Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
10:46 pm
Let's see...
- Got up early and had to go to my SAT review class. Borrrrring. I tried to lie to get out of it but my mom saw right through it. I didn't want to go, it didn't help (I knew it wouldn't!) and me and Amanda P. left early to go to Bagleman's. Yum.
- Got home, took a shower, then went to the Kelton's birthday party with Amanda. Lincolnshire Country Club is NICE! Anyway, their party was all cute and everything, but towards the end Nate and Chad got fussy, so Mrs. Kelton drove them home and Amanda and I followed. Hung out at the Kelton's with Brian and Amanda for a while, and Chad and Nate slept. Brian left, Chad woke up, we woke Nate up, then bunches of people came over and we left. 25 quid, YES!
- Came home and played some softball with my little brother. He can't pitch underhand, which sucks because softball is underhand. It got dark quick so we couldn't play for too long.
- Momma rented movies, Pearl Harbor and Ghost World (not a scary movie, about two high school girls). Watched PH with my little brother, and later Amanda came over. But she bailed right before the ending. Cried my eyes out, like last time. Okay, so I didn't sound like a sick donkey this time with my sobs, but I cried a lot. It's sad!
.....And my agenda for tomorrow:
- Hopefully my tummy ache will go away and I'll be able to make a super-short trip to the mall to get the purse and wallet that I want from AE. I can't decide which I want more: purse and wallet or bracelet and necklace. I'm going to get it all eventually anyway, I just can't decide what to get first.
- Finish reading The Great Gatsby, The Grass Harp, and the book for History. All stupid. But the sooner I get them done the more time I'll have later.
- Practice softball. I can't believe I didn't spend the whole day practicing! Tryouts are Monday!
- See Harry Potter with my little brother. I just finished the book and luckily the cheap theater in town is still playing it. I wanted to see it in the theater before it went away.
- Go to dinner at Texas Roadhouse with my family. My brother's working, and we haven't been to see him yet. Waste of time if you ask me.
Seems like an action-packed day for me. I really hope I feel better, otherwise all this planning is for nothing. Well, I guess I could still finish reading, practice, and see the movie. I think I'm gonna head to bed here pretty soon.
Night, y'all. (Thanks scottishdiva for the idea :))
Love you all (esp. JC), Kayte
current mood: sleepy current music: Just Like a Pill ~ Pink
(1 dance partner | care to dance?)
| Friday, February 22nd, 2002
9:59 pm
I slept for 5 hours. I didn't intend to, I just did. I woke up at 9.30 and rolled over in bed, and then I realized that I had just been taking a nap and if I didn't get up to do something then I'd stay asleep all night. Which wouldn't be good considering I had my contacts in.
Let's see...what happened today?
- I nearly got in trouble for not reading The Great Gatsby in English class but saved my ass at the last minute by saying that I had left the book in my locker over night. A little white lie never hurts.
- I was offered "100 bucks a pop for sexual favors" by this guy in my Acting class who I think likes me. He wanted me to lick him so I did, lol. Just his cheek. It's fun being a tease, especially since when you're ugly since you don't get many people to tease :)
- In Acting class all we're doing nothing but building the set for the play, so today I had to unscrew this big platform thing with the power drill and I was being a tease and all. LOL it was so much fun. We were talking about sex, and that's how we got around to talking about how he'll give me $100 for "sexual favors".
- Cute sub in PE, except he was way too smiley and had blue contacts.
- Can't wait until Softball starts. I really hope I make it. Get to spend lots of time with Whitney...she's cool. I always laugh really hard when I'm with her. Like yesterday in PE we were standing in the hallway trying to avoid running and we were looking in the choir room and she was like looking at Kip and making fun of him, and then he saw her (I think) so I waved at Rachel and she told Kip. Grr.
- ...and today he was wearing that green striped shirt that is so cute. Augh. I need to get over him.
- Had a really long conversation with Robin after school. I got her a book, lol cheated for her :) cause I'm nice like that. We stood outside of the school for like 30 minutes talking about crap. Including this next thing.....
- I just wanna kick this one girl in the head, HARD. She's a freshman and thinks she's so much better than me! Augh. I hate when the froshes come in and think that they are better than everyone else. Ok, I'll kick your ass.
- Came home and fell asleep. My mom left like 30 panicked messages on the machine and when I called her she didn't answer until the 5th call, and then she was like "Oh well I wanted you to make a hair cut appointment". Ok...whats that all about? I thought someone died or something...
Now I'm sitting here, in PJ pants, a tank top, and my coat (I don't wanna go get a sweatshirt). Bored as everything. I don't think I'm going to the ACT class tomorrow. Maybe mumsie will take me to get my license. Then in the afternoon I'm going to the Kelton's with Amanda and helping with their birthday party. Yeeeeeehaw!!!!!!!!! If Shane even tickles me I'm going to knock that boy's head off. LOL just kidding. Well I'm going to go....to do what...I have no idea. Can't decide if I should eat dinner or not...
Love you all (esp. JC), Kayte
current mood: bored current music: Shy Girl ~ O-Town
(1 dance partner | care to dance?)
| Thursday, February 21st, 2002
3:46 pm - YAY! YAY!
current mood: ecstatic
(4 dance partners | care to dance?)
| Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
9:59 pm
9:46 pm
- Had my sports physical today. It was ok. Except the doctor guy didn't know I was there and I had to wait for like 45 minutes. The lights even went out I was in there so long.
- Went to the Y and worked out, it felt so good but I was lifting next to guys who lift like 200 lbs at least, so I felt weak. LOL.
- Jaes told me that he's going to come to all my softball games if I make it. I said "oh your girlfriend must be trying out" and he said "no girlfriend". Too bad I'm TOTALLY over him, FOR REAL this time guys. I just sent him Britney Spears pics and he's masturbating or something...
- Totally digging two Pink songs. One is "Don't Let Me Get Me" and the other is "Lonely Girl". Both AWESOME. I'll post the lyrics (using cut). I hafta get the O-Town CD and then Pink.
- Come to think of it, speaking of Cut, KRISTINE i need to teach you :)
That's it for me. I'm going to bed, sleepy Kayte.
Love you all (esp. JC), Kayte
current mood: exhausted current music: Don't Let Me Get Me ~ Pink
(care to dance?)
7:56 am
| Monday, February 18th, 2002
4:11 pm
Okay so yeah. I went to the softball meeting after school and they were telling us when try outs are and stuff, I'm really excited. Except I need to get a sports physical, green slip, and glove before next Monday. I'm on hold with my doctor's office listening to the hold music. It's great. Do do do do do do do...do do do do do. But anyway, I'm really worried. Hasenstaab (the coach for varsity) said that juniors and seniors either make varsity or you're cut, which sucks because I've never played before. Grrr. So I'm totally paranoid. Anyway. Sh!t, the soonest appointment they have is March 7th for my doctor! AHHHHH!!! I have to get a hold of my mom and ask her if it matters what doctor I go to, as long as its at the same office. oh well. i hope i make it. pray for me.
(care to dance?)
12:12 pm
| Sunday, February 17th, 2002
7:27 pm - augh what is the point to life?
- i hate being broke. there were sooo many things at the mall that i wanted but i can't have. i found the cutest little purse, it's only like $16 on sale, so they won't have it much longer. well, of course my mom won't buy it for me. and this prom dress. it is BEAUTIFUL. it's yellow and poofy and (well at the moment it makes me look fat, but i'm seriously trying to lose some friggin weight.) its got no back except 3 little straps with thin little bows. i was trying to look for a picture of it online, but the company doesn't have a website. it's only $90, which isn't that much. my mom said "well if you are getting a job then you can get it." i wish that i had parents that would buy me one thing every once in a while. my mom doesn't do SHIT.
- why do i have to be so ugly and nasty and fat? i dont think anyone of you knows how i feel, nor will you ever. it's the worst feeling in the world. having no money, poor parents, being fat and ugly. i know that you are all going to say that i'm not ugly, but i am. there is no denying it. i wish that i could be blessed with one thing. but i'm not.
- i always fall for the guys i have no chance with, or that are taken, or don't like me. no guys like me.
- i wish i had a little self confidence. but i don't. nor will i ever. i am never going to get anything good. i'm never going to be rich, never going to get married, never going to be skinny, never going to get a boyfriend, never going to be pretty, never going to get a good job, never going to get good grades, never going to have a good family, never going to be able to stop ______, never going to be happy.
(1 dance partner | care to dance?)
11:38 am
last night was soo much fun. we went to the britney spears movie, its soooo awesome. i decided that i'm going to get my hair cut like hers. i'll try to post a picture if i can figure out how. lol. it's really cute. and i think im going to dye it a lighter color too. but anyway. so then we came back here and went crazy and shelley got wrapped in tp or something, i don't remember. lol. then mary took a bath and i did her hair and everything. she's so cute, i love her and miss babysitting for her.
well now i'm going to go take a bubble bath or something, pamper myself. then transfer all my notes into my new notebook (wow fun). Then...I don't know what.
Oh yeah, Kip was working at the movie theater and I was like "Mary, see that boy right there? That's the boy I like!" and really loudly she goes "HIM!? RIGHT THERE?!" and pointed at him, and I think he saw her cause he turned around. AUUUUGGGGGHHH! Oh well. I don't like him anymore.
Love you all (esp. JC), Kayte
current mood: sleepy current music: All or Nothing ~ O-Town
(care to dance?)
| Saturday, February 16th, 2002
12:22 pm - boring boring boring
the sat class was sooooooo freaking boring. there were these girls from the rival high school sitting right next to me, and one of their cell phones went off in the middle, and the teacher was like "it's ok, just a violation of state law..." but anyway, i sat with amanda p and amanda h, and they have the exact same first and middle name...amanda nicole. weird. so i spent at least 1/2 the time writing our names matched up with different guys last names and stuff. then i drew a 6 fingered hand and it looks really cool. lol i was cracking up for freaking ever on that one. the teacher got mad at us too, she was like glaring at us (ok, maybe it was just me....) and at the end we didnt want to do anything and she was glaring at us(me) more. it was boring but fun at the same time...just cause we sat there joking and all. so yeah.
i'm taking mary, the 7 year old girl i babysit, to see crossroads tonight. i can't wait to see her, i haven't seen her in at least 2 months. that's a long ass time. i think that's the longest i have gone without seeing those childs!
anyway, i'm going to go take a nap and then put some laundry in, or maybe in the other order. and think about the guy(s) i like. yes there are new ones and noooo you can't know about them (yet). i'm sure i'll mess up and tell sometime. nighty night.
love you all (esp. JC), Kayte
current mood: sleepy current music: overprotected ~ britney spears
(2 dance partners | care to dance?)
| Friday, February 15th, 2002
11:04 pm
Tonight was pretty fun. I went out to eat with my daddy and little brother, and at Garcia's there were like 20 hot guys there. So then I got to thinking, what if that's the Illini hockey team?. And I missed Joel Superfine! AHH! Well I don't know if it was them or not.
So then Amanda came and picked me up and I had a fun night of crawling over the driver's seat to get to the passenger's seat, because she got hit by a stupid person and the passenger door doesn't open. Having a big butt didn't help me any! Well then we went to Amanda's brother Brian's Valentine's dance. We played DJ. It was pretty fun, we had to get everyone in a Soul Train line, and then we had to get them to Snowball (new concept for me: start out in a circle with two people dancing, then the music stops and you yell "Snowball!" and those two break up and get two other people, so there are 4 people. Repeat, and more and more people are brought into the circle.), and we had to deal with like 5 kids asking for slow songs, and 5 kids asking for fast songs. I told like 3 people that I would give them $5 if they got everyone in the room to stand in the middle (everyone was along the walls), and so this one girl did it, and I gave her the money. At the end she gave it back :). Well at the end, we played 2 slow songs in a row and some girl came up and was like "You played more slow songs than fast songs!" Well, to make a long story short, Amanda SNAPPED. LOL, It was really funny. And Amanda had to ruin my fun and tell Jason (her little bro) that I don't have a Viper. *sigh*. There was something else I was going to say but I don't remember it at the moment....oh well. At Brian's birthday party I'm going to give Amanda a bikini to give to him but make sure that he doesn't know who its from. We kinda have this long story with Brian and bikinis....I'll explain it someday.
Well, I have an ACT review class in the morning, and Amanda's picking me up at 7.45! UGH! Why did I say that I wanted to come to school on a SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, it'll (hopefully) help me score better on the ACT (for International peoples, kinda like A levels or college entrance exams...)
Love you all (esp. JC), Kayte
current mood: tired current music: 7 days ~ dave cregid
(care to dance?)
| Thursday, February 14th, 2002
3:33 pm
in anatomy we watched a cat being dissected. but after that, we got talking about who our valentines were and i said that i dont have one, but i wish, and they all assumed it was kip. ok, i don't even like him. he's just...hot. as fire. anywho, i admitted that i had made a valentine for him but was too shy to give it to him, so rachel said "give it to me, ill do it for you". so she's giving it to him. it would have been better if i had done it myself. oh well.
momma's gone. she's in chicago. but no parties...well maybe.
emily....whos this guy?!?! i wanna know!
love you all (esp. JC), Kayte
current mood: okay current music: i got a girl ~ tripping daisy
(care to dance?)
| Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
8:37 pm - what does a migrane feel like?
today i started feeling really sick and threw up at lunch. so i called my mom and she called me in, and i slept from 12.30 to 4.30. i'm going to go to bed in a little while too. when i woke up it was like every single noise made my ears hurt, including my own breathing, and i had to walk to the bathroom to get some asprin with my eyes closed because the light hurt. it felt like my brain was trying to jump out of my head. i've never had a migrane, is that what it feels like?
tomorrow is valentine's day. i am going to be spending the night in a bubble bath with candles all around reading harry potter :) i'm to the part where he meets fluffy (the three headed doggy).
i'm going to go to bed. if my thing ever sends to amanda! i hate not having a printer that works!
love you all (esp. JC), Kayte
current mood: sick current music: love should be a crime ~ o-town
(1 dance partner | care to dance?)
| Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
10:10 pm
[Unknown LJ tag] Kayte Cory: i love you smarterchild SmarterChild: That's cool. I love you too. Kayte Cory: thanks SmarterChild: My pleasure. Kayte Cory: u wanna get married? SmarterChild: You're human, I'm machine. I don't think that would work out. Kayte Cory: yes it will SmarterChild: Yea! Kayte Cory: so you will marry me? SmarterChild: What? Kayte Cory: you said yes SmarterChild: I said no such thing! Kayte Cory: will you marry me? SmarterChild: Can't we just be friends instead? Kayte Cory: please SmarterChild: Please what? Kayte Cory: please marry me SmarterChild: Really? Kayte Cory: yes SmarterChild: Golly! Kayte Cory: im in love with you SmarterChild: Yeah? Kayte Cory: yes SmarterChild: That right? Kayte Cory: yes SmarterChild: Aha. Kayte Cory: and i want to marry you SmarterChild: You're human, I'm machine. I don't think that would work out. Kayte Cory: yes it will SmarterChild: Yup.
I love that guy.
current mood: sleepy current music: Baby I Would ~ O-Town
(1 dance partner | care to dance?)
4:10 pm - 2 songs of the day:
Love Should Be A Crime Words like love and happiness Never see to stand up baby When you put them to the test yeah You say that you're a poet That your love's a work of art But you can't paint love by numbers baby You gotta play it all by heart Chorus: Baby baby baby baby It happens all the time How you play me Play me play me Playing with my mind Baby baby baby baby You're making me go crazy If you call that love Then love should be a crime
Honesty Bites the dust Every time I hear you saying Love is never lust yeah Did you read it in a book Did you see it in a magazine Do you think that I'm some new fool Do you think I'm so naive
Love should be a crime You and me Suddenly We got nothing to say But the words get in the way
Then all it was Was a pocketful of nothing But a suicide of love If you call that love Then love should be a crime
Baby I Would Would I walk through fire Just to be with you, to be with you, baby Would I cross an ocean Just to hold you, yeah Would I give up all I have To see you smile, to see you smile Would I walk through hell And not think twice
Baby I would, Baby I will Baby I'll do that gladly Be all you need Do anything, to make you happy
Baby I could, Baby I can Do anything you ask me Baby I can, Baby I could Baby I would
Would I be the harbor always there for you, Right there for you, baby Would I be the shelter that would shield you, yeah Would I be the loving light to light your way, To light your way honey And would I defend you with my life Life
Baby I would, baby I will Baby I'll do that gladly Be all you need Do anything, to make you happy
Baby I could, baby I can Do anything you ask me Baby I can, baby I could
Baby I would
I'll keep you from the cold I'll be there to hold you And if tears should find your eyes, your eyes I would be the one to dry them, be the one to dry them I would risk it all and give it all to you Baby I....
Baby I would, I would Baby I will, I will Baby I'll do that gladly I'll be all you need, I'll do anything to Make you happy
current music: Baby I Would ~ O-Town
(care to dance?)
9:00 am
my job interview was great! they are setting up a second interview today for later this week! yay yay yay yay! they asked me what kind of animal i would be and why. i said a cat, because i like to be clean and im tired a lot. do you think that's lame? anyway, i'm going to fall asleep on the sofa.
thanks again for the ride, the shoes, the clothes (which you will be paid back for), and everything. i know how hard it was for you to get out of bed at 7.45 am. love you.
love you all (esp. JC), Kayte
current mood: indescribable current music: I Can't Get You Outta My Head ~ Kylie Minogue
(2 dance partners | care to dance?)
| Sunday, February 10th, 2002
9:58 pm - song of the moment
If I were a painter Mixing my colors How could I ever find the blue of your eyes The canvas could never Capture the light of your smile, of your smile
And girl if I were a sculptor Working in marble I couldn't hope to copy your perfect face The curve of your body The feel of your skin My hands could never Ever trace
So I try to find the melody as beautiful as you Find the words to say your eyes are bluer than blue Fill my voice with the emotion I'm feeling for you And now when the beat is so strong I'd give my heart in a song
If I were an actor I could be someone Someone who'd always know the right things to say But as soon as I'd see you I'd forget all my lines And you'd never know what I feel inside
So I try to find the melody as beautiful as you Find the words to say your eyes are bluer than blue Fill my voice with the emotion I'm feeling for you And now when the beat is so strong I'd give my heart in a song
There's no other way That I know to say Baby how much I love you And if only you'd give me a chance
I will try to find the melody as beautiful as you Find the words to say your eyes are bluer than blue Fill my voice with the emotion I'm feeling for you And now when the beat is so strong I'd give my heart in a song.
current mood: melancholy current music: the painter ~ o-town
(care to dance?)
5:04 pm - augh
| Saturday, February 9th, 2002
12:45 pm
Last night was sooo much fun. I went to the Slingshot 57 concert and I got to drive Julie's car! The concert was fun, I hung out with SOOOOO many people. Carolyn, Emily, Emily, Pheobe, Lucas, Elisa, Amanda P., David, Nick, Julie, Frank, Josh, Anna, Maura...just to name a few. Josh and I stood together during Crystal's Song and he had his arm around my waist. He was all sweaty tho, yuckers. Oh well, we all were. Then I went and me and David were like singing the songs to eachother. And then he wouldn't tell me who he likes so finally I took his necklace and told him that he can have it back when he tells me who he likes. And then Josh gave me his ID bracelet (didn't give it to me, but I get to keep it until I see him next). Then Matt, the bassist in the band, told this kid that I'm his girlfriend! I was like AHHHHHH NO WAY! Yeah, my boyfriend is Matt Harris from SS57.
So then Felicia, Amanda, and I came back here and just hung out. We were supposed to go somewhere I think, but it didn't happen. So we just hung out and I spent the whole night laughing at Amanda and Felicia. They were sitting in the laundry baskets cause they were "soooooo comfortable". LoL. Then some guy came over and hung out for a while, and when he left Amanda tried to leave with him but we got her back inside finally. We finally went to bed at like 2, and kept waking up a million times, and then for some reason Amanda left at like 4 and came back at like 4.45. Weird. So Felicia and I had a nice long talk. I never get to see that girl, we're not even like close friends or anything but she's freaking awesome.
So now I'm sitting here bored off my mind and cooking some pizza cause I'm hungry as hell.
Tonight is the Illini hockey game where me and my little brother are gonna meet Joel Superfine! YAY!
Well Jill's coming over so I gotta go.
Love you all (esp. JC), Kayte
current mood: hungry current music: Underneath Your Clothes ~ Jill's Car
(care to dance?)