(10 crucifixions | torment me)
[10 Jan 2002|06:32pm] |
i went out to new world brewery the other night, and it was very odd being there. for a while, we were there every week. numerous times. it was our living room. we'd walk in and the seats would still be warm for us.
drama ensued, as it usually does, and we stopped frequenting the bar. aside from the other night, i can't remember the last time i was there. hence the surrealness of hanging out there again..wondering how i ever spent so much time there in the first place.
and it made me think about the way that life moves. how everything changes, from the things we do, to the people we spend time with, to the places we go. all little pockets of habit that eventually change.
and it's comforting in a way. when things are difficult, when people are cumbersome, when places are uncomfortable, it's relieving to know that in time this pocket will fade away and you will move on.
by the same token, it's terribly disheartening. when things are easy, when people are perfect, when places are warm and cozy, it's inevitable that this too will pass.
i've been making a habit of reminding myself to stay calm through the chaos, to stay centered through the turmoil, to stay patient through the madness as soon enough it will be behind me.
i tell myself as well, not to keep peeking around the corner for the end of the road when the pavement is smooth and the weather is good. this, is infinitely a more difficult task.