Monday, March 4th, 2002
2:34 am
nui and i went to coffee at saturn around 12. it was a good climax to a 1 minute man weekend. one minute in that it climaxed in the first hour of the first day. the party was pretty rad. definitely the best time. sf was really cool too. the fire alarm was alarming. but standing outside smoking cigarettes as the firefighters (whom had no second carreer in the private entertainment industry) were fighting this elusive and then later confirmed non-existent fire. probably some lame stoners decided to hotbox their room. haha.. wait wait.. probably some lame smokers decided to smoke in doors without opening a window- at least they'll die of cancer. hah. ... sigh.. ::: wandering star fades in the background as claire contemplates the meaning of a life without nicotine:: (yes i wanted you to laugh at the use of the colons)
at least GREG SMOKES CLOVES ON THE WEEKDAYS --"why?" beth asks-- to stay awake during class... hehe cancer posse is still recuiting greg. you could go in on a carton. haha jk baby you know i love you.
all right more studying thanks for coming up homedudes. i had a rad time. -clakat-
current mood: indifferent current music: emo
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Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
8:18 pm - your great aunts dad
Who's Your 80s Movie Icon Alter-Ego? Find out @ She's Crafty
a collaborative effort from nui and claire
last night was a rad party. jizz is rad we talked bout socialism and panama it was tight. tonight im going to see "mitch." sorta nervous but not really. a porn stars party hehe. aight im off to be belligerently drunk. as usual. ciao.
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Friday, March 1st, 2002
12:01 am - "tyler was fired from his job and the urine content of the soup is now under investigation"
you know in fight club how ed norton is obsessed with self help groups. thats sort of like open mics for me. i cant get enough. im addicted to the emo talent of the "women of color" "las girlfriends" other groups that i cant technically classify myself into. but seriously, its gratifying to have a group of equally as emo people telling you they wanna hear why yer there. not that i read, of course. ive been conditioned by my older brother i mean my dad no wait ex boyfriend... that emo is for pussies. when the other jewel and cumbaya-ers went i realized what i should have always realized that greg is always right.. and yes emo is for pussies.
quote of the day: "diiirrrtyy meexxiicans" tip of the day: for those who attended the crown open mic is that not a striking resemblance to "why are they afraid of me" or "why did you have to be a lesbian.. what a waste you are" turn yer grief into predjudice
current mood: blah current music: velvet underground
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Wednesday, February 27th, 2002
10:16 pm - does this dress make me look fat?
no, your ass does.
today me and nudy finally got my car fixed. we got sandwiches and went to toys r us while we were waiting. both of us agreed that santa cruz is pretty white trash in certain parts. toys r us was pretty empty. however we did find something mildly ironic... barbie and britney side by side.. n sync action figures .. did we grow up on the same shit? saved by the bell wasn't that bad right? facts of life .. fraggle rock was a flat out acid trip .. the chodes that work there kept refering to my car as a quelude[my car being a prelude]. he was probably the one who owned the beat up trasher truck with a sticker half the side of the car saying: nor cal. i asked him what would happen if they pulled me over with my expired liscence and registration and he said they would tow the car. he said unless what does the word pokie mean to you?.. heh. the sad thing is id probly do it to avoid being excommunicated from my dad.hed pay for balls to be put on me just so he could rip them off. no lie
all .... looking forward to greg cina and daniul coming to chill. i think im gonna roll. quote of the day: "jesus was the answer. but i killed him and ate his friends." tip of the day: dont drink the water
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Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
11:46 pm
so ive broken down life into two theories: sometimes you gotta take it in the ass and sometimes you gotta stick it where you can
quote me tell yer parents im out ~clakat~
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Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
12:48 pm - date etc.
went on the date. it was all right. nothing amazing, though. dissapointing in that sense. then saw kieth at the dining hall and we were going to go to this party later. but as always i got drunk at nuis house which always ends in me leaving the party by sneaking out at the most inconvienient time to talk to matt. ended up not seeing keith, but later talking to billy who said that he waited a while for me to show up.... i like keith a lot and i dont want to hurt him. i know that sounds chodey but i dont mean it to.
chilling with daniel was really cool. i decided that last night was like a theme sitcom.. like sex and the city or something where everything that occurs in each characters day somehow revolved around one topic like say teen pregnancy or other so called edgy(ie: lame) topics. last night was about ex's sleeping together. that even tho you say yer over it yer not. even tho you tell yerself yer over it. yer not. even though you say yer going to go on other dates see other people. you won't stay with them.. why? cuz yer not fucking over it. hah sorry no more ranting.
and just as the mormon and i started hitting it off.. something to think about: ants and humans are the only animals who go to war individually stupid collectively smart. i own a cell phone right. but i have no fucking clue how to build one. quote of the day: "i love you too" tip of the day: sleeping with your ex helps nothing *(refer above)
current mood: accomplished current music: van morrison
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Friday, February 22nd, 2002
3:32 am - radio flyer has the worst message for kids
radio flyer-- premise is that kids and mom move in with a drunk guy who gives them a home and then starts beating the youngest kid. so they decide to build an airplane in order to get away from the dad then the kid flies away and escapes his abusive family life.
the worst part is that the younger and older kids decide to hide it from the mom because she is happy in her relationship
....cringe... hollywood isn't losing steam.. it never had any to begin with. although the sequel to spy kids makes me wonder how far companies will stoop to manipulate kids to swindle their parents into paying for them to see this shit. and furthermore whats happening to the parents who are forced to go to acompany their children?... oh wait they grew up on disney.
no more ranting. im too nervous about this date. he was making fun of my indecisiveness on the phone. he'll probably end up being chodey. i hope not. wish me luck clakat quote of the day: "yer so indecisive are you a gemini?" -ian tip of the day: good fish wait for no man
current mood: nervous
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Thursday, February 21st, 2002
5:30 am - happE birthday bethums
wish i could have gotten you a better present... next paycheck. i mean allowance? anyway... it was fun at sabeings ate ice cream..
had my midterm finally for this rad class. the one with the professor. i turned in my midterm before everyone else which might be a bad sign but its over now. still waiting for the senior to call. im afraid he did already and i missed it cuz i was too nervous to pick it up... but whatever. the mormon is also coming up this weekend. not that it has any relevance to anyone but myself but im excited. i hope daniul comes down. we could all barn it up.
at least im not giving self help posts anymore greg we haven't talked in a long time where are you?
quote of the day: "i said too much english at one time" -beth tip of the day: don't eat the grass
current mood: awake current music: coldplay
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1:14 am - -disclaimer- i dont actually like the results of the tests i take
Monday, February 18th, 2002
4:14 am - say no to emo
12:58 am - id laugh but its not funny
matt told me he cheated on me ... youd expect id feel worse... but who cares hes a dumbass i shoulda known better and at least its over..
but on a happier note sf was fun david foster explained that getting hit by a car on the street is yer own ignorance in nott seeing it... and that money should be destroyed.. all i can say is werd
now i am sitting here watching "bullies" : who are they : bullies have been around since, well, since schools started : apparently jonathan davis and fred durst were targets of this supposed bullying.... oalmost half of mtv viewers polled were bullied.. the problem is getting worse...: : i dont think that needs explanation
laras supposed to stay here tonight she wanted to hang out with nudy and beth but you guys ar missing in action... ill try and call you guys if she shows up.
ill explain the matt thing but not on lj its too lame
current mood: annoyed
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Friday, February 15th, 2002
2:08 pm - tsolove to get with the basist of the creeps soley for superficial reasons... mm goths..
if men take their sexual aggression out on action movies and metal, women take theirs out on soap opers and talk shows... new name the oprah orgasm rollerball ejeculation (not as witty, but you get the idea)
so im going to try to take advantage of the basist.. cuz what is a life without men right? hah err yeh its true
i think me n abomb n ben are all going to see daniul in sf on saturday... that'll be rad if it works out + lara is coming up on saturday i hope i can run into her before we leave. we're gonna try and kidnap brian twomey as well. question of the day: to gregory speaking of rosie odonnel you think cameron diaz is gay? tip of the day: ish is the sleaziest man alive (reefer below) quote of the day: hat trick= in hockey when you score 3 goals.. hat trick = score 3 guys in one night
current mood: shocked current music: dev being a little too comfortable with his sexuality
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Thursday, February 14th, 2002
6:20 pm - good luck nudy
damn its been such a long time since ive been in love i wonder if my brain could even comprehend it or if i'd just explode
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6:06 pm - damn a sad valentines day.. its been awhile
makes me wanna do good shit for other people tho. dunno why. for some reason i think the romans celebrated something called the "saturnalia" which was something to so with wolves.. aka valentines day is for dogs i guess regents came by to see sc. the first time in 20 years and what did they find? that nothing has changed we are just a bunch of whining hippies. and they cloned a cat meow! soon they'll make clones of other lazy slobs like ourselves cuz you can never have overpopulation, right?
sorry im renaming valentines day alchoholics anonymous recruit day espcially for cynics (sinics-- for dan) like myself... hm... tip of the day: eat me quote of the day: hey hey we're the monkeys
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Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
9:56 pm - nudy i agree
cupid has fucked us up the ass it is a true story. damn im pretty happy i really like this guy. hes all planning on moving up here now. hah i ended up winning my room back horray for squatting! its not final yet but almost flunked the math midterm i was sure i was going to school probably because i got there 20 minutes late and tha was probably because that guy came into my room screaming at me at 8 after id gone to sleep at 5 consequently causing me to fall asleep trying to study later on.. thus waking up at 3:25 for my 3:30 midterm.
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9:47 am - so i got kicked out of my room finally
my supposed former roomate prospect agreed that we are not compatible. etc. so i go to sleep at my normal hour of 5:30 last night and i wake up at 8:30 to the sound of someone pounding on my door and ths guy walks in and starts yelling at me. anyway its sort of awful.. i explain to him what happened and am basically freaking out for about an hour then say fuck it and go to the dining hall he meets me in the dining hall and explains that im probably going to get a single.. but that i have to move out by tomarrow... its probably a sign i should have gotten up anyway to study for this massive ass midterm at 3:30.. anyway so point being.. i dunno where im going to be living tomarrow but lets just hope that its not with that bitch. heh. thats it for now. -clakat-
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Monday, February 11th, 2002
2:33 am
"sometimes you just gotta take it in the ass" "its a tough lesson to learn but someone has to teach it to you, son"
current mood: amused current music: strokes
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Sunday, February 10th, 2002
3:42 pm - oh yeah
and speaking of vivid dreams... i had this dream that i was in a storm and there was some sort of tornado and i was driving in it.. then all of the sudden it swept my car up cuz i underestimated it or something... and i could feel myself lose control of my car... then i finally get back to the inn and crouch in the back of my room and watch the clouds move and then all of the sudden it starts hailing and everyone is scared as fuck and screaming... then lightning starts striking. and its right near my door... and then i see it hit the door of the people next to me and everyone is screaming.. and finally i run out of there ..
whats scary is that the last time i had a dream about a storm was eh.. right before winter break.. which wasn't cool.
when the lightning struck i could feel the energy running through my body too.... and this guy that i had really liked back at flintfuck was there and he was giving me his number and was acting like nothing happened... cuz its a long story.. we went on a date to homecoming.. but he was friends with the jocks and i couldn't hack it, cuz they were so lame. football team even. grosse...
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3:14 pm - i say we bomb... the sun
i regret the sun.... when im hungover. damn last night was insane nui got some action hehe this guys perfect dude nuis in love muwaha excellent thank god one of us got a good guy. yeah so ive been acting not like myself lately. to put it lightly. last night i got all depressed when i was drinking. it was a disaster sorry ya'll. me and joanne had a rad conversation about men and our families. how addictive a relationship is etc. shitty ass. sort of depressing watching someone else go through the same thing cuz you can see it from another perspective. but these cool guys chris and dan were hanging out with us they were from sb dans from here tho (thats nuis man hes also got crown pride) they were making fun of the dickheads in sb with the shell necklaces and backwards oakleys "hey bras".. etc john (the girlfriend beater in action) nui told them bout capt america we realized we're sort of desensitized to the whole thing like neither of us see the shock value in explaining that she lives with dog and girlfriend abusers... something to think about .. but not for long. then we jumped on trampolines and nearly died and few these horses... this guy came up and asked me if this place was an outhouse and when i said goodbye im all.. have a good one.. it was funnier at the time probably. so keiths playing games and im eh not really into it. but i did come across this blue club down soquel and im thinking of asking him if he wants to go. we both like that shit.... hey at least its not emo right? oh wait we both like belle and sebastian a dark sign indeed... i haven;t talked to matt really. joanne says he feels like i was too much a part of his life and thats why he dumped me saying that i was obsessed with him... hahaha with matt. damn its like a flashback when i see pretentious chris in the dining hall i hold tight to my metaphorical grapefruit spoon and imagine chopping off his twat... i mean vagina. we went to this thing called sexcapades with all these drunk ass sluts.. i went in sweats for protest... and we never even got in. what a loss. so yeah tip of the day: greg are you still alive quote of the day: "you can drop me off at bandpractice on sunday" keith..
current music: everybody knows whats best for you
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Saturday, February 9th, 2002
7:32 pm - oh my god
"The Internet has proven a useful tool for pedophiles and sexual predators as they distribute child pornography, engage in sexually explicit conversations with children, and seek victims in chat rooms. The more pornography these individuals access, the higher the risk of their acting out what they see, including sexual assault, rape, and child molestation. "
look up donna rice hughes. just say no to pr0n
go reagan i mean rimjobs love clakat
current mood: jealous current music: jennifer flowers was a singer?
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