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Saturday, August 17th, 2002
7:59 pm - Someone paged me... dunno who...
People, if you send me a message to my phone via the link on my profile page it is important that you tell me who the hell you are as it comes in from and if you want me to call you it is usually a good idea to include your phone number just in case :)

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Friday, August 16th, 2002
3:34 pm - My new resume -> comments, suggestions, etc... you know the drill.

thanks peeps.

current mood: creative
current music: mmm traffic, mmm computer fan, mmm gum

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Thursday, August 15th, 2002
10:23 am - Sweet
the check from last June will be coming my way as well.

I think I'll just stay at home and roll about in currency for a few weeks before looking for a new job. *ponders, maybe I should ask them for the interest on that* ROFTLOL

though apparently I'll have to wait till the 29th to get my hands on it... which gives me lots of time to format/overwrite/format my laptop before returning it.

current mood: giddy

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Wednesday, August 14th, 2002
10:24 pm - I am sooo glad that is over...
no not that, my job, today I got fired, I think. I couldn't actually get anyone to say the word, they just cept saying "you know why we asked you to come in today?" and i'd say "because my email isn't working and that is just the least of our communication problems" the new boss guy said something about it being hard to work with me because I am holding a grudge against the company, he didn't seem to understand when I told him that I had no grudge, a grudge references bitterness to past injustice, not to present policy. Oh well as long as they pay me and cover the alaska expenses all will be well, and I'll start gleefully sucking on the teat of unemployment for a week or so until I can land a gig somewhere else. It feels soo good to be away.
$$$ )

current mood: home in my own skin
current music: the GPU fan on my new Asus V8460 Ultra

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Monday, August 12th, 2002
8:45 pm - it certainly is a strange and interesting life some of you think I live that is for damn sure...
Lets just be thankfull we didn't have to wait 27.5 years for this to be funny; for those of you who arn't aware, the gossip oddly enough had it wrong ... first time for everything you know.

for those of you who wern't aware of the gossip, well, I'm sure there will be plenty of meta-gossip in the comming days to fill you in.

current mood: LMAO

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Sunday, August 11th, 2002
4:09 pm - *snort giggle*,1284,54455,00.html

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Sunday, August 4th, 2002
3:03 pm - Still hunting... the dragons... :p
Had a good good weekend, back to Alaska tonight, trying to do laundry, laundry is a priority, hopefully I'll have time to cram in some sparring with brookula between that and the plane, but it doesn't look promising, all the freaks come out on Sunday apparently, and do massive amounts of laundry, and tie up machines for way too long. People with kids shouldn't live in apartment buildings with only 3 laundry machines... freaks.

wyrmslayer )

current mood: aggravated
current music: I'm chewing gum, loudly.

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Friday, August 2nd, 2002
1:56 am
well I'm back from alaska for what it matters, looking forward to tomorrow, lots of greatness on stage...

also tomorow I will try to save my company from outright collapse, or get fired/quit trying.

and I think I need to cut certain parts of my hair, it is really quite out of control.

current mood: anxious

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Wednesday, July 31st, 2002
11:44 am
I am so hungry, I wish I had the mad burrito aquiring talents of alissa.


so I emailed the boss guy, not my boss, the ceo or whatever, it is funny I don't even know what his title is that is how good we communicate in my company... anyway... I asked him why I work there, when domino's has such great benifits. I'm going to bet that he doesn't respond.

I wonder if anyone will respond when I tell them I quit?

probably not... they have no clue.

anyway, I'm hungry.

also which farscape character quiz )

current music:

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Wednesday, July 24th, 2002
5:32 pm - "This" close to walking
email from boss )

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Monday, July 22nd, 2002
11:58 pm
went to gym, lifted things, sat in hot room, fun was had by all. now on to working... perhaps.

teusday is farscape night, I declare it, whoever wants to catch up can come over and bask in the glory that is tivo while I sit over at my computer and catch up on work.

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1:58 am - mop mop mop
all day long mop mop mop while I listen to Apoop and sing along...

yeah! the apartment is now clean, I declair it.

quickly eveyone come over and help me dirty it up again!

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Tuesday, July 16th, 2002
3:15 pm
ok so I haven't posted in forver, so here is the result of yet another batch of stupid quizae. )

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Saturday, June 29th, 2002
12:57 am
yeah toronto )

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Thursday, June 27th, 2002
2:38 am - I was going to not do this...
But seeing as how I put "googlan" as 'religion' on the last census... I figured I better do it anyway or risk loosing my tax exempt status for my "Church of Google" project... perhaps I should establish this as a sort of baptism ritual for would be googlians....

Matthew is... )

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Wednesday, June 26th, 2002
11:20 pm
Yah ever think that maybe some of the terrorists that came to the US on student visas might have actually GONE to school... maybe became CPAs?

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Tuesday, June 25th, 2002
2:04 pm
I was awoken this morning by much banging and ringing at my door, when I rose, adorned myself with pants and opened said door one of the landladies (the one what is a bitch) was there... she said something about phonebooks and tried to hand me the ones that were so rudely thrown down at my door a few weeks ago that I had been ignoring (I didn't ask for them, didn't need them, or want them, and they were seriously just thrown down)... I tried to explain that I didn't want them, but she forced/threw them into my apartment mumbled something about a fire hazard and stormed off. Now I can either put them back in the hall just to fuck with her or accept the burden of someone else's problem to take them downstairs and throw them away. actually I think I'll put them down by the office... :) when I go down to file a formal complaint against her for being such an enormous bitch...

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2:37 am
my lil brother is in town... w00t! quickly everyone fawn over him.

also I finally broke down and stoped procrastinating and got the plane tix for synthpopgoestheworld... 300 bucks priceline rewls, expedia wanted 1500+ a piece!

um anyway, sleep now.

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Thursday, June 20th, 2002
6:01 pm - Fuckers!
My employer decided not to pay me for last week, because the time tracking application fucked up, though I have an email from them that says that they did find my hours in the database.... wildly unacceptable, their time tracking system is a POS I let them know that when they purchased it... I offered to build a functional one. but noo... the guy that made the BAD decision got all insulted and tried to get me fired, now here we are and they are not paying me simply because it fucked up and I didn't jump quick like a bunny and re-enter my hours, their POS software is sooo not my responsibility.

oh neat, I just got an email telling me that they WON'T be paying me. since we are now past the pay period in question. whatever. idiots.

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3:58 pm
It has been an interesting week, termination of friends and drinking on monday at a newish night in the u-dist, die on tuesday, moving abriond on wednesday & people from iowa here and drinking, and each morning I must rise for work at like 6am. today there is midian, and my brother gets into town on monday... I am vaguely hungry, I think I'm going to walk up to Bimbo's Bitchin' Burrito Kitchen because of the burrito related post I saw on the lj of alissa... but first I must resolve hotel/plane for sythpopgoestheworld.

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