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Wednesday, March 20th, 2002

(dance with me!)

Subject:as i leave you to your garden and the beauty you preferred?
Time:11:10 pm.
Mood: relaxed.
Music:momuna/tori i was singing earlier.
i wrote brendan a note in history, something i don't remember any of--i don't remember this morning; i don't remember yesterday; or anything before. new inner karma. i went to english class, read holes for the class, and everyone went, "that girl calms me. i love her voice."

recital (try-to-sleep-on-justin's-arm-time), piano lab, went off to starbucks with justin and had a muffin.

i remember the muffins. the terrible dissections, exactly-sized pinches of these creatures, bite number 1, bite number 2, bite number 3. halfway through, give up. the damn muffin beat you. slutmuffin, me.

walked back to school with david, and to the ellington field to smoke a lot of shit, walked back, smoking and singing and the tumultuous uproar of Ground Beneath Me and the downpour slam of Sky Up On Above. bathe me in this space. zaeva could be my name. i could deal with You now, on my own.

went to coffehouse with brendan and david. pixie-ing and laughing all the way, the Solidity of Presence rippling to the ceiling in a snakecharm chain of incense smoke. it looked like a spine. this bone of Identities.

'cause i'm not your wife, your mystery, your friend, your fries with that, "a box with your choice of locks." more than that, i'm going.

"one day you'd realize you've memorized my phone number, and you'll call it up and find it's a disconnected line. cause i got tossed out the window of love's el camino and i shattered into a shower of sparks on the curb. you were smoking me weren't you, between your yellow fingers, you just inhaled, and exhaled, without saying a word."

the mystery is over. i don't remember the last time i really pushed for honesty, but right now, i'm going to be real. if not real, Something Else. Earth, not Ethereal. Groove, not Wisp in wind. saunter, strut, stride, prowl naked for the walls of my room, tick tock sway of the hips.

"so you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts. what's so amazing about really deep thoughts? boy, you best pray that i bleed real soon. how's that thought for you?"


bebop bloom des zigzags

Tuesday, March 19th, 2002

(dance with me!)

Time:2:56 am.
Mood: drained.
Music:from the choirgirl hotel, tori.
very far off a siren screamed its frenzied scream and he thought: its a little like an anguish dying with the years. when it gets to third avenue or ninety-fifth street, he thought, i won't hear it anymore.
~james thurber

i read this in a short story that i loved, truly loved, was it: the evening starts at seven?

i read it last year, in the winter. and still, so it goes. i wrote justin a note today--in biology. a jagged mindfuck with my hand shaking and my mind..."my movement is my VOICE. i am screaming, i am SCREAMING.
there is this heat. yes. this is

i had so much to say. a sifted girl drinking coffee and staring at a lace tablecloth.

swirl swirl swirl.

i wanted to say something. and it wasn't that i didn't have something to say. kill me before i speak just to hear my voice.

hmm. i won't hear it anymore.


i got lost on my wedding day

Saturday, March 16th, 2002

(dance with me!)

Subject:promise me you won't read this? i'll give you a newspaper!
Time:4:47 am.
Mood: confused.
Music:some cure stuck in my head, ill go listen to beatles.
you know you're really...*really* tired when you start writing poetry like this for your friends' band:

i'm a little teapot.
but maybe i love you, doooooo dot.
i said i think i'm a button.
but then maybe i found your chunk 'o' sun.
ooooohhhh ooooooooooooh baby.
maybe maybe maybe!
says some person from arabi(a).
mmmm mmmmm mmmmmmmm.
your name must be campbell.
cause you're mmm mmm good.


and then you feel the need to rhyme casbah with arabia with labia.

but iiii haaaaad choooocooolllaaaaaaatttteeeee milk. i can't stand the thought of waking up tomorrow. please, Someone, please let the enlightenment befall mr. bonds that this concert is not yummy. chocolate milk is yummy. you're yummy!

well, hello. my name is jane.
oh. .shakes jane's hand. i'm tired.


i'm tired. if there is ever another week that i sleep and eat so little, without any will to do so whatsoever, god save the queen.

(6 dancers | dance with me!)

Subject:it's a perfect day to throw back your head and kiss it all goodbye
Time:3:09 am.
Mood: ecstatic.
Music:un tas de musique.
.curls up in some parasol pajama pants.

tonight was so remarkable i felt like remarking.

today itself wasn't too bad, either. except for a disaster-abobbal english project. other than that, it was waaaaaaarm! we finished "ponette" in french today. tres triste mais beau. i ate something for lunch the first time this week! (i actually ate three times today! tres magnifique.) in seventh period, mr. eyermann asked me out. HAHAHA. justin kept saying, "he really wants to get in your pants." and i was like, n'importante quoi. but hmmmm.

i had ninth period off and dug out foxfire from the swampy scads of crap in kat's/my locker, and i frolicked off to read in a sunny patch on the third floor. after school, i had a rehearsal for a concert tomorrow, and i was one of two second sopranos who showed up. .g.

and zeeen, i went home to trasform into a goth goddess for an evening avec sam. changed into velvet and a miniskirt and spiderweb tights and boots and a trenchcoat and soooooo much black eyeliner. sam swept me away into a whirling mirage of the cure (wish), tori (choirgirl hotel), and pumpkins (adore).

the night: we pulled over to marvel at a gorgeous porche speedster. (although, i still wanna date someone with a motorcycle.) we went over to kat's house, and i stormed through her door going, "KAT, THIS IS YOUR MOTHER!!!!" 'cause i saw her through the window making a pipe out of aluminum foil. lol. then we went off to dupont to dine with claire at xando (i refuse to call it cosi) and had a supper that was *the* cat's meow. afterward, we roamed into lambda and kramer's. i got a bunch of lesbian buttons and the book, feminist fairy tales.

following this, we sat at the fountain for ages talking about gay politics, rosie, PINK PISTOLS (the homosexual nra whose motto is "bash this!"), prague, moms, sex, and everything else. plus there was this dope dancing around and talking to no one really, till he turned to us and commented on the "difficult stairs," telling "us ladies," that he hoped we hadn't been "drinking as much" as himself. he started singing "drops of jupiter" and we sang along and then went over to claire's house to watch "lain" episodes and curl up with her butch lesbian, now un-dreadlocked, sweetheart kitty. and she licked my nose a bunch. =)

"it gently exfoliates without leaving your nose dry."

and finally, at 1:30am, sam and i managed to tear ourselves away from claire and a 13-year-old teddy bear girl who is a hallucinagenic-y schizo. and we drove off singing and saw a deer gallivanting across the road. c'est yummy. and *then* we went driving in some crazy direction because of the "crazy yellow thingy." and i got home. perhaps nothing truly, concentratedly real happened. but all the more beautiful. all the more do my wings exist. j'ai fatigue mais...friday i'm in love.

soo...wish me luck on this concert. after, i get to see a very beautiful chica. =) i think i need to talk to justin. i also need some chocolate milk. let's go in search of some...


dressed up to the eyes
it's a wonderful surprise
to see your shoes and your spirits rise
throwing out your frown
and just smiling at the sound
and as sleek as a shriek
spinning round and round
always take a big bite
it's such a gorgeous sight
to see you eat in the middle of the night
you can never get enough
enough of this stuff
it's friday
i'm in love

Wednesday, March 13th, 2002

(4 dancers | dance with me!)

Subject:for you, i'd come out naked and singing with a rose in my hand at 4am
Time:11:20 pm.
Mood: okay.
Music:im making a lot of eee! noises.
thinking about today and love:

and then there was the time that one of them simply wouldn’t return her calls to his office. so she called the number he did not know she had, and she said to the woman who answered that this was so embarrassing but as he was no longer talking to her, could he be told that she was still waiting for the return of her lacy black underthings, which he had taken because, he said, they smelled of her, of both of them. oh, and that reminded her, she said, as the woman on the other end of the phone said nothing, could they be laundered first, and then simply posted back to her. he has her address. and then, her business joyfully concluded, she forgets him utterly and forever, and she turns her attention to the next.

one day she won’t love you too. it will break your heart.

~neil gaiman

on a happier note:
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (and q!)

on a less happy note:
so i made ravioli and burned my hand. then i made potato and chives soup and burned my other hand.


over the last few hours i've allowed myself to feel defeated, and just like she (death) said if you allow yourself to feel the way you really feel, maybe you won't be afraid of that feeling anymore.

when you're on your knees you're closer to the ground.
things seem nearer somehow.
~tori amos

(2 dancers | dance with me!)

Subject:we thought we left possession behind but the truth is i was yours and you were mine
Time:6:36 pm.
Mood:well, not like anything, really.
Music:leather. tori.
(help me make a title?)

he whispered in my ear how i don't walk like a virgin,
and i guess then that i owe the boy with his heart in new york
and a pack of newports in his pocket
for i will never look at a ceiling quite that way again,
never mean no quite as much,

but instead, i am thinking of you,
and i own two tubes of mascara
for when i won't cry
and another for when i can't promise it.
i have two smiles,
and one of them is for you.

its lithe tiptoe behind me
flutter falls into my feet,
and sultry sways in my hips,
and drift swirls in my eyes,
my daydream rosing every edge and line,

cause i'm beginning to lace you in every drink
i drink
and i'm raising my glass to anything
i ever cared about
before it all flows
into every river of every love that ever
gave way to a whole world of gravity
cause i pretend it has nothing to do
with my footsteps
guess my walk answers it all


i stayed home today cause it was a half day, so i could sleep and sing to myself. i think ill curl up in my shower for a while just letting the water cascade into a lake on my stomach. i don't really even wanna do anything today. unless if maybe it's taking off all my clothes in the drizzle, sitting naked in some diner's vinyl booth and having a cheap root beer float just to shoot it through a straw at him across the table until maybe, he'd just take off his damn clothes, too.

i think the only thing i know how to do right now is dream. i made ravioli today. and burned my hand. and did ballet for the pot and the spoon i was stirring with. dreaming. but i don't really care all that much.

"she doesn’t know who owned the jacket originally. nobody claimed it after a party, and she figured it looked good on her.

it says KISS, and she does not like to kiss. people, men and women, have told her that she is beautiful, and she has no idea what they mean. when she looks in the mirror she does not see beauty looking back at her. only her face.

she does not read, watch tv, or make love. she listens to music. she goes places with her friends. she rides rollercoasters but never screams when they plummet or twist and upside down.

if you told her the jacket was yours she’d just shrug and give it back to you. it’s not like she cares, not one way or the other."

~neil gaiman

so i guess i'm off to take a shower, then. and maybe i'm thinking of you. yeah, you.


i burned your incense
i ran a bath
i noticed a letter that sat on your desk
it said:
"hello, love.
i love you so, love.
meet me at midnight."
and no, it wasn't my writing
i'd better go soon

Saturday, March 9th, 2002

(dance with me!)

Subject:a butterfly soar, a swan dive "gravity is nothing to me moving at the speed of sound"
Time:12:22 am.
Mood: indescribable.
Music:white noise.
from in to out, she butterfly soars from me. on her way out, she turns around, laughs, rolls her eyes at herself. "oh!" hands me a pack of cigarettes and three tubes of lip gloss from her purse. she clasps her arms around me. "i do love you, you know." (looks me in the eyes, do-not-forget-this.) "i need to do this."

away in a chiffon breeze of pink and purple glitter, an i'm-a-girl-nextdoor-moviestar smile.

fade out into the city lights. no more echo, the nymph. narcissus has left the building, and with him goes her voice. with her voice, goes she.


today: school was ok. the warmth was enthralling. the concert (3rd twin, nackles, spazmadik [beacoup snaps and props to spaz]) was ama ZING. definitely the cat's meow. dancing, stripper dancing with cass, water fights with katling, etc. a thrill. i managed to be two bands' whores and spazmadik's penny lane. brendan didn't say bye to me and i truly wanted to chill with him much more. not cool. i got bummed on our walk to the metro and curling up on the train. chris drew me. i almost threw up (who knows why?). we went to domino's. kat and i drove homeward bound. and there...

tonight is the beginning of an end. .waves and chiffon breezes.

Friday, March 8th, 2002

(dance with me!)

Subject:sealed envelope that she is
Time:11:54 pm.
Mood: peaceful.
Music:spaz my dick.
she unbottoned her sweater that had not seemed to drape over such a lean, tidy figure many months ago, as it did now. she leaned softly into the concave of his body, letting the gray cabled sweater fall to the floor without a sound. he caught his breath, eyes slowly awakening to the unrelenting absence of curves lying against his frame. she melted and dripped out of the bed, standing before the mirror. she filled herself with breath, unzipped the jeans that barely hung from her body; tugged at the cotton hem of an orchid tank top and lifted it away from her skin, above her head, to lay on a wooden chair. a black lace bra, whose use had been lost long ago, unhooked and fluttered to the floor.

a cage of her ribs held his eyes, down into the valley between hip and hip, stepped on under her bony, purple feet. the up and down, bone upon bone, slats of tightening skin, leading up up up to a know-it-all grin.

she is gossamer, ephemeral; a tenuous wisp of a girl leaving washes of shimmer in her stead. she is a shock of white heat that burns a glitter black wax which slides and drips. still, she is a chrome rain that tickles your neck, teases you, rips your heart out with a sheen of a smile whose meaning slips secretly out the back door.

like her. sealed envelope that she is, limbo-ing under the crack of the door with a quiet swish. and she has gone. disappeared. into the thin air that lay beyond the whispering of a mirror for the mind in her ear. beyond the infinitesimal ease into visual oblivion. beyond the sweater that lay on the floor.


kat is bonquitalaka. cassie is burritolaka. update, baby.
.blows a kiss.

Friday, March 1st, 2002

(dance with me!)

Subject:ta li takoom! (im bringing back the dead...)
Time:11:10 pm.
Mood: cheerful.
Music:right now later on. fabolous (hahahahahaha).
what an absolutely brilliant day. er, BRILL, in the words of shire. doesn't matter.

*let's see. oh. this morning was actually terrible. my dad finally broke to us some news. um. nevermind that.
*during 1st period, which is usually dreadful, we went to the library. which is always a joy! and we didn't do a thing.
*then french. which i love, but my teacher was out. =( but we watched ponette! such a cute movie. cute little blonde 4 year old girl who's very morbid. joy joy joy joy down in my heart.
*biology. auuuuugh. but tara and i had a very exciting note correspondence.
*"kinesthetics." tara and i talked about sexy people playing basketball in front of us.
*lunch. kat and i are now keisha (um...a.k.a. "keish." who knows why she wants to sound like a spinich-y food?) and shaniqua. (i'm shaniqua.) and a very sexy friend of mine has become a lesbian. or has a girlfriend. (joy!) i didnt smoke for a week and two days! then anthony's cigarette just strangely migrated to my mouth and i *have* to breathe, you know.
*english. we made langston hughes bookmarks! joy oh joy of joys.
*geometry. i put on nyjia's bitchass earrings and wore my bitchass lipstick. oh, except i got a 67% on the homework paper i did while i was on the phone with brendan. heh heh heh...
*vocal honor's recital instead of arts block. i had fun while justin called me beautiful. and when we weren't busy with that, i was drawing on my jeans and we patted each other's bodies in various (not exciting) places to the rhythm of "do you know the muffin man..."

after school, i was walking justin to the bus stop when he sits me down and asks whats up. and it would have been much better if he'd asked me last night when i knew, so i jabbered at him about nothing for a while and most likely convinced him i truly am a nut. (nyoots!) then kat appeared. and i had the pleasure of being with someone a normal height. zeeen, emerald and anthony shared with me a smoking green plant joy. and then it was off to a night with batman and pizza with pineapples on top.

and i wore red lipstick and pigtails.

i think i am off to toast to march. joyous march.


Sunday, February 24th, 2002

(3 dancers | dance with me!)

Subject:fuck that cake ~kat
Time:9:58 pm.
Mood: sick.
Music:the ladder.paula cole.
lizzkissicle (5:36:22 PM): i was so ready to make brownies and see the little katling
lizzkissicle (5:36:28 PM): but then i woke up and I WAS DEAD
lizzkissicle (5:36:53 PM): it's really scary when you wake up in the morning and have to ask yourself if you have severe brain damage

so that was my morning. in all likelihood, i have contracted pneumonia. or the worst possible flu ever. ever. arghhhhhhhh. i got several winks of sleep last night. i'd fall half-asleep for maybe one or two minutes, and wake up coughing, sneezing, sniffling, feverish. the enormous bluesilver moon spinning in blurry, headachey circles for hours. i felt so miserable this morning that i didnt want to even deal with the hassle of going to the hospital.


but i feel kinna better cause i took a myriad of pills. so other than that, everything's been merveilleux. friday was rapture. albeit very, very cold and ill-y. after lunch, i had no classes. i fell asleep on justin during the langston hughes assembly. then there was an honor's recital, in which i fell asleep on jason. sally and i took the 30 to foggy bottom to wait for monsieur brendan. when he finally popped up, we tried to find the g.w. yard using my very foggy sense of direction, and his much better sense of direction. it was super great. huge bonfire. red-jacketed fife-players. black plastic forks. zeeen, off to teaism. when people see me attempt to eat noodles, the result is very detrimental to what they thought was at all suave about me. ;) next, we went riding the metro for like, an hour. and i caught a short nap. he makes a lovely pillow. and then sitting at my bus stop with caramel and coffee in between us. my little breaths of song intertwined with his white socks and yellow highlighters.

oh, and my metro card had cute pandas on it!

saturday and sunday were vastly spent laying on my side with my stuffed animals and boxes of tissues. my nose is very red. it thinks it's a cherry. bah humbug.


lucky that my breasts are small and humble
so you don't confuse them with mountains

the world is not enough
but it is such a perfect place to start, my love
and if you're strong enough
together we can take the world apart, my love

Friday, February 22nd, 2002

(1 dancer | dance with me!)

Time:2:27 am.
Mood: exhausted.
Music:marianne, tori.
see the little song bird unable to make a sound
even though she follows her words from town to town
we both have gardens of songs and maybe its okay
that i am speechless because i picked you this bouquet


curling up on the phone for hours with yummy people is yummy. which brings me to the question,

if you could ask richard nixon anything, what would it be?

oh, and justin...if you happen to see this during computer applications, i'm stealing you during the recital this afternoon. and making you my pillow.



and i'm just having thoughts of marianne: she could outrun the fastest slug

Monday, February 18th, 2002

(10 dancers | dance with me!)

Subject:l'izz at 4am (oh no)
Time:11:18 pm.
Music:diner, ani.
clack of tiny sparks

he said to me one day, "baby i see you keep how you feel inside, and i do that, too"
so i brooded around like a beat-up cat in my tight black clothes, took out my cigarette, blew a smoke ring around you,
to take hold of, what is this, but
a little boy being pulled around on a leash by his little dick,
took me for my highest value, sat me on your bed to look pretty, and i took your trick
lying down,

memorized the colours in the paisley of your sheets,
red, brown,
swirls that drowned down and down,
stared at the ceiling, at your hand, at the grime,
and i'll know not to bother saying no next time.

midway, your fiance's on the phone.
i didn't say a word,
just lay under your weight as cold and still as stone,
like i stand right here, right now, as the ring of haze around you fades,
flick my cigarette and a clack of tiny sparks showers to the ground,
and it's not enough to make a fire,
not even a sound.


don't worry--everything's fine. i was just terribly terribly bored during english class on friday, and decided to finish this last night.



pie-eating is always a precursor to sex. pecan is an aphrodisiac, you know. ~brendan

oh no! the roast beef made them stronger and the falafel made them angry!

(2 dancers | dance with me!)

Subject:time for me to go watch "waiting to exhale" hahaha
Time:2:33 am.
Mood: sleepy.
Music:ani (i listened to tori earlier! see? diversity!).
move on...stop worrying where you're going, move on...if you can see where you're going, you've probably gone. just keep moving on. look at where you are not at where you were. open up your eyes! move on... ~stephen sondheim

what could i do with a man?--
pull him on like these oxhide boots,
the color of plums, dipped in blue ink
and stomp hell out of my loneliness,
this hoe that with each use grows sharper.
~young farm woman alone, ai


plizzz22 (2:15:50 AM): so...(buttons)

Sunday, February 17th, 2002

(2 dancers | dance with me!)

Subject:on the roller coaster of all these years, with your hands above your head ~ani
Time:7:02 pm.
Music:portishead and eels.
last night:

driving next to liz, screaming, holding on to her for dear life. (in a car named after me!)

through a red light. in the wrong lane. without our seatbelts on. after we smoked up (hydro, of all things) 3 times. then....ummm....we....ahem.....

exit seventy five, i'm still alive, and i'm still alive, i'm still alive. ~tori


tu es le soleil de ma vie, mon minou ~brendan


Thursday, February 14th, 2002

(4 dancers | dance with me!)

Time:12:11 am.
Mood: bitchy.
Music:most of siamese dream.
sweet sweet sweet sweet little agony
i don't know just where you've been
but I'll take take take
all that you have for me
in sin
where are we going?

and they all want you to change
and they all want you to change

and the sad sad sad
all the sad faces drown
in this town
where are we going?

and they all want you to change
where are we going?
and they all want you to change
where are we going?

~les sensationnels potirons (smashing pumpkins)

well i have a crap hangover. vodka, hydro, red bull, ben & jerry's from russia with buzz--don't mix them. aaggggghhhh. so parent-teacher conferences were today. my grades:

english: a- (excellent behavior; excellent initiative)

ancient medieval history/world geography: a- (excellent behavior)

french II: b- (excellent behavior; excessive absences)

geometry: c (needs more study) she's full of crap

kinesthetics II: d yeah right. even though i've turned into a bloody pulp from my muscles being unbelievably sore because of his stupid movements. he's a plastic piece of crap. or an alien.

biology: c maybe tara and i should stop "going to the bathroom" as "siamese twins" for half an hour every day.

concert chorale: a

theory III: b- (needs more study; good participation)

vocal tech: c (lacks initiative; needs more study)

piano lab II: a (excellent initiative; excellent behavior)

well...whatever. shit, i seriously don't care about anything anymore. i think i'll dye my hair black and walk around bitching at everybody to add some sparkle to my life until spring starts. i don't feel like being a melty drippy snugglybunny.

if i had any sense, i guess i'd fear this. i guess i'd keep it down so no one would hear this. i guess i'd shut my mouth and rethink a minute, but i can't shut it now 'cuz there's something in it. ~ani

god i have a headache.


NOVAspawn (11:51:43 PM): While I'm not quite sure what it entails, I'd be honored to be your Valentine…in…approxamately…9 minutes.
lizzkissicle (11:52:06 PM): =)
NOVAspawn (12:00:04 AM): Happy Valentine's Day
NOVAspawn (12:00:16 AM): (kisses you on the nose)


secret valentine's .mwah. to my wah wah watusi. you're sexy [always. but also] when you talk in french.

Wednesday, February 6th, 2002

(2 dancers | dance with me!)

Subject:for a certain mr. someone who won't even read this
Time:9:53 pm.
Mood: chipper.
it's gonna be sudden
it's gonna be strange
i'm gonna turn on a dime
give you 5 cents change
it's gonna be long
it's all gonna come out
out of me, on to you

out of me
on to you

one of these days you're gonna push too hard
we'll go on like we've always done
till you go too far
one of these days it's gonna reach the top
then it's gonna start to spill
and it's not gonna stop

out of me
on to you...

no more

some people wear their smile like a disguise
those people who smile a lot watch the eyes
i know cause i'm like that a lot
you think everything's okay
and it is till it's not

out of me
on to you...

no more

some people wear their heart up on their sleave
i wear mine underneath my right pant leg strapped to my boot
don't think cause i'm easy i'm naive
don't think i won't pull it out
don't think i won't shoot

out of me
on to you...

no more

most people like to talk a lot
including you
you know there isn't much i have to say
that i wouldn't rather just shut up and do
i'm gonna miss you when you're gone
i'm gonna be torn
just remember that i love you
just remember you were warned

out of me
on to you...

no more
no more.

~outta me, onto you, ani


Sunday, February 3rd, 2002

(6 dancers | dance with me!)

Subject:girlykin babbles
Time:1:46 am.
Mood: good.
Music:hat shaped hat, ani.
soooo...crazycrazycrazy. sally and i just talked longer and with more content than we ever have. and we both realized why we're always this unlabeled letter passing secret smiles back and forth between us. and the only way i could really articulate it was that after we broke up, we became potential energies in some way. to me, she is directly something about or a part of my spirit. and here, when i am in this city, i lead a life that has very little to do with my spirit: school, my house, the crumbling gray sidewalks holding up the layer of d.c. fumes under the sky, all of This. and so where both of us are, when both of us are, we hold on to each other through the thin, foggy film of a reality unborn.

or something. anyway, yeah. a bunch of friends and i are planning to go to jamaica in august. an enormous beach house, white sand beaches, crystal waters (skinnydipping. yumyum), shrooms, alchohol, sex, lying down and looking up at stars. sally and i can erupt then. unless all goes well with my current crush. the first emerging from my 5-month lesbian rage. except he's after some other girl. blah.

so last night was cassie's birthday. we got some *fabulous* hydro.

he held up two fingers and said "how many fingers?"
and i said, "peace man, that's where it's at."

um. then a very high justin called after one or something. we talked about getting married in another lifetime. as cartoon squirrils. cause squirrils have the best homes on cartoons. at some point he fell asleep. =(

that sounds like a good plan right about now. amour amour amour vous jolies renoncules.

l'izz <3

and what i meant to say is xxoo which means i'm thinking of ya
which means i've been thinking of you
all along

Friday, February 1st, 2002

(2 dancers | dance with me!)

Subject:my nails and toenails match
Time:10:53 am.
Mood: mellow.
Music:"angel food," ani.
so i'm in biology, in the library, again. "saving my work onto a disk." except i actually will. anyway, i've been really good for the past couple days. january is *finally* over.

between scholastic suicide, late-night revelations on the phone with katy and giving up on making diversions for my audience and waltzing off stage-left, crying myself to sleep, swirling on eyeshadow in the hot melt of vanity lights in the dressing room under the violent screams of directors RUNRUNRUN you're ON STAGE you lazy bitch!!!!!...

competing with my mother to see who can be the better anoretic in god's eyes, 3-hour fights in the rental car, trying to disassociate myself when my mother blames me for her crashing her car, then she tells me im a possessed two-face who casts spells and im coming from the "wrong place," rehearsals till 9, 10, and 11 and EVERYTHING ELSE...

its over. time to whip out the happy pink tank tops for the beautiful sun. =)



Wednesday, January 30th, 2002

(2 dancers | dance with me!)

Subject:why do you build me up, buttercup
Time:11:10 am.
Mood: giggly.
hey all you lovely blueberries. i'm in school right now, "writing an autobiography and a portfolio cover." arggggh. so we have this musical tonight, which is going to be a hilariously grotesque crash-sculpture. but whatever. it'll be OVER. rehearsals till midnight. oof. fun. but OOF. haha. im gonna go before mr. simmons catches me. i love you all. .mwah. wish me luck staying awake.


justin: you're a grape. cute, green, and soft on the inside.

hahaha. he's not-a-pineapple.

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002

(8 dancers | dance with me!)

Time:11:33 pm.
Mood: indifferent.
Music:ani. (duh.).
Crackshoe: what're you up to?
lizzkissicle: trying not to tell you im crying .laughs.


MeShire: don't cry. there are other things you could be doing.


i know i should be mature
keep my feet on the floor
but for some reason,
i just don't want them anymore
i know this shouldn't be important
compared to you and i
but i can still hear my questions
and i can still hear you
i can still hear you
~letting the telephone ring.ani

i'm imagining the way you say my name
i don't know when
i'm going to hear it again
my friends can't tell
my laughter from my cries
someone tell this photograph of you
to let go of my eyes
~every angle.ani

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