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Bitter Nny

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o_O;;; [23 Feb 2002|10:23am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Radiohead: Underworld ]

Take the Final Fantasy X personality test here! by thingwraith

You are...

Click the sprite to take the Which Caffeine-Induced Freak Are You Most Like? test thingie. Or you could just click the result pic and save yourself a bit of trouble. Crap, I need to shut up now.

Take the What Color Dragon Should You Ride? Quiz

Made By: myway and teza

There you go folks, your daily (?) dose of Quizzies......

Oh yeah, FKRS, here's my friend quiz, back by popular demand, or for you knuckleheads who weren't around that day it was posted in chat X_x;;; o_O;;;
2 Happy Victims -Knock on my Door

A petal falls..... [23 Feb 2002|09:11am]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Alanis Morissette: 21 Things (New Album BEHBEHS!) ]

Well, in a day wrought with assholishness, I find out that Chuck Jones has died. U_U

The man was a genious and it's rather disturbing to me that a lot of the people in chat had /have NO idea who he was. WTF?! I mean, without Chuck Jones, Bob McKimson, tex Avery, Fritz Freeling, Walt Disney and others, we'd not have 'Anime'. The ONLY reason why 'anime' became ANYTHING is because Osamu Tezuka watched Disney toons and Warner toons. I mean REALLY. Why it DOESN'T suprise me in the SLIGHTEST that these idiots don't know the history of anime, they should bloody well know who the WARNER animators are. They grew up WATCHING those shorts.....
BTW....Tezuka is the man who brought you Astro Boy and Kimba.......But he was NOT the first to bring Anime to America.....That happened in '61 where as Astro Boy came out in '63. See? I ain't called the ToonGirl(bitch) for nothing....

Ah...Jason told me last night that my nightmare is soon to be OVER. He's hired someone to be in charge of Nights, so Jon goes back to 2nd in charge and I'm just a PEON! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! No more stress! So fewer migraines and ........less.........drinking..........o____O WOT'LL I DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO? But I'm glad J got this guy.

Anyway. I think I'm off until the evening. Saw Jas, she seems down still. It's to be expected. I hope she feels better soon, however.....



Ya old fkr!
3 Happy Victims -Knock on my Door

................. [22 Feb 2002|09:22pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Still going with Stand-up ]

Which 80's tv toon are YOU? | made by kt of


*Nny is not too happy about that result*

Knock on my Door

Crappy-Assed Russians SUCK [22 Feb 2002|09:15pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Stand-up on TV ]

Bastards came back in the third period to make the score 3-2 but they LOSE! >_
Anyway, here's the first of a couple of quizzes I'm taking:

Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?

Holy Prime Directive, you're Robocop!

Well, you're neither colossal, nor technically a robot, but your arthritic lurching and dubious morals have found their way into the hearts of futuristic rebels and children everywhere. You walk through fire, catch bullets from the air, and you never, ever smile. Combine this with an abstract, almost random concept of duty and honour, and you have a police officer one cannot fail to adore.

Thank you, Robocop.

I'd buy THAT for a dollar.......

Knock on my Door

u.u [22 Feb 2002|11:04am]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | Radiohead: Bulletproof ]

I've tried to help resolve issues, but it seems to be for naught. The people involved, I don't know well enough to help out as well as I'm used to or can.

I just hope that this gets resloved with haste and as little pain as possible.

Daoist's Daily Meditation:

Sleepless Nights.
Diet. Mind. Conditions
Hold the possbility of Correction.

Basically this means that the way you live factors into losing yourself or staying on track (keeping Tao with you rather than seperate). Food affects mood and health as does state of mind. Try and keep your body and mind healthy. Try not to react from stress, worry, scheming, desires, et cetera. It can alter your sense of being and cause you to do things you'd not normally do, say things you'd not normally say. Keep control of your life, be it work, your home, anything. 'the wise arrange their lives so that they always can return to balance.'

I have to go now. I hope their friend can help them better than I could....

Limb by limb
And tooth by tooth
Tearing up inside of me
Every day, every hour
Wish that I
Was bulletproof....
Knock on my Door

Bloody Munkeys >_< [22 Feb 2002|01:59am]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | A Perfect Circle: Judith (Live, acoustic) ]

Well, I thought I was in for a bit of formality tonight. Jas and Jay invited me to their wedding, which was an honor, actually.

Sufficed to say, it DIDN'T happen. People kept gettting kicked off, or talking or yahellers entered and other assorted catastrophies occurred.

It was a shame. They are cute together and it'd make for an amusing cerimony and further union.

Jas couldn't even stay in the room. Hell a few of us couldn't . (-.-;;; @ freezing a few times myself. Damn Radionhead/Perfect Circle downloads...) I guess it ended up that she got frustrated with the room and eventually was kicked off her comp by outside forces. I dunno. Ivan does, I believe...

Anyway, back to JA: 1

Knock on my Door

WOOT [21 Feb 2002|09:57pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Sevendust: Follow ]

It's a small thing, but I NEEEEEED more email addys.......

Anyway, just got and as new email addys. AnimeNation had put in new domains and I grabbed them.....
I'm retarded........

3 Happy Victims -Knock on my Door

Mmmmmm........... [21 Feb 2002|12:24pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Inu Yasha eps ]

*in mock Apu-From-Simpsons-Voice* Thank the merciful heavens, I FINALLY have my cable hook-up! *would happy mosh, but is too damn tired*

And, after being on the phone with a tech for over an hour, I can even check my MAIL -.-;;; I can't believe that I couldn't access the damned thing.....Anyway, it's working and those who want the addy can ask me for it.

I'm going to bed now, but I'll leave with this brief Working With Men Moment that's less a moment, more an amusement:

Andy, Jon's friend, has a new girlfriend.....who's 19.....lives in a garage apt....(so far, not too bad).....likes to be photographed nude......(again, having SEEN the pics PERSONALLY, not a bad thing) a heroin addict.........(uh oh..)....who shoots rather than sniffs........( O_O;;; ) , and who, get this, pees in a glass because she has no bathroom in her (garage) apt. According to Andy, she has TWO glasses. Damn Jon for beating me to the question of : She doesn't shite in the OTHER glass, does she?


I don't know WHERE Andy finds these people, I just know I'm NOT looking to go there........EVER

....... E-V-E-R

Anyway, time to go dream of the Sevendust concert I SHOULD have attended last night. T_T

. o O(Bloody job, I hate it....)
Knock on my Door

u.u [20 Feb 2002|10:04pm]
[ mood | sad ]

.......I just don't get her........

I upset Terri when i was talking to Ken just now. I was open from the beginning about being a flirt and all of that, but I told her that I'm loyal. I don't think she believes me.

Knock on my Door

Fuck yeah........ [20 Feb 2002|08:01am]
[ mood | bored ]

Which Action Star Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

...And I'm Sean Connery to boot.....

*mock Connery-voice* I'll play your game, you rogue. I'll take The Rapists for $200...

**Altho I enjoyed "Whore's Semen" More....Dont''s a better sketch.....**

3 Happy Victims -Knock on my Door

I AIN'T NO SHEEP *poses* [20 Feb 2002|07:55am]
[ music | Buffy (on TV) Ep: A New Man ]

What is YOUR Highschool label?

*chortle, snicker* Appropriate........
Knock on my Door

Hmm.. [20 Feb 2002|02:38am]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Cindi Thomson: What I Really Meant To Say ]

So, in other news, if it's not TOTALLY obvious, I re-did this site, I just need to change the font size/style and I'm golden.

Last night at work (Monday, to you people who sleep at night) I cut the fek out of my finger on my right hand, which makes it a bit difficult to even type. I'd reached into my back pocket to pull out the knife and, apparently , it was open. So now I have a nice inch and a half gash down the inside of my index finger. >_
Fate is funny tho, about an hour after I did that, Rick, a co-worker, came in and handed me a radiohead Bootleg I didn't have. ^^ It's from a show in Santa Barbra about a month before my Boston show. It's sweet as hell and as soon as I get my newsreader back, I'm gonna look for more. *Curses Opera for not working right now*

Also, not only did I get my Valentine's card from Sisseh she sent me a P-CHAN PIN! *Happy moshes* She's so cool! I love Erin! Yet...I hate her for the teasing card..... In other happy mail news, my Shippou cel came in AND my Kagome plushie ^^. Today, I made out like a bandit, heh.

Kurai has been showing as being on all night in Pager. I miss talking to her. T_T
I dunno wot it is, I just have this FEELING about her.....makes me feel bad about Terri, too. But I'm never going to cheat. I guess it's just because I've known her longer and she's near my age. She's easy to talk to. Ah well.. c'est la vie...

*Forgive the odd music, btw, I'm feeling a bit odd today.......again.....*

Knock on my Door

Hmmmm... [20 Feb 2002|12:04am]
While writing that last one, I PMed Chris (Vasheh) regarding the situation. I needed to talk to someone about it, and he and I seem to think alike when it comes to chat things in general. We look at sitations the same way and we consider the people involved in drama with the same disdain and apathy. (At least, I THINK we do)

He's made me think a lot about what I desire and expect out of ANY relationship I get into. Things that deep down I already knew, because I agreed with him with little debate. I NEED what I need-and I won't divulge it here.

As it stands right NOW, Terri isn't offering me that. And I hate myself for feeling that. I REALLY like her, a lot, but if I can't get what I need out of us, why try and force it? It will only make us both uncomfortable, and it may create anxiety and animosity.

I guess the only thing to do is talk to her about it.....I'm willing to just give up, yet, but Chris is right, why force it...
Knock on my Door

Debating [19 Feb 2002|11:09pm]
For the life of me, I can't figure Terri out.

I can't figure out if she's interested or if she's bored.
If she's getting back at her ex or if she's truely interested

We hardly talk, well, she does. I try and get her to open up, but she won't.
In chat, she often idles, in IM, she always IDLES.

More than once, she's asked me if I want to end what we've started, and more than once I've told her no.

Krissy still echos in my mind, tho. Ever since I saw them both in my room, when they talked in PM, I've noticed that Terri has talked less. She's been less active in chat. Whenever I bring up Ruka, she talks even LESS. I've tried not to mention her, but sometimes, it's inavoidable, like when I need an example of circumstance.

I can't help but wonder, tho, I'm if being used. If I'm the bait Terri has to gt back at Krissy. I mean, she doesn't trust her 'friends' anymore, and I NEVER have trusted the people she knows. Yes, Jas is growing on me as a buddy and yes, I've ALWAYS liked Yaten/Ali, but the others...the Clanners.....well....I've posted about them before. Krissy and Terri are/were clanners...
Knock on my Door

Groggy..just woke up..... [17 Feb 2002|08:49pm]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | Bush: The Chemicals Between Us ]

Been on Pager with Ben for a bit, just found out that Chad's Gram has passed. The way he told it, it happened today. I guess he was feeling a bit anxious and called his g/f where she works (in a retirement home) and she told him that not 5 minutes before the call it'd happened. He's not too sure now if he should call Chad or give him time. I don't know either. Chad and I haven't been the closest lately and Ben got a little upset the last time we all hung out. So he's a bit nervous about calling him. I told him just to give it a couple of days and THEN call. We'll see...

On another note, just read an e-mail that I got from Henry Rollins' news site/fan club that he and a bunch of other bands are holding a benefit concert of the West Memphis Three. That is SOOOOOOO cool. I'm a BIG supporter of the WM3-I have a link to their site on my blog. I'll toss one here, too:

Looking at the site now, Henry has a message regarding it. Fucking awesome....It's nice to see that these guys haven't been forgotten......

1 Happy Victim -Knock on my Door

Interesting.... [17 Feb 2002|10:21am]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | Radiohead: Like Spinning Plates ]

I'm in the middle of a slight arguement over my 'attitude' yesterday. It seems the person I'm IMing now was upset when I basically told her to Fuck Off. Well, like I told her, I AM sorry for hurting her, but I am NOT sorry for the way I reacted. *shrugs* Hay, I said it once, I'll say it again, my status says Piss Off, well..... PISS OFF!

Anyway, back to eBay. ^^ I got a new Seiya cel right before work last night! I nearly came over it, I SWEAR....Course I was talking to Terri (lovely koibito....) as well.....heh

Knock on my Door

Okay, Cheeta Crap is down and I have no stories...... [17 Feb 2002|09:06am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Radiohead: Pyramid Song (OFFA AMNESIAC, FOLKS!) ]

So HERE WE GO! Brought to you by those who also gave you "My GOD, I'm Bored Out Of My Skull!" -AND- "Who Gives A Shite Theatre", heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's

Lisa's Random Lists!!!!

Okay, so let's start off with the Top 10 CD's I'm listening to at the moment:

1: Radiohead: Amnesiac
2: Radiohead: Live Recordings
3: Sevendust: Animosity
4: Smashing Pumpkins: Rotten Apples
5: Sound Garden: A-Sides
6: Radiohead: The Bends
7: I Am Sam: Soundtrack
8: Lisa's Mazzo Mix: Version 4.0
9: Tori Amos: From The Choirgirl Hotel
10: Moby: Play

Hmm.....Now.....How about the Top Songs off of each cd.....

1: You And Who's Army? / Dollars & Cents
2: Idioteque / Dollars And Cents
3: Follow / X-Mas Day
4: Adore / Stand Inside Your Love
5: Loud Love / Spoonman
6: Bulletproof (I wish I was) / Street Spirit (Fade Out)
7: Across The Universe (Rufus Wainwright) / You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (E.Vedder)
8: Thief* (Our Lady Peace) / Hey Baby (No Doubt)
9: IIEEEEEE / Hotel
10: My Weakness / Everloving

(* Thief is for Mum....)

Okay.....Hmm....How about.... Top 5 DVDs I'm watching.

1: Tron: Special edition
2: Inu Yasha (Seasons 1&2)[VCD]
3: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 1
4: Queer As Folk: Season 1
5: Sailor Moon S: Vol. 6

Let's see......Wot am I reading ?

1: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2nd time) By: JK Rowling
2: Redwall: Martin the Warrior (3rd time) By: Brian Jaques
3: All Men Are Brothers (3rd time) By: Pearl S. Buck

There are also various magazines like Rolling Stone, Wizard, PSM, OPM, EGM, Animerica, Manga Mag, Pulp and the Hockey News.....


How about.. My Top Comics (By title as in some cases I'm still waiting on current issues)

US Release

1: Ultimate Spiderman
2: Ultimate X-Men
3: Origin
4: Amazing Spiderman
5: Angel

Japanese Manga Imports

1: Ranma 1/2
2: Usagi Yojimbo
3: Inu Yasha (I'm ordering them, but fek it, I KNOW wot's going on ANYWAY)
4: Marmalade Boy
5: Ceres Celestial Legend

Fek it, that's enough for now.....See ya, behbehs!!
1 Happy Victim -Knock on my Door

.......... [16 Feb 2002|06:59am]
[ mood | stressed ]

Why won't people listen to me?

I clearly stated that I wanted to be left alone.

I foolishly had my Pager on, so that I could talk to a certain copule of people if they came online-in a couple of cases they are people who'd normally be inviso, so I'd not see them login.

While I had the Pager on, I used a status that clearly stated


Did anyone listen? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo

I take that back, a few people did. Kudos to you people. And I initiated conversation with a couple of others, so I WELCOMED their dialogue.

You others.......

What the HELL is your PROBLEM?!?!?! I mean, when I ask that people stay away, WHY THE FUCK DON'T YOU?!?! What is wrong with your indescribably miniscule brains that makes you believe that 'Piss off' or 'Don't do this/that or the other' does NOT include you. That you are above the others, that I want to talk. I talk to VERY FEW PEOPLE about myself, and even THOSE people don't know the whole of it. Why the fuck do you think I'm going to suddenly decide that I'm going to change the way I am and divulge my problems to you?

I mean, why the fuck can't I just go into chat and try and forget what has been on my mind? Oh yes, I know why. Because at the slightest hint of my uneasiness or moodiness, everyone wants to help me.

Fine. That's very noble. And very nice that you are concerned (or bored), but when I say that I DON'T want to talk about it, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! Don't try and force what's wrong out of me, because you know what? that turns me into a BIGGER cunt than I usually am and it makes me want to be even LESS open with people-including the ones I'm a bit closer to. It makes me think that no one ACTUALLY cares about what I'm feeling because they OBVIOUSLY don't care enough to STOP prodding me.

Jesus, now that I'm sitting here thinking, I can come up with about.....4 people, who I chat with daily, who have the courtesy to let me be me. 4 goddamned people who don't ask the wrong questions or who don't ask ANY. Maybe they don't care....GREAT. FINE. 2 Of those people were ones I'd contacted tonight, because I knew, in one way or another, they'd cheer me up or distract me enough so that I wasn't bawling my eyes out or wanting to beat the shit out of myself.

There are others, I'm sure-whom I'm not THAT close to, altho I do see them daily- who recognise the fact that I'm NOT a soap opera queen, that I DON'T want to air my problems publicly and they are also the ones that I will inevitably be more comfortable around as I get to know them. (Again, maybe they just don't care, which is a bonus.)

Fuck this. I'm so emotionally drained from the whole night, I need to fall asleep to a movie. Jaws is done with...I need another happy one to put in.....

Hopefully, this will all be better after Mum's birthday.....
Knock on my Door

BAHHHHHHHH........ [07 Feb 2002|07:24am]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | TV: Buffy the Vampire Slayer ]

Well, it begins again. High School in chat. The SM RPers have formed a new little cult that combines Sailor Moon and Fushigi Yuugi. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't effect me in the slightest, but as a lot of these people began frequenting my chat room, they have been coming in to see who's on, etc. Don't get me wrong-I LIKE these people. They have proved to be interesting and funny, but I'm not an RPer and I don't enjoy being made to feel mediocre because of it.

And the way they seem to turn on each other. It really is like high school. (And YES, I'm taking into consideration the ages of a lot of those involved.) But they just seem to latch onto each other so severly/closely then, when someone pisses off someone else, they turn on each other like a praying mantis turns on it's mate. They verbally attack each other in ways that are not only insulting to those involved, but offensive to those who happen to be in the same room. We all have to bear witness to the fallout of friendships, because someone made the dumbass mistake of not agreeing with the pack. That is why I call those involved 'sheep'. They just go about the way the leader of the pack does, with no thoughts of their own.

Lemmings are like that, too. They instinctively commit suicide as a whole, not unlike these groups. They all are around each other SO much, that they learn many things. Then one does the slightest thing to upset the group and he/she is exorcized. They all follow the loudest one, or the popluar one-which is usually the same person, until they are nothing. They dissipate into other areas and meet other people until one or two happen to find each other. After meeting, they realize that fun was had at one point and that they missed each other. Then they decide to go back to their old rooms or they create new ones, with new a RP to evolve, and the process starts over. Friendships begin anew and the egos return. All of us Non-Rpers are once again regarded as lower on the Chat Scale.

I notice, though, that those of us who DON'T RP (at least, often) seem to get along better. There is hardly any in-room fighting, unless we all are attacking an outsider who has decided to attack the integrity of the group, and we all seem to retain some personal integrity. We treat each other with trust and keep our secrets within the group. (Well, some of us Regs do....) We Regs just don't up and leave when we have a problem. We work it out, or we ignore each other until we feel that enough time has passed and the issue is no longer that, an issue. Things that once seemed important are either revealed to be as asinine as those NOT involved percieved them to be, or are completely forgotten.

Bah. What tripe. I guess I'm just too old and never meant to understand why the sheep act the way they do.

On second thought, perhaps they are they way they are because they don't WANT anyone to understand. They don't want anyone to get close because they are only comfortable with each other...

But why make others uncomfortable, when it almost seems like the place where the 'Others' feel at home and liked is the very place where the RPers like to congregate. Why pass judgement on people who really don't care about what anyone else does, who's only concern is debating the merit of 'Lord of the Rings' compared to 'Rawhead Rex'? Where idle conversation is welcome and intelligence is displayed rarely.

Fuck It. Fuck them. I'll be nice. But I'm no damn sheep.

Knock on my Door

Ohh A TEST [05 Feb 2002|09:51am]
Okay, made a 'friend' test after seeing my buddy Noelle's. So, try it behbehs, see how well you know me.....course...........There are a people I know IRL who may not get all of the answers ^^

Michi Test
Knock on my Door

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