally at times you get depressed ... and you try to compensate for your "missed opportunities" by living your life to the full ... This is what, perhaps, may be described as "living with exaggerated intensity". In this way you feel you can break the chains of the past and start again ..and it could be that you are right .

Everything seems to be going against you at this time .. Try as you may - you are meeting with considerable resistance at every turn. Nothing is going as you would plan. The situation is difficult and you are trying to persist in your objectives against resistance. It would appear that you are being very secretive about your future plans just in case people around you try to thwart you.

You feel very lonely and frustrated at this time .. but your shyness and modesty precludes you from establishing any deep form of relationship. You feel rather isolated and alone. You are egocentric. You believe that you are always right ... well maybe you are ... but you have a short fuse and are likely to take offence for the slightest reason.

You pretend that you are a carefree individual and that nothing really bothers you .. that you are so self-sufficient that whatever problems beset you - they simply flow off you as water flows of a ducks back... You are experiencing considerable stress, trying to conceal yourself from the rest of the world. In actual fact - deep down, you are not at all happy. You feel lonely and you need someone with whom you can "Let your hair down" and share your hopes, dreams and high standards... You are imposing unnecessary self restraint on yourself. You would like to demonstrate the unique quality of your character to all and sundry.

Whatever you have tried to do seems to have gone wrong and you are now quite convinced that there is little point of formulating new objectives and it is this belief that has resulted in the stress and anxiety. You would like to be able to communicate with other people who think as you do. At this time there seems to be no-one on the horizon nor is there any prospect of meeting anyone in the immediate future. But it must be said that you are really a "trier" and indications are that you will .... as indeed you have in the past "bounce back".
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Saturday, February 16th, 2002

Subject:hahah..this is fucking great (stolen from psychoboy)
Time:9:43 pm.
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Time:9:32 pm.

i just hate

i mean really really hate

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Friday, February 15th, 2002

Time:1:30 pm.
just a question for a guy friend of mine

if you have sex with a girl for the first time and you don't know much about her..then the next mornying she tells you that she had talked to you online before...when she tells you her sn you remember talking to her, never seeing any pictures of her but you know you eventually blocked her.

is that a stalker??

Poll #19581: stalker??
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

is this woman a stalker or not?

View Answers

12 (27.3%) 12 (27.3%)

1 (2.3%) 1 (2.3%)

possibly but not necessarily
26 (59.1%) 26 (59.1%)

this is too stupid to even answer
5 (11.4%) 5 (11.4%)

Comments: Read 7 or Add Your Own.

Subject:happy day after that sucky day we call valentine's day
Time:2:04 am.
Mood: amused.
skillz13 gave me this in addition to a wonderful dinner and even better company..thank you scott.

to see more...
Comments: Read 16 or Add Your Own.

Thursday, February 14th, 2002

Subject:best e-mail ever..from my friend ryan..i tried to take out the personal stuff he wrote to me
Time:12:23 am.
::did you know i know alot about cars? i can look at a car's headlights, and tell you, exactly which way it's coming from..if you had a friend that was a tightrope walker and you were walking down the sidewalk with them and they fell...i think that would be completely unacceptable...i don't own a watch cause i want my arms to weigh the when someone asks me what time it is, i just have to tell them something that's happening and hoping that will help...what time is it?...uh, that guy's eating a friend said i think the weather is trippy...and i said no man, it's not the weather that's trippy, perhaps it isn't the weather itself that is trippy, but the way we perceive it, that is indeed trippy...then i thought to myself, damn, i should've just said, yeah...carrots got you drunk, rabbits would be fucked up!...i opened up a yogurt and underneath the lid it said, please try again...because they were having a contest i was unaware of...but i thought i might have opened the yogurt wrong...or maybe yoplait was trying to inspire me...come on man, don't give up, please try again...a message of inspiration from your friends at yoplait...fruit on the bottom, hope on top...the thing that's depressing about tennis is no matter how good i get, i will never be as good as the wall...i played the wall once, they are fucking relentless!! a severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer...i like an escalator cause an escalator can never break, it can only become would never see a escalator temporarily out of order sign...says escalator temporarily stairs...sorry for the convinience...we apologize for the fact that you can still get up there...i used to do drugs...i still do...but i used to too...i used to have really long hair and people always thought i was high...cause people associate long hair with drug use...i wish long hair was associated with something other than drug an extreme longing for cake...and then strangers would see a long hair guy and say, that fucker likes cake...he is on bunt cake...mothers sayin' to their daughters, don't bring the cake eater over here anymore...he smell like flour...did you see how excited he got when he found out that your birthday was fast approaching? friend said to me, you know what i like, mashed potatoes...i was like dude, you gotta give me time to guess...if your gonna quiz me, you gotta insert a pause...i wake up in the morning and make myself a bowl of instant oatmeal, then i don't do shit for an hour...makes me wonder why i need the instant oatmeal...i could get the regular oatmeal and feel productive...i especially hate's like being strangled by a really weak guy...all fucking day...if you wear a turtleneck and a backpack, it's like a weak midget trying to take you ever go to a restaurant on the weekends so they have a waiting list and they start calling out, dufrain, party of two...table ready for dufrain, party of two...and if no one answers, they'll say the name again...dufrain, party of two...but then if nobody answers they'll just go right on to the next name...bush, party of two...yeah, but what happened to the dufrains? nobody seems to give a shit...who can eat at a time like this? people are fuckers...are selfish...the dufrains are in someone's trunk right now, with duct tape over their mouth and their hungry...that's a double whammy...we need help...bush, search party of can eat once you find the dufrains...
Comments: Read 9 or Add Your Own.

Wednesday, February 13th, 2002

Subject:stolen from fakingnut
Time:3:07 pm.
Comments: Read 6 or Add Your Own.

Tuesday, February 12th, 2002

Time:10:13 pm.

it kicks me off randomly and tells me i'm signing on again too soon...i'll be on like over night and it doesn't kick me off..i'm on for 10 min and i get kicked.WTF i hate this
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Time:12:57 pm.
i just was putting on my tims and i heard my knee pop/ hurts now
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Time:11:29 am.
like i'm talking about had my coat on and bookbag on my back walking out the fucking door
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Time:11:24 am.
very interesting that i just got up and got ready for my 11:30 class...and just on a whim i checked my little index card i have in my purse with my schedule cause this class is different places and different times on the two days i have class isn't until 1:10 today UGHHHHHHHHHHH
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Subject:note to self
Time:10:56 am.
get antifreeze today
call bank
cry cause you're so poor
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Monday, February 11th, 2002

Time:10:41 pm.
ohhh so hungry ohhh ohhh so hungry
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Time:9:52 pm.
monday's a long fucking day for me..

74% addicted to Instant Messenger. How about you?
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Time:2:20 pm.
yes please
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Sunday, February 10th, 2002

Time:10:18 pm.
can someone please make me some chicken dumpling soup

and please read and summarize reagan's amercia

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Friday, February 8th, 2002

Time:5:14 pm.

me and mmmayhem
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Time:4:43 pm.
Mood:fghfdjdfjghn tddchbrfdb6ughvhf.
Music:opie and anthony.
i got my car bacccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkk finalllllyyy my papa dukes gave me my car back last night and i am soo soo happy..

also i found out that site and i've emailed the admins ...

umm..let's seeeeee i went to the mall today and went shopping, well sort of, i pretending iwas shopping, i tried on clothes, even waited in one line to pay but everytime i decided i needed to save my money and i shouldn't be spending it on new jeans or shoes or purty shirts or candy or makeup or panties or or or any of the other cool things i fell in love with today.... man people must have thought i was a lunatic..

but i got ot pimp around in the nice gorgeous weather in my wonderful firebird..w00tw00t

i'm going to go shower cause i is diiiirrrtttyyy...yes i'm giddy and i'm horny..ksajflfdsajlsdjfl;kawtjoijdlkadnv lkdfsldf

oh yeah if anyone knows of anyway i can make some money with my website, ie banner programs, pay per click and such, can you please let me know...kthanx..
Comments: Read 14 or Add Your Own.

Time:11:56 am.
does anyone know of a rating site that is connections something people connections..or something to the affect of that...and they have something like booty of the's kind of small and jacked up

someone is stealing my pics on there, but the person who told me can't remember the site name..HELP
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Wednesday, February 6th, 2002

Subject:is this good for my site?
Time:9:52 pm.
the counter's only been up since january 27th.

Total 1,459
Average per Day 133
Today 143

those are only unique hits....and it's also ignoring any hits from my computer...
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Subject:i'm getting frustrated just thinking about this
Time:9:45 pm.
Mood: frustrated.
if you know me in real life...and you read this journal or check my website...and then think it's cute that you talk about it behind my back (not necessarily bad talking) GET A FUCKING CLUE!!!!! it's not cute, it's not's not even that big of a fucking you see a little part into my life, you get to see my feelings and frustrations..woopty fucking do. to sit there and look for my site and just be so fucking concerned about me is STUPID..get a life really i mean i'm honored to have you all worried so fucking much about me and what's going on in my life but why dont you fucking worry about yourself and wonder why what i do is so fucking important to you...and when you figure it out let me know cause i can't figure it out..
Comments: Read 29 or Add Your Own.

Time:8:31 pm.
You are 42% Pure!
(Very interesting.)

Here's how the REST of the world breaks down, compared to you:

people less pure than you (12%)
people like you (1%)
people more pure than you (87%)

i decided to retake this one..i don't remember what i had before (
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Subject:hehheeh...made my evening
Time:12:50 am.
PurEcstasy (12:40:41 AM): i'm so tired
PurEcstasy (12:40:44 AM): i had such a long day
a X e e o n (12:40:48 AM): then go to bed
PurEcstasy (12:41:03 AM): i can't i'm like mentally exhausted but i just can't sleep
a X e e o n (12:41:21 AM): then put that dildo to use
PurEcstasy (12:41:26 AM): i don't have a dildo
a X e e o n (12:41:35 AM): liar, you have 6
PurEcstasy (12:41:40 AM): nu uh i wish
a X e e o n (12:46:46 AM): *farts*
PurEcstasy (12:46:55 AM): ewwwwwwwww
a X e e o n (12:47:03 AM): :-)
PurEcstasy (12:47:05 AM): <--runs out of room screaming
a X e e o n (12:47:22 AM): *tackles you and farts in your face* muuuahaha
PurEcstasy (12:47:38 AM): <--dies
PurEcstasy (12:47:41 AM): immediately
a X e e o n (12:47:52 AM): <-- CHAMPION
PurEcstasy (12:48:02 AM): <--let's all her bowels loose as she dies..diarhrea cha cha cha
PurEcstasy (12:48:25 AM): <--champion
a X e e o n (12:48:27 AM): *sticks head under your butt* MMmmmmmm *swallows*
PurEcstasy (12:48:53 AM): gol
a X e e o n (12:49:00 AM): back to doing my hw
PurEcstasy (12:49:06 AM): peace out yo
a X e e o n (12:49:09 AM): *pinches your booty* goodnight :-)
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Time:12:34 am.
steve (10:29:04 PM): hope all is good with you

Auto response from PurEcstasy (10:29:04 PM): working till 11..bleh
Comments: Read 8 or Add Your Own.

Tuesday, February 5th, 2002

Time:8:01 pm.
i told one of the other managers that i'd cover her shift tonight, well most of her shift and i completely forgot so i just got home at 7 and i have to go back from 8-11 to work for her alkjdsaflk;asjdf;lksajflksajf ;lksajfd kdcjvn;ksatdh g;oidshfjkadshglsadf fuck fuck fuck i thought i was going ot have a nice relaxing night at home and i have to wake up at like7:30 for this leadership shit tomorrow aand i had to do the same thing this morning for court and i'm TIREEEEEDDDDDD

help me
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Subject:so umm yeah
Time:12:45 pm.
i went to court today for that speeding ticket way back when. and so i was able to get it amended to a 2 point speeding ticket (as oppose to the 4 point one i had) BUTTttt..since i'm poor i couldn't afford to pay the fine and in this court they want you to pay it in full so the prosecuter told me we could adjorn it and then when i get the rescheduled date i'll be able to pay it all then and i'm relieved that i know i can get it down two points and i know what the fine is going to be. i haven't gotten paid in over 6 weeks cause of winter break and then we get paid every two weeks, so this thurs i get paid but i already have 80% of that check gone in the post dated checks i've written...**sigh** such is life..
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Time:12:28 pm.
Mood: relieved.

MM-Egg Adoption Certificate

Name: JEM

Age: 1 days

Height: 20 cm

Weight: 1 lbs

Adopted On: 2.5.02

Adopted By: PurEcstasy

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Monday, February 4th, 2002

Time:5:16 pm.
Comments: Read 3 or Add Your Own.

Subject:this is interesting...
Time:1:50 pm.
just a very interesting concept i think...any comments?
Comments: Read 15 or Add Your Own.

Friday, February 1st, 2002

Subject:go now vote or i'll kill you
Time:4:00 am. <--vote for sinnah she's a good friend of mine

no really i'll kill you..that chick cassie is beating her and cassie is BOOTIE..sinnah is so dreamy and sensual and exotic and gorgeous and just you have to vote for her NOWWWWWWWW please kthanx
Comments: Read 15 or Add Your Own.

Thursday, January 31st, 2002

Subject:i think i just died
Time:12:30 am.
i can't find anything to do online that amuses me
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Subject:WEEEEEEEEee you're my dream're everyone's dream guy :(
Time:12:11 am.

You Dream guy Is Steven aka thetinman ;p

Hehe ;p Aint I Funny?! *Mwah*

Who Is your Dream Guy? ;p? by mrjacob
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Wednesday, January 30th, 2002

Subject:i got my period today
Time:12:08 am.
Mood: drained.

okay so yeah classes are alright..mostly boring and annoying but whatever

works not too too bad,i have pretty decent hours so i'm satisfied with that.

i keep yawning i can't stop, but i'm waiting for someone to call me so i don't want to fall asleep but i think that even if i went to try i wouldn't be able to fall asleep so yeah

i have a problem, everytime i read or hear something about 9.11 i start to tear up. not just like the logistics of it, but when i hear something about the family's, or the heros, or the children, real life stuff i just get really emotional. or even when i hear a real american pride song and it makes me think about that stuff mentioned above, i get really shaken. i don't know but it really bothers me.

i miss my mommy, we sorted out some money things last night and talked about my dad and shit so things are looking up..not too far up, but at least they're not looking down anymore.

i have to go to court next tuesday..GRRRRRrrr i'm so angry, i don't want to go i just want to erase this out of my past. stupid speeding ticket and it's 4 points so that's the only reason i'm pleading not guilty, and my mommy can't come cause she has a field trip to go on with her class, she would come if i needed her to but i really don't i was just looking forward to seeing her. so yeah whatever, i know i'm going to be hating that day, then i have class and work the rest of the day. and i'm just hoping court gets out in time for that.

i have a nice pimple/blemish going on right by the corner of my mouth, it just looks gross and disgusting and i have a few other blemishes on my chin in that area and it's DRIVING ME CRAZY, i have more blemishes now then i've ever had in my whole life combined..dead serious....that just goes to show how stressed i've fucking been. (my mom told me to stop calling thme pimples cause they aren't, they're just blemishes)

i'm hungry i've been craving soup and oatmeal wierd is that

oh yeah i'm LOVING this weather, except when it stops..then i hate it cause it's a big fucking tease...i can't wait for the spring time

i miss california
i miss steve
i miss my mom
i miss being a kid
i miss freshman year of high school
i miss writing on the back of pictures
i miss yearbook superlatives
i miss my family
i miss my family alot
i miss my family when we were younger alot
i miss old times with shane
Comments: Read 8 or Add Your Own.

Tuesday, January 29th, 2002

Subject:taken from iheartguys who took it from someone else
Time:11:39 pm.
"a friend is someone who'll bail u outta jail. a best friend is the person standing next to u in the cell who says "damn that was fun. do it again?""

just thought it was cute
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Time:11:36 pm.
stolen from someone on my friends list who stole it from someone on theirs

(fyi, i was one of the 75%)
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Time:3:02 am.
i hate bewbies are so fucking sore...and just to stop the comments now, no i don't want you to rub them kthanx

i just feel like bitching about them..good night
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Time:12:05 am.
wander off
remove myself
occupy time
time wasted
what to do
where to go
how to do it
anything but now
annoying kick them
shut up
leave me be.
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Saturday, January 26th, 2002

Time:11:18 am.
what the fuck is up with aim?

is it just mine?
Comments: Read 11 or Add Your Own.

Friday, January 25th, 2002

Time:11:53 am.
10 minutes **sigh** i've given up
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Time:11:10 am.
i'm about to cry..i was supposed to get an e-mail by noon today to say whether i was getting special permission into comm 101..the corer class i need for comm major and i haven't gotten it yet which pretty much means i'm not going to and now i dont know what i'm going to do. i need to pick up another class and they're all closed and and and it sucks
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Time:12:28 am.
okay i've updated some of my website..i added two more links and i added uber more picture gallerys..that's all for now..buh bye
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Thursday, January 24th, 2002

Time:11:08 pm.
amber how come your website isn't working..i'm trying to link you and i keep getting a page cannot be displayed os i don't know if it's down or what..holla

also anyone else that wants to trade links please let me know here..

audrey you're already added :-D
Comments: Read 8 or Add Your Own.

Time:3:55 pm.
i'm going to take some cough medicine, and go get some wings and come back here and sit on my computer and be one with myself for the rest of the night...

i've had a wierd week, not necessarily bad just chocked full..i'm planning on posting later..BEWARE..hehe

oh yeah btw...

The firewall has blocked Internet access to your computer (ICMP Time Exceeded) from

Occurred: 6 times between 1/24/2002 12:43:14 PM and 1/24/2002 12:43:32 PM

go away kthanx bye
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