Rob and Cat's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
Rob and Cat

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[16 Feb 2002|11:10pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Matchbox Twenty - bed of lies ]

It would appear i'm not quite so technologically impaired as i thought, since i managed to do this alright. Perhaps there is hope for me yet. ;-) I figured it was about time i posted something in here.
I am still not completely over this cold of mine though hope to be fully recovered by next week. I have spent the day reading plays by Ibsen and missing my Favorite Person greatly.Though he sounds as if he's enjoying himself quite a bit(despite a hectic start) which is wonderful.Finally started a sketch of our mutual favorite pic of the two of us. The way it's going now i'm not sure i'll ever show it to anyone else. Guess i'll have to wait and see.

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Catherine is STILL sick [09 Feb 2002|04:40am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | INXS- Never Tear Us Apart ]

This is the Rob half posting again.

The Catherine component of the AmnesiaCat is still sick, but has to work tomorrow regardless of that fact. Bugger.

And while I am not sick, I will be spending most of the weekend helping the rest of 6S prepare for Genghis Con, which I will not be attending.

Life goes on.

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Yayness! [07 Feb 2002|04:56pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

Finally got this set up, thanks to a friend willing to give me a code since I had given mine away. This is the shared LiveJournal of Rob and Cat. She didn't want to start her VERY own just yet because she claims to be technology-impaired. So this will be like training wheels.

And I am certain that after a comment like that, she will be giving me crap about me being impaired in the areas of literature and cinema...

Ah, well, that sort of thing IS part of what significant others are for, is it not?

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