8 things you realize about yourself-
*that i talk too much.
*that i've grown up immensely in the past 6 months.
*that i am absolutely ridiculous with money.
*i am not the tidiest person ever.
*i drive way too fast.
*i am a shitty friend sometimes.
*there is much about me that i have changed over the last 6 months or so but there is still a lot more to go.
*i have a major malfunction in the head when it comes to my choice in men :)
7 things you'll find when you walk into your room-
*my bed
*my say anything poster
*lots of plurry colors
*lots and lots of pictures
*probably a lot of clothes on the floor
*my radio
6 of your favorite material things-
*my bed
*my cd's
*my favorite jeans
*my new bathing suit =x
*my green towel
*my hoodies
5 things you hate-
*the fact that my mother is the most close minded person i know.
*money. it's evil.
*having no air conditioner in my car.
*not being happy with how i look.
*socks with sandals. hahaha!
4 people that have affected your life-
*my sister because she has helped me be who i am today.
*my civics teacher in high school. she was the first teacher who ever challenged me in school and made me want to do better. she was the first teacher who made me stand up for what i believed in, even though she didn't believe it herself.
*brian popejoy. his smile forever warmed my heart and his death helped me see that life is too short to not have fun but too special to have too much fun.
*all of my friends have affected my life in their own ways. even simple phone calls at unexpected times have the power to completely change my day..so..yeah.
3 things that you want-
*a new car
*a new cell phone
3 people you couldn't live without-
*my sister
*any of my friends
*dave matthews
1 thing you need in your life-
Describe your saddest moment.
i have had a lot of really sad moments in my life. most of them have to do with death. i was pretty torn apart in July of 99 when my friend Bobby died from a heroine overdose. his funeral was awful. and then again in july of 2000 when brian died. it was hard to watch two beautiful people like that leave my life.
another sad moment was just a personal thing that happened between a friend and i. one of those nights when everything gets laid out on the table and there are no boundaries. i was very hurt..but i learned a lot from it, so it's okay.
Describe your happiest moment.
well it's hard to even think about choosing one when there are so many...caffeine 2000 was a pretty special night for me. seeing rent with michelle...airport 2...so many special times. in high school i won an award at a theater arts festival that was totally unexpected..so that was awesome. i derno.
last night was absolutely positively the weirdest night of my life. i saw a lot of people that it was really good to see and some that i could have cared less to see. but all in all, i actually had a lot of fun.
i accomplished my goal..which is why i was all grins last night. it was nice to hang out with mike..i showed him what starseeds is all about and that was good.
my stomach feels like i have a lot of stale beer in it and i kinda feel like barfing..but that's okay.
tonight i am going to SAYtown with bina and then we are going to the warped tour tommorrow. holy fucking shitloops i am excited.
that is all.
i have so much to say and no energy to say it.
idaho was fun and it was wonderful to see my family. i wish they didn't live so far away, but i'm very glad i live where i do. there's so much drama in my family there and it's nice that my sister and i have started our own lives away from all that. i know it hurts my mom to see us go..but she should make an effort to come see us..it's much easier for her to come here, than for us to go there. but whatever. her priorities are where she wants them to be and if she's happy with that..then i guess i am too. i just miss her.
my sister and i had a lot of really good conversations about why we are who we are and why our mom is who she is and how it's made us into the people we are.
anyway...i am glad to be home to my friends and my bed and the people who love me. yay.
i am home. and i am very excited about this. yay.
going to a strange party tonight and it will be weird.
and that is all for now.
(look forward to a looooooooooooong entry tommorrow :D)
things that are good:
baked doritos
the thought of being "home" in less than 24 hours.
the thought of seeing michelle in a little over a week.
the thought of seeing all my other friends tommorrow.
things that aren't good:
eating too many baked doritos.
going back to work. YUCK!
missing my mom and family when i leave.
must go.
*love you all*
i went to the mall today with my sister and madre. i couldn't find anything i liked. oh well..i'm po anyway. tonight is the family bbq with my whole familia. there will be over 30 of us at my parents house. man. tommorrow is lake day again..but this time my neice and nephew will be in tow. it should be fun. i hope i don't get lobsterfied again.
my sister and i have taken the roles we always used to have before when our mom is around. she's mean and i'm the little baby. it's quite strange. she notices it too, so that's good.
holy crap i miss my friends and my bed like so much.
1 more day..and i'll be home on friday. yay.
i hope i don't get lobsterfied again at the lake tommorrow.
i miss you all! <3
spent all day on the lake and i do mean ALL DAY. we were out at 9:30 and it's 6 pm now..i'm so fried.
gotta go.
i miss all of you :(
oh and to make everything so much nicer for me this lovely vacation..mother nature has decided it's time for me to have a period again. gee thanks..i don't get one for 3 months and then of course, i get it the first day of my flipping vacation.
my back hurts and i know i'm definitely not going to be all about the lake this week. oy vey.
i'm in idaho and the weather is nice. my mom looks good, she's lost a lot of weight and my stepdad of course looks the same. my sister and i are exhausted because we got up at 4am and packed. our flight wasn't too bad. my nephew brandon came to pick us up at the airport with my mom. he's 12 and only 2 inches shorter than me. we went to have lunch and then to drop him off and visit with his brother and sisters for a bit.
shannon, the oldest, is 14 and 4 inches taller than me. she still has a lot of growing to do and has gotten to be so beautiful. she's totally changed over the last year...it's so weird because i've been there since she was born and now she's so big..
amanda is 6 and sweet as ever. a bit clingy because she's in the middle and doesn't get much attention.
aaron is 4 and shy but so sweet. a little tiny for his age but he'll grow.
megan is 3 and is a totall ball of fire. she gets what she wants pretty much and she doesn't let anything get past her. she's too cute.
it's good to see them all, but i am already homesick. i feel a little uneasy about being away from work and my friends and the house. i'm sure everyone will manage, but i just can't help but feel weird.
anyway. i have to go. love everyone!
sooo fucking tired.
and my flight definitely leaves in 6 hours. and i haven't packed one thing. imagine that!
i got drunk tonight at chuys and it was fun.
my throat hurts. i need to pack. and that is all.
you must all email my pager at 5129073072@archwireless.net while i am gone. but only if you love me. that is all.
boys are dumb. i need to sleep. thanks. goodnight.
the day.
fucking crazy. that's what today is. everyone is soooooo rude. i don't know if they are always like this on sundays or what..but oh my god...RUDE RUDE RUDE RUDE! >:O i kee them! i kee them till they die from it!
i'm still so fucking retardly hyper. i wonder where all this retardness comes from. i think i scared holly and miles with my weirdnes..hah..oh well.
hmm. last night was fucking fun. downtown was pretty lame but i had a flippin blast at matt's. i <3 my friends and that is all. and yes..i was definitely sober. *yeah right* drunkface x 12!
tonight..chuys with my sister and then i must pack pack pack pack PACK!
let me just tell you people how much my sister \m/rules\m/.
yesterday i really wanted a pedicure and i just couldn't make myself go because i am too po. soo...i went home and my sister called and she was like...let's go get a pedicure! i made us an appointment...so i was like..oookay. so we went and then she paid for me to get my nails and toes done and my eyebrows waxed.
holy crap. i think somebody has been putting speed in my birth control or my multivitamin or something. i feel like i could run around the mall 5 times right now. yeah...okay..hmmm...
*note to self* must get birth control before this evening...must! MUST! MUST!
hmm. i dunno why i wrote that line there.
oh i'm tired. i want to sleeep. but i am at work.
christy is here. yay! we went to a party at jeremy's, which was cool cause i got to see some people i haven't seen in foeva. we left shortly after arrival though because they ran out of beer and stuff and it kinda got boring. i wan't drinking anything last night but water and a ton of people were like whoaaaaaaaaaaa lori isn't drinking..it was funny.
we went to whataburger and i ate a lot of food. it was good. and then we went to see drewbert and that was fun. got home and crashed before 2, which was good, because that was the plan!
this morning i woke up and made breakfast (egg whites with an english muffin) and then i slept a lil more. blah. i'm tired and it's beautiful outside and i would just really like to not be here! but oh well..my vacation will be rad and tommorrow at work won't be so bad. sundays are cheel.
okay i have another cold sore on my top lip and it needs to go away! >:O owwwwwwww!
ben kweller
july 17th
same day as OLP, just earlier.
CALL ME. i'm dyslexic and can't remember your phone number.
No one hurt my fragile little mind right now
Its tangled up, and don't you know
The pussycat in me is curling up right now
But I'll bloom from the inside out
But right now
There's dust on my guitar you fuck
And its all your fault
You paralysed my mind and for that
You suck
Freedom's on my list today and I am feeling pissed
But my timeless thoughts and ageless mind won't let you get away
And your guilty little conscience won't either
But right now
There's dust on my guitar you fuck
And its all your fault
You paralysed my mind and for that
You suck
We all take risks we all fall hard
But you you went too far
And I'm too plush for your pathetic digs
And you're the only one you'll scar
But right now
There's dust on my guitar you fuck
And its all your fault
You paralysed my mind and for that
You suck
And for that you suck
-The Murmurs.
Robin i <3 you for showing me this song.
this my new theme song. yay.
jingle bells
jingle bells
jingle all the way
oh what fun it is to ride
a one horse open sleigh...
don't ask! i am so hyper and so tired all at once.
had another personal training session today. we did my measurements today, which was scary..however..i've done much better than i thought. i am not losing much weight, like at all, because i'm gaining a lot of muscle, which is good and scary at the same time..i don't want to be a little buff jergensen!! so will and i worked that out....i like my trainer more and more everyday..he's funny. yay. but yeah..even though i'm not losing much weight, i am losing inches, which is muy bueno. i do feel so much better about my body though, despite the fact that i really don't see that much result..whateva..i saw it today, and that is good.
today, will and i did a circuit training session. ohmygod.ohmygod. my body is confused because it's tired but wired at the same time from the fast pacedness of the whole ordeal...anyway..very fun stuff at the gym today.
still kinna freaking out about the whole 5 year reunion thing. not because i feel old, i just feel unaccomplished. but then i think about all the things i've learned over the last 5 years, despite the lack of schooling and things are okay. it just makes me laugh that i was so planning on going like 5 years ago..i mean i was dead set on that shit..and now i would rather die. lol. oh the irony...it sounds super lame though..it's at some lame club on the pier in newport and i bet nobody will be there...so fuggit. but have no fear, i will SO be at the 10 year ;) *shakes ass*
anyway..bed time for bonzos! night night fuckfaces :)
oh my god. i think i might go cry now.
i just got an email about my 5 year fucking reunion.
*hides under rock and cries*
1. What's your name: Lori Anne, Plori
2. What do you wish your name was, instead: truthfully, i'm pretty content with my name :)
3. How are you: pretty fucking happy!
4. Would you ever eat sushi?: i never have, but i've been wanting it for some reason..my seestar and i are going on sunday i believe...
5. Would you ever eat sushi off a naked body?: probably. if i like it.
6. Have you considered homosexuality?: i've kissed a few girls ;)
7. What's your sexual preference?: i like penis, thanks.
8. What were you in a past life?:9. I punch you. Quick, what do you do?: kick you in the nuts
10. When confronted with Britney Spears, you...?: quickly become her best friend and make her let me go to personal training sessions with her and then become a backup dancer for her..hahah..dreams are fun :)
11. What's your favorite coffee?: i don't drink coffee unless christy is here, and if she is, then it's a toasted coconut frappacino from starbucks. *GRUB*
12. What's your political perspective?: it's pretty sordid..might take a while. i hate hypocrites though and that's pretty much all politics is about.
13. Are you my Angel?: probably.
14. Do you consider yourself a poet?: hardly.
15. What do you wanna be when you grow up?: happy.
16. There's a naked man in your living room. What do you do?: run. ;) hey nah..i'm trying to be good, remember?
17. How stupid do you think you are?: depends on the time and place. i'm smart for the little amount of college i've been to, probably because i read a lot. i'm smart when it comes to certain things...smart about work and work ethic and that sort of thing. but when it comes to men and money and math..hah..i'm not so smart.
18. How stupid do other people think you are?: i know most of my close friends think i'm pretty stupid when it comes to boys.
19. Who the hell do you think you are?: plori.
it's taken me years to figure it out...if you're my friend, you'll understand :)
20. Is the Wonderbra good or bad?: \m/cone bra\m/ nuff said :)
21. What's your favorite fruit?: pineapples
22. Can you feel the love tonight?: i guess we'll see about that tonight. as for this morning..yes, very much so.
23. On a nude beach, you would...?: get naked? probably.
24. Make up a story with yourself, a bridge, and a rabbit:i don't have time. sorry :)
25. What do you think about contemporary art?: it's purty.
26. Do you like being naked?: yes, i love it.
27. If we had proof god didn't exist, what would happen?: i wouldn't be here.
28. Do you enjoy cheeze whiz?: *vomit*
29. What's your position on virginity?: sticky subject.
30. On civil unions: i think that everyone should have equal rights..even if it does mean same sex marriages.
31. On RuPaul: umm..i don't care?
32. On mosquito bites: hate em. i have a bunch right now.
33. On bad sitcoms: don't care.
34. On Fran Drescher: her voice is annoying, but some might say the same about mine. *shrugs*
35. Are you left handed or right handed?:right handed
36. Are you smart?:pretty sure i already answered this one.
37. What's your middle name?: anne.
38. How many personalities do you have?: depends on what i'm drinking...
39. How many piercing do you have?:just 10 gauges in my ears.
40. What was your first word?: no clue.
41. Are you superstitious?: only when it comes to theater superstitions.
42. Do you read your horoscope?: it comes to my email every morning, so yes..
43.Do you believe in that stuff?: not the day to day stuff..but i am without a doubt a true sagittarius.
44. Can you do a cartwheel?:yep, sure can.
45. Do you have contact lenses?: yep. i'm blind as a bat.
46. Do you have a retainer or braces?: never have.
47. Can you drive?: i think i can, however, many might beg to differ ;)
48. Do you snore?: nope.
49. Do you drool in your sleep?: only when i sleep on the plane.
50. Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?: lick. i'm not a wuss.
51. Do you keep a journal?:nope..what's that?
52. Do you like onions?: only on mc donald's cheeseburgers
53. Do you like cotton candy?: sometimes
54. What instruments can you play?: none :(
55. Do you like to dance?: i love dancing.
56. Do you like to sing?: yes.
57. Are you any good at it?: sure. i don't know???
58. Do you like to talk on the phone?: no. i hate it. but you would never think that if you saw my old cell phone bills.
59. Do you like where you live?: i love it.
60. Are you organized?: not at all.
61. Do you sleep with socks on?: i hate socks..
62. Are you shy?: only when it comes to boys.
63. Do you talk to yourself?: on the rare occasion that i am drinking and driving, yes, i do tell myself how to drive. lol.
64. Are you a morning person?: definitely.
65. Are you a virgin?: nope
66. Are you proud of that?: sure, why not
67. Do you believe in reincarnation?: in some ways, yes. i believe in a lot of things.
68. Do you believe in God?: yes.
69. Do you believe in ghosts?: yes.
70. Do you believe in bigfoot?: no..
71. How old do you wish you were?: sometimes i'd like to be young and do it over again, with the knowlege i have now..but what fun is that? sometimes i wish i could be older and married so i don't have to deal with all the b.s. but really i love being 22. :)
73. Son?: See above.
74. Have you ever thought you were gonna die?: every time i am in car. no seriously though. yes. every time i get in a car. weird. and when i was 6 and in the hospital. very scary.
75. Where do you wanna go?: zaaa beach! i meeeeeeees zaaa beach!
ahhhhhhhh. thursday.
i keep telling myself "only 4 more days and then you're off for 5 days...5 days of family, good food, good weather, the lake and the river"...i hope! it better be a nice vacation.
i'm in a surprisingly good mood this morning. i made a fucking yummy fruit salad last night with fresh strawberries, fresh mango, fresh bananas and fresh grapes. i ate it this morning with a little bit of cottage cheese and an english muffin. yummy! i love fresh fruit..it makes me happy :)
today we have visitors from barton creek so i'm looking all professional and stuff. i guess maybe looking cute has something to do with my good mood as well..who knows...i'm just chipper as can be!
i have lots to do today and the next few days until i leave for vacation...gosh i can't wait...i hope it's fun. it will be nice to be with my sister AND my mom. hasn't been like that for years. the 3 of us together are slightly scary...we laugh exactly the same, sound exactly the same and cry EXACTLY the same. i know my mom will want to go see some chick flicks and do girly stuff..it should be fun. i probably won't be spoiled quite as much as i usually would when i go visit, because my sister and i will both be there, so it might be tough to spoil us both...but we shall see. i don't really care. i'm just so excited to see my neices and nephews and my brothers and my mom and my stepdad and the mountains..holy crap, i get to see the mountains!!!!!!!!
okay. this good mood is quite scary.
this morning as i was getting ready, i picked out a cd. i always listen to something when i am getting ready in the morning..usually it's something like Our Lady Peace (speaking of, i bought my ticket for the show yesterday..holy crap, i'm excited!!) or Ben Kweller or some random cd...this morning i listened to Counting Crows "this desert life". It was weird. I haven't listened to that whole cd since like early January..which is weird because it was a constant in my cd player from like November to January..but i guess that's because i was constantly depressed and it's a really tragic cd when you really listen to it. But for some reason this morning, all it did was make me smile....i guess i'm really glad to be past that point in my life. There was a time when every single song on that cd meant too much to me..if that makes sense. i guess i could just say that i was trying to identify too much with his sadness. and now, it kind of makes me happy that i can't identify at all.
Sometimes i miss feeling sad because i feel like i'm more artistic when things aren't going well. i guess that's true for everyone..you just feel things a little more. I miss making profound journal entries and being like..whoa i wrote that...but at the same time, i'd much rather be content with my surroundings and making bullshit entries, than sitting here drowning in my own stupid little sorrows.
okay. where the hell is all of this coming from?
too much fruit for me!!
more personal training tonight..i'm gonna get buff.
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