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Kiliana, Protector of Dreams and Fantasy

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[26 Dec 2001|03:43pm]
[ mood | scared ]
[ music | No Doubt - Hey Baby ]

I dreamt that I was walking down the street past this drug store and one of my friends came up to me...well, my x-girlfriend. She sprayed me and this friend who had been walking with me with some sort of plant spray. We glared at her to tell her to go away and she kept sprayed our heads. Well, she eventually left and we continued walking. After a while I noticed my friend's head started growing flowers. Mine had also started growing flowers. We pulled them out...that was painful and went on our way. After a bit longer the flowers grew back. We kept pulling them out and they grew back each time. Well, we went into that drug store and tried asking the pharmasist. He couldn't help us so we stood there pulling these flowers out of our head and then trying to cover the spots they had been so they couldn't grow back. We got the idea for weed killer and we didn't get to buy it before I woke up.

--Purple flowers
--4 flowers at a time
-- male pharmasist

To dream of things that are not normal, and I mean really "Not normal" like a bird with tentacles or a car that is half horse, then this means that very soon you will have a sound solution to your current problems that are weighing on your mind.

A garden filled with fresh growing vegetables denotes that you will be prosperous only if you exercise diligence in caring for your business. If your dream garden is of flowers and fresh green trees then it foretells of a true love and a pleasant home in lovely surroundings. Should the garden be dying then you must take steps to secure your enterprise. This is as close to flowers as they had...

If you dream of finding a hair in a piece of butter and it does not disgust you then you will be fortunate in all your dealings. *blink*Ok... You will take a long trip if you dream of combing beautiful hair. Ruffle someones hair and you will come into money. To dream you are getting bald foretells your generosity will cause you loss and mental anguish. Seeing your hair turning gray shows death or disease in the family. If a woman dreams of comparing black and white hairs show that she will receive two offers and must choose the best one.

If you dream of seeing an ugly, mutated person or animal which frightens you, then you will soon hear some bad news concerning the family. If you see the type of mutation called morphing, when one things flows into being another thing, this is a warning that a person, or situation is not what they seem to be, 'a wolf in sheep's clothing'.

To see a beloved child or a spouse in pain denotes that your actions are harming them or threatening their future and this is a warning to change the way you do certain things. If you dream you are in pain it shows that you are punishing yourself over a useless cause or inconsequential action on your part.

Dream Dictionary
dip into heaven

[13 Dec 2001|01:59pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Chen Shu Hua - Shen Shen Shi Shi ]

I had two weird dreams last night...or this morning, I can't really remember.

One involved me waiting in line for something at this desk which looked like a costumer service desk. Well, he walked away for a minute and there was this guy in the line next to us. This man touched my leg and lifted my skirt and I screamed so he stopped. Well, my dad came over all annoyed about my yelling because he was trying to talk to an employee. I told him what happened and he sighed and asked what I wanted to do about it. I screamed to arrest the man and he told me that was harsh but I kept yelling to arrest him. So, I went over and sat on these chairs while they called the cops and held him back. As I sat there people kept staring at me and whispering and saying how paranoid I was. Then I woke up.

My second dream involved a talk show. They were talking about Ogata-sama and had these people give a go at singing one of her songs...Unmei no Route. They didn't say that but I knew which one it was. Anyways, so these people were singing and when the show was about over I kept thinking they should have Ogata-sama sing then she did! ^_^ So, I was in the audience where Ogata-sama sang. ^____^ Then...I woke up. Blah.

dip into heaven

I had this dream Saturday... [20 Nov 2001|07:52am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | 98 Degrees - Stay The Night ]

I was sitting in my home with my family when these men came to our house and gave us soap that used 200% lye. I thought this was strange and we were ordered to use it...we couldn't use anything else. Well, as I suspected people all over started using it and it burned their skin. I didn't use it nor did I let my family. We used regular soap as did other people who knew what was happening. After a while the men made it illegal for you to use any soap but the 200% lye. The people using it didn't seem to notice their skin was falling off and that it was burning them. So I keep buying regular soap until it isn't sold anymore and I have to get it underground for my family. Eventually we leave the town and find out it isn't just our is everywhere. I then tell everyone what is going on and the men try to kill me but I kill them and save the day...yet again. Why am I always saving the world or in danger?

--200% lye
--3 men

Any dream that you have that features boys in any activity is a good omen and bodes well for the dreamer in whatever he/she is undertaking at the present time. Of course, if the boys are injured, or otherwise beset, then you must take the dream to mean an ill omen.

If your life or body is threatened by immediate danger and you escape it means that you will take your place in business or society at a high position. If you are wounded or killed then you will show many losses in business and love.

The fear of a family breaking up, or a romantic attachment being severed, is sometimes warned of by the dream of dismemberment, which means a breaking up. If you sometimes feel your live is coming apart at the seams, then this too will occasion a dismemberment dream. As in olden mythology, when man fell apart, the Gods would put him back together again, this then is a dream of warning you to change your ways, or take charge of a situation, before it reaches the dismemberment stage.

If you dream of visiting your old family home you will hear some very good news. If the home itself, is in a dilapidated condition and general neglect, this then is an omen that you will soon hear of the death of a close relative or a very dear friend. If you go home and find everything much the same as it was and you feel and express joy in the dream you will find love and joy in your present home. Hmm is the home I'm in now and it was in good condition.

A running dream is basically a dream of escaping a certain situation, person, or thing. If you succeed in running away from, or elude a pursuer, then you will be able to change those things in your life that has you 'on the run'. If you dream of the desire to run but cannot get your feet to obey it shows a lack of self confidence and perseverance on your part. Try sticking to your guns and see how much your life will change.

Seeing a wound on yourself or anyone else is a dream of pressing magnitude that warns you to be extra careful for the next few weeks. If the wound is from a car wreck, be careful when driving. Whatever the wound is caused from then that is what the dreamer should be most cautious over during waking hours.

Dream Dictionary
dip into heaven

What's with me always being in danger? [14 Aug 2001|02:24pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | THTC - Metcha Hajikete Guts Tobashite ]

I was in a room with a bunch of other girls when we heard one being stabbed. We started running and eventually we came back to that room. I hid by a tree and this girl kept coming back and stabbing people. When there were only a couple girls left she put something that looked like a skinny scooper(like from biology) through her wrist.

The dream then takes place a while later, everyone is in that room and we hear the fire alarm. We find out it's that girls again and the dream starts to repeat...only this time with fire.

--3 girls left
--Not a lot of blood
--Month later
--Left arm
--Clean, sharp knife

If you dream your arm or arms have been injured and unusable then this is brought on by a feeling of loss connected with the ability to care for yourself, (if you are an older person), or a feeling of helplessness in reaching out to others, ( in a sense that your arm is bound ), and a restriction of your activities. Your right arm is associated with your outgoing nature, and the left arm represents your supportive, or nurturing nature.

To dream of seeing blood stains you will have much trouble from an enemy if you start a business or other enterprise. If you are doing the bleeding try to stay out of confrontations with family and friends, the blood may not be literal but rather, signify a state of 'bleeding' emotions. If the blood is seen as a transfusion your troubles will not be long-lasting.

To dream that you have an enemy should always be taken as opposites, as this signifies the actions of a friend. If an enemy wins out over you and you are in danger of much loss, then this is the sign that you have a good friend that will soon come to your aid in real life. If, in your dream, a friend comes to your aid and you lose out to your enemy, this will show that you have only yourself to look to for help with your real life problems.

A fire is also a complex omen in a dream and must be interpreted in light of the actions connected with it. To see a house burning down in a dream is the warning that a close relative needs help from you desperately. If the fire burns you, you will have bad luck, if not, then you will have good luck. A small fire in the fireplace shows contentment in the dreamer, but if you stir it with a poker you will soon have a romantic adventure. If you manage to put out a destructive fire then you will overcome the obstacles in your path of life.

If you have a dream whereby you kill someone with intent or by accident then you are being warned that heavy, unaccustomed stress could cause you to lose your temper and self control. This should be acted upon by continually watching your temper in the next few weeks. If you fight with, and overcome by killing of a wild beast you will see an immediate rise in your fortunes of life.

If you should dream that you are carrying an open knife, switchblade or penknife, this is an omen that you will soon be having some legal troubles, but a closed one denotes financial losses. A sharp knife means you will have personal troubles and a rusty one foretells family problems. A dull knife will show that you will have to work hard for little or no gain.

Dream Dictionary

Knife: A misunderstanding with someone leads to problems that can easily be solved.

Murder: A disaster is in the offing--and itis the dreamer who can alter the senerio.

The Dictionary of Dreams by Elli Goldberg.
4 angels| dip into heaven

Video games are bad for you [13 Aug 2001|08:18am]
[ mood | confused ]

I'm wondering if Kerri had a weird dream too...

A bunch of people were in a video game store playing video games and seemed to be entranced by them. After a couple of hours we stopped playing and tried to leave. We couldn't get out so we went around looking for the first boy who finished. The store owner(male) and his assistant(female) said that we were all affected by some disease because we were walking the same speed, way and such. What freaky kind of disease is that? I told him that I wasn't because while they walked I tied my shoe. He went on saying that to get out and stop this disease we had to drink a bottle marked posion. He just totally ignored me although he was annoyed. I thought he was crazy but two kids drank it. I knew these two kids from real school and hate them. Stupid hos!

I lead a rebelion to the doors, to try and break them down, and eventually we got out. I ran as fast as I could to the parking lot where we all found our cars missing. I told everyone to forget it and just run. We ran and the people from the store chased us, trying to get us to buy a game which I knew they'd get us there and trap us again. When I kept running the store owner came up to me and wanted me to buy the baked potato along with the game. I told him that I had tried some and liked it. He asked me where and I told him his assistant gave me some. Ok...that is one strange thing. Just ask me to buy a baked potato...don't worry about maybe attacking me. He said that it must have been very good. I told him I needed money and I'd be back then and he left me alone.

Vehicles that you ride in usually reflect two things; the direction you are heading in life, and your body. (the thing you travel or "ride" through life in) This might vary if you are a mechanic or designer of vehicles. Unusually over exposure to a specific vehicle type may easily change the meaning. The condition of the vehicle might give you an idea of your health. Driving an old beat up car down a muddy road on a stormy night would be considered a pretty bad dream! However flying a Lear jet through blue skies with a song in your heart and the wind at your tail would be a rather good dream. :)

If you see a chase in progress or if you participate in a chase you will look forward to a comfortable retirement and good health in your latter years. If fear is involved in this experience then you must test all the signs and employ meditation to seek the answer.

To dream that you have an enemy should always be taken as opposites, as this signifies the actions of a friend. If an enemy wins out over you and you are in danger of much loss, then this is the sign that you have a good friend that will soon come to your aid in real life. If, in your dream, a friend comes to your aid and you lose out to your enemy, this will show that you have only yourself to look to for help with your real life problems.

This is an omen of good luck for many, as it is a statement that you are making good. To dream that you escape confinement from a jail, or prison, foretells that you will experience a rapid rise in your profession in the business world that surrounds you, a breaking out of the mold sort of progress. If your dream is that of escaping from a wild animal then you may have been dealing with a false friend and you need to keep alert. To escape a disaster means you will escape damage from a rumor, or a lie, that throws your character in a false light. If you do not escape, then you must accept the worst and prepare for an uphill battle, be sure you do not become your own worst enemy.

If the group is orderly and good-naturedly discussing their business, whatever it may be, then you will see some good luck heading your way in the marital department. If the group is a group of children, then you will be blessed with many children and much love. If the group is ugly and arguing then expect misfortune to befall you.

If you dream of a parking lot you must use all the aspects of your dream to determine its meaning, as the lot by itself, has little significance in and of itself. A dark and scary lot where you fear being mugged is usually a warning type dream and it could actually be a true dream, in as much as it may be telling you to stay away from dark parking lots or take extra care when one must be used.

Dream Dictionary

Death: A dream that involves death suggests a new, more successful stage of life.

Food: Happiness, success. But when the food involves overeating, this indicates a feeling of loneliness, failure and alienation from friends.

Man: A man dreaming of a man implies time to reconsider; a woman dreaming of a man indicates a love affair.

Potato: The dreamer doesn't see "the big picture".

The Dictionary of Dreams by Elli Goldberg.
dip into heaven

Plants, plants everywhere I look [09 Aug 2001|08:53am]
[ mood | enthralled ]
[ music | Jealousy - Ogata Megumi ]

Last night I had a dream of plants taking over the world. What happened was, I was talking with x-boyfriend and we saw this blast. We both ran outside and these huge plants with long green vines and big red buds were growing all over the place. Well, we ran from them but I was like really pregnant so it was hard. We got in a car and drove off. Once we finally got away we went into this building. Wren cut a hole in the get in, to get to the back portion where no one else could get and to get out. He left me in there to hide and he went off. After a while I just had to get out and it was pretty safe looking so I went to find him. I went into this store and found a girl I knew. Her boss and some cashier lady were frozen in place but she could move. So, I went to her and she made a big deal because I was pregnant. I told her what happened and of course...she didn't believe me. I dragged her outside and we found Wren's parents. They asked if I knew where he was and I told them what happened but they didn't believe me. Some of my friends from school came up to me and I tried getting help and told them what happened but no one believed me. The city was in ruins and people, frozen in place were all over but no one believed me. So I went back to my hiding in that spot and then I saved the world...go me!

If the dreamer is a woman and you dream you are pregnant then you will see a big increase in your income, but if you are unwed and sad you will experience losses. For a man to dream that he is the father of the child he is warned about indiscriminate sexual relations and one night stands.

Dream Dictionary

Flowers: Congratulations! A sign of pure happiness and success.

Escape: A dream about escape signifies failure or disappoinment in a specific sphere of life, in accordance with the details of the escape (woman, wokeplace, ect.)

Vines: Fleeting success; pursuit of illusions and mundane pleasures.

The Dictionary of Dreams by Elli Goldberg.
1 angel| dip into heaven

Recent dreams [27 Jul 2001|01:32pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Red Shoe Sunday - DoCo~Ranma 1/2:Japanese ]

I just woke up and thought I'd share this dream before I forget...

There was this woman who had tried to burn my house down and kill my family but she wanted me alive. This had apparently happened before this dream takes place. I walked into my school on the first day and was enraged when I saw her there. She was supposed to have been fired after she tried to kill my family. The whole dream she was trying to prove she was nice and didn't want to kill me but at the same time she was making plans to burn my house down. I kept having flashbacks of the time before when she had tried this and eventually I got her sent to jail.

A fire is also a complex omen in a dream and must be interpreted in light of the actions connected with it. To see a house burning down in a dream is the warning that a close relative needs help from you desperately. If the fire burns you, you will have bad luck, if not, then you will have good luck. A small fire in the fireplace shows contentment in the dreamer, but if you stir it with a poker you will soon have a romantic adventure. If you manage to put out a destructive fire then you will overcome the obstacles in your path of life.

A lover in jail shows this person is a deceiver and not to be trusted. To see strangers in jail may mean you will be asked to help someone you do not feel is deserving. To be in jail may mean you are suffering from a feeling of confinement and too much togetherness with your spouse. To see someone on death row denotes the death of an unhappy relationship.

If you dream of women in a group talking you will soon hear some good news and if you dream of them going through a store shopping you will soon see an increase in your spending power. A dream of pregnant women is a sign that you will be blessed with abundant wealth. An old time interpretation of seeing women in a crowd was that you would soon be met with treachery and deceit, so take your choice, either you are modern, or not.

That didn't help much but whatever...maybe you can think of some other clue in the dream to interpret with.

Dream Dictionary
dip into heaven

Old dreams remembered [14 Jul 2001|12:05pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | Power of Love ]

I remember a strange dream I had about my neice...

In an old dream I had been frozen for about 1000 years in a sleep type of thing. When I woke up I was the same age as was when I slept but the world was changed. I found my family and everyone but my brother was there. They were all also the same age but we also lived with their future generations. I found out my neice ahd been kidnapped 2 years ago when I supposively had been put to sleep. I went outside to look for her even though they thought she was dead. Outside a turtle was eating a human skull and I knew it was my neice's but I kept looking for her. I came across a house that is the one live in real life. There was a skull there also so In went up to the door. A boy who was my brother was sweeping the steps. I asked him if he had an child in the house. He said no but his sister came out who is one of my sisters in this life. She asked me what I wanted and I told her to adopt the baby I saw lying there who looked like my neice. She said no because she'd have to pay but I told her I'd pay. Apparently parents in this world had to pay you to adopt. I finally got the baby who was starving and had an very dirty diaper. I took her back to my family and they thanked me.

I think this may have to do with a lot of love and abandonement issues dealing with my neice. Another freaky dream happened that same night.

Here's what the dictionary has to say...

Crying babies in a dream may foretell of ill health or minor disappointments in your personal life while a bright, clean baby speaks of a wonderful love affair or even the making of many new friends. A nursing baby can mean contentment or even deception when taken in relation to other symbols in your dream. Dreaming of a baby can also denote the state of your soul life, again in relation to the other signs.

Turtles signify the odd and the unusual in your life and if you dream of seeing one you will have an odd incidence befall you and the good or the bad of it will have to be gleaned from the entire dream and the emotions expressed in it. Turtles are considered a good luck symbol as well as a symbol of long life and good health. Also the term 'duck soup' tells you if something is easy to accomplish, especially if you are drinking it.

If you dream of a large family this means that your fortunes in life are looking up, but if the family is unhappy or bickering it will denote the opposite for you. It would mean the same if the family is an animal family. If the family is very sad expect some adverse reactions in your financial structure.

Dream Dictionary

Skull:Arguement, disagreements, damage to the dreamer's health from quarrels.

The Dictionary of Dreams by Elli Goldberg.
dip into heaven

Hmmm [14 Jul 2001|08:55am]
[ mood | weird ]

Here's my dream from last night...

I was looking at a book with graphs of the star postions and constellations they made at certain times. My brother wanted the book so I quickly got the coordenates for a constellation of a baby. I forgot to check when in the year this constellation would appear though.
I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING FOR sister is trying to have another baby so that might be a clue.

Then I dreamt I was carrying this dead rat around and my brother was trying to get ahold of it. Eventually I threw it into our kitchen and the dogs ate it.

A rat, or rats, in your dream points up the fact that someone is very jealous of you and/or your accomplishments and will work against you in any way possible, it is a dream of warning to be on the alert for enemy attack, (the backbiting kind). If you see a white rat it means the same but you will have help from unknown forces. To hear rats running, or gnawing in the walls, shows that you have been wasting your time and should move on to greener pastures. MORE WORK AGAINST ME!

A dream of dogs is usually a fairly good omen. A dog barking happily shows that you will have a pleasing social life. A friendly, happy dog shows that you have lots of good friends. A dog barking and snarling fiercely at you shows you have some unfriendly friends, and also, if the dream dog is big and powerful, as well as friendly, shows that you have a very powerful protector. ST. BERNARD POUNCING A RAT...

It's weird, I've never dreamed of myself or family but for the past couple days I have. That is of course not including premonitions. I usually dream of myself as someone else...or like I'm watching everyone.

Dream Dictionary
dip into heaven

Weird... [13 Jul 2001|07:00am]
[ mood | confused ]

Well, last night I had two dreams I remember...

In the first one my dad had tried to get my mother to take an extra heart pill. She wouldn't so he tried to sneak it in with her other pills. After I saw him do that he tried forcing it down her throat. I kicked him and we both got in the car. I drove, speeding away and he drove after us. He tried to kill us in the car but didn't succeed and the cops got him.

If you have a dream of murdering another, this is a warning that you must keep in control of your temper and emotions at all times and not get enraged to the point of murderous intent. If you are the eye witness to a murder this is also a warning, but, one that is alerting you to possible changes in your life that you will not like unless you practice self control and not expect others to order the situation for you.

To dream of failure is a dream associated with fear of being inadequate and a fear of not having a winning personality. To dream of failure in a business means you are letting fear cloud all your dealings and must change this or suffer a real loss in revenue. A woman who dreams of failing in love will if she does not change some of the things she has been doing and become more self reliable.

To dream of your parents could be quite an involved thing and must be sorted out by consulting the rest of your dream. By and large the dream of a father is a dream symbol of authority which this parent has held over you, it could also represent power, or strength, or discipline. A dream of a mother is usually a dream that foretells a happy conclusion concerning a love interest as a mother represents love, protection, and nourishment of the body or the spirit. If a deceased parent speaks to you in a dream you will have some very good luck. Unfortunately to dream of parents in law you will soon become involved in an embarrassing situation.

Vehicles that you ride in usually reflect two things; the direction you are heading in life, and your body. (the thing you travel or "ride" through life in) This might vary if you are a mechanic or designer of vehicles. Unusually over exposure to a specific vehicle type may easily change the meaning. The condition of the vehicle might give you an idea of your health. Driving an old beat up car down a muddy road on a stormy night would be considered a pretty bad dream! However flying a Lear jet through blue skies with a song in your heart and the wind at your tail would be a rather good dream. :)

Now I forget my second dream but once I remember I'll let you know.

Dream Dictionary
dip into heaven

Ack! [12 Jul 2001|11:02am]
[ mood | scared ]

I had a dream last night and it was kind of strange. I was out walking around and I got bitten by a snake. Now it was a poisonous snake but that didn't harm me. I went around asking everybody what kind of snake it was. I told them it was big and venomous. No one knew what it was and I kept saying it was the most known big, deadly snake.

Here's what the dream dictionary has to say...

A snake, being the ages old symbol of evil or satan, makes it a bad omen to have one show up in a dream. To see a lone snake and feel threatened by it shows that you have a bad enemy that is even then working against you, it also a warning against bodily harm from an enemy. To dream of many snakes in a pit is the foreboding of much bad luck in love or business. Should you overcome and kill a threatening snake in your dream shows that you will overcome your adversary and win out.

A dream of a bite is a dream of very ill omen and it shows that you are in danger of suffering ill from the hands of someone who has wished you harm for a long time. It also a wish to undo something that you may have done that is past being repairable, as well as a warning of physical harm and monetary losses. If you dream of being bitten by a vampire this shows there is someone in your life that is draining you, or your resources, and you need to eliminate this person from your life.

Here's the website I got it from...Dream Dictionary

dip into heaven

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