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the negro speaks of rivers [01 Feb 2002|10:48am]
--- "grant b, sun reporter" wrote:
> Tomorrow's Candlemas, the day when spring
> traditionally starts shaking off the worst of
> winter. High time for another poetry thing,
> says
> I.
> The NPR people mentioned today was the birthday
> of not only Lisa Marie Presley but also
> Langston Hughes.
> He (sort of) birthed the Harlem Renaissance.
> Had
> a knack for taking the simple phrase and
> loading
> it up with associations and memories. If haiku
> is
> a *distillation* of a poetic image, then Hughes
> did *condensation*, like sweet milk for coffee
> or
> like dew on a morning windshield.
> This poem is a good one: echoes of ancient
> culture, geology, primal rhythm, but personal.
> Take a couple minutes to savor it.
> >>>>>>>>
> The Negro Speaks of Rivers
> I've known rivers:
> I've known rivers ancient as the world and
> older
> than the flow of human blood in human veins
> My soul has grown deep like the rivers.
> I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young
> I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me
> to
> sleep.
> I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids
> above it.
> I heard the singing of the Mississippi when
> Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans,
> and I've seen its muddy bosom
> turn all golden in the sunset
> I've known rivers:
> Ancient, dusky rivers.
> My soul has grown deep like the rivers.
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I'm, like, friends with someone who's sort of related to someone famous. Almost. [25 Jan 2002|09:24am]
> >From: "grant b, sun reporter"
> >To: Jeannie
> >Subject: Sam will kill him
> >Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 20:41:22 -0800 (PST)
> >
> >
> >
> >Here's the info on Sean Astin:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >So, does this mean Patty Duke is Charlene's
> aunt??
--- Jeannie wrote:
> Patty Duke was married to Charlene's cousin for
> about a week during a stint
> she did in Vegas. She got pregnant by this man
> but left him and went back to
> her ex husband and told him he was the father.
> They remarried and he raised
> the boy. After Sean grew up he had to have some
> medical tests or something
> and the blood did not match up with his
> parents. His mom then told him the
> story and he went and contacted Charlene's
> cousin and now he's friends with him.

Do the tabloids know about this?
10 comments|post comment

[24 Jan 2002|01:53pm]

> To: "UFO Roundup Subscribers 2":;
> From: John Hayes
> Subject: UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 7 Number 4

> > From the UFO Files...
> During the first two decades of the
> Twentieth Century, there were a number of strange
> "airship" or UFO flaps. They took place in the USA, UK, Italy,
> Germany and New Zealand. In 1913, UK, in particular, was
> visited by a number of "dark airships." Here's a case from Wales.
> "On 17 January (1913) at 4:45 p.m., Capt.
> L. Lindsay, Chief Constable of Glamorganshire (Wales) saw
> an airship flying over Cardiff, creating 'a dense volume
> of smoke.'" Lindsay "noted it was much bigger and
> faster than the locally-built Willows airship."
> "Half an hour later," at 5:15 p.m.,
> "Steven Morgan saw a similar ship, trailing smoke, over
> Merthyr, 30 miles (48 kilometers) away--a very high speed for
> airships of the era." (See UFO: The Complete Sightings by
> Peter Brookesmith, Barnes & Noble Inc., New York,
> N.Y., 1995, page 28.)
2 comments|post comment

the dying art of the con (or: he even left his email address...). [21 Jan 2002|10:43pm]
--- Kingsley Ige wrote:
> Dear Sir/Madam,
> Your contact was discretely sourced for as
> international acclaimed personality because it
> is utterly necessary for your involvement.
> Besides, permit me to use this medium to seek for your
> assistance, trust, willingness and confidence
> to handle this business, as it deserves. Meanwhile
> this mail may have gotten to you as a surprise but
> the reason for reaching out to you, remain basic
> because I repose every confidence in you to treat this
> matter by virtue of your assistance with utmost
> seriousness and
> mutual support to achieve success.
> In a brief introduction, I am KINGLEY IGE
> (ESQ.), a cousin to the LATE CHIEF BOLA IGE (SAN,MON) of
> blessed memory and I am also a legal practitioner. Due
> to my closeness to Late Chief Bola Ige (SAN,MON) and
> my longtime experience in legal matters, I was
> fortunate to associate with Chief Bola Ige (SAN,MON) who
> was assassinated last December 2001 by unknown
> gunmen.
> Chief Bola Ige until his death was the Former
> Minister Of Power And Steel, an Attorney General and
> Minister of Justice of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
> As result of the closeness, I was more like
> Personal Assistance to him until his death. However, the
> Late Minister has been buried most recently this
> January 2002 at his private home here in Nigeria. This
> puts the fate of our entire family in agony;till
> now, the circumstances surrounding or leading to his
> assassination is yet to be ascertained by the
> Investigation Committee set up by the Government of Nigeria to
> fish out those responsible for his death.
> Now, this brings me to the main matter: I was
> in possession of some very vital documents
> relating to his investments (home and abroad), private
> affairs and money related documents. Most of these
> documents were made known to our family with respect to the
> etiquette of the law profession and according to the
> instructions he gave me before his death. I
> deliberately kept aside one vital and
> confidential file and his personal diary, which he gave to
> me temporarily two days before his death and none
> of our family member is aware of this. So, I kept it
> aside to strike out a deal with someone from the
> international community so that there would be no trace to
> it.
> Moreover, after two weeks of his death and
> funeral, I opened the file and I found out that it
> contains all relevant papers relating to his
> US$15,000,000.00 (Fifteen Million United States Dollars) he
> lodged with a Security Company in Accra Ghana, which was
> meant for execution of a very important Government
> Electrification Project when he was in office
> as the Minister for Power and Steel of the Federal
> Republic of Nigeria two years ago; which he failed to
> implement before he was appointed as Minister of Justice
> and Attorney General of the Federation.
> On further enquiry, I notice that the said fund
> was secretly purported for sponsoring his campaign
> committees abroad intone for his Presidential
> race next year (2003) election as published in the
> news dailies. Based on my position and as a family
> member, I went to the Security Company. I met two
> officials at the security company in Ghana. I was informed
> that the money (according to the late Minister's
> interest) was defaced by the Security Company and enclosed in
> two (2) boxes; hence, registered as containing
> sensitive photographic materials to make way at the port
> of entry at their offshore payment centers Abroad
> and to avoid any suspicion or trace from the
> Government of Nigeria. I hereby solicit for your humble
> assistance to enable me lodge an application for claim of
> this fund in your favour as the Chairman of the
> campaign committee. This deal can only be justified with
> your support and willingness upon which if you deem
> it fit to transact, I will process all the necessary
> documentation in your favour as the true
> beneficiary of the money (consignment). I am in a better
> position to forestall you as the beneficiary through
> proper documentation to effect the claims. Once,
> you've claimed the money and you have deposited it in
> your bank account, I will arrange to meet you in
> your country for compensation of both parties
> according to agreed percentages and for good business
> opportunities as I wish to go into business in areas of good
> business opportunities in your country based on
> your advice and initiative.
> All modalities have been put in place to move
> this money to any of the Security Company's
> designated offshore service centers nearest to you for
> your convenience; where this Dollar Bills as it is
> in the boxes will be reconverted into GRADE A1 NEON
> PROOF MINT. With the help of the two Security Company
> Officials, who have promised to keep it
> confidential, the claims will be made without any
> difficulties within five working days of your interest to
> assist as a partner, so that an application would be
> lodged to the management fore mostly, for the claims. I
> want to inform you that this business is 100% risk free
> and once started will not take more than 7 working
> days.
> All I require from you now is: your full name
> and address, telephone and fax numbers for easy
> communication, first two pages of your
> international passport for recognition to enable me know whom
> I am dealing with and any other relevant information
> concerning you. I will be very happy to
> entertain any question from you and looking forward for your
> urgent replies if you deem it fit to transact with me
> and you will be highly compensated. Use this email
> as an alternative
> email address to communicate more with me only if you
> are very interested and sure to get this carried out
> successful. Your quickest response will enable me stop
> further search for a beneficiary.God bless you.
> Yours faithfully,
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[10 Jan 2002|04:01pm]
> > It's frightening how much we simply can't afford.
> Keep it simple. Sarah did our wedding on
> the cheap by industry standards. Had we to do it
> again, we would have done it even cheaper.

Yeah. It's mainly keeping the guest list reasonable that's a problem. I have far more friends than I do money.

> > Garden Ave. house. Where do your folks live
> again?
> xxx xxxxxxx St. That's one block north
> of xxxxxx Road between Garden and Georgia.

We're three blocks north of Bunker. On Garden. Weird.

> The house is white and has a pool.
> Tell mom you did the 'Gravity' song and she
> might just let you use the pool.

Even if I bring a seven-year-old?
Maybe I'll try when it gets warmer.

> > I wanna know if they were among the excess
> > Xmas light spectacle people.
> No envy need be wasted there. Mom likes to
> have a pretty tree and a few lights outside but
> beyond that, lazy takes over where holiday spirit
> ends.

There are some people in the neighborhood who could singlehandedly keep the electric company and the local acid dealers in business.
5 comments|post comment

somehow approaching adulthood [31 Dec 2001|09:11am]
> > I've gotten engaged and bought a house. In
> > backwards order.
> Whoa! Great news!
> I think you told me about the house, but I
> didn't know about the
> imminent-wedding part. You got details yet?

Memorial Day weekend. Having trouble budgeting it.

Seems like it'll stick, though.

> I figure this is the same chiquita you told me
> about a while back...

One and the the same.
The Mysterious Older Woman.

> > If God wanted us to kill Bin Laden, He
> wouldnta
> > made him look like Santa Claus. That's what I
> > say.
> Well, it's really insane around here. I mean,
> the yokels have gone
> amok. It was driving me batshit until I figured
> out I could make art out of it.
> I'm wondering if it'll be Web based or if I'll
> just start some huge collage project.

Do both.

What kind of art will it be? I mean, what manner of collage?
4 comments|post comment

as well as moving into a new house, I'm.... [27 Dec 2001|09:38am]
> > My company is moving (temporarily) into the old
> > T-Rex building on the former IBM campus. It's the
> > traffic light just east of Broken Sound.
> > You know anything about the place?
> That's the building my company is in... we've only had one
> anthrax scare ourselves, and the mail processing facility for
> Boca is also in the building and has been
> sweeped out a few times from what I hear... heh.
> Nice place... like to go running around in the disused portions
> looking for loot.... find all kinds of interesting things... and
> it looks like it's straight outta some level of
> Doom... without as many demons and zombies, anyway.
> That was a few years ago, though... they might
> have cleaned up a lot more since then.
> It's an old IBM facility... category 5 hurricane proof,
> supposedly as the rumours go... I think it's made to withstand a
> nuclear blast, from the way it feels once you're inside. Also,
> rumour has it the "Personal Computer" was "born" there. Used to
> be called "Blue Lake".... for the odd perfectly round lake out
> back... of course that part is all fenced off these days.
6 comments|post comment

anarchist christianity [18 Dec 2001|10:43am]
> You involved with this?


> It reminds me a *lot* of some stuff I was
> stirring around back in college.
> I still get mail addressed to Rev. Grant Balfour,
> Universal Church of Christ, Redeemer of the Dead.
> Made myself a UCCRD t-shirt with a skull inside a
> cross on it, and the slogan "When there's no more
> room in Hell, the Dead will walk the Earth"
> across the back.
> Interesting to see the meme carried along,
> parallel rebirthing....
> - g

Guilty as charged. When Rev al retired he wanted
to pretend that he had had
a conversion. It was a very long extended prank
on Cacophony that ended in:
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work in time of plague [05 Dec 2001|05:35pm]
> > By the way, if you haven't seen it, check
> page
> > B5 in today's NY Times. It has an article on
> > the AMI building and an interesting graphic
> on
> > exactly where in the building anthrax was
> found
> > and where it wasn't. It also shows where the
> > various tabs are located and where Bob
> Stevens
> > worked, but not your desk. You missed your
> five
> > seconds of fame, but try again.
> Yeah, we got the official copies of the same
> graphic (I was hoping they would post it on the
> nytimes website, but they didn't).
> One of the few sites on the third floor was
> right
> next to my desk.
> The distribution patterns, though, make it
> clear
> that the stuff came into the first floor mail
> room, then just drifted up/was tracked into the
> other floors.
> Ernie dropped by lunch yesterday - everyone in
> diner started clapping & cheering. Some
> rose to their feet. You wouldn't expect it from hard-bitten
> scandal hounds like those guys.
> And he made a point to shake hands with every
> person there. He's quite a guy.
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25 Feb 1943 - 30 Nov 2001 [30 Nov 2001|09:58am]
> None of life's strings can last
> So, I must be on my way
> And face another day
> Now the darkness only stays the night-time
> In the morning it will fade away
> Daylight is good at arriving at the right time
> It's not always going to be this grey
> All things must pass
> All things must pass away
> All things must pass
> All things must pass away

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On The Nature of God, Neurology and the New Flesh [27 Nov 2001|02:22pm]
> > Last week I found out in my psychology class
> > that we are hardwired to
> > believe in God. They coined it now as "the God
> > lobe" and the science of
> > God. So now I go through life wondering if I
> > believe in God or in lobe? My
> > son now says things like... "It's in lobe's
> > hands... or Lobe!" Big Eric's
> > favorite is "Lobedammit!" And now you send me
> > THIS!!!! More for my tiny
> > brain to compute. Send me some good news on
> > the lobe thing. I want to
> > believe in God and not the lobe. Thanks! M-
> >
> One of my favorite movies in college was
> "Videodrome" by David Cronenberg.
> It's about a secret television frequency that
> gets viewers addicted and gradually alters their
> perceptions of reality. It also causes
> development of a tumor-like growth in certain
> areas of the the visual cortex. It may or may not
> be a new gland for perceiving a reality that is
> out there unseen by people who aren't equipped to
> perceive it. The implication is, the more
> experience you get in seeing that reality, the
> easier it is for you to see it, as if you're
> exercising a muscle.
> One of the characters asks: does the tumor cause
> the hallucinations? Or do the hallucinations
> cause the tumor?
> It's a question that can't be answered within the
> film; someone who can't see the hallucinations
> would say of course the tumor/gland causes the
> hallucinations, but for those who see the
> hallucinations/different realities (which
> includes you sitting there watching the movie,
> thanks to the magic of special effects), it
> certainly seems like the glimpses into
> alternate realities is speeding the development of the
> tumor/gland.
> So it's that kind of thing. Science rarely
> answers religious questions because it's a
> closed system (reality is what reality is), while
> religion is an open system (with our reality on
> the inside and God on the outside).
> Who put the lobe there? Why should you mistrust
> the lobe while trusting the visual cortex? Who
> said the eyes-part of the brain is any more
> "real" than the God-part?
> - g
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[20 Nov 2001|10:12am]
> >> Define better things.
> >
> >"Here's wishing you the bluest sky
> >And hoping something better comes tomorrow
> >Hoping all the verses rhyme,
> >And the very best of choruses to
> >Follow all the drudge and sadness
> >I know that better things are on the way."
> >-- better things, Ray Davies.
> You're going to send me a singing telegram
> for my birthday, aren't you? I knew it.

And that was the original Kinks version, not the Dar Williams cover.

Wait, singing? Shit, I'm gonna have to cancel that stripper, ain't I.

Saw a thing on MTV last night, the making of Marilyn Manson's latest video. What I foretold two years ago has come to pass - a fusion of goth culture with hip hop. He was striking poses with a little cap thing on, driving a tricked-out 60-something sedan with HYDRAULICS.
And there was a gothic booty dance. And ladeez in the hot tub. I don't know the director's prior work, but he looked a lot more like Chuck D than Peter Murphy.
I'm telling you, I saw this coming the first time I went to a fetish club.

> >I always like surprises. Mild surprises.
> >If things get too settled, then something
> always
> >goes explosively, hideously wrong.
> But what if they're not always good
> surprises?

Life is risk. Can't eat a good caesar salad without hitting a few anchovy bits.

> >> I haven't been in a movie mood lately. I
> >> haven't been in a much
> >> of anything mood lately.
> >
> >a mood for grant?
> There's always a mood for grant, you big
> silly homeowning person.

Oooo! Endeavour: successful!

> Right now I am currently embroiled in
> shameless flirting with Cxxxxxx. I have no
> shame.

I guess we've both snuck your name in national publications, but his would be much cooler.

Actually, I think he's kinda cute, too. No shame.
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ownership in the biozone [31 Oct 2001|10:50am]
> > hey congratulations Grant! I've always wanted to be a homeowner.
> I have so enjoyed being a renter thus far, it's a
> strange transition. I think I'll feel more like I
> own the place once I've moved in.
> I think having the floors redone will also be a big psychological step.
> > Where is this new fix-er-upper of yours? Sounds like a
> > potentially great place.
> I could describe where that is, but I'm not sure it'd make much sense to you. An old, old
> neighborhood, east of I95, and just south of a neighborhood which has undergone a major
> renovation/beautification over the last 10 years.
> > Are you still on the Cipro despite not testing
> > positive? or did they let you go off it? The way things are going up here,
> > you may want to save some of it and donate it to the cause up here.
> Still taking it, yeah. Awaiting more fun side
> effects. It's expensive as hell, apparently
> (we're getting our pills from the health
> department). For Halloween at the office
> (warehouse, garage, whatever) today, one of the
> computer techs came in wearing ratty flannels,
> holding a grubby cup, with a cardboard sign
> around his neck saying "Will Work For Cipro."
> Apparently, he's actually been getting a few
> extra pills....
> If I ever get some digital photos made of the
> place, I'll send 'em up to you.
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life in further flux [25 Oct 2001|11:35am]
> > Hey Carolyn - you won't believe this, maybe,
> > but
> > it looks like I'm only here until around noon
> > tomorrow. Strange days. Still have to wake up
> > before six fucking o clock, but my coworkers are
> > gluttons for sleep deprivation. Maybe I'll be
> > able to swing something around then, or I could
> > maybe drive down separately or something.
> > The Enquirer has printed our new, Miami address
> > on the cover of its latest edition. This was a
> > stupid, stupid move. Our days here (perhaps as a
> > result, perhaps simply coincidentally) are
> > thusly numbered. Might not be here next week.
> > We shall see!
> > I'll call you (or you call me) tomorrow!
> ----------- carolynraming@xxxxx wrote:
> How completely odd.
> The Enquirer is really the pits.
> Where can you guys be safe?
We can only become safe by becoming ultimate warriors; we, the refuse of the tabloid industry, are our own perfect security force - sworn to loyalty, and bonded forever by the mark of "wackiness," forged into a fighting, writing, and two-fisted publishing unit without parallel!
1 comment|post comment

instant messenger. [12 Oct 2001|05:21pm]
Jeannie says:
Just had a blood test today, and got interviewed by the FBI here in my apartment.
Jeannie says:
The interviewer was named Mark Schaeffer.
Jeannie says:
That was odd.
Jim says:
I need a full account.
Jeannie says:
He looked like Chris Isaak, and that's even odder.
Jim says:
Any comment on the decor, or the contents of your bookshelves?
Jim says:
You need to put this in an e-mail so it'll be preserved.
Jeannie says:
No. I think they missed the little Eleggua by the door altogether.
Jim says:
Okay, now I believe you're Grant.
Jeannie says:
I posted a brief account up on the message board.
Jim says:
Which message board?
Jim says:
And who is this they?
Jeannie says:
Barbelith. The two interviewers.
4 comments|post comment

en exilio [10 Oct 2001|01:09pm]
RE: en exilio
Wed, 10 Oct 2001 09:31:18 -070

I love your updates. Keep them coming! You should
start a Weblog on all of
this so folks can peer in and see what the latest
is. :-)

-----Original Message-----
Subject: en exilio

Reporting after the crack-of-dawn run down I-95.

I'm in the Mira editorial office in Miami right
now, overlooking sunny Biscayne Bay at the
eastern end of Calle Ocho. These Latino
tabloidistas know how to live large. Huge CD
collection, and two kinds of coffee machines in
the break room. Huge CD collection. Pinups on the
wall. Silk flowers in some of the offices.

We're here with the Weekly World News staff. We
both have to get our papers out in one looong
day. This may mean missing Bob Stevens' memorial
service, a fact with which many of us are not
pleased. If it comes to that, I'll try to arrange
something here.

Latest news reports (take as suppostition and
hearsay thus far): anthrax spores came from a lab
in Iowa in the 1950s, and no other traces have
been found in the AMI building. Oh, and Mohammed
Atta supposedly had a subscription to all the

Sure is a gorgeous view here. I can see South
Beach out the window, across the water.

I'm folding some paper roses for the vase in my
commandeered bay-view office. We'll see if I can
stay here through the day. I've already loaned
out a Cipro pill to a coworker who turned up

Yours, grant
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anthrax testing [08 Oct 2001|05:55pm]
> Yikes! You poor kid! How terrifying. Well,
> take your pills and get your
> rest. Did they say anything like you should've
> already had coldlike
> symptoms by now if you were infected?

They mentioned that, but there's simply not much known about inhalational anthrax.

> Or what
> the effectiveness is if you
> take the drugs now, after having been recently
> exposed?

antibiotics fine: if you're not actually ill yet, your chances are really very good even if exposed to a dangerous dose.
if no antibiotics, not so good.
of course, with Cipro, I'm not allowed to eat CHEESE. and i love cheese.

> Why does the paper
> need to move? Have they quarantined your
> offices or something?

the building is "sealed."

> Well, my
> thoughts are with you -- I will hope and pray
> that you're ok. Be good and
> try to keep sane.
> Here's a hug from your faraway friend...

hey! don't grab the butt!
7 comments|post comment

anthrax [05 Oct 2001|10:55am]
> > Half our paper can't sit at their desks right
> now, waiting for the
> > Health Department to come.
> Yikes. Anyone panicking?
> > One of the other writers was watching the ABC
> morning news: they said
> > he was a photojournalist for the British Sun,
> and they showed footage
> > of our building and said it was the hospital
> he was in.
> >
> > So much for television.
> Yay print media!
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[03 Oct 2001|10:51am]
> Prepare to be both fired and evicted, the
> Theremin is on the way!
> Cats and dogs alike will feel compelled to dry
> hump your legs - so too will weird goth chicks
> with emotional problems.
> My apologies in advance if customs x-rays the
> box and you receive a body cavity search as
> it's contents may resemble a device which I
> choose not to name as your sys-admins may
> filter the mail for such words to which they'll
> notify the proper authorities and then you'll
> get yet another full cavity search - and it
> ain't even the weekend yet!
> Have fun!
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[25 Sep 2001|03:43pm]
> Are you thinking about buying a particular
> house, or just of the concept of
> home ownership? Are you going to shack up?
> What else are you up to?
> I interviewed for a job in Tulsa. I am still
> getting used to the idea of
> interviewing there, I haven't seriously
> considered the idea of actually
> moving there. We shall see....
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