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(torment me)

[04 Mar 2002|10:47am]
tenacious d returns to the house of blues in orlando, fl on tuesday april 2. too bad i won't be able to go.

being a career student can seriously stifle your social life. last week i missed the redwings vs lightning game. and now i'm missing the d. such is life.

in other news...a 5 year hiatus on playing basketball has detrimental effects on your shooting abilities. in case anyone was wondering...

(torment me)

[28 Feb 2002|12:53pm]
i have sega thumb.

i bowled a 163 last night.

i'm nursing a cheap rum and coke hangover.

this is my life.

thank you, drive through.

(torment me)

[22 Feb 2002|02:50pm]
went to orlando last weekend to celebrate my birthday...
had much much fun. stayed at the wyndham again.
felt just as much out of place as the last time
but there were more of us, so there was a comfort factor
besides, it's refreshing to get those
"what are they doing here?"
looks from the rich and snooty.

ate at the hard rock cafe on city walk.
our server was on crack. nice guy
had copious amounts of creamy liquor.
went to margaritaville for further consumption.

attended the toy convention the next day.
all hail the largest garage sale in florida.
scored record of the lotus wars - the entire set -
for only 45 dollars. yay :)

..and tomorrow..
..yes tomorrow..
is the megacon!
i can barely wait.

which reminds me,
i started this journal the weekend of the megacon,
last year.
it's been a whole year.
damn i'm getting old.

(6 crucifixions | torment me)

[11 Feb 2002|03:40pm]
my kidneys are still dying. better by the fact that i am not totally dead yet, they have not exploded...yet. but dying nonetheless.

and now, thanks to the lovely antibiotics, i have hives under my arms, on my neck, on my stomach and a few randomly scattered here and there. i also just threw up my lunch.

steak burrito is not *anywhere* near as pleasant the second time around.

someone kill me please.

(6 crucifixions | torment me)

[07 Feb 2002|04:38pm]
my kidneys are rebelling. i think the left one is about to explode. they are not happy organs.

i need beer =/

(8 crucifixions | torment me)

[05 Feb 2002|03:16pm]
i hardly remember where home is...

went to atlanta last weekend (or was it the weekend before?)
it's all starting to blend together...
it was great - despite the roads and their inhabitants.
atlanta is crowded.
the transient population is huge, and intrusive.
but the skyline and the architecture are beautiful.
went to the masquerade.
great drinks. much alcohol.
which made the booty music almost bearable.
stayed at the wyndham harbor - high class.
i felt like an intruder.
visited stone mountain.
shopped at little five points,
mecca for the strange,
i felt much more at home there.
he bought me a coffin backpack.
we ate at the biker bar
- the vortext -
"get sucked in"

(torment me)

[25 Jan 2002|01:28pm]
The Night, she eludes me.
Her mysteries deepen,
as i wipe her wake out of my eyes.

The once vivid image:
putrified demons and cancerous lepers
and the foulest of liquids
all flowing together
to inundate me - dead - in my sleep,
has started to fade now
slips back to the crook in my mind
where i've chosen to keep
the Fear, and the Fear-ed
the Fraught with Dismay,
the Nightmarish visions that demand to display
their choking bright horror,
night after night,
in the one-girl-run matinee show in my mind.

(8 crucifixions | torment me)

[22 Jan 2002|08:12am]
i awoke, abrupt,
from my slumber this morning.
i'd been tossing and turning
and without any warning
it was 7 am and
time to get going.
i climbed from the bed without even knowing
which way was up
where's left and what's right?
i realized then
"i'm still drunk from last night!"

so i sat on the toilet and tried not to worry.
"how can i sober the fuck up in a hurry?!"
there's caffeine and nicotine
and of course a hot shower
but what i wouldn't give
to lay in bed another hour....


in other news: it's the strangest feeling to confront a fear that you've held for so long and're no longer afraid.

(9 crucifixions | torment me)

[17 Jan 2002|04:16pm]
i saw the independents again last night at new world.
i "danced" in the pit.
i drank enough to satiate me for this week and next.
i had "loud" sex.
i woke up sore in the most mysterious places.

what a wonderful night!

(9 crucifixions | torment me)

morning madness [15 Jan 2002|07:54am]
lions and tigers and bears - oh my!
into the konkrete jungle i fly
with sleep in my eyes
and smut in my head
i cannot remember
what the hell i just said...

delirium pulls me
first this way, then that
rips out my brain and it lands with a splat!
it's an ooey and gooey and gorey conjunction
when you're out in the world
with no brain left to function

(torment me)

[11 Jan 2002|06:42pm]
i admire people who move up and down the stairs without looking at them or holding on to the handrail...

(10 crucifixions | torment me)

[10 Jan 2002|06:32pm]
i went out to new world brewery the other night, and it was very odd being there. for a while, we were there every week. numerous times. it was our living room. we'd walk in and the seats would still be warm for us.

drama ensued, as it usually does, and we stopped frequenting the bar. aside from the other night, i can't remember the last time i was there. hence the surrealness of hanging out there again..wondering how i ever spent so much time there in the first place.

and it made me think about the way that life moves. how everything changes, from the things we do, to the people we spend time with, to the places we go. all little pockets of habit that eventually change.

and it's comforting in a way. when things are difficult, when people are cumbersome, when places are uncomfortable, it's relieving to know that in time this pocket will fade away and you will move on.

by the same token, it's terribly disheartening. when things are easy, when people are perfect, when places are warm and cozy, it's inevitable that this too will pass.

i've been making a habit of reminding myself to stay calm through the chaos, to stay centered through the turmoil, to stay patient through the madness as soon enough it will be behind me.

i tell myself as well, not to keep peeking around the corner for the end of the road when the pavement is smooth and the weather is good. this, is infinitely a more difficult task.

(2 crucifixions | torment me)

[07 Jan 2002|12:21pm]
"everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt"

this weekend was lavishly wasteful. a complete exercise in indulgence. i drank much, stayed up late, slept in late, and had coffee made for me in the mornings.

on another note. i loathe slaughterhouse five. this book irks the very innards of my brain. but i feel compelled to finish it as i've put more time into it than should be necessary for such a trifle of a book. to lift my mood, i went out and bought 120 days of sodom by marquis de sade. tasty. nothing quite like a dirty perv with a flair for dramatics and a willing publisher....

(5 crucifixions | torment me)

[04 Jan 2002|05:47pm]
i receive disdainful looks from people when i use the women's bathroom at work and do not wash my hands afterwards.

sorry...but unlike some...i have no problem taking a piss without getting it on my hands. and i flush with my shoe because who knows what you spilled on yourself...

fuck it...i'm a durty girl regardless. take it and like it you schmucks

(8 crucifixions | torment me)

[03 Jan 2002|07:43pm]
there is much to be said for a free home cooked meal consisting of flesh and beer, served by a sexy naked man in his warm and cozy apartment...

(torment me)

[02 Jan 2002|04:15pm]
it scares me sometimes to think that there is almost nothing that we put into our bodies on a daily basis that is completely natural. the water is poisoned, the meat is injected with steroids, the fruits and vegetables are genetically altered or sprayed with pesticides. and we wonder why we're so fucked up...sick, diseased, crazy, hormonal...


Spread Of Genetically Altered Corn Angers Mexico  )

(1 crucifixion | torment me)

[31 Dec 2001|03:27pm]
agent asks: so how much coverage would we give to a director of marketing making over a million a year?

i say: they would be eligible for 15,000 a month. that's our cap.

agent asks: so how much could we offer her?

(was i just talking to myself?)

i say: they would be eligible for 15,000 a month. that's our cap.

agent asks: so 15,000 is the most we could give her?

i say: yes.

agent asks: we can't give her more than 15,000?

(motherfucker...did i stutter?)

i say: no.

agent asks: are you sure?

(well it's only in black and white in the book in front of you asshole...)

i say: well, let me get some more details from you and run it by an underwriter.

**annoying hold music**

i say: no sir, i'm sorry, we don't make exceptions to the i & p limits. 15,000 is our cap.

agent asks: so we can't offer her more than 15,000?

(somewhere in the world there has to be the technology to horrifyingly decapitate someone over the phone....)

(torment me)

[29 Dec 2001|10:05pm]
vanilla coke is good. learning more html/java is good. better even when your site is up and running but who am i to complain?

i walked around ybor today taking pictures. feeling artsy, or something. i realized quickly how much better the nightlife night.

(3 crucifixions | torment me)

[28 Dec 2001|08:07am]
next week i start later shifts on wednesdays/thursdays/fridays. praise the gummy bear gods. i am getting far too old to go out for as long as i do, stay up as late, drink as much, and still try to be coherent at 6:30 in the morning when my alarm insistently tells me it's time to get out of bed.

i must have been having work related dreams again last night...i seemed to think the alarm was my headset and tried in vain this morning to put it on my head.

i need a vacation. or at least a break from conscious thought for a good day or two. i'm considering hooking myself up to an iv of nyquil for the weekend...

(torment me)

[27 Dec 2001|03:40pm]
"say 'ello to my little friend"

work is slow. there is nothing to do. nothing to keep the voices sedated. nothing to keep the idle hands from twisting and turning in the devils intestines....

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