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Tuesday, February 19th, 2002

Time:9:04 pm.
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Wednesday, February 13th, 2002

Time:8:04 pm.
There is nothing quite as appealing as taking a hot shower, and then collapsing into an early afternoon nap before even shedding your towels. I can't describe it... it's just that cumulative feeling of sunlight, wet/naked skin, and apathetic grogginess. I could lie there for hours.
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Time:5:41 pm.
Music:Radiohead - 06 - Optimistic.
There are two empty bottles of beer on my desk. Apparently they've been there for a while. The insides are now growing mold, in and around the bottom. Thus, the specimins are quite contained.

Here is the question.

Should I leave them out indefinitely, in order to see what happens?
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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002

Subject:Fonotoon 1.0
Time:12:45 am.

Check out the new pic.

I'm quite proud of it for a first effort.

Next up is Denis/Alison.

Unless I get time alone with Trevor first.
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Monday, February 11th, 2002

Time:10:46 pm.
Staring at a cartoon representation of yourself on the bed is unsettling!
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Subject:more excellent titles
Time:11:30 am.
Sex on the Beast

I think is fun
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Sunday, February 10th, 2002

Time:6:17 pm.
Music:Radiohead - 08 - Idioteque.
"Sex on the Bach"

would be an extraordinarily clever title for something music, and possibly even Bach related. please use it.
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Subject:Don't Poke Us There
Time:6:15 pm.
Music:Radiohead - 08 - Idioteque.

a Fono/Clare/Trevor alternative to LiveJournal mindfuckhell

or something

coming soon
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Time:6:10 pm.
Music:Good Charlotte - Undergrads Theme Song.
Walking through Kingston in the winter with the Hip playing in your ears is like carrying around a narrator inside your head.
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Saturday, February 9th, 2002

Time:3:42 am.
I just want to emphasize the fact that you need to try ALL the games at the link I just posted.

They are filling with me an extraordinarily delicate sense of wonder, one by one.
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Subject:Inhuman Creations
Time:3:34 am.

of particular interest to trevor, possibly

if you want to weep like a child gazing at a glorious testament to the ideal of beauty, try Pocketful of Stars. it's the second one.
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Time:3:22 am.
Turn off the lights.

Turn up the volume.
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Monday, February 4th, 2002

Time:8:08 am.

You're a wild coconut.

I will crack you open and feast on your TASTY INNARDS.

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Saturday, February 2nd, 2002

Time:1:14 pm.
Your friend Fono -- bringing you interweb magic since August 2000, or so.

Clare should enjoy these most of all, as I know he is an information fiend like me, and possibly Trevor. -- ostensibly an awesome resource for would-be detectives. search the internet in virtually every conceivable way at once, or something. -- backups of entire internet chunks. records webpages of yesteryear. rather impressive. -- well, it has an FTP search. since lycos' engine is apparently down, that's a good thing.
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Friday, February 1st, 2002

Subject:The prognosis is WIND
Time:3:15 pm.
Music:loreena mckinnet ~ the bonny swans.
Kingston has been siezed by a veritable tornado today.

Accordingly, my imagination has soared.

This weekend ought to be magical.
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Tuesday, January 29th, 2002

Time:10:10 pm.

Denis! Alison! WHOEVER! Who wants to get together and cook up something to perform at the Silence festival!? It doesn't matter! Whatever! But we have to do it fast! So let's GO, yeah!? Who's on board!?
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Time:8:57 pm.
I find myself listless.

This is the root of the problem. There is no one around here to excite and motivate me. I enjoy the company of Ed, Laura, and Katie, but at best they simply do not provoke to embark on epic psychological journeys or cross boundaries of thought and action, and at worst I tire of them entirely. I need new, exciting people. I don't know how to find them. I mentioned this before, but the problem is getting more singular now. I'm getting tired of keeping momentum from my own momentum. Eventually it will run out, and I just won't have anything interesting to say or show to you people.

I need endless adventures. I need constant emotion. These days, my highs are merely acceptable and my lows are just... this... mediocre... listlessness


I'm open to suggestions.
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Subject:confused and intimidated
Time:8:47 pm.
You know, if you go by my LJ vs. yours, my life seems extraordinarily shallow and boring by comparison. I find that interesting.

Let's get together sometime soon and catch colds.
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Monday, January 28th, 2002

Time:7:19 pm.
Music:Radiohead - 06 - Optimistic.

Take the What
animal best portrays your sexual appetite??

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Sunday, January 27th, 2002

Subject:"Don't Do This at Home" or "Awful Suicide"
Time:10:50 pm.
I am going to eat processed cheese and drink vodka, straight up, while rereading a hardcore fantasy novel.

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LiveJournal for Dodgwidge Lutson.

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