LiveJournal for Arekku.
Thursday, February 21st, 2002 |
well things are okay, i s'pose. i'm still pretty solitary within the world. kinda strange. i've been under a strange midset lately as well. i'm feeling michiko again, which is neat. i'm feeling a little more understanding in some things, which is also neat. i'm kinda getting into an arty mood as well. i'm getting the urge to draw again. that's certainly good. yet still my mind feels like... like a chunk of rock. not just any old rock, but cold, hard granite. yeah. i've got granite-for-brains. yep. i've been thinking about setting up a server here. well actually, this computer is already set up as one. i've got apache and mysql installed in a nice and cozy linux partition, all i need to do is figure out just how to manage the stuff, and what else i need. that'd be certainly neat. |
Monday, February 11th, 2002 |
well, here goes another post... i'm getting more sick of baltimore... the weather here sucks, the people suck (there are only a few exceptions, but still a few), and because of that i still don't know anyone closely. you know what i don't like? not having any childhood friends. i don't know anyone over 6 years. not even the people i consider my closest friends. i've known d-wag 3 years. that's about the extent of my friendships. i'm not sure what to think about that... the thing is, i've been dragged around from place to place all the time. i'm never in one place long enough to make lasting relationships. except, of course, with the people i know online. that's about the only way i can keep in contact with people for extended periods of time. only then is when i make friends... although i end up getting down about it because i can't see them. i don't physically know them. i've seen d-wag only about 2 or 3 times, for about a week and a half, total. kinda sad, ne? i'm slowly getting deeper into mental unrest. i don't enjoy things i once did before, i don't feel like doing much of anything anymore. i don't even like talking to people i know online. i'm beginning to feel like this is the end... i mean, i'm finally realising my ways, and where i need to go. and i'm thinking... offline. for now. not meaning away from my friends... but to know them offline. there certainly are people i'd love to meet offline. but it's more then that.. i'm going to do it myself. i'm going to live by myself, with friends. then i can get back to school and that other stuff. but i'll be in a better situation, so i'll certainly do better. yes, i am not happy. that's all... i've been thinking about what exactly i want to study in college. i'm thinking about taking different languages... what is it.. linguistics? yeah. i've been taking japanese since last semester, and i've been reading up on korean as well. it'd be very neat to know multiple languages. the thing i don't like about colleges is some of the things it produces. i met this one guy that got his ph.d... he did his doctoral dissertation (i think that's what it's called) on image compression techniques for computers. not bad stuff, but he didn't really do anything. he didn't seem the type that would start making world-shaking new grounds. maybe the world's got too many ph.d's?... or maybe... just too many people. i've been reading about the history of south korea and it's development since feudal times. since they've become democratic, the schools have become increasingly better... but the population has exploded. students are forced to get increasingly competitive just to graduate and go to college. and in college the attrition rate is very high. and that's just to get a fairly-high income level, say, upper-middle class. (note: i've only read about this. i believe that, if i were to prove these things, that i'd have to read quite a bit more about the subject, and maybe even visit korea. so don't call me an expert on the subject, nor what i said an expert hypothesis.) the world's becoming increasingly overpopulated and competition for even simple things is exploding. very confusing state indeed. but what would happen if the earth's population dropped? what if students could go to school and learn all they could without having to compete for resources? is there an efficient level to learning? hmm..... i'm thinking all of this anxiety about college might be just the mindset i'm in. maybe it'll pass. but for now, i just find the current education system... absurd. i want to learn more. i'm not there to build up an image. |
Friday, February 8th, 2002 |
(Soan brought this article to my attention, thanks man. This article is (c) Gamespot. We didn't use this to charge people for it, so you're not losing any of your hard-earned precious money. Read on, and you'll understand my cinicism...) "Nike files lawsuit against Sega The company claims that Sega's NBA 2K2 commercial resembles its "Frozen Moment" ad. Nike has filed a lawsuit against Sega of America for its NBA 2K2 commercial, which, Nike claims, is a scene-by-scene re-creation of its 1996 "Frozen Moment" advertisement. The Nike commercial featured Michael Jordan driving to the basket in dramatic fashion as people in different parts of the world watched via their televisions. The Sega ad campaign features in-game footage of the 76ers' Allen Iverson also driving to the basket in similar fanfare. "We believe the Sega ad has almost no original creative elements that weren't taken in whole or in part from Nike," said Scott Reames, senior communications manager for Nike. "It's rather shocking and disappointing to see another advertiser so blatantly shoplift our intellectual property." "Sega has seen Nike's press release; however, to our knowledge, we have not yet received an official complaint from the company," said a Sega representative. "Therefore, we cannot discuss this legal issue at this time." Nike hopes to win a preliminary and permanent injunction against Sega, preventing Sega from running the ad. Nike also hopes to receive compensation for costs and damages. We'll have more on the lawsuit as it develops." heh... "damages".... just throw M.J. at Sega. maybe that'll do something. oh, wait... maybe that'd help Sega... hmmm... |
okay, a bit of an explanation on my first post today. i had said "but i don't like being involved into other people's lives..."... this has a bit more meaning then you'd think. the thing is, my dad has a tendancy to go through relationships like you wouldn't believe. he tends to use them to their fullest, and many people aren't prepared for that. it's not that he wants to be mean or anything, it's just how he is. everyone within his life is managed by him. you could say his business has become his life. i have a lot of respect for him... he's come a long way in his life. i guess that's why he's become so intense... i guess i'm just not as intense as he is. but we all have our differences. lemme tell ya, it's very difficult dealing with my dad. VERY much so. only thing more difficult is dealing with myself (nothing to do with this journal post). it's hard... ehehh. i don't know what else to say. blaah... well i had better go. talk to you all later... |
OH MY GAWD I'M HAPPY AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!!!! this is a strange feeling.... very strange... yes indeed... o__o;;; |
man... i'm just sick of life now.... i just keep getting sicker and sicker of it. i know what the problem is though. the problem is that people control me. my dad, linda, and my mom, especially. those are the 3 people that control me. i've become just a little idiot drone running around doing things that they want me to do... i don't have a reason for life. there's quite a few things i enjoy doing. i like learning about languages, and computers. i like talking to my friends. and other things too. but i don't like being involved into other people's lives... my life is not a job. so don't act like my manager. |
Thursday, January 24th, 2002 |
hmm... weird. i am very contemplative, that's true. but graceful? hmm. sometimes i feel graceful, but then i end up clumsy. ahh well. i like the hair XD. well the boat is ALMOST FINISHED!!! i'm gonna start moving my stuff on there tomorrow!!!!!! MUAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!! but... i'm broke... gaah. i need money to get broadband!!! AUGH!!!!!! >_<;;; work sucks... they've SERIOUSLY cut my hours back, so they can get as many people working as they can. that's how not buzy it is. sucks a bit, ne? i'm thinking about taking up programming. i'm probably gonna learn C++. that's the best choice, i s'pose. we'll see. maybe i can still be a seiyuu as well.. i dunno, is my voice really that good? ehehh ^.^() |
Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002 |
Here's a survey.. got it from Soan. I probably won't do another one tho. ^^;; [[ Name ]] Arekku [[ Nicknames, including from family ]] 'Ku, Sparky, Harry Potter... [[ Birthday ]] 4/14/82 [[ Age ]] I'm 19 or so [[ Astrological sign? ]] Aries baby. XD [[ Chinese zodiac sign? ]] Ah'm a dawg, homz. [[ Location ]] Bal'm're, Maryland. World's capital of the crab cake. [[ Sexual Preference ]] Heterosexual [[ Marital Status ]] Single [[ Current Haircolor ]] brown [[ Eyecolor... W/ & W/O contacts ]] Hazel [[ Height ]] 5'7" [[ Weight ]] ~140 pounds [[ Parents still together? ]] Hah... nope. [[ Siblings? ]] My brother, Josh. [[ Nieces/Nephews? ]] Yes indeed. [[ Kids of your own? ]] HAHAAHAA!!!! You gotta be kidding me... [[ Grandkids? ]] Yep! JESSICA!!! HAHAHAA!!!!! [[ Pets? ]] My computer. [[ In school/graduated? ]] College. [[ Rent, lease, or own your home?]] Nope... [[ What do you do for work? ]] I work at a restaurant, Bo Brooks, a seafood/crab house place. [[ How much do you make? ]] HAHAHAAAa.... you gotta be kidding me... [[ Have any credit cards? ]] No, but I need one. A debit card, preferably. [[ AmEx? ]] AmEx? You mean... does this have to do with the above question? Whaaaa? [[ What do you drive? ]] '94 Honda Accord LX, da Ravermobile. XD Preferences [[ Black and White/Color ]] Both [[ Black/White ]] Both [[ Red/Blue ]] Both... [[ Dogs/Cats ]] both........ [[ Roses/Daisies ]] BOTH!!! [[ Beer/Liquor ]] neither... [[ Boxers/Briefs *wink* ]] boxers... [[ Hair: Short/Long ]] either [[ Boots/Shoes ]] ... [[ Food: Mexican/Italian ]] both, preferably italian [[ Dark/Light ]] wtf??? [[ Day/Night ]] ... [[ City/Country ]] ... [[ Sheets: Solid/Animal Prints *rawr* ]] ummm... [[ Sub/Dom ]] this is stupid. i bet the girl that made this is some little valley-girl beeatch whore. Favorites [[ Color ]] Orange, and Red over Black. [[ Animal ]] Echidnas ^.^ [[ Vehicle ]] I don't really care, but I like Hondas. [[ Flower ]] No preference... [[ Beer ]] nope [[ Liquor ]] nope... [[ Soda ]] no preference [[ Food ]] Ramen. ^^ [[ Book ]] any I can read [[ Author ]] no preference [[ Band ]] no preference [[ CD ]] no preference [[ Song ]] dammit... *sigh* well actually, I like Siam Shade's Tears I Cried, but honestly I don't have a favorite. I have many I like. ^.^ [[ Movie ]] hmm... I'd say Enter the Dragon. [[ Director ]] *shrugs* [[ Country ]] ... [[ State ]] ... [[ City ]] ... [[ Movie genre ]] no preference [[ Extracurricular Activity ]] ummm... well i like skiing. i like boating. and flying. Do you... [[ Color your hair? ]] I have XD [[ Have tattoos? ]] i might get one [[ Piercings? ]] no thanks [[ Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? ]] nope... *le siiiigh*... [[ Floss daily? ]] nope [[ Own a webcam? ]] no, but i have a webcam camera... *lol* all i need is the broadband. [[ Ever get off the damn computer? ]] hahahaa... haha... [[ Sprechen Sie Deutsch? ]] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHDIFFERENTIALGLEICHUN [[ Hablar Espanol? ]] no [[ Quack? Quack quack? ]] o.o........ Have you... [[ Gotten a speeding ticket? ]] yes, but i worked my way out of it XD [[ DUI? ]] absolutely not [[ Been in a wreck? ]] a few [[ Been arrested? ]] nope! [[ Stolen a car? ]] no way [[ Stolen anything? ]] hmmm... i've shoplifted a fortune cookie once. what??? they were, like, 50 cents, and my mom wouldn't buy me ANYTHING... [[ Smoke? ]] nope [[ Pot? ]] [insert something worst then hell] *FFFFFFFPFPPFFFFFF* *inhales* ....fooey man. heh..... heheh... [[ Crack? ]] [insert something worst then the previous] CrackMILK!! XD [[ Drink? ]] Absolutely!! XD O-CHAAAAA!!!!! [[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ]] nope [[ Been so drunk you didn't care that you couldn't remember your name? ]] nope [[ Posed for nude pics? ]] I've been told I should... lol [[ Considered a life of crime? ]] nope [[ Considered being a hooker? ]] everyone is. everyone gets it in the ass. [[ Maybe a pimp? ]] heh... [[ Cheated on someone? ]] no way [[ Been married? ]] nope [[ Been divorced? ]] ... Are you psycho? [[ Split personalities? ]] hahaaa! ehh... [[ Schizophrenic? ]] o.o...... PEANUTS!!! umm......... yeah. [[ Obsessive? ]] heheeheheheheheheee (XD) [[ Compulsive? ]] hmmm... [[ Obsessive Compulsive? ]] absolutely!!! XD [[ Panic? ]] hmm... not really [[ Anxiety? ]] oh yeah... [[ Depressed? ]] yup, all the time [[ Suicidal? ]] sometimes... [[ Homicidal? ]] to little stupid valley-girls and meathead-jocks, absolutely! BRING 'EM ON!!! [[ Genocidal? ]] fuck no [[ Pedophile? *sick fawkr* ]] ... [[ Obsessed with hate? ]] nope [[ Mutilate animals? ]] nope... [[ Idolize infamous criminals? ]] hmmm... well... [[ Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? ]] lol!!!! [[ Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? ]] hmm... what are you trying to say, hmm? The good stuff... [[ Had sex outdoors? ]] nope... [[ What are you listening to? ]] the whine of cooling fans [[ What are you watching? ]] the cursor... o.o.... [[ What time is it? ]] time enough [[ What are you wearing? ]] jumbo-thong bikini..... ^_~;;;;; XD;;;;; [[ Wanna cyber? *wink* ]] hah... no thinks [[ Hey baby, nice shoes... ]] heh... [[ What're you drinking? ]] nada [[ Eating? ]] nada [[ Got both hands on the keyboard? ]] absolutely! XD even tho i got a D in keyboarding [[ You sure bout that? ]] ... [[ Who are you talkin to? ]] uhh... myself? o.o [[ What other windows do you have open? ]] k-meleon, aim... [[ How bored are you? haha ]] haha is right! XD If you could... [[ Be anywhere, where would you be? ]] hmm... i'll have to think about that [[ Who would you be with? ]] hmm... [[ What would you be doin? ]] hmmmm.... ^.~;;; [Color:] color! [Food:] RAMEN!!! [Animal:] ECHIDNAZ!!!! [Drink (non alcoholic):] O-CHAAAAAAAA!!!!!! [Movie:] MOOOORVIE!!! [TV Show:] teeereeebiiiiiii.... [Cartoon(s):] REN AND STIMPY!!!!!!!! [Book:] hmm... i like 1984. [Day of the week:] heh... [Month:] dood... [Celebrity:] hmmm [Song:] dood, malice mizer fucking rawks. [Website:] hahaaa.... actually i like Ars Technica. [Restaurant:] the cheezecake factory ist goot [Car:] heh... [Truck:] hmmm [Perfume:] ahhh... mmmm.... **^.^** [Cologne:] *shrugs* *Yes or no* [Do you smoke?] no... [Drink?] O-CHAAA!! [Smoke marijuana?] wesley pipes and billy bong thornton... XD [Do you drive?] fusck yeah! [Have a boyfriend?] nope [Have a girlfriend?] ehehh... *le siiiiiigh* dammit. [Have a pet?] yeah, my computer [Live by yourself?] definitely... *le siiiigh*... *Simple Questions* [Would you rather (on a date) go to the movies or stay at home:] hmmm... dunno. [Watch tv or talk on the phone:] gaah.... [Ride a motorcycle, car, fourwheeler:] hmmm, that depends. [Do you go to school:] college babeh. [Where:] none of your damn business. [Do you have friends:] i s'pose. you know who ya are. ^_^ [Are you weird:] 'nuff said. [Are you strange:] mmm.... ^^ [Are you crazy:] ^^;; [Do you like someone:] mrrr.... *-.-* [Do you have false teeth:] HYUK!!! XB;;; actually no... [Have you ever dyed your hair:] fusck yeah! [Have you ever been to a beach:] hahaa... ^^ [ever been to Hollywood:] nope [Do you like bread:] bread = good [Do you eat molded bread?] nope [Do you read books?] yeah! *Do you sometimes suddenly get urges to* [Fight:] heh... [Slap someone:] whoever wrote this survey will be recieving a slap, sponsored in part by KOMPRESSORMIGHT!!!!!! [Scream:] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHDIFFERENTIALGLEIC [Kick:] hehee... XD [Kick someone:] Bruce Lee-style, foo'! [Bite yourself:] *chomp* mmph. x.o [Kick your pet:] -.-... that's mean... [Bust something:] all the time XD [Do you get annoyed and irritated easily?] hmmmm... depends *Do you enjoy* [Rain:] yeah, it's cool [Snow:] NEVER SUMMER!!!! or something like that... [Tornadoes:] yup [Hurricanes:] yup [Singing:] yeah XD [Talking:] hmmm... actually... i feel awkward talking. [Listening to music:] music = good [Do you play an instrument:] no... -.-();;; i want to tho [Do you want to if you don't:] uhhh... [Did you enjoy this survey:] fuck you bitch!!!! |
Friday, January 18th, 2002 |
|337 $p34k!: I think Grammar is married to Grampa. Punctuation is the act of being a smart ass. Ur is possessive. I might not have passed English, but I'm well on my way to managing a McDonalds! What Inuyasha Character are you? You are Angela! You're the shy, depressed, teen angst, lead character of the series. You'd die for anyone close to you and you love Nirvana and shoujo anime. You have a tendency to confuse the hell out of your readers with your crazy dreams and the fact that you're destined to marry a guy yet always fall for girls. But that's okay, you have a legion of fanboys that want to draw you in revealing clothes, and that can't be bad can it? See which Redrock character you are! Click Here! Test made by Redrock Wildcat WOO HOO!!!! Roadie kicks ass!! And I got Angie-sama... she's ass-some! ^_^ Yes, Ass-some. Instead of using Awesome, which is a bit outdated and overused, Ass-some will be used instead. It defines the quality that awesome formerly defined, yet to the proportions of an ass, like Kebba's. Ass-some is HUGE. XD Angie, I really hope you come back. I don't really know what exactly happened, but you have a lot of people behind you, you can't give up now. We all love ya. ^.^;; Come back soon dammit!!!!! |
Monday, January 14th, 2002 |
Okay... hmmm... I forgot exactly who he was. Maybe 'cuz I only read The Hobbit.. gotta read the rest of the series. In that "Which Sailor are you?" quiz thingy, I got Sailor Pluto... hmm... Baah anyway. Well I've been thinking about leaving. Yeah... meaning going out. Leaving the shell, breaking the egg, if you know what I mean. I gotta get out more!!! I can't sit here and do nothing... I gotta put my fears aside. That's the only way to conquer them. I've been strictly sheltered my whole life, it's time to bust out... So where would that leave me in my online-life? Who knows. Someone's gotta take care of TMo2F. I have a few friends online too. Maybe I could see 'em offline... hmmm. I'm not sure if I'm going to go back to school for the spring semester. I found out that I had passed Japanese 101 (Thank gawd.), but I dunno. I don't like that fact that many people learn Japanese just 'cuz of the whole Anime/Manga thing. That's NOT why I wanted to learn Japanese... so for now, I've been studying Korean. A little change of direction... but good thing I DID learn some Japanese, 'cuz Korean and Japanese are similar in some ways. Anyway... I'd like to go overseas. Especially Japan, Korea, China, Malaysia, etc. Why? 'cuz I can!! Who knows what's gonna happen in the future. I want to see the world before I lose the ability to do so. So, why the hell not? I really like travelling. Infusing all the different cultures and societies within yourself... it's a life-changing thang, yanno? Plus, who knows what kind of people I'll meet... mmmm. Just gotta kick the fears... gaah. I gotta do something, 'cuz honestly, I feel like shit. My brain feels like mush. I can't hardly keep a trained thought on anything. Perhaps I'll get better in the future. But right now... man, I feel like a freakin' baby... *sigh* gaah. Again, it wasn't my birthday. But wait..... what's this? Jumbo-thong bikini????? WTF??????? (Okay, I know that was awhile ago, but this is my most recent post to that, and uhh... XP ) I'll see ya all later... |
Tuesday, January 1st, 2002 |
Here's a copy of my post on TMo2F. "Worst Christmas ever... Dec 28th, 2001, 5:54pm Well I finally managed to get online... I'm not in Denver anymore, and I'll tell ya why... I had just landed in Denver, and was still at the airport when my stepmom called me. My cousin, Keith, had been killed in a car accident, on his way to his family's house in Georgia (I believe). So Christmas was a very somber event... We didn't really do much, since we left for Memphis on Christmas Day. Memphis is where Keith's side of the family is from... Anyway... I should be headed back to Baltimore directly from Memphis on New Years Day. I should be online a little more then. Sorry we couldn't meet up Ice, but I might be coming back out sometime in the next few months. I'll see you all later. -- 'Ku" That pretty much explains what's been going on... I'm leaving to go back to Baltimore today. BTW, just in case some of you have your birthday notification stuff turned on, it's NOT my birthday today. ^.^ Anyway... _______________________ Every thought in my head has a contradiction. I'm so indecisive... I can hardly even function. I don't even know how I feel most of the time. Like this. I don't like school. My dad says I'm lasy. He says I'm procrastinating 'cuz I don't like school. If I don't go to school, he's not going to cover some of my expenses, plus I'm not going to have the options I would have if I did finish college. Honestly, it's got NOTHING to do with learning. I like learning. I like studying. But right now, I don't want it. I don't feel like it right now. I need some time to mature. I see other people... my friends. They study like you wouldn't believe. Sometimes they're never on. I want that kind of study skills. But I don't. I have little self-control when it comes to school. My dad talks about this the most. He explains that I was miserable in high-school, always bitching and complaining, always fighting, always bickering. So am I a horrible student? *sigh*... You know, it's got nothing to do with me being lasy, or ignorant. I don't like it right now!! It's not the end of the world. It's NOT!!! If I don't go back to school, it doesn't mean I'm not going to go back forever! I want to learn. I LOVE learning. The absense of understanding burns inside me like a black hole, always wanting to be filled but never filling. It's a thirst that I can't even explain... But as for school... I'm just not up to it just yet. Many people I know are going right into college straight out of high-school. Maybe they have the maturity to do it. But I don't think I do. College is a life-altering event. It's like... what you study in college tends to point the direction your career will follow. Maybe that's not so though. I could study to become an artist. But after that I could become an artist the rest of my life. I could study computer science, become some hot-shot in the computer field. But I wouldn't allow myself to do anything else. I wouldn't feel like I'd have the qualifications! I guess that's just the perfectionist in me... I just want a little fluidity in my life. I want to be free.... |
Thursday, December 20th, 2001 |
i'm heading out to colorado for the holidays tomorrow morning, so i shall be seeing you all sometime soon! maybe sooner if i can get online in colorado... but i should be back around january 1st. peace out to you all, have happy holidays. ^^;;; |
ahh... life seemed down. i failed some classes in school. i was depressed. and then i saw this. and i said to myself.... "ahh yes, life is good." and so, it was.... *walks off, very happy indeed* |
Wednesday, December 19th, 2001 |
you know, christmas isn't the same anymore.... with my mom, it was a GIGANTIC EVENT, with all sorts of music, food, things, etc. we saw pretty much EVERY FAMILY MEMBER, went to several houses, ate different things... it was incredible... now, with my dad, it's different. last year we were moving. we went to one of his neighbor friends for dinner. of course, my dad and linda went to bed early. like they do EVERY night. i feel different... hmm.......... i guess the holiday's have taken a whole different attitude now. i don't really care about it anymore. heh, well i get a break of school... which i don't do well in anyway. no, i'm not really a negative person. i just feel negative lately. stuff just doesn't seem all that great and happy anymore. it seems like it's just a drag... weird... maybe i'm just lazy. i'm looking at myself, or my reflections on other people. it's hard... i updated the perl scripts behind the tmo2f board yesterday. that's the biggest amount of perl work i've done ^^. even though it was simply replacing the old files with the new ones... ttyl... |
Friday, December 14th, 2001 |
i'm getting sick of this... get on, do some stuff, leave when the last person leaves... blaah... i wonder... the boat's in the water of course, but it's not yet habitable. the electronics still need to be worked on, plus the steering needs to be redone. also it needs to be carpeted... lol. my dad ripped out all the carpeting to redo it all. hehe. maybe i'll get on my own then... yeah... maybe... baah. i need anime. lots of it. and a whole damn lot of it. yes... and tea... lots of tea... ocha... green tea... mmm. see you all later. peace. ^_^ |
Wednesday, December 12th, 2001 |
i've been really drained of energy, 'cuz of this sickness i have... blaah. *coffcoff* expect more from me sometime later this week... or next week... i'm leaving on the 21st to go to colorado... i'll be there 'till the 1st. the boat's in the water now. i have to go down to it and check it out... ^^;;; see ya later. |
Monday, December 10th, 2001 |
jessica is.... CRAZY!! XD muahahaaaa. i have lost my mind. not in the going-crazy sense, but... it seemed to go away, the farther from summer i get. like... during the summer, i was happy, excited, feeling good... i had the right mind-set for everything. i was getting into life. but for some reason, once i came back to baltimore, all that vanished... it's weird. maybe i just don't like it here in baltimore. or maybe growing up in the midwest... your mind goes into hibernation for the winter... I WANT INUYASHA MANGA!!!!! >.< inuyasha... good. i want a lot of anime. inuyasha, cowboy bebop, escaflowne, slayers... any anime... i also want music. i don't care what kind, i just want music! i love music. ^^;; i got sick over the weekend. i went sailing down to Annapolis... it was cold. and windy. and all i had was a t-shirt and the shell to my skiing jacket. on the way back, my dad was with us. it started raining and it got REAL cold. so that's why.... augh. although i'm starting to meet people, i don't like baltimore. that's that. miss you all... ttyl! |
Wednesday, December 5th, 2001 |
my brain is boiling! augh!! well that's what it feels like. plus i feel exhausted. i need to eat better... hmm. |
Tuesday, December 4th, 2001 |
Take the What Cat Are You? test by webkin! Which Evil Criminal are You? Also known as the Smiling Tree Frog or Dumpy Tree Frog due to the nature of its appearance, this frog is a very hardy creature and a favorite pet of amateur frog owners, although some pet owners complain that they are not active enough. These frogs love to eat, which can make them quite fat, hence their "dumpy" appearance. Unlike many frogs, these frogs do well with other frogs of their species and are fairly friendly. They like a warm and moderately humid habitat and eat larger insects like crickets, cockroaches, locusts, moths and beetles. |
Monday, December 3rd, 2001 |
i haven't updated in awhile... so here it goes. well i'm still having problems in school. i'm just plain tired of it. i need to fill in the cracks that've formed over the years. i need to get out and do stuff. see the world. experience new things. i need to do it! THEN i can get more out of college later on. i'm depressed. still. i'm slowly working out the roots of my problems. although that struggle may never end, once i'm into my life i'll be very happy. i'll be myself. the boat's STILL not in the water... but it's not a bad thing. the marina's going to work on the engines now, so once that's done i can drive it back to the marina myself ^^;;. i can't wait to move onto it. i'm hopefully going out to colorado over christmas. i want to go skiing and stuff. the only problem is linda. i don't really want to talk about it anymore. i'll see you all later... rest forever in peace, george harrison |
LiveJournal for Arekku.